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Josh Duggar in the news yet again


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I'm sure they'll try to claim identity theft, because I can't imagine how else they could even try to spin it. Between the matching billing addresses and the fact that the accounts were canceled at the same time as the thing came out about him molesting his sisters, it seems pretty clear that it was really him.

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I'm sure they'll try to claim identity theft, because I can't imagine how else they could even try to spin it. Between the matching billing addresses and the fact that the accounts were canceled at the same time as the thing came out about him molesting his sisters, it seems pretty clear that it was really him.

That's what I said earlier - the only way to spin that is "identity theft". 


Granted, Gawker isn't the most reliable source, but after his past year, I'm inclined to believe this too. 

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That's what I said earlier - the only way to spin that is "identity theft".


Granted, Gawker isn't the most reliable source, but after his past year, I'm inclined to believe this too.

Yeah, neither was In Touch, which is why I was not quick to believe the molestation thing, but it was verified within a day by more reputable sources. I imagine this will be the same.

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Given the numbers, a not insignificant number of women on this very site likely have spouses who have been busted in that leak. It's a heavily used site and I think we all should have humility in how we approach it. Josh isn't the only scum on the planet when it comes to sexual behavior.


If you haven't checked, ladies, you should.


I'm not surprised by this, honestly, as I know the statistics on cheating spouses. I feel so bad for Anna, who has been a devoted wife through so much already. What a heartache for her and the kids, and all the other families caught up in this particular scandal. There are a ton of men using that site, and if they weren't married they wouldn't be cheating, you know? So sad :(

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I dunno. It would be more surprising if he DIDN'T have an account on a site like that. Glass houses. Stones. Stuff like that.


So I am waiting for the mea culpa non-apology.


It could be true. It seems that were it fake, they wouldn't have gone to the trouble to pay all that money or if they did, they would have made him look even worse by listing less ordinary interests and desires or by signing him up for a "barely legal" type site.


It could also just be someone capitalizing on the leak.

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Given the numbers, a not insignificant number of women on this very site likely have spouses who have been busted in that leak. It's a heavily used site and I think we all should have humility in how we approach it. Josh isn't the only scum on the planet when it comes to sexual behavior.


If you haven't checked, ladies, you should.


True, but most of our husbands weren't, at the same time as they were trying to commit adultery, lecturing gay people on their sexual sinfulness. It's the hypocrisy most people are enraged about when it comes to this AM thing.


ETA: And when I say "our husbands," I'm not referring to mine specifically, in case that was unclear. ;) 

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Given the numbers, a not insignificant number of women on this very site likely have spouses who have been busted in that leak. It's a heavily used site and I think we all should have humility in how we approach it. Josh isn't the only scum on the planet when it comes to sexual behavior.


If you haven't checked, ladies, you should.


I'm not surprised by this, honestly, as I know the statistics on cheating spouses. I feel so bad for Anna, who has been a devoted wife through so much already. What a heartache for her and the kids, and all the other families caught up in this particular scandal. There are a ton of men using that site, and if they weren't married they wouldn't be cheating, you know? So sad :(

What do you mean by "checking?" Are you saying we should all be checking to see if our dhs were revealed in the hack? Or do you mean snooping for affairs in general? Or what do you mean?


Personally, I don't look for evidence of affairs because I don't have reason to believe one is happening. If there were things that didn't add up, then sure, what would I have to lose? I am not so naive as to believe that could never happen in my home - anything is possible. But I don't look for evidence of fire where there isn't a whiff of smoke.

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Given the numbers, a not insignificant number of women on this very site likely have spouses who have been busted in that leak. It's a heavily used site and I think we all should have humility in how we approach it. Josh isn't the only scum on the planet when it comes to sexual behavior.


If you haven't checked, ladies, you should.


I'm not surprised by this, honestly, as I know the statistics on cheating spouses. I feel so bad for Anna, who has been a devoted wife through so much already. What a heartache for her and the kids, and all the other families caught up in this particular scandal. There are a ton of men using that site, and if they weren't married they wouldn't be cheating, you know? So sad :(



Wait, you're saying because of how large the list was of men on that site, that a large number of WTM members probably have husbands on there?!


That's some claim!

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Anna needs to be tested for STD's and given that his subscriptions were from the past couple of years, that means the baby should be tested as well. That is sad. But, the Gothard movement believes that women should not even request this type of testing because it's proof they do not have enough faith that God will protect them. She's been programmed to believe she can't be proactive, and has to have her husband's permission.


I hope she will be strong enough to rise up on behalf of her children.

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Eh, I think most women would be wise to check the database. I've just seen too many people blindsided by affairs from spouses who would never cheat.


I used to be more optimistic on this subject.

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Wait, you're saying because of how large the list was of men on that site, that a large number of WTM members probably have husbands on there?!


That's some claim!

Not a large number, but it's a statistical and demographic probability that some users may be affected. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is obscene how many men and women use that site.


Anyway, Anna isn't just idiotic and thus married Josh, this isn't something only happening to naive or young wives - other women can and have been in the same position. I hate this being spun like she is the only woman this has ever happened to, I think it is a false sense of security.


That's all I was getting at. It's easy enough to search with the way it has been indexed and the sites doing it I've looked at so far are legitimate. If it doesn't apply to you, no need to worry. But I think there may be something to learn from this beyond hatred of one particular guy.


That's all I have to say on this. It's so unbelievably sad, and many, many families have been affected by the breech. If only cheating *was* rare and for scum of the earth, then it wouldn't be a concern. But it seems often that cheaters are the guy next door or worse, one's own spouse.

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Eh, I think most women would be wise to check the database. I've just seen too many people blindsided by affairs from spouses who would never cheat.


I used to be more optimistic on this subject.

Sorry to hear that your optimism has waned. It sounds like you've been going through some tough times lately.


Did you check, yourself? I hope it gave you some peace.

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I think it is sad that a lot of you have nothing better to do that be judgmental of an ENTIRE family because one member seems to have issues.  I'm sorry and you may not believe me, but this could happen in ANY family.  You are all just pleased that it was the Duggar family so you'd have yet again another reason to dislike them.  It's too bad you don't have better things to do with your time. :thumbdown:

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I feel sorry for the people whose basic civil and human rights this hypocritical butt-head sought to trample.



I so agree. This hater was out there lobbying against the congressional resolution in protest of Ugandan legislation to make it legal to torture and execute homosexuals, and calling them every vile name, calling for God's judgment, making all kinds of claims about sexual morality and the whole time the scum was cheating on his own wife and NOT staying away from the victims he molested.


He sickens me. That said, that website sickens me equally.

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Not a large number, but it's a statistical and demographic probability that some users may be affected. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is obscene how many men and women use that site.


Anyway, Anna isn't just idiotic and thus married Josh, this isn't something only happening to naive or young wives - other women can and have been in the same position. I hate this being spun like she is the only woman this has ever happened to, I think it is a false sense of security.


That's all I was getting at. It's easy enough to search with the way it has been indexed and the sites doing it I've looked at so far are legitimate. If it doesn't apply to you, no need to worry. But I think there may be something to learn from this beyond hatred of one particular guy.


That's all I have to say on this. It's so unbelievably sad, and many, many families have been affected by the breech. If only cheating *was* rare and for scum of the earth, then it wouldn't be a concern. But it seems often that cheaters are the guy next door or worse, one's own spouse.

I don't think anyone is spinning it as Anna is an idiot. *I* don't think Anna is an idiot, but I think she got wrapped up in this crappy trap because of that damn Gothard prison. I am well aware that people cheat, average every-day people whom you would never imagine. This happened with a family member and there were fifty shades of shock beyond the "simple" fact that this person I never dreamed could had an affair. But I don't let the cheater off the hook because he was a really great guy otherwise.


You almost sound like you are sympathetic for the cheaters who were revealed in the hack because it blind-sided their unsuspecting wives...you're not doing that, right?

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I so agree. This hater was out there lobbying against the congressional resolution in protest of Ugandan legislation to make it legal to torture and execute homosexuals, and calling them every vile name, calling for God's judgment, making all kinds of claims about sexual morality and the whole time the scum was cheating on his own wife and NOT staying away from the victims he molested.


He sickens me. That said, that website sickens me equally.

With you 100% Faith.



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I don't think anyone is spinning it as Anna is an idiot. *I* don't think Anna is an idiot, but I think she got wrapped up in this crappy trap because of that damn Gothard prison.



Anna was raised the Gothard way.  She bought in, 100%.  All she wanted was her Prince Charming and a lot of kids.  And now what does she have?

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I don't think anyone is spinning it as Anna is an idiot. *I* don't think Anna is an idiot, but I think she got wrapped up in this crappy trap because of that damn Gothard prison. I am well aware that people cheat, average every-day people whom you would never imagine. This happened with a family member and there were fifty shades of shock beyond the "simple" fact that this person I never dreamed could had an affair. But I don't let the cheater off the hook because he was a really great guy otherwise.


You almost sound like you are sympathetic for the cheaters who were revealed in the hack because it blind-sided their unsuspecting wives...you're not doing that, right?

How did you get that from what I said? I was pointing out that hundreds of thousands of other families are in the same position and might not even realize it. Thus, check the databases.


I think it's too easy for women to be blindsided by cheating. My heart breaks for them. I could care less about Josh. He can hang to dry, whatever. His family is who I am concerned about. And his isn't the only one that could be affected by this. There are cheating wives and husbands across the country and I consider this as good a PSA as any for one to check their own spouse. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but it can happen to anyone.


Like I said. I used to be more optimistic on this.

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My husband doesn't have the time or the energy, not to mention I handle all the bills/credit cards/etc.....



I fully get that this could happen in any family. That said, if my husband is cheating on me, he has a time turner or something. Because there are only so many hours in the day.

If that's the case though, I will get the time turner in the divorce. Community property state, baby.


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As far as checking my husband, well, he could be cheating. It's certainly possible, but I don't think likely.

Knowing DH though, I do think it's pretty impossible that he'd be spending a thousand dollars on such nonsense. I mean, if you're that desperate to cheat, there are cheaper ways.


The more I've read, especially Josh Duggar's preferences, he was seeking far more than just a s*xual companion. He was looking for cuddling, talking, intimacy. Someone who was not submissive to his every whim.

While I am far from a Duggar fan, and blame lies with the individual, I have to wonder if this is a child-man who never got the love and attention he needed, and then was railroaded into a marriage to a woman he'd met three times as a way to "cure" his(normal) s*xual desires.

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Reminds me of the Doug Phillips drama. That guy and his dad, who in an ugly twist of fate actually ran for president twice on the Constitution Party ticket, kept trying to rally the troops under the banner that adulterers and such should be executed, and bam...look what Dougie boy was up to the whole darn time.


Steve Wiles, Vance McAllister, Newt Gingrich....I don't know. I think the louder they scream about other people's "sins" the more likely they are to be doing that very thing behind the curtain.


Shoot, just take a look at what is happening here in Michigan. Since it involves two senators, I won't post a link because I don't want to violate the politics rule, but


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, .......

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If I felt the need to check, we'd have a problem even if I found nothing.


I don't claim to be immune. I do claim to be confident that, in the past and at this time, this just isn't to the best of my knowledge a factor for us. Even if dude has a time turner, dude can't lie well about even small mundane things like where he's taking me for my birthday and he's more than shown his loyalty and fidelity over the years. I trust barring a real reason not to. Him being a man is not sufficent reason. There are lots of loyal, loving, faithful men out there.

Just wanted to double like this. :)
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Eh, I think most women would be wise to check the database. I've just seen too many people blindsided by affairs from spouses who would never cheat.


I used to be more optimistic on this subject.


In my entire adult life I've known of two marriages that ended in divorce because of infidelity and one marriage where they separated because of cheating  but are now back together.  That's three total.  I really don't know of any others.  Obviously there could be marriages where they are hiding it.  I just don't know of many people who have gone through this in my circle of friends and family.  Definitely not enough that I would be thinking women (and men) on this board ought to be checking to see if their spouses have accounts on ....whatever... it's called.  


Do I live in some alternate reality?  Now I'm beginning to wonder how many friends/family members have cheated or been cheated on.  I know it happens, you hear about it all the time.  But I don't know it from personal experience.

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Medicmom's point that his parents may have married him off to "cure" him rings true. While Doug Wilson of Christchurch, Moscow, Idaho is not strongly affiliated with Gothard's movement, he is of a similar vein - dominionist/reconstructionist, extreme female submission, etc.- and preaches very similarly. If you read up on his track record, he married off in an arranged marriage in which the "courtship" took place over a period of about a month through letters, a serial pedophile who molested a 14 year old girl, was wanted in other states, and plead down the charges to time served in sex offender program plus supervised parole in exchange for a full list of victims so the DA could contact the families and get help for the children. The victim count spanned several years and more than one state.


Wilson, when criticized for believing that Sitler would be "cured" by getting married was vitriolic in his responses. Wilson knew of the man's crimes, hid them from his parisioners and the very families that housed this guy while a student at New St. Andrew's College, and spoke on his behalf as a character witness.


There is a very brief description here, not comprehensive. I've read the court documents, and if memory serves, Spycar may have perused them as well. I know there was a thread on it many years ago or at least the discussion was a part of a larger thread on reconstructionism or something similar. It's been so long I can't remember quite how it all tied in together.





it is all rather similar fundamentally.

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Glad for all of you that feel confident in your spouses faithfulness. That is said with no snark.


Realize though there are women who live what appear to be charmed lives who know something is not right. Those women should check AM records or do whatever they need to feel safe. Men too. Lots of cheating women out there.

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I didn't find out until just a few years ago that affairs were the demise of my own parents' marriage. They lied about it for nearly three decades.


I can't speak for anyone else. I know women who have been cheated on, yes. Not a ton, but a fair handful.

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the suggestion to check the site for your own spouses name???? Are there names of members somewhere? I am confused.

Yes. A number of sites have made the names from the leak data (which is a gabillion records) fully searchable.


Let this be an object lesson: do not think anything one does online is "private". Or will necessarily stay private.

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In my entire adult life I've known of two marriages that ended in divorce because of infidelity and one marriage where they separated because of cheating  but are now back together.  That's three total.  I really don't know of any others.  Obviously there could be marriages where they are hiding it.  I just don't know of many people who have gone through this in my circle of friends and family.  Definitely not enough that I would be thinking women (and men) on this board ought to be checking to see if their spouses have accounts on ....whatever... it's called.  


Do I live in some alternate reality?  Now I'm beginning to wonder how many friends/family members have cheated or been cheated on.  I know it happens, you hear about it all the time.  But I don't know it from personal experience.


I've known quite a few people who were cheated on when they were dating (myself included) but I can't think of any that were cheated on once they were married. Not that I know of, anyway. People seem to be much more hesitant to throw away an entire family, as opposed to just a boyfriend or girlfriend, for the sake of a fling.


Though I did have the husband of a friend come on to me once, so I guess that's one attempted instance of cheating by a married person that I know of.


I think there's a good chance the rate of cheating would be lower in homeschooling families, just because if you make the commitment to homeschool, you're probably pretty invested in the success of your family and would be less willing to risk it for some casual sex. That's just a guess on my part, though.

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Well, I know my dh isn't on the list. you have to pay to have an account and no way is he going to spend that kind of $$ just to have an affair. Trust me,  he is too cheap to have an account with them. He won't even buy new shoes because the old ones 'are still pretty good."  As for the affair, I only have what I know of him...but spending money on that?  Yeah, that I know.  Plus, I read the bank account statements and I know where every penny goes.  We both do.  Each of us would notice if several hundred dollars were missing.


And don't forget, there aren't only men on that site with accounts. It is for men and women.


And while I do feel sorry for his wife and kids, I feel mostly sad for people who have had their lives affected by that judgmental horses arse. I guess he should have spent some time studying Karma.


Does their cult teach that it is the wife's fault if her husband goes out and has an affair?  Is this going to come back on her?


And I knew it had to be true when I read that boring list of "turn ons".  I mean, if someone wanted to frame him, wouldn't they go for something that was at least titillating? I practically fell asleep reading that list. Yet another reason to feel sorry for his wife. I mean, aside from the whole being in a cult thing.

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Yeah, that is sad.


If I felt the need to check, we'd have a problem even if I found nothing.


I don't claim to be immune. I do claim to be confident that, in the past and at this time, this just isn't to the best of my knowledge a factor for us. Even if dude has a time turner, dude can't lie well about even small mundane things like where he's taking me for my birthday and he's more than shown his loyalty and fidelity over the years. I trust barring a real reason not to. Him being a man is not sufficent reason. There are lots of loyal, loving, faithful men out there.


I'm sitting here trying to figure out when dh could have cheated.  Of course, it could happen.  But when.  In 30 years of marriage the only time he's been out of town is when he moved his grandmother into a nursing facility and camping with his brothers.  Other than that, he's at work or he's at home.  Hmmm.....  He could be cheating on his time at work.... Long lunches....  Oh there was that time I went out of state to a homeschool convention.  The house was repainted when I got back, but I guess he could have hired someone to do it.  


You know, you're right.  If I felt I needed to check, there would already be a major problem.  


Also, in the three marriages where I know for a fact there was infidelity, it was the wife each time.  I'm going to ask dh if he's ever wondered if I've been unfaithful.

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And please, no quotes. I'm nuking this post later.


Won't quote content, but you're not the only one! lol



Do I live in some alternate reality?  Now I'm beginning to wonder how many friends/family members have cheated or been cheated on.  I know it happens, you hear about it all the time.  But I don't know it from personal experience.


Nobody who knows me irl knows my husband made one bad decision early in our marriage. And very few people knew my dad also made one such bad decision in his marriage (they were married 24 years before divorcing for other reasons). Many couples work it out between themselves, and more partners than you might expect are willing to forgive and offer a second chance. In these instances, people don't talk about it.


On the other hand, I know a lady who will say she divorced because her husband was too busy working and didn't care about her, but in actual fact she cheated on him and tore their family apart. I know a couple who divorced because 'he works too far away and I barely know him anymore' but, he actually cheated and she's hiding it from the kids. 


I think cheating is much more common than people want to believe. 

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