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Can I have prayers for my step father? Update post 32

3 ladybugs

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My mom and step father live in Florida. In the last 9+ years they have raced up here (New Jersey) several times for me due to medical issues. I had triplets at 24 weeks, my daughter from that died at 5 months of age (the other 2 died early on), I gave birth to my older son, I got diagnosed with cancer, I had my younger son. All of which both of them were here for. My sons see this grandpa more then any other (I have 3 dads, and a father in law).

Well yesterday my step father was in Times Square on business. He travels often for work (normally once a week) and he finished a meeting and didn't feel well. Those that were with him called 911 and he was raced to a hospital. He had a stroke. This isn't his first one. He has had this happen before. The last time my mom made him go to the hospital where he later told her that he had had a mini stroke on a recent business trip. Well mom talked to the doctor last night and they are very concerned about him as he isn't stable with these strokes. He is good for a bit then have another stroke. He was talking last night to my mom, though his speech was off.

So mom is flying up here as I type and I am going to go get her from the airport and we are all (kids included) going to the hospital. It is SO weird being on this side of things. Normally she is racing up here to be with me and my crisis' but not now. It is a bit ironic too as she wanted to come up here on this business trip but he was going to go to Long Island and Connecticut so he said that she shouldn't come. We are scheduled to go down there next month. She wanted to be here for my birthday (today). I guess God wanted her here for my birthday too. I guess I am about to have another birthday I will not forget... sadly not in a good way though.

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I am at the hospital now. He is in ICU because they want to monitor his heart in the search for a cause, and that is the only place they can do it. He is weak and can't control one side very well so walking is hard. He was suppose to get out of ICU today, but they don't think he is getting better. And that his stroke is still going on?? I am not understanding all of it and my hubby can't come up here till tomorrow. He has his Ph.D. In biochemistry so doctors like to talk to him.


Mom is holding up well. The kids are doing good too for now. My oldest has German school tomorrow and is being stubborn about his homework but other then that they are relatively good.


He will be here till at least Monday. Thank you for all the prayers.

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Sorry I haven't updated. Going back and forth to NYC was wearing on me. The internet was spotty at best in the hospital too. When I got home (1 hour train ride, plus subway, plus 10 minute drive home, plus finding car to drive home in parking garage) I was exhausted! I spent Monday night in the city with my mom in a hotel with my children. 


I sent them home yesterday. He was able to leave the hospital yesterday. He can walk but isn't very strong. He also has lost fine motor on his dominate side. So he is going to have outpatient rehab at home. I know the next few weeks will be hard on my mom. I am hoping that they can get medical transport to take him to rehab and doctors appointments. My grandmother (86 years old but as sharp as a tack) will be there in a couple weeks and honestly my step brothers (his sons) live down there and should help out a bit. We will be down there on the 22. 


His big issues are going to be no smoking (he liked the occasional cigar), little drinking (he liked beer), low fat diet (he puts cheese on everything) and low salt. Even though he had a stroke 15 years ago, mom is going to hold him to it. He seems open to it too. The hospital was giving him cereal even though he is a diabetic so I guess the low carb thing will come later. 


I told mom she should get an Emeals plan to help her with meal planning. It isn't one of her strong suits, and they ate out ALL THE TIME prior to this. 90% of the time it was my step father's choice too. So something that mom can go through and pick out the things that he will not eat (which is a long list honestly) and then have a grocery list for her to get things from, would be good. I think they will find that eating out isn't fun when you have to deal with a restrictive eating plan. I know that is the case with me (baby is dairy free, I am peanut free and may have to restrict further after an allergist appointment on monday). 


Anyway, we are back home now and I am relaxing today. I should be doing x,y, and z including schoolwork but I am physically drained from the stress of the last week. Tonight is also my hubby's late night as he is going through Dale Carnegie right now. 

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