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Tell me it's ok to start next week.

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We were supposed to start tomorrow, as my twins start phasing into kindergarten. Well poor DD is sick, I'm not sure she'll even get to start tomorrow. Older DS, the one HS'ing, has a procedure on Weds that requires anesthesia, so he'll be tired most of the day. Thurs is a surprise root canal for me.


I was going to try to start slowly this week but now that I'm

Looking at the calendar I'm thinking I should just start next week. I have mom guilt, so I need some one to validate me. :)

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It's okay to start next week.


It's also okay to do something transitional, like a mini-unit study, if you just need to keep them busy and keep the neighbours from gossiping about Stampy Longnose blaring from your house during school hours.


You're fine.

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I might be joining you. My goal is flying creature journal, spelling and math this week. We have a rescheduled co-op kick off, co-op, some other classes and 4h all having events. We had a delayed vacation this summer (last week) and I made a huge curriculum switch just prior to vacation and some of it is in my held mail to be delivered tomorrow. I feel way behind the 8 ball.

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With that kind of a week, don't try to start now. Rest. Recover. Maybe use Tuesday, if DD is feeling better, for a field trip or park day. Otherwise, I'd do movies, Legos, and read alouds.

Make sure you get rest on Friday after your root canal. *shudder*

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With that kind of a week, don't try to start now. Rest. Recover. Maybe use Tuesday, if DD is feeling better, for a field trip or park day. Otherwise, I'd do movies, Legos, and read alouds.

Make sure you get rest on Friday after your root canal. *shudder*

Oh gosh, I'm so not looking forward to the root canal. It's such a weird thing, I'm not even convinced I need one. I guess that's a topic for another thread.

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I was going to start tomorrow but then I had family decide to visit for the week. What's the point? It's useless trying to do school w/ houseguests, or at least it is for me. DS has some online classes that he's been doing, but other than that we won't start until next week. I don't feel guilty. We'll work until it gets done throughout the year!

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Next Monday is when we start with a full schedule. We do a very slow ramp up here, but I can't really do a full schedule until my disabled dd is in school, and that is not until Wednesday of this week. We've been doing history and math for two weeks now because we can't be done by Memorial Day unless we start those in August. But everything else I can start late and still finish up in May. You'll be fine.

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If it makes you feel any better, we started back in July, have decided to scrap everything, and my new stuff isn't even arriving until next Monday.  This is the second year in a row where we start mid-summer, assume I have a ton of time to plan school each week, and hit a wall once all our fall commitments start. I am hoping that next year I remember this. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, it'll be fine, start when it's best for you and yours. We're starting next week and we hadn't finished the last year until the last day of July when some were already starting their new year. Different ways work and a week to recover will do more good most likely I think than pushing it. 

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We were supposed to start tomorrow, as my twins start phasing into kindergarten. Well poor DD is sick, I'm not sure she'll even get to start tomorrow. Older DS, the one HS'ing, has a procedure on Weds that requires anesthesia, so he'll be tired most of the day. Thurs is a surprise root canal for me.


I was going to try to start slowly this week but now that I'm

Looking at the calendar I'm thinking I should just start next week. I have mom guilt, so I need some one to validate me. :)




Well, of course it's ok to start next week...or the week after...or the week after. It doesn't matter when you start. Your Official School Year will still be the same length of time, regardless of when your Official First Day of School is. :-)

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I'd watch educational videos, arrange your school things, do some piddley things like that (label notebooks, make bookmarks and laminate them to have a whole pile for the year) and call it good.  If your tooth is hurting you, hence the need for the root canal, I'd send them all to grandma's.

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