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I am so mad at Geek Squad/Best Buy VENT

Sarah CB

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I like to think I'm a pretty easy going person.  I don't mind getting stuck in traffic, or waiting in lines, or letting others go before me.  I'm sympathetic to servers, and retail clerks, and people who work at call centres.  However, I am on hold right now and am trying to remember the last time I've been this angry.  


I have been without refrigeration since November 9th.  I bought my fridge at Best Buy and also bought the extended warranty.  The warranty people spent almost a week getting things in order to allow a technician to come see my fridge.  Friday the guy came, thought he might have fixed it.  No.  Still wasn't cooling.  So, then we're back to Monday.  He comes back and tells me that he isn't certified to actually do any serious work on the fridge.  In fact, there is no person in the ENTIRE PROVINCE who is certified to fix my fridge.  


Then Geek Squad warranty eventually gives the go ahead to order a replacement fridge.  This process took a couple of days.  Then I had to actually go into the store and spend over an hour getting the thing ordered.  Also, found out that Best Buy doesn't keep any fridges in warehouses in my province.  So, the fridge had to be ordered in.  And it wouldn't arrive in my province until December 7th.  


That's nearly a month without refrigeration.  


I decided to call today to make sure that shipping from the store to my house was arranged.  I didn't want the fridge to be sitting there after December 7th, I want it to be shipped as soon as possible.  So - first I call the store.  They tell me to call Geek Squad and give me a number.


1st Geeksquad person - Oh, wrong department.  I'll transfer you to someone who can help you.


Wait on hold for 10 min


2nd Geeksquad person - Takes all my info (name, address, model number, etc.) then realizes she's the wrong person to help me.  Is snarky about it, like I called the wrong number.  Transfers me to someone who can help me.


Wait on hold for about 10 minutes


3rd Geeksquad person - Says he can't help me but he'll transfer me to someone who can.  I freak out and tell him I don't want to spend another ten minutes on hold or go through the automated "press 1 for English" process.  He says no problem, I won't.  He lied.


Wait on hold for about another 10 minutes - then dial tone.  Seriously.


Call back.  Wait on hold for another ten minutes.


Am now speaking to my 4th Geeksquad person who just about transferred me to the snarky warranty department again.  I had a minor temper tantrum so I'm now on hold while 4th Geeksquad person sees what she can do.


I'm actually so mad I'm shaking, which is so not like me at all.  I normally see anger as a poor choice, like why wouldn't you just choose to let whatever it is go instead of getting all mad about it.  But, I am mad.  


And I know this is a first world problem, but really people - a month without refrigeration???  I have teenage boys to feed.  


And on the plus side, it's a four door fridge and, for whatever reason, one of the four doors (small shelf and two drawers - it can be used either as a freezer or a fridge) is cooling food.  So we do have kind of a bar sized fridge - plus it's cold outside so I have all our drinks on the back deck.  


The other thing that makes me mad is that they're just getting rid of the fridge.  It's huge.  I'm sure it's repairable - they just don't have anyone here who can do it.  What a waste.


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You need to speak with a manager, pronto.


Do not wait time with underlings. Politely ask the next person you are connected with to get their manager.


You may have to climb the chain of command until you find someone who can oversee and solve your problem.


Edited to add...I normally believe being a polite, persistant, pest is the best method for getting things done. In your case, it's time for some irate to show. A month is TOO LONG.

Edited by Happy
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I've been on the phone now for just over an hour and still haven't managed to talk to anyone who can tell me when my fridge is going to be shipped to my house.  I'm still on hold while 4th GS person sees what she can do.  


Really, how hard is it to check on a shipping date??

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Ugh, how frustrating! I had a similar experience with Sears and my fridge several years ago. Fridge wasn't working, so I called and asked for someone to come out. They told me it would be six days before someone could come out, and then another week or more before they could order the part. I politely asked them to authorize a rental. They couldn't do that until someone came out to look at it. I live twenty minutes from a grocery store; I rely heavily on my fridge to keep us stocked up. I was also pregnant at the time. Finally, after asking for a manager, I was able to get someone who said, "We will have someone out there tomorrow."


I think it was the other time that the guy came to look at the fridge (it had a compressor go bad once, a year after we bought it, and it needed a reset once after a storm), and the repairman got his truck stuck in my yard and had to call a tow truck.

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Sounds like Directv Colombia. We are, very  happily, divorced from them now. Their telephone people were lying scum. Their service people were great, but the phone people lied.


OP: I second the idea of going to the TOP of the chain. I am polite and courteous, up to a point, but if one or 2 low level people cannot fix an issue, I send a FAX to the President of the company. His/her Secretary will get someone to resolve the issue.


I also 2nd the idea of posting on their Facebook page, if they permit people to describe their horrible problems with them on their FB page..  I did that yesterday, in the afternoon.  A clothing company we have purchased clothes from, for many years, had a Cyber Monday (?) promotion. We got emails and my wife spent time selecting things and putting them into her cart. When she went to check out, the total price was nearly 2X it was before she clicked to check out.  I posted on their FB page. My wife noted that a bunch of other people had also run into the problem. My wife wasted her time and we will probably never buy their clothes again.


We have a spare refrigerator, which we plug in for a day or 2, every 6 months or so, but to be without a refrigerator, even for a few days, would be very bad for us here in our Tropical Valley.


Much GL with your new refrigerator!  I hope it is one they have authorized service for, in your Province.

Edited by Lanny
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Oh my gosh, my brain would pop.  I have so little tolerance for incompetent customer service.


We ordered my son a laptop like 8 weeks ago for his birthday.  His birthday was Oct 20.  His laptop shows up Oct 21.  It didn't work out of the box.  We spend 3 weeks hours with customer service trying things.  Finally after starting to post on their FB page they agree to order us a new laptop.  Takes another 3 weeks to show up - just got it yesterday.  It FINALLY appears like it works.  Customer service is going downhill everywhere!  So annoying!

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Look up the corporate number for Best Buy. Take a really really deep breath and call very calmly. Plead your case calmly to the person who answers the phone.


We just went through with a similar nightmare with my MIL's fridge and Home Depot. They took two wks for the person to come out and see what was wrong, another week for them to get the part in, then the technician crimped the wrong something and left before they realized it wasn't cooling. They made her wait another 2 weeks to get someone out to look at it again and of course he had to order parts (at this point she had given up and just bought a new fridge). The parts came in and sat in the kitchen for a month before they finally scheduled him to come back. Then they scheduled it for the one weekend she said they couldn't be there (she told them so when they first called to schedule it but she was robo called as we were headed to the beach that someone would be there the next day). She called to have them correct it to the following weekend which is what she had been given by the scheduler and was told no, it would be 3 more weeks. She was livid to say the least. I actually felt for the lady she was going off on as none of this was really her fault.


I took over and called corporate for her as her. The first one that answered immediately shoved me into the push button repair center so I hung up and tried again. Next lady was actually a mover and a shaker. She reached the scheduling manager and pled our case for us. She did so because I was sickly sweet and kind as I explained everything going on. I was able to be that way because I wasn't emotionally attached to the situation.


So go over their heads and find a corporate number. Do not just call the help line and ask for a manager, as they hand the phone to the person sitting next to them. Then remember that you attract more flies with honey then vinegar.

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Ugh, how frustrating! I had a similar experience with Sears and my fridge several years ago. Fridge wasn't working, so I called and asked for someone to come out. They told me it would be six days before someone could come out, and then another week or more before they could order the part. I politely asked them to authorize a rental. They couldn't do that until someone came out to look at it. I live twenty minutes from a grocery store; I rely heavily on my fridge to keep us stocked up. I was also pregnant at the time. Finally, after asking for a manager, I was able to get someone who said, "We will have someone out there tomorrow."


I think it was the other time that the guy came to look at the fridge (it had a compressor go bad once, a year after we bought it, and it needed a reset once after a storm), and the repairman got his truck stuck in my yard and had to call a tow truck.


I'm really sorry to hear that - especially since I was thinking Sears would get all my business from now on.  When this first happened, I was trying to explain that I have three boys and really need my fridge but the only thing they could do was offer to pay for spoiled food - so I'll get a $200 refund when I do a big shop after I have the new fridge.  

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Look up the corporate number for Best Buy. Take a really really deep breath and call very calmly. Plead your case calmly to the person who answers the phone.



Thanks, I think I'll do this.  I finally got confirmation that it will be shipped to my house on the 7th.  But, it took over an hour and a half and five different representatives (plus my first call to Best Buy) to get the info.  So glad I'm off the phone.

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A month without a frig, how awful. When mine died last year, we went a week in 90 degree temps. and two trips a day for ice.  Is there any chance your frig is a Samsung? I've had more than one salesperson tell me to not get one because no one in our area repairs them. We are not in a large city. My only idea is maybe get your money back and go shopping, except that the 7th is pretty close and I'm not sure you will get anything else any sooner. Our situation was made worse by the first order at one big box store never being processed, so make sure your order is in the system. We waited a week only to find out it wasn't coming at all. Luckily big box store #2 had one and brought it the next day. I chose a Whirlpool, and used their warranty. It did take a week for them to come, but it was working, just making noises, which were fixed by replacing a defective part.

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I'm really sorry to hear that - especially since I was thinking Sears would get all my business from now on.  When this first happened, I was trying to explain that I have three boys and really need my fridge but the only thing they could do was offer to pay for spoiled food - so I'll get a $200 refund when I do a big shop after I have the new fridge.  

Sears customer service was a total nightmare for my mom with her dishwasher and it took weeks to straighten out even with her calling all the way up the ladder.  I wouldn't hold out hope that Sears will be any better than Best Buy.  Most large corporations no longer care much about the local customers as far as I can tell.  


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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My technique: Tell someone the problem, then immediately (but nicely!) tell them you don't want to waste their time or your own if they can't solve that specific problem right now. If they can't solve it right now, ask for it to be escalated.


I also agree with Twitter and FB. We were seriously overcharged on our phone bill a couple of months ago and after going in circles DH tweeted the problem and it was solved very quickly and easily.



Edited by idnib
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Glad you got confirmation that it will be delivered. I'd still email corporate though, this is not OK. I'd ask them to follow up and make sure scheduled delivery is accurate (I mean, it took over an hour and your aggravation for someone to assist you... Can you really trust them?). And I hope they give you a percentage off the new fridge, or some sort of incentive. This is ridiculous :(

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You need to speak with a manager, pronto.


Do not wait time with underlings. Politely ask the next person you are connected with to get their manager.


You may have to climb the chain of command until you find someone who can oversee and solve your problem.


Edited to add...I normally believe being a polite, persistant, pest is the best method for getting things done. In your case, it's time for some irate to show. A month is TOO LONG.




Go to Best Buy's website and see if you can find the name of the General Manager for that store.  Then call and ask for him/her BY NAME.  Then give them the run down of everything that you've been through and end with "if you put me on hold, my next call is the regional manager."


You've been patient enough.  Time to put on the sh*t kickers and kick.

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And THAT is why I never buy extended warranties. I hate, hate, hate using warranty service. It is rarely worth the money and almost never worth the stress and hassle. 


I save my $ on the extended warranties . . . and every so often, I just buy a new something to replace the other thing that broke. It's still a PITA, but much less stress than trying to convince someone on the phone or in a store to do something . . .  Somehow, they make it a lot less trouble to buy a new thing than to fix-under-warranty the old thing. Funny how that works. Not.


Sorry for your stress. I'd be a basket case. Maybe you need a spare basement/garage fridge? Buy a really simple/cheap one somewhere and then use it while you wait for your nice replacement fridge. Then stick it in the basement/garage for overflow for all that food for the teenagers. :)

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A month without a frig, how awful. When mine died last year, we went a week in 90 degree temps. and two trips a day for ice.  Is there any chance your frig is a Samsung? I've had more than one salesperson tell me to not get one because no one in our area repairs them. We are not in a large city. My only idea is maybe get your money back and go shopping, except that the 7th is pretty close and I'm not sure you will get anything else any sooner. Our situation was made worse by the first order at one big box store never being processed, so make sure your order is in the system. We waited a week only to find out it wasn't coming at all. Luckily big box store #2 had one and brought it the next day. I chose a Whirlpool, and used their warranty. It did take a week for them to come, but it was working, just making noises, which were fixed by replacing a defective part.


Yes, it's a Samsung.  And Best Buy doesn't stock *any* fridges in this province.  I asked when we did the return.  Ugh.  I finally got through to someone - it took over an hour and a half to find out that yes, the delivery is actually booked for the 7th.

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We will be getting a Samsung fridge very soon. They are not that bad to repair yourself and on the appliance forum I use they are recommended. I hope you like it as you are getting the one I want.


Sears- I will be polite and just say if you do buy from them, the warrenty is complete crap. You will be calling the manufacturer and be prepared to deal with the rudest repair people ever.

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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I like to think I'm a pretty easy going person.  I don't mind getting stuck in traffic, or waiting in lines, or letting others go before me.  I'm sympathetic to servers, and retail clerks, and people who work at call centres.  However, I am on hold right now and am trying to remember the last time I've been this angry.  


I have been without refrigeration since November 9th.  I bought my fridge at Best Buy and also bought the extended warranty.  The warranty people spent almost a week getting things in order to allow a technician to come see my fridge.  Friday the guy came, thought he might have fixed it.  No.  Still wasn't cooling.  So, then we're back to Monday.  He comes back and tells me that he isn't certified to actually do any serious work on the fridge.  In fact, there is no person in the ENTIRE PROVINCE who is certified to fix my fridge.  


Then Geek Squad warranty eventually gives the go ahead to order a replacement fridge.  This process took a couple of days.  Then I had to actually go into the store and spend over an hour getting the thing ordered.  Also, found out that Best Buy doesn't keep any fridges in warehouses in my province.  So, the fridge had to be ordered in.  And it wouldn't arrive in my province until December 7th.  


That's nearly a month without refrigeration.  


I decided to call today to make sure that shipping from the store to my house was arranged.  I didn't want the fridge to be sitting there after December 7th, I want it to be shipped as soon as possible.  So - first I call the store.  They tell me to call Geek Squad and give me a number.


1st Geeksquad person - Oh, wrong department.  I'll transfer you to someone who can help you.


Wait on hold for 10 min


2nd Geeksquad person - Takes all my info (name, address, model number, etc.) then realizes she's the wrong person to help me.  Is snarky about it, like I called the wrong number.  Transfers me to someone who can help me.


Wait on hold for about 10 minutes


3rd Geeksquad person - Says he can't help me but he'll transfer me to someone who can.  I freak out and tell him I don't want to spend another ten minutes on hold or go through the automated "press 1 for English" process.  He says no problem, I won't.  He lied.


Wait on hold for about another 10 minutes - then dial tone.  Seriously.


Call back.  Wait on hold for another ten minutes.


Am now speaking to my 4th Geeksquad person who just about transferred me to the snarky warranty department again.  I had a minor temper tantrum so I'm now on hold while 4th Geeksquad person sees what she can do.


I'm actually so mad I'm shaking, which is so not like me at all.  I normally see anger as a poor choice, like why wouldn't you just choose to let whatever it is go instead of getting all mad about it.  But, I am mad.  


And I know this is a first world problem, but really people - a month without refrigeration???  I have teenage boys to feed.  


And on the plus side, it's a four door fridge and, for whatever reason, one of the four doors (small shelf and two drawers - it can be used either as a freezer or a fridge) is cooling food.  So we do have kind of a bar sized fridge - plus it's cold outside so I have all our drinks on the back deck.  


The other thing that makes me mad is that they're just getting rid of the fridge.  It's huge.  I'm sure it's repairable - they just don't have anyone here who can do it.  What a waste.

That's ridiculous.  Just go to the top of the corporate level, since the local people don't know or care what they are doing. 


Demand a fridge TODAY and if it doesn't happen, start posting on social media, complete with fridge photos.  Someone will respond. 

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