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Choosing a restaurant

Night Elf

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My birthday is next week and in my family the birthday person chooses where to have dinner. I've looked at the menus online for all the restaurants in my area and nothing looks appealing except for Waffle House. Haha! But my ds isn't a big fan of it so I guess I'll end up at a place that has a more varied menu. At least the rolls are good. We don't eat in restaurants a lot so I feel bad that none of them sounds appealing. I may just have a cheeseburger and fries.

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Your son is 20 years old, not four.  It's your birthday.  If you want to eat at Waffle House, then you should get to eat at Waffel House.  He can suck it up for the night.  Would he pick a different restaurant for his birthday, as a 20 something, if you weren't a big fan of it? He's an adult.  Sometimes you don't get to eat at your favorite place.  Sometimes you just go with the flow.  It's one day a year.  Just because you are Mom, doesn't mean you have to give in to every little thing!  Again, he's not a 3 year old you are tring to find a child friendly restuarant for!





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I spend a lot of the year picking thing to try to make my kids happy, my birthday I get the choose.  My kids have been great about not complaining even if we go someplace they don't care for and I try not to pay attention to them not eating much.  My DH is the pickiest as far as restaurants and he can almost always find something he is okay with.

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You can change tradition if you want. If none of the places sound appealing, is there a dessert splurge you'd rather have? For me it would be something like a slice of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory.  But I want it at home because it takes me at least three evenings to finish it all. It's your birthday so you can choose what you want. If it's Waffle House, do that. But stop thinking about what your 20 year old likes. He'll be fine.  If it was an allergy or something that's different...but give yourself permission to choose what you want for your birthday. 

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He'll eat waffles but he's not a specific breakfast person. He now works the graveyard shift at his job so he sleeps all day. We wouldn't be eating dinner until 6:30 and even DH doesn't like breakfast for dinner. They do have burgers though, so that is what DH would get I'm sure. I'll have to think about it some more. Maybe I'll be in the mood for something specific on my actual birthday. It's possible it's just not appealing today. Also, if I don't choose Waffle House for dinner, DH would take me for breakfast on the weekend so I'd still get my waffle.

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Did you look at the full menu or just the "favorites" menu? They have more than waffles and burgers. Salads, chili, pork chops...


I don't know why I want so badly for you to go to WH. Maybe because I like it but only get to one every couple of years or so. We got to eat at one last week and I had been studying the menu so I could make a good choice. :-)

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Yeah, I know they have more stuff. If we go at lunch or dinner, DH always gets a burger. Ds, OTOH, doesn't like much. He's my picky eater. He likes chicken tenders. He's gone to Waffle House with me though and he likes their waffles and bacon. I also just discovered my oldest dd wants to go with us and I don't want to leave out her boyfriend. I think I'd feel more comfortable at O'Charley's. I like fried shrimp and they also have crab cakes I've been thinking about trying. Last time I got a cheeseburger and it was really good. So I have some options.

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I shouldn't answer, but it's a personal pet peeve of mine that my MIL will say what restaurant she wants to eat at for her meal and then will immedately start waffling (sorry for the pun) on it. "Oh, but will so-and-so like it? Oh, maybe we could go to Y instead. Oh, but then such-and-such might not find anything he likes...well, maybe we can go to Z..."


Drives me nuts.


Pick the place you want to go to and then go.

Edited by Garga
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Yes! Can't go wrong with a Flip burger :)


Especially with a beet and goat cheese salad and Nutella burnt marshmallow shake... (Darn that snow coming--now I really want Flip Burger!)


Farm Burger is good too and not super fancy. The Dunwoody location has a Morelli's ice cream inside. They have chicken fingers on the kids' menu, but anyone can order them. My stepmother always gets the kid-sized burger.


If you want a fancy burger, Bocado is the place to go.

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The POINT of choosing a birthday restaurant is that YOU get the thing YOU like/want, everyone gets a turn to choose the thing the others might not love but put up with to celebrate YOUR likes!


I love this place near us that has a brilliant chef who makes truly unusual combos and amazing dishes... DH and I took our kids (and DS1's DF) to a meal on New Years Day at this place... my FDIL complained about everything on the menu "I would get this or that but there's always something 'weird' in everything..." Oh well.... still my favorite! LOL


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Oh y'all are all making me feel bad! Haha! When I was thinking about Waffle House, I thought there would only be 3 of us, me, DH and ds. But now dd and her boyfriend are going too. Waffle House doesn't have tables, only booths and they're not really big. So the fifth person would have to sit at the end of a table. Everyone will get at least two plates based on how they order their food and the table will be crowded. That makes me uncomfortable. I want elbow room. DH is taking me to Waffle House for lunch today and we'll do O'Charleys for dinner next week. I'm good!


I live in north GA, too far for Atlanta restaurants.

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