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Best metal detector for finding wedding ring in grass/leaves? :(


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Just wanted to give you some encouragement.  Bil lost his wedding ring in our back yard one Christmas while sledding.  We spent hours out there searching for it.  We even bought a metal detector.  Could not find it.  Once the snow melted, dh would spend a few minutes, every time he was in that part of the yard, looking for the ring.  He finally found it.  

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No advice about a metal detector.  However, I once lost my wedding ring off a friend's dock.  The bottom of the lake was covered with aquatic weeds and we couldn't see anything.  Friend's Dad attached his trolling motor to the dock and gently blew the weeds around.   We were able to catch a glimpse of the metal, half buried in the sand and snatched it up.  Maybe try using a leaf blower to the same effect.  If you blow away all the leaves and stir the grass, you might be able to see it.


I hope you find it!!!

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good luck.  you want something that will detect gold (or whatever the metal is). 


I've lost mine twice - once it went over the side of my mother's roof with all the branches I was tossing to the ground.  the other time I consider a miracle we found it.  I was moving stuff out of a garden bed before a bulldozer was scheduled to come push dirt around, and then build a rock retaining wall. I couldn't find it.  I wasn't even sure that was where I lost it.  four months later, as dh was digging to place rocks - he barely scraped the top of it,  just enough for it to glint in the sun.

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I found some jewelry that was lost while taking Bluebonnet photos with DD as a baby.  A sea of bluebonnets with only a vague idea of where we were.  Found it with a borrowed metal detector.  

I got out some other jewelry same metal and approximate weight.  tossed it into the grass at my feet (where I could still see it.)  and then adjusted the setting until I got the strongest signal.  Then I found it.  It was about 10 feet away from where I thought it might be based on the crushed bluebonnets.  

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