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Dairy free / gluten free stories.

Peaceful Isle

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I have been suffering from many horrible symptoms the last ten years, that doctors just shake their heads at, and want me to try a new pill. :( I finally just went to a natural Dr.


Because of my hashimotos, and many not so fun things going on in and to my body , my naturopath dr wants me to go gluten and diary free. I looked up what I could find out about it all, and I have so many of the symptoms listed with those who are intolerant. It's crazy!


I am looking for some inspiring stories as I start this journey. :)

What did you feel like before , and then after?

What did your body go through before and then after?

What is the one thing, that you love about how you feel now?


Whatever you can share would be wonderful!!

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My daughter went gluten free (kicking and screaming) after becoming increasingly ill. It was recommended by gastroenterologist.


Within 3 days she started feeling better.


The first 4-6 weeks were a bit rough as she figured out what to eat and her body was going through a detox (or it seemed like that)


Fast forward 6 months and she is 100% better and would never ever think of eating gluten again.

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I started Whole 30 in January.  Prior to that I was a regular beer drinker, pasta eater, bar food eater, mozzarella cheese stick eater - just a crappy eater overall.  I was tired to going to bed with a huge bloated stomach and feeling disgusting/tired.  I was having stomach pains constantly that the doctor just blew off. 


So I went cold turkey cutting out all grains, dairy, soy, added sugar, legumes, and alcohol.


It was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  I got tons of GF/DF cookbooks from the library (mostly paleo).  The hardest thing to do for me was to not eat out anymore.  Cooking and cleaning became a huge drag.  I felt like I was constantly in the kitchen.  But you get in a groove, know what brands you can/can't buy, and things become much easier after a few weeks.


But OMG the change is amazing.  Since January I've lost 25 lbs.  I feel so much healthier and "cleaner" (hard to explain what I mean).  I have more energy.  My mood improved.  No more "foggy" feeling.  I have no problems sleeping.  I fall asleep as soon as I lay down (no more tossing and turning) and wake up refreshed without an alarm clock.  I think my eyes and skin look better.


I will never, ever go back to grains or dairy ever again. 


ETA:  forgot to add (saw it in a response below mine) I was getting heart palpitations regularly as well (and am only 45) and those have all disappeared.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Two of my kids had really positive results with gluten-free.  They started out gf and dairy free, but found that it was really the gluten that was the culprit in their case.  They both have far fewer stomach pains/cramps.  My ds no longer has daily fatigue, and his pretty severe seasonal allergies are mostly gone.  My dd no longer has the heart palpitations she was having with gluten.

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I went gluten free to help my thyroid after reading an article about gluten and hypothyriodism. My thyroid numbers haven't improved (they are fine on meds but haven't changed since going gf) but I discovered that gluten triggers bad headaches in me. I used to have headaches virtually every day but now I only get them hormonally with my cycle. I also have more energy (I used to nap daily) and I have less brain fog. When I slip and eat gluten I notice the effects rapidly. I still eat dairy.

Edited by UCF612
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I suffered from chronic exhaustion for about 8 years. All of my doctors were convinced it was because I was obese and when I wasn't obese anymore they assumed I was exaggerating because if I had the ability to lose the weight I obviously wasn't sleeping 14 hours a day, but I was! It was horrible. I was convinced that I had a thyroid problem but I was wrong.


My husband and I tried a Whole 30 for funzies (no bread, dairy, alcohol, legumes or added sugar). 2 weeks in my exhaustion was gone. Completely. It was unbelievable. My chronic nausea was as well, but that wasn't as debilitating. It took one meal with gluten to tell me what the cause was. I plan to do another Whole 30 once I have the baby to reset my poor eating habits gained during pregnancy, and again every January.


I also lost 8 pounds, looked 17, slept well, yada yada yada.

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Went GF almost three years ago, I think? Time flies. I'd been mostly sick at my stomach since I was a teen. Along with those charming issues, I was always tired, and itchy. I would break out into hives and not know what had caused it. 

I also eliminated dairy, because I figured that was as much or more of a possible cause of the symptoms. Within days of going GF it was like the sea had calmed. I was still tired, but I was no longer subject to the gut cramps multiple times per day. I added dairy back in and low and behold, I found out that lactose is not an enemy for me.

The strangest thing of all had to be the reduction in joint pain and the way my seasonal allergies just disappeared. Every now and then I'll get a little sniffy in the spring, but nothing like what I used to have. All I can figure is that I dropped my histamine levels low enough that I don't react quite as aggressively as I once did. It's been nothing short of incredible how much better I feel without gluten in the diet.

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I am looking for some inspiring stories as I start this journey. :)

What did you feel like before , and then after?

What did your body go through before and then after?

What is the one thing, that you love about how you feel now?


Whatever you can share would be wonderful!!

TMI warning:


Before going GFCF -

I always felt bad but it was my normal so I thought it was something I had to live with.  

I suffered from chronic depression, mood swings, etc and was diagnosed with a personality disorder.

I had chronic constipation and chronic diarrhea.  If it wasn't one it was the other.  

I had chronic abdominal pain, joint pain and acne.



I realize that no one should live under a black cloud all of the time.  Pain and discomfort are not normal.

My depression has alleviated somewhat.  Since the food induced depression is gone, I can focus on the behaviors and history that are related to any new depressive episodes.  My psychiatrist dc'd the personality disorder diagnosis as I no longer fit the criteria. This was maybe the best thing!!!  Now, I am just a depressive.  ;)

My bowels are almost regular. I no longer go for days or weeks without a BM.  Looking for restrooms is no longer my number one priority when I leave my house.

My abdominal plain, joint pain, and acne are 99% alleviated.  I have to be careful to stay away from dairy or the acne flairs quickly and takes a while to clear.


I love being able to be happy and enjoy a predominately pain free life.


I will never voluntarily eat gluten again.  I go to great lengths to avoid it (rarely eat out, cook my own meals, carry my own food with me if I go to cookouts, etc).  Even my granddaughter makes sure my foods are gluten free.  Whenever we play tea party she tells me her play foods are gluten free and makes my 'tea' with coconut milk.  :)

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For those of you with lactose intolerance you may still be able to eat some dairy.  Cheeses, especially aged ones, have significantly less lactose, whilst milk and ice cream has significantly higher amounts.  We are able to eat cheeses and select dairy products here, well, except for one of our kiddos with a true dairy allergy.

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I have been suffering from many horrible symptoms the last ten years, that doctors just shake their heads at, and want me to try a new pill. :( I finally just went to a natural Dr.


Because of my hashimotos, and many not so fun things going on in and to my body , my naturopath dr wants me to go gluten and diary free. I looked up what I could find out about it all, and I have so many of the symptoms listed with those who are intolerant. It's crazy!


I am looking for some inspiring stories as I start this journey. :)

What did you feel like before , and then after?

What did your body go through before and then after?

What is the one thing, that you love about how you feel now?


Whatever you can share would be wonderful!!


for Hashimoto's or any autoimmune disease, grain-free, not just gluten-free, is recommended. The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) also recommends eliminating dairy, eggs, seeds, nuts, and beans/legumes, for at least a month, and then reintroducing foods carefully. Gluten-free is recommended forever, though.


I hope you are also considering thyroid medication, preferably a natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) such as NatureThroid or Armour. Some people are able to heal their bodies enough that they don't need thyroid meds, but if you've been symptomatic for 10 years, you're probably going to need them.

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Haven't read the other replies, but I would only try one diet elimination at a time.  I think gluten free would be a great start and then after a few weeks of that you could try eliminating dairy.  


My DH went GF a year and a half ago.  He was having digestive issues, scalp itching and nausea.  Just an overall bad feeling all the time.  I put him on a 100% GF diet and within 2 days he noticed a HUGE difference and it only got better.


I have met people that have gone GF for many different reasons.  One person has horrible sinus allergies if they eat gluten.  Another person has migraines.  Then I met a woman that has terrible depression if she consumes gluten.  It can really effect people in so many different ways.


Hope you find relief soon and feel better.






Edited by 1GirlTwinBoys
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For those of you with lactose intolerance you may still be able to eat some dairy. Cheeses, especially aged ones, have significantly less lactose, whilst milk and ice cream has significantly higher amounts. We are able to eat cheeses and select dairy products here, well, except for one of our kiddos with a true dairy allergy.

Yes, this is me. I will buy Cabot's cheeses sometimes, and I use Lactaid milk and ice cream (although I don't drink the LF milk as a beverage). Some plain yogurts are fine, too. It's the high fat/creamy milk products that hurt my stomach like mad.


At first, I thought going LF would be just horrible...I mean, no grilled cheese sandwiches? lasagna? Maggie Moos Udderly Cream Ice Cream? But it was actually okay.


I am also about 85% GF/no bread products. This was another thing I envisioned as horrible, biput it has been more feasible than I imagined.


My stomach is so much better as long as I refrain from eating lactose and wheat flour.

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I went gluten free to help my thyroid after reading an article about gluten and hypothyriodism. My thyroid numbers haven't improved (they are fine on meds but haven't changed since going gf) but I discovered that gluten triggers bad headaches in me. I used to have headaches virtually every day but now I only get them hormonally with my cycle. I also have more energy (I used to nap daily) and I have less brain fog. When I slip and eat gluten I notice the effects rapidly. I still eat dairy.


My headaches, after a lifetime, also stopped when I went gluten free for my hashimotos.  I was astounded, a lifetime of them and now they are rare.

I also went low carb, high fat for weight reasons but all of a sudden my TSH numbers after being stable for 20 years went insane, so I am following that to see if it is how I am eating or if my body is in some kind of crisis.

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Yes, this is me. I will buy Cabot's cheeses sometimes, and I use Lactaid milk and ice cream (although I don't drink the LF milk as a beverage). Some plain yogurts are fine, too. It's the high fat/creamy milk products that hurt my stomach like mad.


At first, I thought going LF would be just horrible...I mean, no grilled cheese sandwiches? lasagna? Maggie Moos Udderly Cream Ice Cream? But it was actually okay.


I am also about 85% GF/no bread products. This was another thing I envisioned as horrible, biput it has been more feasible than I imagined.


My stomach is so much better as long as I refrain from eating lactose and wheat flour.


Best day ever for my daughter was when Ben and Jerry's came out with their new dairy free ice cream. ;)


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Best day ever for my daughter was when Ben and Jerry's came out with their new dairy free ice cream. ;)


Oh! My DD told me about this but I haven't seen it in the store yet!

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Dh and youngest have been dairy-free for year. We tried lactose-free for several months but that did not dd's pain symptoms.


This summer older dd and dh will be following the FODMAP diet (for IBS etc as suggested by dd's GI) with the addition of no dairy. I am hoping we can identify their triggers (onion and garlic are strongly suggested). I'll adjust if they end up needing to be gluten free forever. I've already been cooking without soy since older dd was in sixth grade.

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I'll share my story, so you know other outcomes are a possibility. I've tried going gluten free several times because everyone raves about it. I've also done dairy free though I was not excited about it. I hoped it would help with some minor health problems.


I was gluten free for a whole summer, did the whole 30 for a month, and later to support my husband, went gluten, dairy, corn, soy, almond, sugar, etc free again for 70 days.


No difference in how I feel. I don't do well with extremely low carb. I feel just fine when I reintroduce bread. I feel great when I eat cheese or a bowl of yogurt. I don't regret trying these diets, but it's not for me. I eat less gluten now, and more alternative whole food carbs, which I think is healthy. But I don't feel bad eating gluten. Dairy is not what causes my drippy nose, it is allergies. With Whole 30, I did discover that I feel better eating a ton of vegetables, but that is all I learned.


Cutting back on sugar and processed carbs helps me with moods, energy, etc, but ice cream is not poison for me.


I'm not trying to discourage you. I'm just saying don't be discouraged if you don't get miracle results. Gluten free/dairy free is not "life changing" for everyone. Not EVERYONE in the world has a problem with gluten and dairy.


I hope it works for you, and that you can think of it as a fun project/experiment as you get started. I would do both at once, so you don't find dairy free meals you love that have gluten, or vice versa. I like having some GF/DF meals the whole family likes, that we can serve to guests who follow that eating plan.

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Okay...OP here :)


It's been two days in my journey, and so far I feel a little better. No more diarrhea after morning coffee, because I used to use half and half. Now I drink black.

My mind feels a bit clearer and I have a little more energy. No more itching either. I haven't done the wheezing thing at night either. I looked it up, and that's a symptom too !!! Unbelievable, all these years and it might just be a food allergy.

My stomach has not done that bloating thing after meals either.

No more swelling in my mouth after gluten free bread, like it did after wheat bread.


I'm looking forward to this journey.


I got my t3 tested this morning for the first time in my life, so that should be interesting to see the results. :)


I feel so thankful for this community of lovely people. So many times, you all have encouraged and helped. Thank you

Edited by Peacefulisle
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Wait, you had mouth swelling and wheezing plus the gut stuff???????!!!!!!!!!!! Have you never been tested for food allergies? In general, reactions in 2 different body systems points to allergies. You might want to get that checked. Like asap.



Mother of those variously allergic to soy, almonds, coconut, bananas, and rice (yes, rice) plus OAS to stone fruits and melons plus all-forms-of-dairy-intolerant

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Wait, you had mouth swelling and wheezing plus the gut stuff???????!!!!!!!!!!! Have you never been tested for food allergies? In general, reactions in 2 different body systems points to allergies. You might want to get that checked. Like asap.



Mother of those variously allergic to soy, almonds, coconut, bananas, and rice (yes, rice) plus OAS to stone fruits and melons plus all-forms-of-dairy-intolerant

I know, crazy huh?! The mouth swelling only happens with wheat bread and the wheezing and itching happens after milk products mostly.


My new dr wants to do a candida cleanse after blood work is back. She didn't say anything about allergy testing, only that it sounded very likely I had gluten and milk allergy. Ya think? Lol

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