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National Review Online: Palin Problem

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National Review (NR) is a biweekly magazine and web site, founded by the late author William F. Buckley, Jr. in 1955 and based in New York City. It is usually considered the center of intellectual activity for the American Conservative movement in the twentieth century. While the print version of the magazine is available online to subscribers, the web site's free content is essentially a separate publication.


Palin Problem

She’s out of her league.

By Kathleen Parker


If at one time women were considered heretical for swimming upstream against feminist orthodoxy, they now face condemnation for swimming downstream — away from Sarah Palin.


To express reservations about her qualifications to be vice president — and possibly president — is to risk being labeled anti-woman.


Or, as I am guilty of charging her early critics, supporting only a certain kind of woman.


Some of the passionately feminist critics of Palin who attacked her personally deserved some of the backlash they received. But circumstances have changed since Palin was introduced as just a hockey mom with lipstick — what a difference a financial crisis makes — and a more complicated picture has emerged.


As we’ve seen and heard more from John McCain’s running mate, it is increasingly clear that Palin is a problem. Quick study or not, she doesn’t know enough about economics and foreign policy to make Americans comfortable with a President Palin should conditions warrant her promotion.


Yes, she recently met and turned several heads of state as the United Nations General Assembly convened in New York. She was gracious, charming and disarming. Men swooned. Pakistan’s president wanted to hug her. (Perhaps Osama bin Laden is dying to meet her?)


And, yes, she has common sense, something we value. And she’s had executive experience as a mayor and a governor, though of relatively small constituencies (about 6,000 and 680,000, respectively).


Finally, Palin’s narrative is fun, inspiring and all-American in that frontier way we seem to admire. When Palin first emerged as John McCain’s running mate, I confess I was delighted. She was the antithesis and nemesis of the hirsute, Birkenstock-wearing sisterhood — a refreshing feminist of a different order who personified the modern successful working mother.


Palin didn’t make a mess cracking the glass ceiling. She simply glided through it.


It was fun while it lasted.


Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.


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Well, every one is entitled to their opinion :001_smile: and that is what this article is an opinion. I happen to have a different opinion after watching all the interviews and mine is no less valid than a reporter who was paid to write this. I think you will find all kinds of folks on the boards who love Palin or who really don't like her. There really does not seem to be any middle ground when it comes to Sarah Palin. I don't know if this is you opinion or if you agree with this article but again this article is an opinion piece......

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Well, every one is entitled to their opinion :001_smile: and that is what this article is an opinion. I happen to have a different opinion after watching all the interviews and mine is no less valid than a reporter who was paid to write this. I think you will find all kinds of folks on the boards who love Palin or who really don't like her. There really does not seem to be any middle ground when it comes to Sarah Palin. I don't know if this is you opinion or if you agree with this article but again this article is an opinion piece......


They are all opinion pieces. Generally, criticism of McCain's choice for VP is dismissed as liberal bias. I find pieces like this interesting because they highlight a growing level of discomfort in the Conservative realm with Palin being a heartbeat away from POTUS.

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Well, every one is entitled to their opinion :001_smile: and that is what this article is an opinion. I happen to have a different opinion after watching all the interviews and mine is no less valid than a reporter who was paid to write this. I think you will find all kinds of folks on the boards who love Palin or who really don't like her. There really does not seem to be any middle ground when it comes to Sarah Palin. I don't know if this is you opinion or if you agree with this article but again this article is an opinion piece......



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They are all opinion pieces. Generally, criticism of McCain's choice for VP is dismissed as liberal bias. I find pieces like this interesting because they highlight a growing level of discomfort in the Conservative realm with Palin being a heartbeat away from POTUS.


Yes, some aren't comfortable with her. Some of us like her just fine, but really aren't comfortable with McCain. Yet, as conservatives, when our choices are Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin, we will vote for McCain/Palin in an instant. I suspect there are liberals who are going through the same type of struggle with Obama/Biden.

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Well, every one is entitled to their opinion :001_smile: and that is what this article is an opinion. I happen to have a different opinion after watching all the interviews and mine is no less valid than a reporter who was paid to write this. I think you will find all kinds of folks on the boards who love Palin or who really don't like her. There really does not seem to be any middle ground when it comes to Sarah Palin. I don't know if this is you opinion or if you agree with this article but again this article is an opinion piece......


I think this is a mischaracterization. I think Sarah Palin is probably a perfectly nice person. I could even see voting for her as mayor of my hometown of just over 40,000 people. I would not vote for her as mayor of Oklahoma City which has around 550,000 people (almost as many as Alaska has in the whole state) and a metro area population of over a million people (more than the state of Alaska).


Whether or not I *like* her has nothing to do with whether I think she should be president. And given McCain's age, I think we have must consider the possiblity. She has ZERO business being president. The fact she's being kept in a near media blackout and the campaign nearly torpedoed *McCain* in order to get her out of the debate indicates even McCain's campaign is starting to agree.

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They are all opinion pieces. Generally, criticism of McCain's choice for VP is dismissed as liberal bias. I find pieces like this interesting because they highlight a growing level of discomfort in the Conservative realm with Palin being a heartbeat away from POTUS.


Thanks for clarifying why you posted this. To be honest I thought the way it was posted to be a bit strange..... Anyone who is a conservative knows what the National Review is .... with just the blurb about the Review and then the bit of the article my thought was and the point is......


I am not sure just how much discomfort there is in the conservative realm on Palin maybe a little and I am not sure that it is growing at a very fast rate. Most of the folks I know are still very postive about her, most of what the Evangelical leaders are writing and saying is still extreemly positive about Palin and she is drawing huge crowds when she speaks. There maybe a few disgruntled conservatives worrying about her but I think they are few and probably secular. McCain needed to get the Evangelical conservatives to shore up his base and those folks are solid behind Palin and of course the pro-life folks are solid behind her so...... I really don't think that a few conservatives not being comfortable will make much of a difference. However that is my opinion :001_huh:

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I'm one in the middle on Palin. In truth, I think there is something to be said for her lack of study on many of these issues. On the other hand, I'm not always sure when it's a lack of understanding or simply being completely muzzled.


It really seems to me like she's just running a McCain program lately, not speaking her views. There are areas I'm certain she has gotten caught off guard on regarding knowledge she should have, and other times I think she's simply filtering whether or not it's in her defined program given to her by the political powers that be.


I'm waiting for the real Sarah Palin to stand back up.

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I think this is a mischaracterization. I think Sarah Palin is probably a perfectly nice person. I could even see voting for her as mayor of my hometown of just over 40,000 people. I would not vote for her as mayor of Oklahoma City which has around 550,000 people (almost as many as Alaska has in the whole state) and a metro area population of over a million people (more than the state of Alaska).


Whether or not I *like* her has nothing to do with whether I think she should be president. And given McCain's age, I think we have must consider the possibility. She has ZERO business being president. The fact she's being kept in a near media blackout and the campaign nearly torpedoed *McCain* in order to get her out of the debate indicates even McCain's campaign is starting to agree.



Mrs. Mungo I meant really like her as VP or don't really like her as VP, not as like her as a person. You might think she has zero business being VP but that is your opinion and I think she will do just fine which is my opinion and I really like the idea of her as VP.


It is hyperbole that she is being kept at a blackout she took quite a few questions from the press yesterday and now has several interviews with press under her belt. Press who ask useless questions about an imaginary Bush doctrine that they themselves have no idea what it is, or have had many varied ideas as to what it is over the years. If you like I could again post all of the different slants on the so called Bush doctrine that the press has held over the years including Mr. Gibson's. I did that once on a thread a while back.


I am not sure about your torpedo remark and you will have to clarify, unless you are referring to the liberal blog rumor that McCain didn't want to debate tonight to throw off the VP debate. If that is what you mean ...... I think you could do better than use blog rumors about McCain motives. I don't think that is what McCain was doing and most conservatives don't think so either.

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I think this is a mischaracterization. I think Sarah Palin is probably a perfectly nice person. I could even see voting for her as mayor of my hometown of just over 40,000 people. I would not vote for her as mayor of Oklahoma City which has around 550,000 people (almost as many as Alaska has in the whole state) and a metro area population of over a million people (more than the state of Alaska).


Whether or not I *like* her has nothing to do with whether I think she should be president. And given McCain's age, I think we have must consider the possiblity. She has ZERO business being president. The fact she's being kept in a near media blackout and the campaign nearly torpedoed *McCain* in order to get her out of the debate indicates even McCain's campaign is starting to agree.


I think I'm with you on this (even though I'm not American :D). Sarah Palin seems like she could be an interesting and capable vice-president - in time and with experience far beyond what she currently has.

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Mrs. Mungo I meant really like her as VP or don't really like her as VP, not as like her as a person. You might think she has zero business being VP but that is your opinion and I think she will do just fine which is my opinion and I really like the idea of her as VP.


Do you like the idea of her as *President* if McCain dies in office? Because that is the purpose of the VP.


It is hyperbole that she is being kept at a blackout she took quite a few questions from the press yesterday and now has several interviews with press under her belt.


Err...Biden did more interviews in the single weekend after the announcement was made than she has had in the last month. She has had *two* major interviews and neither one went well.


I am not sure about your torpedo remark and you will have to clarify, unless you are referring to the liberal blog rumor that McCain didn't want to debate tonight to throw off the VP debate. If that is what you mean ...... I think you could do better than use blog rumors about McCain motives. I don't think that is what McCain was doing and most conservatives don't think so either.


What McCain came out and said, *initially* was that he wanted to put the first Presidential debates off until October 2nd. October 2nd is the date of the VP debates. I *immediately* called my sister and was like "oh my heck, he's trying to get Palin out of the debate!" I don't need a blogger, liberal or otherwise, to make a logical supposition. And I DO, 100% believe that was the reason for him trying to mess with the debates.

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Thanks for clarifying why you posted this. To be honest I thought the way it was posted to be a bit strange..... Anyone who is a conservative knows what the National Review is .... with just the blurb about the Review and then the bit of the article my thought was and the point is......


i have become uber cautious when it comes to things i stumble upon on the internet. i thought the National Review was a Conservative publication but i wasn't sure. so i googled it a bit; that blurb was from Wikipedia and the most precise. i used it as an attribute so folks would know the article was from a well-respected publication rather than a random blog. i only used an excerpt because i think it's actually illegal to post the entire text of what i assume is a copyrighted article.

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What McCain came out and said, *initially* was that he wanted to put the first Presidential debates off until October 2nd. October 2nd is the date of the VP debates. I *immediately* called my sister and was like "oh my heck, he's trying to get Palin out of the debate!" I don't need a blogger, liberal or otherwise, to make a logical supposition. And I DO, 100% believe that was the reason for him trying to mess with the debates.


Does everyone out there look for ulterior motives from the "opposition" or read things into their statements or just completely distrust the candidate of the other party? (Mrs. Mungo, I am using your quote since you mention your conclusion about McCain's motives. I am not really targeting this question at you personally.)


Honestly, by now I am really tired of the fact that everyone thinks there is some "evil" hidden agenda in a candidate's words or actions. And, I am saying it comes from both sides. I hear/read things like this and it makes me want to :willy_nilly:. Does anybody else think that the candidates are basically good guys (and gals), but you don't like the side that a particular candidate (or party) stands on a particular issues?


Yes, I plan on voting for McCain, but that is because the Republican Party is more in line with my position on certain issues that are important to me. I don't, however, look at every word Obama says to find some hidden meaning, nor do I think he is some unscrupulous person. It appears that standing behind your candidate now means to dig up the dirt and find ways to discredit the opposing candidate. I don't get it.

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There maybe a few disgruntled conservatives worrying about her but I think they are few and probably secular.


Crunchy Con Rod Dreher calls Palin's CBS interview a "debacle" and a "train wreck":


Couric's questions are straightforward and responsible. Palin is mediocre, again, regurgitating talking points mechanically, not thinking. Palin's just babbling. She makes George W. Bush sound like Cicero.




Dreher on the Kathleen Parker piece: "Is it not possible that Parker could have been initially enthusiastic about Palin, but the more she saw of Palin, the evidence changed her opinion? That's what happened to me." Check out his archives.


I believe Dreher is religious, conservative, and well-respected by many on these boards.

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Whether or not I *like* her has nothing to do with whether I think she should be president. And given McCain's age, I think we have must consider the possiblity. She has ZERO business being president. The fact she's being kept in a near media blackout and the campaign nearly torpedoed *McCain* in order to get her out of the debate indicates even McCain's campaign is starting to agree.


No woman I know thinks she is qualified- that includes both Democrats and Republicans. Three women have asked me about 3rd party candidates in the last week because they won't be voting McCain because of her but don't want to vote for Obama either.


I - and this is JMO- see her nomination as just another symptom of the anti-intellectualism so prevalent in our country today.

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Does everyone out there look for ulterior motives from the "opposition" or read things into their statements or just completely distrust the candidate of the other party? (Mrs. Mungo, I am using your quote since you mention your conclusion about McCain's motives. I am not really targeting this question at you personally.)


Honestly, by now I am really tired of the fact that everyone thinks there is some "evil" hidden agenda in a candidate's words or actions. And, I am saying it comes from both sides. I hear/read things like this and it makes me want to :willy_nilly:. Does anybody else think that the candidates are basically good guys (and gals), but you don't like the side that a particular candidate (or party) stands on a particular issues?


In general? No, I don't think they have ulterior motives. Would one be naive in the extreme to assume there is never an ulterior, political motive.

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Do you like the idea of her as *President* if McCain dies in office? Because that is the purpose of the VP.


Yes she has more experience as an executive and as Commander and Chief than either Senator Obama or Biden. Do you really want to bring up experience? Senator Obama has pitifully little and I am from his state.....




Err...Biden did more interviews in the single weekend after the announcement was made than she has had in the last month. She has had *two* major interviews and neither one went well.


Again that is you opinion and the liberal press' opinion that the interviews went poorly. I thought she did fine :) and a lot of other conservative folks also thought so. I think she has had 3 interviews if you count Hannity but you might not since he is a conservative and his interview was several hours long, Mr Gibson, Katie Couric, and Mr. Hannity.


What McCain came out and said, *initially* was that he wanted to put the first Presidential debates off until October 2nd. October 2nd is the date of the VP debates. I *immediately* called my sister and was like "oh my heck, he's trying to get Pulled out of the debate!" I don't need a blogger, liberal or otherwise, to make a logical supposition. And I DO, 100% believe that was the reason for him trying to mess with the debates.


Again this is just your conjecture, idea, and has no basis in fact other than your emotions, feelings, and or intuition. Logical suppositions are usually based on facts not on intuition. Here, I will through out one that is equally valid, McCain knew that Obama need to practice/prepare for the debate, his aids put that bit of info out, what would be better than to get Obama to a place where he could not prepare for what is perceived to be his weakness by undecided and conservative voters...... call him back to Washington to do the job we the people of IL hired him to do vote contribute to the debate on a very important bill, etc... not campaign and for McCain to do the job he was hired for by the people of AZ vote, act...... We the people of IL did not hire Senator Obama to prepare for a debate or to campaign for president especially when something so very important was happening to our economy and the same can be written for the people of AZ and McCain.


I do agree that you apparently did not need bloggers to jump to a conclusion that may or may not be valid. I really do not see how a date, Oct 2 has anything to do with the melt down of our economy or how it might be more important than getting a bill right that will effect all of us for years to come. Bottom line is all 3 Senators were hired by the people of their states to work for them and represent them in the senate not to debate or run for another office. If they can not do their first job as Senator right how will they do the higher job?


I know that you feel passionately about Palin and I respect your passion. I know that you really like the idea of Obama as president and I respect that too. It might help if you thought of it this way there are those of us who feel just as passionately about Plain as you do Obama.

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I'm one in the middle on Palin. In truth, I think there is something to be said for her lack of study on many of these issues. On the other hand, I'm not always sure when it's a lack of understanding or simply being completely muzzled.


It really seems to me like she's just running a McCain program lately, not speaking her views. There are areas I'm certain she has gotten caught off guard on regarding knowledge she should have, and other times I think she's simply filtering whether or not it's in her defined program given to her by the political powers that be.


I'm waiting for the real Sarah Palin to stand back up.


Chris Orr speculates that she's being overcoached.

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Yes she has more experience as an executive and as Commander and Chief than either Senator Obama or Biden. Do you really want to bring up experience? Senator Obama has pitifully little and I am from his state.....


Feel free to refer back to the many times I've debated this. She loses the experience debate by a long shot on my card.


Again that is you opinion and the liberal press' opinion that the interviews went poorly. I thought she did fine :) and a lot of other conservative folks also thought so. I think she has had 3 interviews if you count Hannity but you might not since he is a conservative and his interview was several hours long, Mr Gibson, Katie Couric, and Mr. Hannity.


No, I'm not counting an interview she did with Hannity. I'm not counting anything from a news station that pays Karl Rove.


Again this is just your conjecture, idea, and has no basis in fact other than your emotions, feelings, and or intuition. Logical suppositions are usually based on facts not on intuition.


Fact: the VP debates are scheduled for October Second. Fact: McCain wanted to move the debates, looked at his schedule and came up with 2 October as the best day.


Here, I will through out one that is equally valid, McCain knew that Obama need to practice/prepare for the debate, his aids put that bit of info out, what would be better than to get Obama to a place where he could not prepare for what is perceived to be his weakness by undecided and conservative voters...... call him back to Washington to do the job we the people of IL hired him to do vote contribute to the debate on a very important bill, etc... not campaign and for McCain to do the job he was hired for by the people of AZ vote, act...... We the people of IL did not hire Senator Obama to prepare for a debate or to campaign for president especially when something so very important was happening to our economy and the same can be written for the people of AZ and McCain.


Except that's clearly not what happened. The Dems and Republicans said they had reached a deal, McCain met with Republican leaders and suddenly there is no deal. That's not doing their job, that's injecting the presidential race into what I agree is extremely important.


If they can not do their first job as Senator right how will they do the higher job?


How are they not doing their job? One, the bill was in the HOUSE; two, they are more likely to reach a deal without the presidential contender; three, they should be able to do both.

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Would one be naive in the extreme to assume there is never an ulterior, political motive.


Yes, one would be naive to assume there is NEVER another motive. However, it seems like everyone thinks there is ALWAYS another motive these days. No one is taking anything either candidate says or does at face value. Again, it is coming from both sides.

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The problem is that she came out and made a great acceptance speech. Took shots at the other party, followed up on a crowd that had been loosened up by Giuliani and had a wonderful coming out party. Then the problems began.


The other party shot back. They shot back and hit her pretty hard, which looks like they knocked her down. Why do I say that? She's given 4 interviews since her acceptance speech (which have provided lots of fodder for comedians). Biden has put his foot in his mouth plenty but granting 84 interviews since his acceptance speech he's had more opportunity for errors.


If she was a football team I'd have to say she opened with a soft schedule: Gibson Couric etc. It hasn't gotten tough yet and she's having some problems. Yes that's my opinion but it's pretty evident that she agrees that the press is tough if you watch the Couric interview concerning Russia. By the way I've spent 3 months in Alaska and I don't know where in Alaska you can see Russia.


Can she recover? Perhaps but she better get on her horse or snow mobile soon!





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Feel free to refer back to the many times I've debated this. She loses the experience debate by a long shot on my card.



And Obama loses it as far as I am concerned and he is the top of the ticket. We really do need to agree to disagree.



No, I'm not counting an interview she did with Hannity. I'm not counting anything from a news station that pays Karl Rove.


Well, you might not count it but it happened none the less. It is a reality whether you like it or not. More folks watch Fox than any other news network.



Fact: the VP debates are scheduled for October Second. Fact: McCain wanted to move the debates, looked at his schedule and came up with 2 October as the best day.


You still are not privy to the why or what McCain or his aids were thinking, it is your reading of what is happening your intuition nothing more.




Except that's clearly not what happened. The Dems and Republicans said they had reached a deal, McCain met with Republican leaders and suddenly there is no deal. That's not doing their job, that's injecting the presidential race into what I agree is extremely important.


This is Democratic myth the house almost had its phone system shut down due to all the calls coming in from conservative Republicans against this bill. I read 100 to 300 calls a minute per each member. They had a deal with a couple of Republican Senators not one with any House Republicans and the Dems are paying for it. In a way this is good cause they had lots of pork in that bill that needed to be passed right this second. Pork that is now gone because grass roots Republicans called and called their house members.




How are they not doing their job? One, the bill was in the HOUSE; two, they are more likely to reach a deal without the presidential contender; three, they should be able to do both.


Really have you ever prepped for a debate? I was on a debate team in college and won awards. Debate preparation takes up tons of time especially the couple of days before the debate. This debate is more important than any I ever did in college and it is more important than any Obama has ever done or will do.


What do we the people of IL get from Senator Obama I am busy but if you really need me just phone...... Hmmmm seems like a line from a guy the day after who got what he wanted and really doesn't give a fig for the gals needs, sorry state of IL my being pres. is way more important. After all he is busy leading the Democratic party...... but whoops who is leading this deal Senator Barney Frank the great protector of Fannie and Freddie who helped to get us where we are.... So what is a gal to do..... Live and learn I guess.


We really need to agree to disagree on this. Senator Obama is a star in your book great and I have no desire to change your mind....... Palin is a star in my book and nothing you write will change that.

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COURIC: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?


PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land-- boundary that we have with-- Canada. It-- it's funny that a comment like that was-- kind of made to-- cari-- I don't know, you know? Reporters--




PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.


COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.


PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our-- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia--


COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?


PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state.




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We really need to agree to disagree on this.


Agreeing to disagree means you stop debating. You're still posting counterpoints. Do you want to agree to disagree or not? If so, that's fine, I'll let it lie. But I think our mindsets are actually entirely different as far as our views of our preferred candidates go.

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Really have you ever prepped for a debate? I was on a debate team in college and won awards. Debate preparation takes up tons of time especially the couple of days before the debate. This debate is more important than any I ever did in college and it is more important than any Obama has ever done or will do.


Rebecca, I think it is important (and significant) that the debate is going forward despite the current crisis in part because we will see the candidates in a context where they will be under more pressure that otherwise might have been the case, and will certainly be less "prepped".


And I think "less prepped" could (or rather will be) a good thing, because then we can see what the candidates really "know" (as opposed to what they have "crammed" at the last moment).


Sen McCain, being a long standing Senator ought not have a problem standing up to a real world test of his foreign policy (or economic) positions. And I'm confident Sen Obama is up to this task as well.


I'm looking forward to tonight as a great test of this two candidates!





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Yes, some aren't comfortable with her. Some of us like her just fine, but really aren't comfortable with McCain. Yet, as conservatives, when our choices are Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin, we will vote for McCain/Palin in an instant. I suspect there are liberals who are going through the same type of struggle with Obama/Biden.


I admit, I prefer Biden over Obama.



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I have honestly never heard a Governor cite "border state" as their sole "foreign policy experience"



Can anyone name ONE governor of a border state that has ever tried to pull that and had it work?



Well...TX is a border state, and if the Pacific wasn't an issue, Reagan.


And then we have the Atlantic ocean border- born pres'...but I don't think that's really the question...

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I find this disconcerting...not the article...the post. I have seen more posts from those already committed to voting against McCain/Palin trying to promote articles (mostly opinions from others already against McCain/Palin) in an attempt to:


1. Persuade those leaning towards Mc/Pa to look at their 'mistake' in choosing that position.


2. To assuage their fears that Mc/Pa is gaining momentum and their preferred candidate is losing ground, so therefore they must pull out their quiver of attack arrows and see where they land..hoping one of them will stick.


3. To be contentious.


4. To create an atmosphere where like-minded folks will join together and support them to make them feel validated in their own political decisions.


I just don't see half as many, and to be honest I haven't seen ANY that are McCain supporters start a thread that casts a shadow on Obama/Biden...but I'll just say half as many, because I'm sure there are a few...but I am confident if we went through all the posts and pulled these type of threads that the majority by a long shot are from Obama/Biden supporters trying to discredit or dock merits from McCain/Palin...I just really find this disconcerting and I wish folks would either talk about the candidates from a point of knowledge and respect for the issues and their position on them..rather than constantly bringing up opinion pieces that hold no merit.



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I find this disconcerting...not the article...the post. I have seen more posts from those already committed to voting against McCain/Palin trying to promote articles (mostly opinions from others already against McCain/Palin) in an attempt to:


1. Persuade those leaning towards Mc/Pa to look at their 'mistake' in choosing that position.


2. To assuage their fears that Mc/Pa is gaining momentum and their preferred candidate is losing ground, so therefore they must pull out their quiver of attack arrows and see where they land..hoping one of them will stick.


3. To be contentious.


4. To create an atmosphere where like-minded folks will join together and support them to make them feel validated in their own political decisions.


I just don't see half as many, and to be honest I haven't seen ANY that are McCain supporters start a thread that casts a shadow on Obama/Biden...but I'll just say half as many, because I'm sure there are a few...but I am confident if we went through all the posts and pulled these type of threads that the majority by a long shot are from Obama/Biden supporters trying to discredit or dock merits from McCain/Palin...I just really find this disconcerting and I wish folks would either talk about the candidates from a point of knowledge and respect for the issues and their position on them..rather than constantly bringing up opinion pieces that hold no merit.




:iagree: Let's see. Here is an interesting piece:Why They Hate Her

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Its going to be a trainwreck.


And FWIW, I feel the eroding of confidence in Palin as well.

We've arranged to go over to a friend's to see it since we don't get any TV channels, and I don't want to risk watching it streaming.

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And she’s had executive experience as a mayor and a governor, though of relatively small constituencies (about 6,000 and 680,000, respectively).....


Palin didn’t make a mess cracking the glass ceiling. She simply glided through it.



So sad.


Another example of people who have no clue and are simply angry that Palin is a republican instead of one of them!!!


For anyone who is interested in the FACTS....Palin didn't "glide through" a glass ceiling. For one thing, Palin single handedly took on US Senator Ted Stevens, former chair of US Senate appropriations committee - a VERY powerful man on the NATIONAL scene. This isn't gliding, this is hitting the big boys, and beating them, even in HER own party.


It's so sad to see such bitterness, especially from women. Go figure :confused:.

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Another example of people who have no clue and are simply angry that Palin is a republican instead of one of them!!!...It's so sad to see such bitterness, especially from women.


You do understand that Kathleen Parker, the author of this column, is herself a conservative? And that she initially supported Palin's presence on the Republican ticket? I don't hear any bitterness in her tone; merely concern. Concerns shared by other notable conservative columnists (such as David Brooks and George Will).

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I just don't see half as many, and to be honest I haven't seen ANY that are McCain supporters start a thread that casts a shadow on Obama/Biden...but I'll just say half as many, because I'm sure there are a few...but I am confident if we went through all the posts and pulled these type of threads that the majority by a long shot are from Obama/Biden supporters trying to discredit or dock merits from McCain/Palin...I just really find this disconcerting and I wish folks would either talk about the candidates from a point of knowledge and respect for the issues and their position on them..rather than constantly bringing up opinion pieces that hold no merit.




That's because Obama's already been raked over the coals for a year and half! ;)


Maybe you weren't here back when his candidacy was announced or during the primaries when he was called a baby killer, a muslim, someone who doesn't love America, etc.


And, in the defense of those who really wanted to understand where he stood on the issues, not many people knew who he was. Literally. They had to get to know him and work out all of their misgivings and worries.


THAT is what the GOP isn't letting Palin do. In the woman's defense, I don't think she's a 'ditz', which is how I've heard some refer to her. I think she's probably very intelligent. But she's in WAY over her head. And I think they're so afraid of having her make a mistake that they're sheltering her and "over-coaching" her and it's making her look really, really bad.

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So sad.


Another example of people who have no clue and are simply angry that Palin is a republican instead of one of them!!!


For anyone who is interested in the FACTS....Palin didn't "glide through" a glass ceiling. For one thing, Palin single handedly took on US Senator Ted Stevens, former chair of US Senate appropriations committee - a VERY powerful man on the NATIONAL scene. This isn't gliding, this is hitting the big boys, and beating them, even in HER own party.


It's so sad to see such bitterness, especially from women. Go figure :confused:.

I thought Govenor Palin was for the infamous bridge to no-where when she was running for governor and then changed her position. I picked this up from AP:

The Alaska governor campaigned in 2006 on a build-the-bridge platform, telling Ketchikan residents she felt their pain when politicians called them "nowhere." They’re still feeling pain today in Ketchikan, over Palin’s subsequent decision to use the bridge funds for other projects - and over the timing of her announcement, which they say came in a pre-dawn press release that seemed aimed at national news deadlines.

"I think that’s when the campaign for national office began," said Ketchikan mayor Bob Weinstein on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Weinstein noted, the state is continuing to build a road on Gravina Island to an empty beach where the bridge would have gone - because federal money for the access road, unlike the bridge money, would have otherwise been returned to the federal government.



If this is not what happened please educate us on the mistake. Also how did she take on Stevens directly as governor? It doesn't appear that they disagreed on the bridge. We don't get much Alaskan political coverage in Tallahassee.





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For one thing, Palin single handedly took on US Senator Ted Stevens, former chair of US Senate appropriations committee - a VERY powerful man on the NATIONAL scene. This isn't gliding, this is hitting the big boys, and beating them, even in HER own party.




How did she "take on" Ted Stevens? She was a director of his 527 group as late as 2003. She's occasionally criticized him publicly, but he endorsed her for governor and cut an ad for her. They gave a joint press conference over the summer on energy. She did endorse his opponent in the primary, but, as late as this week she has refused to say whether or not she'll vote for him. The guy's on trial for corruption right now; I really don't think the fact that Palin has expressed some reservations about him while maintaining a working relationship with him is a revolutionary act.

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