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How do you imagine Jesus? Does it matter to you how he looked?


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Wow.  I think Catholic Jesus must have spent a good deal of time on his hair, beard and make-up.  He did a really great job on the eyeliner.



On a side note, I know quite a few Arab men who have such thick eyelashes that it looks like they're wearing eyeliner.  So maybe Jesus really did have the eyeliner look. ;)

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To be fair, that is a post-resurrection picture, so, it wouldn't reflect the hardships of this world.   I assume it is what  men of a certain era (Italian men?) thought they'd look like, ideally, if they didn't have sun damage and sweat and labor and stress.

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To be fair, that is a post-resurrection picture, so, it wouldn't reflect the hardships of this world.   I assume it is what  men of a certain era (Italian men?) thought they'd look like, ideally, if they didn't have sun damage and sweat and labor and stress.


We didn't really have many pre-crucifixion depictions for comparison, but the few we did have were usually Jesus giving a sermon and/or surrounded by children. He looked pretty much the same as the one in my link only without the heart of thorns. Sometimes he wore white. The Catholic Church (at least in my time) did not show a sun-damaged, sweaty Jesus. They did show him carrying the cross, but even then he didn't look as he should have if he was actually doing what he was depicted as doing. 

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I went to a church that had a picture of Jesus in the nursery. He was dark skinned, dark haired and dark eyed. He looked like a common laborer. But what I loved about that picture is that he was smiling hugely.  Eyes crinkled up, just delighted.


That's how I've pictured him ever since.


Similar to this.




I love Greg Olson's depictions of Jesus.

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I went to a church that had a picture of Jesus in the nursery. He was dark skinned, dark haired and dark eyed. He looked like a common laborer. But what I loved about that picture is that he was smiling hugely.  Eyes crinkled up, just delighted.


That's how I've pictured him ever since.


Similar to this.




I love Greg Olson's depictions of Jesus.


I like the emotion in that picture.  It's lovely. :)


But, I would NOT describe that picture as dark-skinned at all.  Not that it bothers me, it doesn't.  I just wonder how much of this discussion is about using terms differently.

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I went to a ladies retreat once and the meditation room had a framed picture of Jesus that was so unlike the image in my head that I found it distracting, and I have to confess rather amusing. But two older ladies were sitting behind me and I heard one whisper to the other "Isn't he handsome?" in all delight and seriousness. 


To this day I still think of that one as "Handsome Jesus" and it was the first image that came up when I googled that phrase today. The image can more easily be seen at this blog:



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I went to a ladies retreat once and the meditation room had a framed picture of Jesus that was so unlike the image in my head that I found it distracting, and I have to confess rather amusing. But two older ladies were sitting behind me and I heard one whisper to the other "Isn't he handsome?" in all delight and seriousness.


To this day I still think of that one as "Handsome Jesus" and it was the first image that came up when I googled that phrase today. The image can more easily be seen at this blog:


Handsome Jesus has a certain surfer-dude quality that seems un-Jesuslike to me.

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Handsome Jesus has a certain surfer-dude quality that seems un-Jesuslike to me.


I agree. I confess I don't really care for the laughing Jesus pictures, either. I tend to picture Him a bit more somber, as He was "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief."


Very interesting discussion!

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Handsome Jesus has a certain surfer-dude quality that seems un-Jesuslike to me.


Yeah, like he'd need some help walking on water for sure. :coolgleamA: 


The funny thing is that I'm pretty sure the image was on the cover of some Childrens' Sunday School curriculum or a Jesus storybook a few decades ago. 

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It matters to me in the same importance as how the tooth fairy looks.

Hmmm... I wonder if households with a variety of skin tones picture pale tooth fairies giving the money (like I do), or if everyone pictures their own style of features into the fairy (and mine is pale because I am pale).


Is Santa a 'white man' to everyone? Or just to me?


Does it matter if the stories of our culture have a 'good gifts from white characters' theme (if they do)? Is it another expression of our lightness-stands-for-goodness cultural theme?


I think your tooth fairy comment makes very good sense -- even though, yes, I noticed it was lighthearted. It just got me thinking.

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I have this print over my desk, because I love the "I dare you" in the expression.  The beard is a bit too neat. 


I try not to fixate on what he looks like, because CS Lewis wrote once that you can get tripped up praying to your mental image rather than to the person. 


This print has really stuck in my mind, though.  I love it.  I think the author got Peter right; he has the look of having been in a fight or three in his youth!



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I'm sure my mental picture is somewhat inaccurate, but I picture him as not quite pale white/blond/blue-eyed as in northern European, but not super dark either.  Tanned, olive skin, dark brown hair, hair a little long and maybe kind of hippy-ish.  Smiling but with a seriousness to his face too; He's not going to turn someone away, but He's also not going to condone sin either.  In good shape, physically.  I've seen many pictures that depict Him that way.


ETA: Yes, a lot like Handsome Jesus or the one in the Bowman prints, above.  Very interesting commentary on that one page with Handsome Jesus, about why He may not have looked handsome.  


But I also don't care.  He's Jesus.

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