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Okay, I feel old. While at a restaurant today, 80's music was playing, dd11 said...

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Gee mom, why do they have to play all this old timey music? I just stopped, mid-bite and stared at her and said..."Old? This isn't old! I grew up listening to this music!" And she repeated, "Yes, like I said, old timey music!". Wow, I never stopped to think but that music is to her like my mom's old 50's music was to me! Love Shack, Push It, Ghostbusters, I Wanna Dance W/Somebody, etc...who woulda thunk it would be called "old timey" music! Do you feel old?

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Nope, because I have a 12 yr old who LOVES Duran Duran as much as I do. And she likes all that "old timey" music. Now my 15 yr old is another story. But my 12 yr old just loves it. Her and I dance around the house all the time.


When we go out, she recognizes a lot of my music. :) Much to the embarressment of my teen.

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Now I feel old because dd is trying to give me a heart attack while she learns to drive. "What stop sign???":eek:


Ha ha :eek: I remember learning to drive - I just didn't notice the signs - so my bil (who taught me to drive) would make me read EVERY sign out loud as we passed them. If it is an ongoing problem for her you could make her read all the signs! :p

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Well, we raised our two sons (born in the eighties and nineties) on the *classics* musically speaking. You know, the Monkees, the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, The Beach Boys, The Who. GRIN.


My sons used to be amazed when their mom started singing along with a current day popster....only to be told that song was a remake from the sixties and seventies....LOL This generation is not nearly as creative as the one I was born into. :cool: :p

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I feel there is no such thing as "oldies" music. It's only good music vs. not so good. We listen to all kinds from so many points in history; my kids would not know what was old and what was new. Well, my 12yr-old is just now starting to figure out what's "cool".. um I mean what kids her age listen to. But many of her friends think we are weird since we (the adults in the house) listen to cool music too.

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The ONLY pop music my kids like is the Beatles. Well, on the one hand, thank goodness they like the Beatles. On the other ...


Where have I gone wrong?? Where is my wild child who wants to play guitar and run off and join a band? He wouldn't have to run - I'd help him! But nooooo. None of them care about music, beyond some classical pieces (several of them prefer classical to anything else), some sountracks, and the comedy stylings of Weird Al.


Honestly, what do I have to do? I would even take them to concerts. They don't want to go. The mind boggles.

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And I freaked college son out by knowing the lyrics to a song he liked. He'll say "Listen to this..." and it'll be something I know forwards and backwards. I love to tell him I've listened to this or that for 20 years. He replies, "Mom, it's deeply disturbing that you like this song!"


Eagles, ZZ Top, Billy Joel, Chicago, CCR, Simon and Garfunkel, Tom Petty, Huey Lewis....what's not to like?

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Oh yes, the kids definitely have their ways of making you feel ancient! My boys were having a dispute over dinosaurs and their names so the younger said to the older, "Let's ask mom, she was born a long time ago." Posh!! I'm only 35 and at that time I was 34. I, too, grew up in the 80's and I'm a sucker for the music. However, my fave was Bon Jovi, Journey, Air Supply! I was just so sure that one day I would be Mrs. Stephanie Bongiovi!! Thank God for unanswered prayers!!

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I haven't quite got used to the idea that "my" music is retro either. I realized the other day that it's been 20 years - 20 years! - since I graduated from college. So, yes, I feel old, but also superior. You can't tell me that today's music is any better than "Safety Dance"! :D

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My girls listen to music they think is new. They're horrified when I tell them it's a remake;).


Ha! My parents played so much old music when I was a kid, I thought Motown was current. In the 80s. So, when I torture my kids with my old-timey music I make sure they know it' s old.

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Where have I gone wrong?? Where is my wild child who wants to play guitar and run off and join a band?


Well, Hair Nation on Sirius satellite radio introduced my daughter to the music of my youth, and that was well and good. But Guitar Hero made her want to be a rock star. Now with Rock Band she wants to be a drummer (makes me so proud!). But then she realized that the drummers are in the back and not noticed as much, so maybe she will play guitar and sing. But then I told her about the calluses she will have to build to play guitar, so she is still thinking about that one. But she still has no interest in going to concerts.


She likes making music videos with her online friends on Toontown, and she keeps wanting to do songs she likes (Safety Dance is one of them :)) but none of her friends recognize any of them. Here is her video for

. Pretty cool, eh? (Proud Mama moment)


We have a problem trying to come up with modern music other than Hannah Montana and Aly & AJ. Her next video she is making is "Hey Baby" by No Doubt. That is about as current as we get, and I just looked it up and it is 7 years old. Geez.

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I grew up in the '60s and '70s, but my parents played music from the '40s so that is what I grew up listening to :D You wanna talk old-timey elevator music, THAT would be it.


Luckily I had a big sister that liked 'current' music and now I go back and find all those old hits that I liked so well and play them for my dc. They say, "Mom, you had really good music when you grew up. The stuff they play now sounds like a sick rhinoceros."


They also think I know all the words to all the songs in the world, because I usually can sing anything that is playing where ever we are! I figure it's because now the elevator music is the stuff from the '70s. The stuff you all talk about from the '80s.....I've never heard of most of it. I was too busy raising my babies to listen to music I guess.

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How about this one. We went on a vacation to a cabin in Georgia. My 10dd comes running out of the kitchen, completely amazed. "Mom, look at these cool plastic things that I found in the freezer! I think if you put water in them, they make ice cubes."


What?! How is it that my daughter doesn't know what an ice cube tray is? I was dumbfounded.

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"so c'mon and bring your Jukebox money.....At the Love Shack"


Old-Timey? Oh, she would have been GROUNDED! (lol, j/k) I'll take Old Timey music any day though, when I was her age I enjoyed listening to music from the 50s, 60s and 70s.


I don't think I ever complained about Old-Timey music but I have to say my parents' old timey music is MUCH better the 80s & 90s, there was only one way I was going to be exposed to Neil Diamond, the Doobie Brothers, Bob Seger, Allman Brothers, Carly Simon, etc. - through my parents' stereo.

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How about this one. We went on a vacation to a cabin in Georgia. My 10dd comes running out of the kitchen, completely amazed. "Mom, look at these cool plastic things that I found in the freezer! I think if you put water in them, they make ice cubes."


What?! How is it that my daughter doesn't know what an ice cube tray is? I was dumbfounded.


Shannon your daughter's amazement at an ice cube tray cracked me up. It reminded me of last fall when we purchased a small Chevy Metro to get my husband to and from work. My one son called it a van and my other one said, "hey, look at these, you turn them and the window goes up and down." I guess we haven't had anything other than electric windows in our vehicles. :D

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A friend of my nephew was talking about getting an "old" mustang. That was the thing when I was in high school to get a 1965-1969 mustang and restore it. I asked him what year he wanted to get and he said 1986.:eek:


I told him I graduated in 1986. A 1986 was not an old car. And I would not be speaking to him again. And he was a bad boy. :D

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My 17yods knows 70s, 80s, and even some 60s music better than I do. If I can't remember the name of a song or who sung it, I ask him. Sometimes we play our own music trivia/name that song game in the car. He's also the one who introduced me to Alice Cooper Nights and Dee Snider's House of Hair. He's a pretty cool kid:)


As for feeling old, I was in Walmart the other day and overheard two associates talking. The 20-something guy was relaying an incident to the late 30s-early 40s woman as they walked past me in the opposite direction. I was half an aisle away when I heard him say, "Two older women--like in their 30s..." and turned around. I hollered down the aisle to the woman, "Did he just say two *older* women in their 30s?!?" She replied, "Why yes he DID!" I asked her to smack him for me:p


Adrianne asked if leg warmers and Aqua Net are next to be brought back. I've never stopped using Aqua Net, though I never could do the 80s hair. Leg warmers have been in the mall and on younger girls for at least a couple of seasons now. Claire's had rainbow striped leg warmers the last time I took dd in there. The horrid little stripey, flounced mini skirts from the 80s are back, too along with some of the ugliest tops from that decade. Why do the ugly styles have to be the ones to come back? I say, "What's next? Neon parachute pants?"


I'd love to have that T-shirt someone mentioned, though:)

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