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Cigarettes Are Evil


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I'm so sorry. My dad's dad died in his forties from a smoking-related heart attack. Whenever my dad would see a teenager smoking when I was a kid, he would tell us that his dad never got to meet his grandchildren because of cigarettes. My dad's older brother also had a quadruple bypass in his forties. He quit smoking (along with other lifestyle changes) and lived another 30 years. Cigarettes are evil.

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And now because of them I am driving to the hospital where my only uncle, who is barely over sixty, is in the ICU. He is not expected to make it.


My paternal grandparents died nearly 30yrs ago of lung related diseases from smoking .  I still miss them every day.


My aunt (also in her mid-60s) is dealing with cigarette related issues (although she'd never admit to it).



I hate cigarettes. 

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:grouphug: It's not just lung cancer. Colon cancer is also correlated with smoking. Someone I was close to died of it; he would have been 66 this year. His grandparents lived well into their nineties. His father is still alive at 92+ and walking three miles every day. His mother lived until 87. It still upsets me to think of it.

Edited by ErinE
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