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Spin off of "princess thread"

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And I also dislike when people said to my son, take care of your mother. It's my job to take care of him thank you very much. He's a child - not a man. He doesn't get the rights of nor have the responsibilities of a man and he shouldn't.


A friend with an son with Aspergers has no end of trouble when people say that sort of thing because he takes it literally.

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So how do you all feel about people calling their sons (or your son), "little man?"


It's not a term I have ever even considered using for my son. I call him by name, or Mr. Thomas on rare occasion. In the privacy of our home, I call him sweetheart, because he is a sweetheart.


I've never heard anyone call their sons little man, but it wouldn't bother me.


I guess the only thing would bother me would be if people called their son stupid, dumb, or the likes, or use foul language toward their son.

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Years ago when I first moved to SC I was told that the word "boy" was used as a derogatory term for male slaves in the south. Little man was used by parents of boy children instead.


I was a preteen when we moved there and was instructed by the mom of a little man about not calling young male children boys.

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I think that things that really bother some people never even cross my radar....:lol:


I'm with you.


Everyone who met him called my first son Little Man because from 18 months on, he was just like a little man. It was hilarious. He didn't look like a little boy. He looked like a 50 year old man who'd been shot with a shrink ray. He talked and reasoned like such a grown-up. I'm telling you, he was the youngest old man you've ever met. He has since grown out of that phase.

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Love it or hate it .... this is what we sing/chant to my 'little man" Said to the tune of WHO LET THE DOGS OUT who-who-who-who -------- "DANNY THE MANNY -who-who-who-who":lol:

Guess you could call it one of those "inside jokes" that all families have which are unique to them.


I suppose we call him our little man because he truly is the littlest male in our house. Having three older sisters can be tough so in a way we are referring to and celebrating his uniqueness. I find it endearing and never for one moment thought of it as derogatory but it's always good to know someone elses perspective.

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My son was born breech so when they handed him to me he had a nice square looking head, very old man looking - lol - and he only had hair around the back of his head. He also had big hands with very long fingers -- from that moment we called him our little man. That is exactly what he looked like -- and even today when I look back at his hospital pictures he looks like an old man.


He's ten now, but every once and a while I'll tell him he's still my little man. :001_smile:


I read someones post above about using the word "boy" in the south...well.... if I say it to my son, he's in trouble. LOL "Boy get your butt over here"

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So how do you all feel about people calling their sons (or your son), "little man?"


This one, I remember. First day home, I went to get him out of the crib and said, "How's my Little Man?!" I think that was the last time -- it just didn't sound right! But it never got my attention if other people call him that -- not that he's even close to "little" anymore :lol: -- or their own kids.


We did end up with quite a few little "pet names" for him -- none of which are suitable now. I *really* try to be conscious of where we are, or if his friends are at the house. I don't want to embarrass him, though he would, and has, taken it in stride. I did blurt a "pet name" a few months ago in a very crowded room -- all people who knew us. And when I apologized later, he said my reaction was worse than the infraction itself. :) "It's okay, Mom. I know I'll always be your [insert]."


We call him "son" sometimes. As a matter of fact, he specifically mention that he liked that. So --


We don't use a nickname for him, though he could have one, and some people have used it. It's not that "it's his name and that's it" -- his nickname just never sounded "right" either. It doesn't bother me when other people use a nickname for him, and he says, now, that he wouldn't prefer it, but if he wanted to use it, it wouldn't bother me. I wanted to name him "Nicholas" and call him "Nick" -- and I think he looks like a Nick! But I was overruled. ;)


I haven't been reading the "Princess" thread, but the title reminded me of something. I remember during the Menendez brothers trial, the defense made a big deal of the fact that the parents didn't use pet names for their kids. I thought that was an odd point to emphasize at the time -- but they were busy pulling rabbits out of their hats.

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No one has ever referred to one of my sons as "Little Man".


They love it now when I refer to them as men -- like when I told them I bought them some "man shampoo" or when I say anything using the word "men" and my implication is that they are in that group. Catching more flies with honey is what I'm doing.



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And that's followed closely by wondering why people call their dc "the baby" when "the baby" is, in fact," 3 or 4 years old. Why is that???


Because we are in denial. And I should know. I'm the mother of an almost 3 year old baby, who corrects me and tells me "No Mommy. I not a baby. I N". And to that I say "hrmph".

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Sometimes I call my son "sir". Not sure why or where it came from. Little Man doesn't bother me, but I don't think we've used that one.


I do thistoo, they get a kick out of it. I also say Ma'am to dd on occasion. It's usually like "can you pass the salt, thank you sir/ma'am" So just being playful. If really in a strange mood I will call them madame and monsieur

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