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How many a Trick or Treaters will you get?


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I usually go through 6 bags of candy.  This year I went through 3 (and was handing out fistfuls of candy to kids towards the end of the night).  I was shocked at how few TorTers there were this year and sad to see that for the first time about half the houses in my neighborhood didn't have lights on.  We usually have maybe 3 or 4 (out of 70) so that was very surprising to me.

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I dunno. Maybe 50 or so. Maybe one really greedy neighbor. We always throw some in a bucket outside the door and go and share Halloween with friends in a different neighborhood because when we started going over there we lived in an apartment with no ToTs and then a townhouse with no ToTs and now an apartment to lots of kids but I don't know if they ToT here or not.


When we move to the single family house, I hope it's a neighborhood with a ton of ToTs. But even then, we'd probably go over there for a good part of the night. It's not a fancy area or anything, we just have our own traditons together.

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We had 5 large bags of candy and ran out after an hour.  A neighbor told he that he had anticipated about 700 trick-or-treaters.  He ran out of candy about the same time we did.   Given the number of houses that went dark around 7 pm, I think a lot of us underestimated this year's numbers.  The past few Halloweens had been cold and rainy.  Last night temperatures were in the upper 40s and the rain held off until late in the evening.  

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None, again. 


This is our 18th Halloween since we moved here. We have been home on all but maybe 2 of those. We have had a grand total of one (yes, 1) trick or treater in all that time. We aren't in a neighborhood, per se, and our house is at the end of a fairly long driveway. We don't decorate for Halloween. 



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Another zero here. We are not in a neighborhood and our long driveway goes back in the woods. We are those annoying people who have to descend on the neighborhoods of others.

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We used to get a ton where we went through several of the Costco sized bags of candy. It was always so fun.  Lots of kids to trick or treat with.  Chatting with neighbors.  It really had a community feel.  I loved seeing the college kids come hotme, dress up and go around chatting with the neighbors.  Thinks have really changed.  Yesterday, we got maybe 30 kids total.  I'm sure the rain had something to do with it, but I also think that there are so many opportunities to go to parties, trunk n treats, church harvest events that there isn't really a desire to do so any more.  It was really kind of sad.  I wanted to just go downstairs and watch a movie, but I needed to be upstairs for the few ToTers that came.  We have this big bag of candy leftover. 

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In our Baltimore suburb we used to get hundreds and hundreds. I would buy HUGE bags of candy. The first year I lived there with DH I was prepared because we lived one street over from my parents and I knew the drill. DH didn't. When he saw me giving out one tiny piece of candy per kid he was aghast. "Why are you being so stingy? Seriously, one piece per kid are you kidding!?" I told him, "Just wait and see. We'll run out." "No way. You bought the entire store of candy. You should give out more per kid."


We ran out of candy.


But in this town? We live on the very last street at the edge of town where the farms start, so...no one comes here. Well, about 10 kids possibly do make it almost to our house, but I've only lived here since having kids of my own, so we're not home during TorT time. When my kids stop TorTing, I'll probably buy a bag of my favorite candy and see if there are any takers and then happily eat the leftovers myself.

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