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and managing at this moment to hold it at bay with exercise. It's always lurking over my shoulder waiting for its opportunity to attack.


One of the best comments I read about depression was that while I'm depressed I can't imagine I ever felt any different.. When I'm not depressed I can't imagine that I ever was. It's like that for me so I need to remind myself of my objective reality.



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Wish I had the answer, but I can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound trite. Depression is so painful that it's practically debilitating at times. I'm so sorry. Just know that although it feels like you're alone, so many of us have BTDT--which in this case means "been there, doing that." It's a constant battle to keep from slipping down the slope into the valley.


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Does the light box really help? I have always wondered about it.


All last winter it made a huge difference. But the last week or so, not so much.


Other things that have helped me, historically:

good novels

red meat


teA ;)

tea or coffee with friends

vitamins & cod liver oil

cigar or pipe smoking


I've tried as much of that as is practicable right now. Usually, one or two of those is enough. I've done most of them recently, but the beast won't be shaken so easily.


*grr* Now I have to fight him off. My virility is at stake... :glare:

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I think many of us here if not most welcome a male presence and perspective in all discussion.


My fear is usually that a male presence will discourage frank discussion due to the terror of mortification. And I have a history, on other boards, as a thread-killer.


So, on the more, ahem, intimate, threads I'm always unsure if my contribution is helpful or harmful in the balance.


Thanks for the reassurance.

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So here is :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all of you out there who are dealing with this. Luckily I am doing so much better with the right medication and dosage and it has made such a huge difference in my life. Unfortuately it took me years to get here but have hope it can be done. Anyone can feel free to PM me just to chat about this if you would like.

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All last winter it made a huge difference. But the last week or so, not so much.


Other things that have helped me, historically:

good novels

red meat


teA ;)

tea or coffee with friends

vitamins & cod liver oil

cigar or pipe smoking


I've tried as much of that as is practicable right now. Usually, one or two of those is enough. I've done most of them recently, but the beast won't be shaken so easily.


*grr* Now I have to fight him off. My virility is at stake... :glare:


I heard from someone going to tanning beds is good, something about the UV rays. The thing is it is specific to a certain kind of UV ray, and quite frankly I just don't remember which kind. I haven't tried it yet but in a couple of months I may try it when it really gets bad.


I need to take more vitamins too.

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I'm just really tired of trying to pretend everything's peachy. It's not, I'm not, I just want to be happy again.


I could write a a humungous pity me post, but I'll spare you that.




I am slowly coming out of the fog I was in for a long long time. I am however scared as winter is coming on. You are in no way alone.



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and managing at this moment to hold it at bay with exercise. It's always lurking over my shoulder waiting for its opportunity to attack.


One of the best comments I read about depression was that while I'm depressed I can't imagine I ever felt any different.. When I'm not depressed I can't imagine that I ever was. It's like that for me so I need to remind myself of my objective reality.



2 to 3 days a month I feel like I could just get in my car and drive out of my life (not suicidal, just urge to leave). I dislike everyone and everything in my life. Other than this dislike, I feel NOTHING for these 2 to 3 days. I feel like I'm some other person. When I am going through this, I can't verbalize it. The words won't come. I am just a quiet, weepy mess. My dh is left puzzled and in my mind, he can't help me. I'm trying to figure out the source. I just wanted to buzz in and say BTDT (and every month, I do it again...).




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Does the light box really help? I have always wondered about it.


If I start it early enough and am consistent in using it in conjunction with other remedies (exercise, good nutrition, nutritional supplements), I do notice a difference. Instead of feeling like I am carrying around the world on my back, I only feel like I am carrying around 30 extra pounds (on top of my 20 extra that I really have.)


Do I feel great? No. I still feel very low energy, but it does help keep me out of the fetal position;). After the week I am having, I didn't realize that I should have started it last week instead of the first week of October.

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2 to 3 days a month I feel like I could just get in my car and drive out of my life (not suicidal' date=' just urge to leave). I dislike everyone and everything in my life. Other than this dislike, I feel NOTHING for these 2 to 3 days. I feel like I'm some other person. When I am going through this, I can't verbalize it. The words won't come. I am just a quiet, weepy mess. My dh is left puzzled and in my mind, he can't help me. I'm trying to figure out the source. I just wanted to buzz in and say BTDT (and every month, I do it again...).






Yep, I could run far, far, away. That would be nice. Won't make anything better, but it would be nice.

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If I start it early enough and am consistent in using it in conjunction with other remedies (exercise, good nutrition, nutritional supplements), I do notice a difference. Instead of feeling like I am carrying around the world on my back, I only feel like I am carrying around 30 extra pounds (on top of my 20 extra that I really have.)


Do I feel great? No. I still feel very low energy, but it does help keep me out of the fetal position;). After the week I am having, I didn't realize that I should have started it last week instead of the first week of October.


I sit at the table in our kitchen most afternoons because it's sunny. It's been crappy this week as far as weather, so I haven't been able to do that. I know that helps me somewhat.

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I'm just really tired of trying to pretend everything's peachy. It's not, I'm not, I just want to be happy again.


I could write a a humungous pity me post, but I'll spare you that.


I don't think you should spare us. I think a good pity me post/vent might be very helpful to you and allow others to offer their specific advice and perspective.


Either way....:grouphug:


p.s....are you one with a house that won't sell? Or am I confused---which is often the case...

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:grouphug: Heather and everyone here :grouphug:


Thank you for starting this thread.


My DH has taken medication for 10 years. He still has ups and downs but for the most part is stable.


My 13 yodd recently started meds and is in counseling. My mommy's heart aches for her. She can't stand bright light and finds our overcast Oregon winters to be soothing. In fact, her room is painted a twilight color.


My depression seems to be seasonal. I've noticed that I usually take a severe nose dive in February. Last year it was awful. I'm actually shaking in my boots as fall and winter approach. I've never tried anything, but I HAVE to this year. Not caring if you live or die is very scary! I've seen what suicide does to the family members left behind, and I don't want to do that to my girls.

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I have struggled off with really low energy, sadness, etc for a long time. I always thought I was depressed. I recently had blood drawn to check for a multitude of things. I found out that I am VERY anemic. I am on major vitamins and am finally feeling like a normal person again.


I guess what I am trying to say is seek out medical help. It could be any number of things that you are experiencing. I wish I hadn't waited so long to get a full check-up. I could have felt better a long, long time ago.



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So here is :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all of you out there who are dealing with this. Luckily I am doing so much better with the right medication and dosage and it has made such a huge difference in my life. Unfortuately it took me years to get here but have hope it can be done. Anyone can feel free to PM me just to chat about this if you would like.


This is where I am too. After a long time of mis-diagnosis and wrong meds and off and on treatment, I think I am for once at a decent place to go into the winter months. I have a good pdoc, I'm doing good on new meds, have gotten pretty good at ID'ing my moods (am bipolar), and I'm still feeling pretty good, the fact that the windows are open again makes all the difference to me. It won't last, like someone else said, February is my bad month, when it gets really bad.

Heather, anyone, if you want to PM me, I'm another one who's ready to be an ear, BTDT too. We can just have a little winter support group for anyone who needs it. :grouphug:

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And for those of us who have tried them all and still found little relief, no "tea" and 20 extra pounds, we need other alternatives. BTDT. I am tired of arguing with HCP who insist that anti-depressants are the best thing since sliced bread. I am tired of showing them studies indicating that many of the drug companies overstated the effectiveness of these drugs and that the placebo effect is stronger than they realized.


I would feel better within 2 days (not the 2 weeks that they said), but at 6 weeks I would be back to my usual self. They would up the dose, the "tea" would disappear no matter how much effort was put into the brewing, my weight would go up and I would feel better for about a week before I would be back where I started. I am tired of people telling me how I should have been feeling better and that I was somehow not cooperating ?!?!


Sorry this is such a rant, but I am frustrated with people telling me to just take the happy pills -( not directed at you, Cindy). Happy pills don't fix life, happy pills ain't so happy when the side effects are stronger than the theraputic effect. I know they work for some people and I am glad that it is an available option, but I have had to pursue other avenues. I agree that people who are depressed should seek help. Sometimes that help is not in an Rx bottle.

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And for those of us who have tried them all and still found little relief, no "tea" and 20 extra pounds, we need other alternatives. BTDT. I am tired of arguing with HCP who insist that anti-depressants are the best thing since sliced bread. I am tired of showing them studies indicating that many of the drug companies overstated the effectiveness of these drugs and that the placebo effect is stronger than they realized.


I would feel better within 2 days (not the 2 weeks that they said), but at 6 weeks I would be back to my usual self. They would up the dose, the "tea" would disappear no matter how much effort was put into the brewing, my weight would go up and I would feel better for about a week before I would be back where I started. I am tired of people telling me how I should have been feeling better and that I was somehow not cooperating ?!?!


Sorry this is such a rant, but I am frustrated with people telling me to just take the happy pills -( not directed at you, Cindy). Happy pills don't fix life, happy pills ain't so happy when the side effects are stronger than the theraputic effect. I know they work for some people and I am glad that it is an available option, but I have had to pursue other avenues. I agree that people who are depressed should seek help. Sometimes that help is not in an Rx bottle.


See, I have the opposite rant. :D Mine would be about people assuming that meds are a weak way out of it. That one could change their brain chemistry if one just tried hard enough. Implying that one ISN'T trying.


I get upset when people refuse to take their meds because they say they don't want to depend on a pill for their happiness. Yeah, sucks to do that, but its better then the alternative. So buck up.


I get angry when people suggest that a person with Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar Disorder should change their eating habits, their lifestyle or whatever the flavor of the month is, and then all will be well. For many people, without the meds, they can't even get to a point where it would even be possible to make helpful changes.


Its common to feel the effects of an AD within the first several days, whatever the Info Sheet about the drug tells you. Its also common to try many drugs and dosages before one finds something that works.

Also, you may be mis-diagnosed. So very common. A lot of things look like depression, and it takes a good psychiatrist to untangle it. Also, the fact that all the meds stop working after 6 weeks, is sort of indicative that maybe one is being treated for the wrong thing?? And even if the dx is right, there are different types of ADs that work on different neurotransmitter, maybe the wrong neurotransmitter has been targeted? I dunno, this is just stuff I've gleaned in my quest to calm my own brain cooties. Probably helps no one.


I also don't think that people who are situationally depressed should be medically treated the same way that a person with MDD or BD should be treated. Situational depression is NOT a chemical/neurotransmitter problem and shouldn't be treated as such. Sometimes, also, depression is a side effect in and of itself. Someone mentioned anemia, another cause might be a thryoid problem.



I'm not saying everyone needs to be on drugs, don't take me that way! But I am saying that, boyhowdy some of us need those drugs, there is a real biophysical cause that meds - and only meds - can alleviate. And it doesn't mean we don't have to make other changes as well.


So thats my rant. No more or less valid then yours Ethel. :001_smile: I hope you find something, anything, that helps.

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