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S/O.... Retreats...What would.be your ideal weekend retreat?


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Let's just say it is a weekend retreat and just for women or just for men (not couples).


What type of setting would you like? Rural, urban, woods or water, mountains or not? Hotel, group bunk rooms, church camp, retreat center, tents? With people you already know or no one you know? Any themes or focus? Lots of scheduled time or lots of down time? Loud group or complete silence or a middle ground?


Dream big and let us know what you would like or have enjoyed. From the other thread it sounds like one person's ideal retreat might be torture for someone else.

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I have enough young kids that I can't imagine being without them for days.



But, should I imagine such a thing, it would include DH, as we are together 22+ hours/day.



Now a weekend with just other random women -  I guess I'd prefer if they were kind of like me?  I don't know, I am just not at a point where I'd want anything really awesome to happen without DH or DH and the kids.  Sorry to be of no help.

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A rural- woods, mountains, I don't care- not swampy hot locale, spa retreat which also happened to be mostly silent. Where the aestheticians didn't try and chat you up, nor did anyone else. With wonderful seating in a library and fireplaces but no one talking, or at least expecting talk. A bar at this place would be nice to, but I've never met a silent bartender so that might be difficult. Someplace I could get a daily massage or facial and then go back to my room, alone, for room service and relaxing.


The closest I've ever come to something like this was going to a conference with my husband last year at a resort out in the middle of nowhere. It had the spa and room service but none of the silence. There were people. EVERYWHERE. I either stayed at the spa, or in my room with room service, but knowing there were five thousand people outside of my door anytime I stepped out was honestly stressful. And the aestheticians talked to much. But hey, there were no small children so it was still nice! I have read about solitary retreats, but I honestly would probably miss my husband too much. Not sure I could do it at this point.

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I don't like retreats.  I have tolerated them in the past, but I truly do not like them.  I have only gone to church related retreats.  Too much structured time with way too many sermons, talks, sitting and listening.


So I am not the best person to answer.


I like reunions, where I am excited to see certain people.  And LOTS of down time.

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My ideal would be somewhere ALONE for several days, up to a week.  Quiet, but close to good shopping and restaurants.  Then I don't want to be asked to do a single thing the entire time.  No cleaning, no cooking, no answering questions, no scheduling, no driving other people around, not even having to let the dog out.  I want the freedom to do whatever the heck I wanted for a few days...lol.  If the place I'm staying at happened to be a fully stocked art studio, then I'd be in hog heaven.

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Rural, close to nature - water/woods/mountains is all fine. If possible spend time outside.

With women I know, plus maybe a few new faces who are friends with somebody in the group. Not more than 20 women.

Focused on a theme, with lots of activities: singing, dancing, drumming, storytelling, ritual, sharing circle, crafts (even though I am not good at these), meditations, journaling

Good food - potluck

One facilitator in charge, but participants bring activities to share to make the retreat a group creation



My other ideal weekend: rock climbing/hiking/backpacking with just DH. But you said "no couples".

Edited by regentrude
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I would love something active, out in nature hiking, canoeing, etc. Everyone sleeping in really nicely furnished cabins (big comfy bed, couch, huge tub, tv) I'd want 1-3 good friends along. Also some indoor activities like crafting or games. Spa options too. No meditation or at least not required. Optional, not mandatory downtime. Really good food.

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This place is the best retreat I've ever been on.  I dream about it sometimes.  It is totally silent, rooms and bathrooms are private, the chapel is in easy walking distance but there is no schedule that you are expected to stick to, there are no talks or lectures, mass and confession are offered but not required, the setting is beautiful and food is provided.  It was HEAVEN.  3 days to just think, sleep, pray, and be silent.  I know that sounds scary to some people, but for me it was balm.  As an introvert who is home with my kids all the time, long-term over-stimulation is a real thing, and Berryville is where I love to decompress.

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Well... I don't know.  :lol:


Ah, it's best to go into this knowing that I'm an extrovert.


I've been on the typical church women's retreats.  Those were fun when I was - and I hate to say this because of how it sounds - one of the cool kids.  :lol:  Well known, well liked (at least as far as I could tell), lots of women I liked and had fun with.  There were usually ~40 women on these.  

At the church I'm at now, the people aren't particularly friendly.  I'm trying to break the ice with them, but we've literally been there 2 years, and it's getting frustrating.  So I don't know that I'd have fun with them in any capacity.  


I've been on a few leaders retreats in various places - two at houses (two different ones lol) at a lake, both of those with just women.  I liked those fine but they were both pretty intensive retreats - not a ton of down time and stuff.  More goal-focused.  And only for one night, so there wasn't much time in there anyway; one was coed at a hotel to go to a leadership conference (doesn't really count, does it... oops); one was coed at a house out in the country - that one was more of a fun weekend.  We didn't go until Friday night, though, and spent that evening outside there and then inside playing games until late - Saturday we drove about an hour to go play putt putt lol.  Then we came home.  So none of those have been long.


Every year I go to homeschool convention with my best friends, which is like a retreat to me.  :lol:  Nice hotel room, eating out all the time, and curriculum shopping?  Sign me up!!  :lol:



But most likely the things that I've done that are more along the lines of what you're talking about....

The past two years my small Bible study group has gone away for a weekend retreat the beginning of November.  The first year it was fine/ok.  We had fun.  The house was fine.

THIS YEAR, though - it was just wonderful.  We stayed in an old 1900s farmhouse on the river that we found on vrbo.  I was IN LOVE with this house.  (Truth: I'm STILL in love with this house.)  It gave me all the happy feels.  When we went in on Friday night and I started exclaiming about how much I loved it (dated or not), the 3 others thought I was kidding :lol: . We had left on Friday morning to go outlet mall shopping during the day Friday, ate dinner, and got to the house in the evening.  Spent the day on Saturday there, out on their pier, in the house, just hanging out and relaxing all day.  

Seriously JUST THINKING ABOUT IT, I want to go back!!  I had started planning my family trip there when I was there lol - AND I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING!!!  :D



So yeah, I guess my ideal retreat is a house that makes me think of my childhood and my great-grandparents, that's close to water.  :lol:  

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Let's just say it is a weekend retreat and just for women or just for men (not couples).


What type of setting would you like? Rural, urban, woods or water, mountains or not? Hotel, group bunk rooms, church camp, retreat center, tents? With people you already know or no one you know? Any themes or focus? Lots of scheduled time or lots of down time? Loud group or complete silence or a middle ground?


Dream big and let us know what you would like or have enjoyed. From the other thread it sounds like one person's ideal retreat might be torture for someone else.


Granola bar for breakfast.

Regular bar for later. 


Private room and bathroom, scrupulously clean, comfortable.

Quiet atmosphere.

Water noise a plus...waves, fountains, or stream.


HELL no to tents, group rooms, strangers*, and schedules.  :)


*Changed my mind--strangers are okay if I don't have to talk to them.  :)

Edited by MercyA
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ComicCon is my retreat! Geeks! Fandoms, celebrities, cosplay, panels, merch, I love it all!  We always get a hotel room right across the street. The kids stay with grandma. 66 days to the next one! I don't even know who's going to be there yet and I'm totally psyched anyway because they're always awesome! I love living near the best con ever. 


I have a hard time coming up with a retreat scenario that I would enjoy more than CC. 


ETA: I just noticed CC breaks the rule of just women or just men, I always go with DH. 


So, a themed getaway with people I may or may not know ahead of time but we all share some common passion. Not too big, but not too small either. I have to be able to get lost in the crowd, not stand out too much. Loosely scheduled with optional activities but not busy. Either a nice hotel or a bunch of cabins in the woods. I could go for either it would just depend on the theme. There's an Outlander themed retreat every year just a little too far away for me to attend, it seems nice. 

Edited by Whovian10
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This place is the best retreat I've ever been on. I dream about it sometimes. It is totally silent, rooms and bathrooms are private, the chapel is in easy walking distance but there is no schedule that you are expected to stick to, there are no talks or lectures, mass and confession are offered but not required, the setting is beautiful and food is provided. It was HEAVEN. 3 days to just think, sleep, pray, and be silent. I know that sounds scary to some people, but for me it was balm. As an introvert who is home with my kids all the time, long-term over-stimulation is a real thing, and Berryville is where I love to decompress.

This looks amazing!

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ComicCon is my retreat! Geeks! Fandoms, celebrities, cosplay, panels, merch, I love it all!  We always get a hotel room right across the street. The kids stay with grandma. 66 days to the next one! I don't even know who's going to be there yet and I'm totally psyched anyway because they're always awesome! I love living near the best con ever. 


I have a hard time coming up with a retreat scenario that I would enjoy more than CC. 


ETA: I just noticed CC breaks the rule of just women or just men, I always go with DH. 




This sounds appealing to me too. And I'd love to dress up in a costume.

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My answer for this might change depending on what my goal was.  But it would almost certainly be a more rural place.  I like urban settings, but not for anything I would call a retreat.


The retreats I've done in the past have been religious in nature, but some were very unstructured and more personal, and some were for a group.  I think that the ones that are a balance are probably the best in a way, you get time for both things.  The ones I've enjoyed most were in some sort of established religious community where you can join in their regular devotions like morning and evening prayer.  I also think its best not to have too much group work - maybe one or two one hour workshops in a day, with a good teacher.


The most important thing though is that I don't find that group retreats like that work so well if there is not some sort of scedualed alone time, or time when silence is required.  If there isn't, at least some people make it a social event, and it tends to affect everyone.

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For me, nature would be necessary. I prefer ocean or some sort of peaceful water. Nearby walking or hiking trails would be great. Kayaking would be fun.  Being able to have a massage would be lovely. Great places to read or do crafts might be fun. Food would appear at regular times without any effort on my part. Okay, very little effort.


Alone, with DH, or with a few select friends. No big groups.





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I would love a nice retreat center/lodge with private or possibly semi private rooms (own beds though) with private baths.  One with big windows overlooking the mountains/lake/beach and a nice fireplace if it is a cooler weather retreat.

All meals prepared and nice snacks available.  A few organized activities that are OPTIONAL.  I would kayak, take a walk/hike, cross country ski, etc. but I don't want to work too hard at these but rather a slow/easy pace :-).  There can be some table/card games, etc. just don't expect me to join in.  A nice place to curl up and read my book or doze if I wanted would be lovely.

I would like a nice group of ladies that had similar interests (I am trying an adoptive mom retreat in Feb) but I don't want herd type activities where everyone must play.  If a few of my friends were along that would be nice.  I enjoy meeting new people but I also lack a lot of time to just catch up with my friends.

oh, I don't want to dress up, have to wear a swim suit (but a nice hot tub sounds good), etc.  I just want to wear my jeans and hoodies or exercise pants and be comfortable.

Ideally it would be only 1-2 hours away from home so I don't have to spend too much time traveling.

I am really hoping this adoption retreat fits the bill.  It might have a bit more organized stuff than I ideally want but I think you can skip out on some of it and not be glared at for not being a team player :-)  ......can you tell I hate the herd, everyone must do all of these things, type retreats????

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In the summer I would say fully stocked log cabin by a lake in the mountains. Trails everywhere and meals provided at a lodge/delivered to the cabin.


Now that it's winter, I want a warm beach with excursions. Or to be able to just read in a chair in the sun. I miss the sun.

I love the sun. Your post made me remember.....


A few years ago we had a chance to go to Puerto Vallarta with DHs work. It was January. I'd just had surgery, so no water activities or anything that took much energy.


I sat in a chair on the beach for four days. Read books, sat in the sun or under a shade. Had an occasional margarita. Walked up and down a the beach a bit. Enjoyed the sunset every evening.


We ate at the resort restaurants--no driving or taxiing anywhere


Our room had a lovely view.


Best part....two massages on the beach. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......


It was beyond lovely.




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