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Beast academy


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My oldest went from CLE 2 to BA 3A with no difficulty.


I will say, though, that I BOUGHT BA guides and he read them on and off the whole time he worked on CLE2. So all that info was floating around in his brain. So when he started the BA practice books, it was a snap.


People (here) told me absolutely not to just get the guides, that he'd need the practice books to actually learn. But that was not at all the case for DS. The practice books are just....practice. Of what he already knows.


It's true that MEP and co are more SIMILAR to BA reasoning, but doing well with CLE is completely sufficient imo to prepare for BA.

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We moved over from RightStart.  One kid did all 1st edition (RS1) and another did a mix of 1st edition and second edition (RS2).


DS#1 did RS1 A-E (the whole elementary series) and then moved to Beast's 3C book.  Now in 5B.  There was a lot of repetition of concepts, but not much "review" since BA takes problem solving to a whole different level and applies the concepts in different and less usual ways.


DS#2 did RS2 A-B, then switched back to 1st ed.  We started doing BA 3A occasionally about halfway through RS1 C and started BA 3B at the beginning of RS1 D.  This was better in terms of the transition; however, BA turned out not to be a great fit for him (at least for now).  If he had not chosen to go to public school this year he would be doing RS1 E for his main math and supplementing with BA for fun and the occasional very challenging problem.


DS#3 is doing both RS1 and MEP.  He's getting close to moving into RS1 C and MEP 2.  I can see why BA would recommend MEP!  They are very similar in terms of the puzzley type problems and worksheet centered lessons.  I still think RS is superior for laying the foundation for number sense and I'm in love with the way 1st edition teaches multiplication, so DS#3 continues in both programs.

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With DD#1, I used A Beka through 1st grade, then MM 2A-4A, then went to BA 3A. When I decided to try out BA, I went back to 3A because (1) the topics she's already covered would be revisited more deeply and (2) since the student is supposed to be prepared for Pre-A after finishing BA 5, going "back" a year wouldn't actually put her behind, as she would have gone to Pre-A after MM 6.


With DD#2, I again used A Beka through 1st grade, and she's in MM 2A now. This child cannot WAIT until she's able to start BA. I will likely move her to BA after she finishes MM 2B, though I may use some of the MM stuff for her if she needs more practice with certain concepts.

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I used RightStart A thru C with DS9 and DS7, and had a smooth transition to BA3 after that. Though with DS7, he didn't care for RightStart as much as my older kids, so we used a lot of Miquon in K along with some RightStart, then in first grade we picked up using RightStart fully for the end of B and all of C.

Edited by kirstenhill
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This is what I am finding with CLE . Once my son learns about something he knows it and doesn't need any practice and he gets so bored with it . This is why I am thinking of switching .


A word of caution, though.


Everyone needs practice, boring or not. Unless you're like a savant or something.


And the fact is, he's learning it so well with what you're using that he feels bored. YKWIM?


I'm not saying DON'T switch. Lord knows I am a switching switcher who switches!


You can do both, though. Just food for thought. Plus, you can always go back.

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A mix of Singapore, miquon, mep, life of fred. I'm there right now with my young 6y/o. My main goals are number sense and joy and success experiences.

We did some mep - I like reception. Singapore is our main spine and we read through life of fred. I use cuisenaire rods and bits and pieces of miquon - but I've done miquon with two students already so I'm fairly confident.

I am hoping that BA2 comes out in time for my son.

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Is beast academy harder than Singapore? I've seen it mentioned often but don't know much about it.

With seeing both but not using all of both . . . BA assumes students can do the level of IP and CWP and rollls them both in to the basic level. If you are using all the pieces of Singapore, then I think there's an equivalent level. Otherwise, BA is an efficient way to get all the challenge in a much more compact program.

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I agree with Jackie. Beast Academy definitely is challenging, and it goes deeper than the basic Singapore. We're using it to broaden skills learned from Singapore and bring the fun factor into the challenge. I haven't seen Singapore's IP, or CWP, but more of the same style, just harder doesn't seem as fun :)

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