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Board games for 5 or more players?


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Each year we get a new board game for Christmas to play as a family. We prefer games where everyone can play at once. These are our current favorites that we own:



Forbidden Desert



Apples to Apples



We have and really like the Ticket to Ride app, so DH suggested that in hard copy form. I'm not sure which version though--maybe Europe?


I saw that Dominion was highly recommended in another thread, but it's only 4 players. Is there an expansion that allows more players?


A friend suggested King of Tokyo? Any experience with this game?


What game would you suggest for 5 or more players, ages 10-adult?

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Each year we get a new board game for Christmas to play as a family. We prefer games where everyone can play at once. These are our current favorites that we own:



Forbidden Desert



Apples to Apples



We have and really like the Ticket to Ride app, so DH suggested that in hard copy form. I'm not sure which version though--maybe Europe?


I saw that Dominion was highly recommended in another thread, but it's only 4 players. Is there an expansion that allows more players?


A friend suggested King of Tokyo? Any experience with this game?


What game would you suggest for 5 or more players, ages 10-adult?


Intrigue is the expansion for Domion that makes it work for 5-6 players. Though http://dominionstrategy.com/what-expansions-should-i-get/ says that larger games are not as much fun.



https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/1n44u8/which_version_of_ticket_to_ride_should_i_get/and most of the other places I see seem to recommend Ticket to Ride:Europe.


we have the basic USA version and will not be branching out until our kids are older. The familiar place names are helpful with them being so young.


Edited by vonfirmath
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If you like long, thinking sort of games then Power Grid is really good.


King of Tokyo is short and really light.


Ticket to Ride doesn't have much strategy. It's better on a computer because it plays faster.


Settlers of Catan is horrible with more than four.


Go to Boardgame geek and browse the games database. The games are in order of ranking. Look at several on the first two pages and you'll find a lot of ideas. The individual game pages will have rule descriptions and reviews. You can find something that looks interesting and is the right game length, number of players, and heaviness.

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Great suggestions! Quite a few I've never heard of, so I'm going to check into them.


Target is having a sale on board games, buy 2, get 1 free plus free shipping. I've been comparing prices to Amazon, and 7 Wonders, Dominion, and King of Tokyo are the same price at both sites, making them a better deal with the Target B2G1 deal. Just a heads up if anyone else is Christmas shopping for games.

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Seven Wonders is way more fun with more people.


Telestrations is a game you can't even play with just a few people. It's way more fun in a group. Also seconding Wise and Otherwise as a fun one for a group. Balderdash is another one like that.

Would you say these games are better with more than 5 then? Or do you think 5 would be okay (especially for 7 Wonders)?


We have Balderdash, and even though in everyday life I'm a very honest and straightforward person, I'm the queen of that game. In our house I'm famous for convincing everyone that a zobo was a specific type of hobo who only lived in zoos.

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Would you say these games are better with more than 5 then? Or do you think 5 would be okay (especially for 7 Wonders)?


We have Balderdash, and even though in everyday life I'm a very honest and straightforward person, I'm the queen of that game. In our house I'm famous for convincing everyone that a zobo was a specific type of hobo who only lived in zoos.


Five would be excellent for Wise and Otherwise.  I'd say it's great for four to six players; three seems too few.  We've played with seven (by adding a playing piece), but that's not ideal.


The method of play is quite similar to Balderdash, and you'll likely be Queen of this game, too.


One person serves as reader and the other players write the endings to obscure sayings.  The reader writes the actual ending to the saying and then reads aloud all the options.  Players gain points when their ending is voted for.  The reader gains points if no one votes for the correct ending.


A prompt might be something such as: There's an Old Dutch saying.  "In the land of blind men, ...."  Highlight to see correct answer here: One Eye is king.




Another fun game (not a board game) is Fluxx 5.0 Card Game in which the rules constantly change.  There are variations such as


Monty Python Fluxx


Zombie Fluxx


Pirate Fluxx




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If you like long, thinking sort of games then Power Grid is really good.


King of Tokyo is short and really light.


Ticket to Ride doesn't have much strategy. It's better on a computer because it plays faster.


Settlers of Catan is horrible with more than four.


Go to Boardgame geek and browse the games database. The games are in order of ranking. Look at several on the first two pages and you'll find a lot of ideas. The individual game pages will have rule descriptions and reviews. You can find something that looks interesting and is the right game length, number of players, and heaviness.

We don't have Power Grid, however, I completely agree with the rest.


King of Tokyo is a great kid game - ALL my kids ADORE this game.

Settlers of Catan with six?  Painful.  With four?  A blast.  Very different game with six.


I have to say Seven Wonders.  If I were looking for a GOOD game with six people, I'd choose Seven Wonders.


One thing to think of - we can't ever find a game that can have 8-9 players, so our solution is to play TWO.  One with the older set and one with the younger set.  Is that an option?


If it is an option, look for games that play relatively quickly like King of Tokyo, Ticket to Ride.


I actually love TTR as a boardgame and it is my husband's favorite game to play with the kids.  Start with the original.  Add on from there.  I will say if you have Catan, consider buying another version to add on rather than just simply find a different game.  We've found some of the Settlers versions REALLY improve on the game and make it even more loveable - being able to change up strategy, have islands, etc., really changes the gameplay.


And once you've graduated from there, there is, of course, Agricola, my current hands down favorite.

I love Carcassone, but mostly as a two person game.   :p :D


ETA: And at 12, 11, and 8 are there better gifts than boardgames? I think NOT!  How awesome to have those three ages.  After looking at your ages I'd vote King of Tokyo.  They would find it fun and funny, even my 16yo would play with younger friends of ours even though he prefers L-O-N-G, painfully drawn out games. ;)  And, all of ours this age enjoy Seven Wonders, though the strategy will be a challenge for your 8yo, they could still play, just the strategizing would be a little over their head.

Edited by BlsdMama
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Would you say these games are better with more than 5 then? Or do you think 5 would be okay (especially for 7 Wonders)?


We have Balderdash, and even though in everyday life I'm a very honest and straightforward person, I'm the queen of that game. In our house I'm famous for convincing everyone that a zobo was a specific type of hobo who only lived in zoos.

Five is perfect for 7 Wonders. And a really good number for Wise and Otherwise.


Telestrations is probably more fun with more, but okay for five.


Another good one is Dix It, which is similar to Balderdash/Wise and Otherwise but with these odd pictures.

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Re: Settlers of Catan with more than four: I actually really enjoy Settlers with three players, not as much with four, or with the expansion with five players, not as much with six.  I don't enjoy it as much when you're at the cap for whatever version you're playing with, because it's very easy to get stuck and have nowhere to go.  So with five people, I'd say go for it, but I wouldn't encourage you that way with six.


I may well be the only person in the world with this opinion, though, lol!

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