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Josh Duggar checked himself into rehab


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I hope Anna is being tested for sexually transmitted diseases. I can only imagine what Josh may have contracted and shared with her. How could he have been so stupid and think so little of Anna that he was willing to not only cheat on her, but to have unprotected sex with those women???


Just one more reason to loathe him, and one more layer of fear and horror for Anna... :(


I'm not sure Josh could surprise me with his behavior.  But I am completely bamboozled by these women who would have unprotected sex with him under these circumstances.

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Oh my! I didn't know that.


It keeps getting worse and worse.

HOLY COW! :eek:


I didn't know that, either!


And let's face it, if they know about 11 women, it could very well be more like 100. I'm sure we will never know the extent of his actions.


His family must be mortified. At least I sincerely hope they are, and not just from a "now we'll never get our TV show back on the air" perspective, but because their son's behavior has been truly horrible.

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I've seen the pix on another site.  what I saw wasn't bad, though certainly tragic.



his mistress, MISTRESS???, didn't use bc? is this a different one, not the stripper? I canNOT imagine a stripper - who is experienced and makes money in this field, wouldn't use bc.



I hope Anna's family is finally seeing the light in getting her away from the dweeb THEY set her up with. (they wanted they limelight and any money that might come their way . . . . )  at least her brother tried to get her out from the beginning.


Yeah, idk if it was that article, but one of the ones on the topic said it was a woman who met him through AshleyMadison.

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I really, really hope that any child that may come or have come of this will have a fairly normal, lowkey life. I do hope they are protected from JB&M. I won't say isolated completely, as it is normal for siblings to eventually seek each other out (btdt...my sibling group has decided that the issues and screwed up actions of the previous generation have nothing to do with us).

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I really, really hope that any child that may come or have come of this will have a fairly normal, lowkey life. I do hope they are protected from JB&M. I won't say isolated completely, as it is normal for siblings to eventually seek each other out (btdt...my sibling group has decided that the issues and screwed up actions of the previous generation have nothing to do with us).

Maybe TLC can offer Anna her own TV series documenting her Escape from Duggar Hell, so she can move far away and finally have some freedom and a normal life for herself and her children.

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Maybe TLC can offer Anna her own TV series documenting her Escape from Duggar Hell, so she can move far away and finally have some freedom and a normal life for herself and her children.


She and those children need to stay away from tv. However, eventually she will be in a place to do interviews, book, whatever she chooses.

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If I were Anna, I would get the best divorce attorney in the country because I need money to raise those children and try to disappear from the public eye.  I would further my education and try to find my place in this world.  I don't know how possible that is for her.

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She and those children need to stay away from tv. However, eventually she will be in a place to do interviews, book, whatever she chooses.



I was just kidding, but I forgot to add the ;)


I don't want to see TLC get a chance to ruin more children's lives for ratings and money.

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If I were Anna, I would get the best divorce attorney in the country because I need money to raise those children and try to disappear from the public eye.  I would further my education and try to find my place in this world.  I don't know how possible that is for her.


How long has she been back in Arkansas? I'd think she'd have better luck for more around DC irt divorce and support.

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How long has she been back in Arkansas? I'd think she'd have better luck for more around DC irt divorce and support.


I should have mentioned I would stay the hell away from Arkansas and the Duggars.  But yes, I agree she would have more support in divorcing in DC.

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If I were Anna, I would get the best divorce attorney in the country because I need money to raise those children and try to disappear from the public eye. I would further my education and try to find my place in this world. I don't know how possible that is for her.

It would be tough for her to get a lot of money out of Josh, because at this point, he is essentially unemployable and I'll bet his TLC money is all in Jim Bob's name. I hope I'm wrong about that, though. I hope there are savings she can use to start a new life for herself.

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It would be tough for her to get a lot of money out of Josh, because at this point, he is essentially unemployable and I'll bet his TLC money is all in Jim Bob's name. I hope I'm wrong about that, though. I hope there are savings she can use to start a new life for herself.


You're very likely right.  I just see all that money that the Duggars have made over the years and how their son has messed up Anna's life.  The last thing she needs is to feel obligated to Jim Bob and Michelle which is likely if they help her out financially.


I would want to cut all ties, but then there's the problem of their son being the father of those 4 children.  Poor Anna.

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You're very likely right. I just see all that money that the Duggars have made over the years and how their son has messed up Anna's life. The last thing she needs is to feel obligated to Jim Bob and Michelle which is likely if they help her out financially.


I would want to cut all ties, but then there's the problem of their son being the father of those 4 children. Poor Anna.

I agree. The Duggars would probably help her, but then she and her children would be under JimBob's total control, because there is no way he would give her money without being able to run her entire life.


She is in a very tough spot unless someone steps up to help her. She must feel so trapped.

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A few articles when this first broke figured out from the known online accounts, he was with 11 different women. Even FJ was surprised at the number. I wouldn't be shocked if it came out one had a pregnancy.


busy boy. . . . . and yeah, - that's all that have come out.  so far.  surprising he had time for anything else . . .


The stripper/porn star said she twice had unprotected sex with Josh, unless my memory is failing me.  I didn't go back to look at the article.  I took it this mistress was a different woman.  The stripper didn't hide her identity, but this woman was never named.  Maybe I'm wrong, though.


that's why I was asking.  I hadn't heard about all the hook-ups he managed - though how many were hookers?  the details on AM said most of the women's profiles were fake, or prostitutes.

Oh my!  I didn't know that.


It keeps getting worse and worse.


with any luck, his defenders will pull off their rose colored glasses, and give up.


Yeah, idk if it was that article, but one of the ones on the topic said it was a woman who met him through AshleyMadison.

 the details on AM said most of the women's profiles were fake, or prostitutes.  


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How long has she been back in Arkansas? I'd think she'd have better luck for more around DC irt divorce and support.

Before the news broke about what he did to his sisters, they had bought a house in Arkansas. It came to light because they were on the did not pay list/ owed back taxes list.


I would love to see Anna go somewhere away from JB and her parents and give herself time to feel and think for herself. I don't see that happening at the Arkansas house.

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This is all so sad, and it just continues to devolve.


I videorecorded (on a VCR, remember those?) the first three Duggar specials, back in... 2004-ish? I forget the year, but I remember they still lived in that little 3-bdrm ranch house, and Josh was 14 years old. He was the one who created those shows himself and got them onto TLC. I remember thinking he was such an enterprising young person, and he was going places! To have produced your own family documentary and have gotten it on tv,at the age of 14! Wow!


And look what it has all come to. So sad.

I know! I thought the same thing! I thought the family was unusual but sweet, and that the kids seemed cute and smart and well-adjusted.


JimBob always gave me the creeps, though, and I thought Michelle's tra-la-la attitude and whispery voice was kind of weird. I always thought she must have been medicated to help her stay so calm; I had no idea it had anything to do with "religious" training. I didn't know anything about their religious beliefs at that time, and until I learned more details on this forum, I always assumed they were very conservative Christians but had no idea about the whole ATI/Gothard stuff.

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I agree. The Duggars would probably help her, but then she and her children would be under JimBob's total control, because there is no way he would give her money without being able to run her entire life.


She is in a very tough spot unless someone steps up to help her. She must feel so trapped.


Shouldn't all the Duggar children have a hefty trust fund from all of their tv shows? Josh must have enough money to give her enough child and spousal support for a few years that allow her to go to school and start a life. 

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Shouldn't all the Duggar children have a hefty trust fund from all of their tv shows? Josh must have enough money to give her enough child and spousal support for a few years that allow her to go to school and start a life.

They should, but I'm not sure they do. Someone once posted that child labor laws in Arkansas would have allowed JimBob to retain control over the money the kids earned. I'm not sure whether or not that is accurate, but I wouldn't put it past JimBob to keep all the money and dole it out as he sees fit. He seems like a complete control freak?

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I don't think we have seen anywhere close to the end of this.



Did you see that R.C. Sproul Jr was caught with a AM account?


Can you explain why he'd be on AM when he's a widower?  That part seemed weird.  Since his wife has passed away, can't he join eHarmony or something? Why a site for married people?

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Can you explain why he'd be on AM when he's a widower?  That part seemed weird.  Since his wife has passed away, can't he join eHarmony or something? Why a site for married people?


If he wanted an anonymous hookup instead of a relationship where he would have to be "himself" and all the expectations. He believes in courtship, etc.

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Can you explain why he'd be on AM when he's a widower? That part seemed weird. Since his wife has passed away, can't he join eHarmony or something? Why a site for married people?

Who knows. I think they said he is now suspended from the ministery for a year over this. What got me was he visited the site in a moment of weakness excuse. Is this a rehearsed/freebie excuse that is passed around? Just own up and admit it.
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If he wanted an anonymous hookup instead of a relationship where he would have to be "himself" and all the expectations. He believes in courtship, etc.


That shows how far out of the loop I am. I assumed other online dating sites were chock full of people pretending to be something other than who they really are.  And that hookups were more common than real relationships. 


But like I said...I'm out of the loop on this kind of thing. 


The particularly annoying thing about Sproul is that he JUST wrote a scathing blog post criticizing Josh. What an idiot. Why not just keep quiet??? Oh, wait. Because these men have egos that are bigger than life. 

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That shows how far out of the loop I am. I assumed other online dating sites were chock full of people pretending to be something other than who they really are.  And that hookups were more common than real relationships. 


But like I said...I'm out of the loop on this kind of thing. 


The particularly annoying thing about Sproul is that he JUST wrote a scathing blog post criticizing Josh. What an idiot. Why not just keep quiet??? Oh, wait. Because these men have egos that are bigger than life. 


No, you are probably right. But AM promised anonymity.


And I fully agree with you on the last part.

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Shouldn't all the Duggar children have a hefty trust fund from all of their tv shows? Josh must have enough money to give her enough child and spousal support for a few years that allow her to go to school and start a life. 

And if they have a private plane? I mean, those can't be cheap! It's a lot of money, but I'm sure they've found other ways to spend it.

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I don't think we have seen anywhere close to the end of this.



Did you see that R.C. Sproul Jr was caught with a AM account?

This is not shocking in the least.


Other names I would expect to see on the list:


Doug Phillips

Doug Wilson

Mark Driscoll

Any of the Jones boys of Bob Jones infamy

Bill Gothard

A specific pair embarassing, albeit almost entertaining, politicians from my home state who are making QUITE the spectacle of themselves over their own scandal.


The guy down the street that encouraged all three of his daughters to "pursue lucrative careers at Hooters".


And the very creepy 7th grade social studies teacher I had that flirted with all of his female students and liked to corner us against the lockers wnd rub up against us if he thought no one was looking.

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If he wanted an anonymous hookup instead of a relationship where he would have to be "himself" and all the expectations. He believes in courtship, etc.



That's kind of like saying, "I believe in a vegan diet" while chomping on a double Big Mac.

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Can you explain why he'd be on AM when he's a widower? That part seemed weird. Since his wife has passed away, can't he join eHarmony or something? Why a site for married people?

AM was 90-95% men and primarily used to find prostitutes, not mistresses, per what's come out after the data release.

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That's kind of like saying, "I believe in a vegan diet" while chomping on a double Big Mac.

That's like telling people they will burn forever if they don't eat vegan while you enjoy your Big Mac.

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Pretty sure they moved back to Arkansas when he lost his DC job after the initial molestation stuff came out.



Before the news broke about what he did to his sisters, they had bought a house in Arkansas. It came to light because they were on the did not pay list/ owed back taxes list.


I would love to see Anna go somewhere away from JB and her parents and give herself time to feel and think for herself. I don't see that happening at the Arkansas house.



Rumor has it he bought the house to have as a legal residence because he was planning to run for some sort of political office back in Arkansas.

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Rumor has it he bought the house to have as a legal residence because he was planning to run for some sort of political office back in Arkansas.

We need a Duggar in the White House!!

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