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What idiotic things have to done in the last 24 hours?

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My dh and I work in the same office. I was going in late today in order to take our dd for a haircut. I called him (dh), asking him to take care of something until I could get there. I then went to work, not the hair salon, pulled into the parking lot, parked and was getting out of the car before I realized I was at the wrong place. My poor dd wasn't sure what in the world was going on.


I'm telling you, everyday closer to 40 I get, I lose brain cells! :glare:

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Well mine went like this:


"Hey kids, are you hungry? I didn't make enough dinner, so do you want to stop in a BK?"


So, I offer to drive to BK and when I get to the intersection I turn the wrong way to drive home instead...


"Hey mom, I thought we were going to BK."


"Oh... yeah, hold on and I'll turn around, I forgot!"


So, I turn onto a side road to come out onto the road going the opposite direction - you couldn't do a u-turn. When I turn back to the main road, I start turning right back in the wrong direction!


"Uh... mom... are you okay? I thought you just turned around so we could go to BK."


"Yep, sure we did... I just forgot... guess I am taking short term memory to a new level in life... YEAH! I saw a boat! Follow me! My name's Dory and that's my story. I live on the reef and I don't eat beef."


Kids are cracking up (these are 3 teens) and 16 yog says, sweetly, "I love you mom".

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iced tea and took out 2 packets stirred it all up with water put in fridge when dd takes a glass later she is making crazy face!! What is wrong? The iced tea tastes funny, take a sip yeah it does look in garbage at the packets one was iced tea one was brown gravy mix YUM-YUM!! :001_huh:

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Last night I put dinner in the oven, set the timer for 60 minutes, and left the room. After about 4 minutes I returned to the kitchen and heard the microwave humming. Our oven and microwave are built into the cabinets; they are connected to each other and share a key pad. Instead of setting the timer for the oven, I had turned on the microwave! Good thing I caught it after just 4 minutes! :blushing:

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Got in a school day and then heavy duty shopping with 12 and 8 year old and my mother to get shoes for my sisters wedding. Then a Trader Joe's run and we came screaming through the door just in time to get my girls into dad's car for guitar lessons....


The dog was sitting there looking all embarrassed and the house smelled like sh*t. She had the runs and it was all down her back very long hair and legs.

It was also on my couch, where she naps, my chair, where she sits and looks out the window and my BED where she goes and sulks if I have been away too long. So, I had to grab her and throw her outside to wait for a bath, put the frozen food away, go bathe her outside with the kids Hanna Montana shampoo ( I was NOT going to use my Neutrogena!) and now I am running the bedcover, the chair cushions and the couch throw. It's Miller time ladies, there is NO doubt about it!:banghead:

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I tried to cut my own hair! Big Mistake. My hairdressser niece just fixed it - or tried to anyway. It looks a whole lot better than it did. Oh, well, it will grow out.:tongue_smilie:


Yup. What is it with cutting hair today? I cut dd's bangs - not my best moment. Poor thing. Everytime I look at her I feel SO bad. She is so innocent and did nothing to deserve it. (If you didn't see my other post on this, the link in my sig will take you to our blog and you can see pics.)

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I shall list calling the orthodontist to make an appointment for my dog.


I got angry at other cub scout leaders for having a meeting at 5 pm instead of the 5:30 time that I KNEW I'd been told. Except when I got home and checked email, it really did say 5 pm.


I felt like a jerk and had to send apologies to all involved.

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I sent my teenage son to the grocery to do my shopping. He loaded up the cart with everything on my list, headed on over to the register, and the cashier rang it all up. So, (as usual) my ds swiped my debit card, put in the PIN #, and started bagging.


Oops...turns out my debit card had expired the day before, and I never got around to getting the new card out of the envelope or activating it.


I sent my 17yo son with an expired debit card and no other way to pay for my cartload of groceries.


Uh, sorry....:blushing:

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I'm working at a preschool now. Paper work is driving me insane, and I feel so very less than competent.


While listing who was coming for "sneak peek" visits, I got the times all mixed up. I made another list, a roster, and put down the wrong times for our school day (we go 10-2, NOT 2-4pm...).


I simply hate appearing less than together at work, but that's the reality. How do people DO this on a regular basis?

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Or were you supposed to be calling the vet? I ask this because I have a dog with such a bad bite (and I love her dearly and she's perfect in every other way) that I would love to know if there is such a thing as doggie orthodontia.


So there, that question (sincere at that) should answer YOUR question in your OP (but I do want you to answer).

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I tried to cut my own hair! Big Mistake. My hairdressser niece just fixed it - or tried to anyway. It looks a whole lot better than it did. Oh, well, it will grow out.:tongue_smilie:


Oh, I'm so-o-o sorry! I did that several times when I stayed up way too late and then looked in the mirror. I'm not sure what 1:30 a.m. has to do with no longer making good decisions, but it did it for me. I hope your hair grows quickly!


My dumb thing today was trying to wash out the can of cat food with my bare hands. (Recycling, you know. Trying to do my good deed. Forgot the sponge.) How many times have I told my dc never to touch the inner rim of a can opening? Blood. Pain. Ouch. Typing hurts. Oh, well, at least the cat is eating again. :)

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Well mine went like this:


"Hey kids, are you hungry? I didn't make enough dinner, so do you want to stop in a BK?"


So, I offer to drive to BK and when I get to the intersection I turn the wrong way to drive home instead...


"Hey mom, I thought we were going to BK."


"Oh... yeah, hold on and I'll turn around, I forgot!"


So, I turn onto a side road to come out onto the road going the opposite direction - you couldn't do a u-turn. When I turn back to the main road, I start turning right back in the wrong direction!


"Uh... mom... are you okay? I thought you just turned around so we could go to BK."


"Yep, sure we did... I just forgot... guess I am taking short term memory to a new level in life... YEAH! I saw a boat! Follow me! My name's Dory and that's my story. I live on the reef and I don't eat beef."


Kids are cracking up (these are 3 teens) and 16 yog says, sweetly, "I love you mom".



I do this all the time! Have you seen the movie "50 First Dates"? Hi, I'm Tim! Is there a clueless smiley?

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I constantly walk around in a daze and I swear, I didn't use to be like this. I used to be smart and confident. My sh*t used to all be in the same sock. Now I don't even know where my sock is! It's age I tell ya. The older I get the more brain cells I lose. I have told my kids that when I they are all gone to lock me in a room with my books and tell me that I said I want to read them. And if I read them all, just have me start over as I am sure I will have forgotten the first ones by the time I get done with the last ones.

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I constantly walk around in a daze and I swear, I didn't use to be like this. I used to be smart and confident. My sh*t used to all be in the same sock. Now I don't even know where my sock is! It's age I tell ya. The older I get the more brain cells I lose. I have told my kids that when I they are all gone to lock me in a room with my books and tell me that I said I want to read them. And if I read them all, just have me start over as I am sure I will have forgotten the first ones by the time I get done with the last ones.


My dad always said that he liked getting older because he got to do so many new things for the first time! :D

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