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For those who missed it - Sarah Palin / Hillary Clinton Skit on SNL ...

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Hysterical. In fifteen minutes SNL clearly defined what bugs me about her. She's just surface, no depth.


And yes, let's ask her about dinosaurs.





Phred, you seriously need to chill.;) It's just funny, it's not political.



C'mon, in what universe would you actually hear Hillary Clinton say, "boner shrinker".:lol::lol::lol:

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That was hilarious! At the very end, I didn't catch what "Clinton" said...something like, "we grow a pair". What did she say?


She was inviting the media to grow a pair [male t*sticles] and if not, she would loan them hers.


Sadly, the opening skit was the only thing that was lol funny last night. Michael Phelps was cute but most of the skits were dopey. I miss a couple of the folks that seem to have gone (like Maya Rudolph).


Weekend update hasn't been the same since Fey/Fallon were on the desk -- that duo was one of the top 3 weekend update groups since the beginning.

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I didn't see it, but my dh was not amused. Every so often, he tries watching SNL, but he always ends up disappointed. He says it hasn't been funny for the past 20 years.


Dh and I agree with your dh. It was really disappointing. The homeschoolers skit was weird, were they supposed to be the kids from the compound in Texas? At first I thought it was just a very conservative family but then it got weird.

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I thought the Palin skit was funny. I didn't see the rest. I don't mind some occasional poking fun at homeschoolers, though. We are rather amusing bunch.;) It sounds like the trouble was that it just wasn't really that funny. I enjoy skits that poke fun at my candidate or my life as long as they are actually funny.

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Phred, you seriously need to chill.;) It's just funny, it's not political.



C'mon, in what universe would you actually hear Hillary Clinton say, "boner shrinker".:lol::lol::lol:


Mine! And Phred is dead on. If there was no truth to it... the skit would have fallen flat. Satire is best when there is a good bit of the truth within its web. Both Hillary and Sarah are perfect for satire.

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It sounds like the trouble was that it just wasn't really that funny. I enjoy skits that poke fun at my candidate or my life as long as they are actually funny.


Exactly. The Palin/Clinton skit was hilarious. Satire uses the truth and distorts or expands it -- these guys were fabulous!


Phelps did his opening bit including a bit spoofing his mom that was cute.


The high school quiz show started funny -- the mod. was starting round 2 after introducing the kids and saying that the homeschoolers were in a strong lead after the spelling round. All the homeschool kids had outdated hairstyles and matching pale green outfits, and mom burst in at one point in an identical outfit. That much was pretty funny. But it just wasn't well-written. I can't even remember the rest, bleah, after that lead in, we expected more and hung on too long for nothing.

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Maybe there's a movie plot in there somewhere?



Isn't that the truth?!? I kept thinking about all those movies and novels that have the president kidnapped and replaced by someone who is a look alike and has been trained to have the victim's mannerisms and I always think "Well, it makes a good story but it could never happen in real life."


Now it could.

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In case anyone is having trouble with other links, here's another one from msn:




I thought it was hilarious. I've always thought Amy Poehler's Hilary Clinton was great, and Tina Fey had Sarah Palin's accent down perfectly. What is that accent btw? I know she's from Alaska, but I didn't realize Alaskans sound like Minnesotans (sp?).

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In case anyone is having trouble with other links, here's another one from msn:




I thought it was hilarious. I've always thought Amy Poehler's Hilary Clinton was great, and Tina Fey had Sarah Palin's accent down perfectly. What is that accent btw? I know she's from Alaska, but I didn't realize Alaskans sound like Minnesotans (sp?).


I've been wondering about this as well.


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In case anyone is having trouble with other links, here's another one from msn:




I thought it was hilarious. I've always thought Amy Poehler's Hilary Clinton was great, and Tina Fey had Sarah Palin's accent down perfectly. What is that accent btw? I know she's from Alaska, but I didn't realize Alaskans sound like Minnesotans (sp?).


And North Dakotans, and some folks in Montana, and some Canadians...it's just a northern accent. I wonder how it developed....

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And North Dakotans, and some folks in Montana, and some Canadians...it's just a northern accent. I wonder how it developed....


Didn't her parents live in the northern mid-west (maybe Idaho?) and then move to Alaska when she was small? She probably sounds like her folks. But agree with others that it does sound like a regional accent.


I was surprised to hear folks from western Canada sounding alot like Aussies. Is that regional too? They were from the Calgary area.

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Sadly, the opening skit was the only thing that was lol funny last night. Michael Phelps was cute but most of the skits were dopey. I miss a couple of the folks that seem to have gone (like Maya Rudolph).



ITA...That skit was hilarious and I also miss Maya a lot. I just keep hoping that she will go back. She is a really talented, versatile, and funny performer. Amy is very funny and talented too, but she is in almost every skit and that's too much. Kristin is very funny too, but as much as I love some of her characters (Penelope is my favorite!) I'm starting to feel like she's a little redundant with her voices and postures. Her characters are all kind of similar, it's hard to pinpoint.


Maya rocks!

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The Palin/H. Clinton skit was so funny. Tina Fey so nailed it! Was she born to play this part, or what?


To be honest, if Tina Fey stepped in for Sarah Palin I think I could be fooled.


Maybe there's a movie plot in there somewhere?



I honestly did a triple take when I saw her. I couldn't believe how spot on Tina Fey's imitation was.

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ITA...That skit was hilarious and I also miss Maya a lot. I just keep hoping that she will go back. She is a really talented, versatile, and funny performer. Amy is very funny and talented too, but she is in almost every skit and that's too much. Kristin is very funny too, but as much as I love some of her characters (Penelope is my favorite!) I'm starting to feel like she's a little redundant with her voices and postures. Her characters are all kind of similar, it's hard to pinpoint.


Maya rocks!


Any idea where Maya went? Is she doing movies? I know Jimmy Fallon skipped out like so many do for the movies, but haven't seen much of him.


I think Amy has seasoned well. Her characters used to be so similar but that Hillary take was so nuanced, it was stellar.


The couple new folks hardly made any impression at all, but it's just the first show.

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Didn't her parents live in the northern mid-west (maybe Idaho?) and then move to Alaska when she was small? She probably sounds like her folks. But agree with others that it does sound like a regional accent.QUOTE]


Sarah Palin was born in Idaho, and her family moved to Alaska when she was very small. Maybe one or two? She did go to college at the University of Idaho. Idahoans don't have accents, though.


Idaho is considered part of the Pacific Northwest. (I'm a native Idahoan, unfortunately living outside the state at the moment. :glare: )

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