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Terribly important poll regarding fashion

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I really love my black boots, and wear them lots in the winter. I would also love brown boots, but they are not in the budget yet.


The good thing about black shoes is you can wear them with brown colors if need be. You can't really reverse that, though. Khaki pants + black shoes = ok, but black pants + brown shoes = well...just no! KWIM?


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In winter, I wear long skirts. Navy, olive green, chocolate, black, khaki. My dress coat is black, I'm looking into getting a more casual coat in camel or chocolate. I normally carry black or brown purses. I'm trying to find a cute one in black and brown, but I've had no luck, so far.


The reason I like/love/want/drool over these black boots (oh, be still my heart!) is that I can wear them from fall into winter. I tend toward earth tones in fall, blacks/reds/greys in winter. And like Just Me said, you can go black shoes with brown clothes -- not so easily the other direction.

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I voted brown, but just because brown is more subtle. Personally, I'd desperately find a way to get both and perhaps even a dark red if they have them. Since your current coat is black, I suppose black would be best...but if you choose to get a chocolate/camel coat, well, then you'll need brown. And if you've got bags in both colors, you really should do them justice by having great boots to go with each :D.


Deep breath.


I have all the boots/bags I need (I have a blue wool knee length coat for winter so whatever I choose will work with the coat), but boy did I toil about the color slippers I bought today! (I'm not proud of this fact, just saying...;))

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I have two pair of black boots, one brown and one camel. I wear the brown ones more than the other 3 combined.


I wear the black with blacks, browns, reds, purples, blues and blue greens.


I wear the brown with oranges, mossy greens, yellows, browns, creams.


I would look at your winter wardrobe and see what outfits you will wear it with the most and go from there.

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There is no right answer. How can a woman possibly be expected to choose just one. Well, if you must, look at your pants. If you have a preponderous amounts of blacks, grays, navys then go with the black ones. If you have mostly browns, tans, and jeans go with brown. A great compromise woulb to find a pair that has both black and brown. Or just get both pair. Boots that have been well taken care of can last a very long time indeed.

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Here are the ones I'm considering:

I have those same boots in a brown/black combo. It's been probably ten years, but bought them through a catalogue.


If I had to choose between the two colors, I would opt for brown first. And buy black boots later! My dress boots are black, but everyday ones are brown.


If your next coat is going to be brown, maybe now is the time to make a big jump toward he neutral color zone! :) Either way, enjoy!

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Ok, I splurged and got two pair. I have never, ever, in my entire life bought myself two pair of boots at one time. I also just ordered myself some new clothes for fall/winter. Do you realize in the past 10 years, I've had to justify every little thing I've purchased, including feminine supplies? Do you realize that if I wanted some clothes, I had to make them myself because someone spent thousands on a sewing machine to shut me up because he was cheating all over the place??


I feel like such a regular person now! LOL And, despite my kid-in-a-candy-shop splurge, I did save over $100 on the clothes with an online coupon, so I didn't go completely insane, even if I do feel a smudge guilty.


Anyway, here's what I got, boots-wise (brown on the left; black on the right):





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I think it's funny that your poll results are split almost evenly between black and brown. I thought for sure nearly all of us would vote for brown. :001_smile:


Yes, the poll was supposed to help me pick ONE color, not both! LOL


I've said it before, and I'll probably at least think it again: You guys make me spend money! :lol:


I ordered the black pair from Zappos.com and I ordered them around 6 pm last night and they're being delivered TODAY. They upgraded my shipping at no extra charge. Whoohoo!

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