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I need "man" help. (no bashing involved--and any male input is welcome)

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Ok, I'll do the lasagne, salad, rolls, and something for dessert. Can someone link me to the blog with these recipes?


I won't do the boots, but I did get some cute flats the other day. I'll pair those up with an olive cargo skirt and top combo. I know green is one of his favorite colors, so I figure I can't go wrong wearing that.

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Ok, I'll do the lasagne, salad, rolls, and something for dessert. Can someone link me to the blog with these recipes?


I won't do the boots, but I did get some cute flats the other day. I'll pair those up with an olive cargo skirt and top combo. I know green is one of his favorite colors, so I figure I can't go wrong wearing that.


Um, I'm thinking this answers the question of her interest! :001_tt1:

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I have not read all 11 pages yet, but I want to know if you would send him my way if you are not interested in him lol I am starting to wonder if I am ever going to meet someone new. Anyway like others have said if not interested in him make him a dinner like a meatloaf etc and hand it to him, if you like him invite him over for dinner as a thank you. There is a man down the street that lets all the neighborhood kids on his trampoline even when his kids aren't there, he will sit out and supervise etc. SO I have baked brownies for him as a thank you before because he has no obligation to be supervising my kids, especially when his own children are with their mother(divorced couple). He has never taken it to mean interest, then again I do the same for the ladies/families in the neighborhood that help me out, or have the kids over lots or simply have to put up with being my neighbor lol


ETA I have now read enough to see you not only LIKE him but you LIke him LIke him. So you can't send him this way. Okay now that your man issue is over, I need to know how the heck to meet a suitabl guy for dating without making him run for the hills when he hears I have 4 children. I am sick of being single(been for 7.5 years now).

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Dear Lord......the tizzy over this....you'd think this was a 7th grade soda shop group date or something.... Do I have to set the menu and everything else too?


Lasagne because it's fool proof and casual and you can make it ahead and reheat it easily. Brownies covered in foil are slid into the warm oven when you take the lasagne out. Ice cream is a no brainer. You can finish the carton after he's gone because the date didn't work out OR because the date did work out. Either way you know you're gonna finish that ice cream later that evening. Salad is easy to prepare. Have a nice bottle of red wine on hand, but not too expensive. Make sure you have nice coffee or tea waiting to end the meal. You must give the impression that this is a typical weekend meal at your table.


The house is pickup up, but not cleaned to within an inch of it's life. You want to show yourself as you are.


No music on the stereo, that's too fussy. Maybe a nice classical music radio station playing quietly in the kitchen. No candles, too much pressure. Put a real table cloth on the table but not fancy and not your best dishes. One or two casual flowers in a small glass at the table, make it look like your daughter picked them for you.


Dressing .... dark jeans, nice top a little look at the BooKs...but not too much...brush a little blush on your cleavage. Perfume yes, but only something very expensive. Earings small and classy. Never wear your pearls on a first date. Shoes nice leather slipons, this is your house and you want to show that you aren't making a fuss. Makeup and hair.....oh yes, make sure your make up is subtle but very sexy. Concentrate on the eyes. Hair neat and casual, but you want to choose a style that will make him think about running his fingers through your hair. Don't do the "naughty librarian look" that's going too far, but do not change your hair radically for this first date.


Now go have a good time and call me next week. Love Anne

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We're all so giddy, we might be forgetting all the educational opportunities here. I don't have daughters, but I was one once, and I would have loved making a special dinner with my mom for a guest, and dressing up and all that. So be sure to involve her, even if you're not as ruthless as I am and ready to use her to collect footage for the hive.


Oh, this is so much fun. I thought about it after I shut down the computer last night. Babies are fun too, but they get themselves born all the time. Dating! Now that's a whole 'nother thing, and not so common in these parts. Thank you for letting us share in this excitement.


He looks at her, girls and boys! He likes her! :svengo:

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I had no idea this would create such a furor! LOL


I just looked over Ree's lasagna recipe and that looks good. I think I may make her chocolate sheet cake instead of brownies. Brownies are a staple for church potlucks and we just finished the summer potluck season. I think brownies need a rest, for a while, anyway. I considered the tiramisu ( I LOVE tiramisu) but he's not a coffee drinker, so that's out.


Sheesh, all this and what if he says no? :001_huh:

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I have not read all 11 pages yet, but I want to know if you would send him my way if you are not interested in him lol I am starting to wonder if I am ever going to meet someone new. Anyway like others have said if not interested in him make him a dinner like a meatloaf etc and hand it to him, if you like him invite him over for dinner as a thank you. There is a man down the street that lets all the neighborhood kids on his trampoline even when his kids aren't there, he will sit out and supervise etc. SO I have baked brownies for him as a thank you before because he has no obligation to be supervising my kids, especially when his own children are with their mother(divorced couple). He has never taken it to mean interest, then again I do the same for the ladies/families in the neighborhood that help me out, or have the kids over lots or simply have to put up with being my neighbor lol


ETA I have now read enough to see you not only LIKE him but you LIke him LIke him. So you can't send him this way. Okay now that your man issue is over, I need to know how the heck to meet a suitabl guy for dating without making him run for the hills when he hears I have 4 children. I am sick of being single(been for 7.5 years now).


Praying for you that God would send someone your way in His time!


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This story will be much better than a romance novel.


You think her narrative will go anything like this?


"As he amble twoard her with an easygoing stride, he came into the touch of the dappled sunlight and she could see him clearly. He had a rugged, granite look to him. Dark brown hair tumbled over a high forehead. A confident sloping nose, a hard line of mouth, dark eys and a chiseled jaw all complemented his square, handsome face. His big hands gripped the polished porch railing as he focused on her."




That is so hilarious. I love it! "She quavered under his powerful look..." LOL

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Well, if you feel a little weak-kneed, you can excuse yourself and say you have to "powder your nose," run into the other room and post an emergency question here on the boards. If we know when you'll be having your dinner in real time, we can all huddle around our screens, ready to give you all kinds of advice!


Humming "I gotta meeting in the ladies' room... I'll be back real soon..."

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Sorry for taking so long. I had to wait until after church when people weren't hovering around. Then, I had two quick errands.


I didn't videotape it or anything, but here's how it went:


After people (finally) left, he went back into the kitchen to check supplies. I went in and asked if he'd be interested in having dinner at my place. He grinned and said, "Dinner? Whatcha got in mind?" I said, "Lasagna" and he said, "Yep, I can do lasagna," grinning the whole time. Dd popped up and said, "You have to come on a night I'm home!" So, we'll have to figure out what night. He works for the state, so his work schedule is at the whim of the governor and legislators.


I can't believe it.

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After people (finally) left, he went back into the kitchen to check supplies. I went in and asked if he'd be interested in having dinner at my place. He grinned and said, "Dinner? Whatcha got in mind?" I said, "Lasagna" and he said, "Yep, I can do lasagna," grinning the whole time. Dd popped up and said, "You have to come on a night I'm home!" So, we'll have to figure out what night. He works for the state, so his work schedule is at the whim of the governor and legislators.


I can't believe it.


Grinning? He was grinning?! :thumbup:

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HE SAID YES!!!:svengo:


Not sure which night yet; he has to check his work schedule. And, we're definitely having Ree's lasagna.





Like we're surprised :D


Very happy for you Michelle.


ETA: Make sure to use a lot of fresh garlic (no garlic powder or garlic salt) in the lasagna. Don't ask why, just trust me :001_smile:


Red wine, and do you have any Sinatra? Candles!


What fun!



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Like we're surprised :D


Very happy for you Michelle.


ETA: Make sure to use a lot of fresh garlic (no garlic powder or garlic salt) in the lasagna. Don't ask why, just trust me :001_smile:


Red wine, and do you have any Sinatra? Candles!


What fun!




How adorable is it that a GUY is as excited as the gals are?! SO adorable, Bill. :001_smile:

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He likes Alison Krauss, so I was thinking of downloading some of her music, but I'm not sure I've heard anything by her except what she did for O Brother, Where Art Thou.


I sell Partylite candles, so yea, I'm stocked up on those! LOL


As for wine, I have some, but I'm not sure he drinks wine. I was thinking of iced tea, but real tea, not the kind referred to in the other thread. LOL

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This is just too much fun!


It's better than --


It's better than --


Well, I won't say what "it's better than." But it's fun. :D




Better than teA, perhaps?? ;)


They don't call me a Queen Bee for nothing Leila :D



Bwahahahaha! Now, see, it takes a real man to be comfortable being called a Queen ANYTHING. :smilielol5:

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He likes Alison Krauss, so I was thinking of downloading some of her music, but I'm not sure I've heard anything by her except what she did for O Brother, Where Art Thou.


She is awesome! Great choice! I'm liking him more and more -- not that *that* means anything! :lol:

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