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I'm thinking the shack might be healthier. That many bodies in one space probably takes care of heat and the increased airflow must cut down on the stench. The rain washes the 'stuff' into the pond. I'll bet their other homes didn't have rain or air to help clean things out. It looks like the sort of forts my brothers would build and beg to camp in. Probably not bad for a few nights in the summer when you can go inside to use the bathroom, shower, and kitchen, but as a permanent residence? There is just something seriously wrong with anyone thinking it's ok. There are primitive societies that know how to make simple living work. I just don't think you can go back in time any length and find a time period where anyone lived this way. It's not about money or level of education. It's about them both missing some basic survival instincts. The Lord of the Flies kids were more hygienic!


Yup. Even animals know you don't poop where you eat/sleep.

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The very poor aboriginal people we spent some time with in the Philippines were very appreciative of the well we had built for them.  And the chief asked for water filtration next because she understood all about how her people were getting sick from parasites.  They had an enclosed outhouse that was built separate from the water supply and the huts that people lived in.  They were all about improving their lot as they were able.  

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Just a couple minutes ago (Friday 6/19 about 8p.m.) I took a look at Blessed Little Homestead facebook page.


Per fb, two minutes prior, Nicole posted a poem allegedly written by Jacob.  She put a watermark of Jacob's supposed signature at bottom of poem.


A poster immediately recognized the poem and stated that she had read it before but could not remember who had written it. 


Wonder if Jacob has read the poem his parent claims he wrote.


When I refreshed page a minute or two later, Nicole's post was gone.


The poem was the one that starts out with, "A careless word may kindle strife..... "


Is is apparent that I spent my day off work in an unproductive manner that preparing organic vegetables and grilling salmon cannot redeem?

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Just a couple minutes ago (Friday 6/19 about 8p.m.) I took a look at Blessed Little Homestead facebook page.


Per fb, two minutes prior, Nicole posted a poem allegedly written by Jacob.  She put a watermark of Jacob's supposed signature at bottom of poem.


A poster immediately recognized the poem and stated that she had read it before but could not remember who had written it. 


Wonder if Jacob has read the poem his parent claims he wrote.


When I refreshed page a minute or two later, Nicole's post was gone.


The poem was the one that starts out with, "A careless word may kindle strife..... "


Is is apparent that I spent my day off work in an unproductive manner that preparing organic vegetables and grilling salmon cannot redeem?


LOL!!! I love that someone called her out on the plagiarism and lie. At least if she is going to steal something she shouldn't pick a poem that has been turned into a million memes. 




And I think organic vegetables and grilled salmon can redeem you :-)

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Just a couple minutes ago (Friday 6/19 about 8p.m.) I took a look at Blessed Little Homestead facebook page.


Per fb, two minutes prior, Nicole posted a poem allegedly written by Jacob.  She put a watermark of Jacob's supposed signature at bottom of poem.


A poster immediately recognized the poem and stated that she had read it before but could not remember who had written it. 


Wonder if Jacob has read the poem his parent claims he wrote.


When I refreshed page a minute or two later, Nicole's post was gone.


The poem was the one that starts out with, "A careless word may kindle strife..... "


Is is apparent that I spent my day off work in an unproductive manner that preparing organic vegetables and grilling salmon cannot redeem?

Who knew that "Anonymous" was actually Jacob?  



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The very poor aboriginal people we spent some time with in the Philippines were very appreciative of the well we had built for them.  And the chief asked for water filtration next because she understood all about how her people were getting sick from parasites.  They had an enclosed outhouse that was built separate from the water supply and the huts that people lived in.  They were all about improving their lot as they were able.  


This is what's so infuriating about the Naugler's supporters saying "People all over the world live in conditions like these, or worse!" People in those conditions generally want to improve the conditions they live in but lack opportunities.

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This is what's so infuriating about the Naugler's supporters saying "People all over the world live in conditions like these, or worse!" People in those conditions generally want to improve the conditions they live in but lack opportunities.


This 1000 times. Even in the poorest places people know they don't poop where they sleep and they need clean drinking water and do the best they can to have it. They aren't necessarily successful because of their circumstances but they want that. Joe and Nicole could have clean drinking water and a safe place to sleep but they just don't bother.  If they want to live that way then whatever. But their kids deserve basics like clean water and safe food. The epitome of neglect to deny their kids such basic human needs.

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Just a couple minutes ago (Friday 6/19 about 8p.m.) I took a look at Blessed Little Homestead facebook page.


Per fb, two minutes prior, Nicole posted a poem allegedly written by Jacob.  She put a watermark of Jacob's supposed signature at bottom of poem.


A poster immediately recognized the poem and stated that she had read it before but could not remember who had written it. 


Wonder if Jacob has read the poem his parent claims he wrote.


When I refreshed page a minute or two later, Nicole's post was gone.


The poem was the one that starts out with, "A careless word may kindle strife..... "


Is is apparent that I spent my day off work in an unproductive manner that preparing organic vegetables and grilling salmon cannot redeem?


ROFL! Oh my goodness this woman is crazy, did she really think nobody would catch the lie? 


This story gets funnier/sadder/crazier by the minute. 

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She says she will be posting pictures of improvements to the homestead today. 


I don't know how i feel about that. 

1. I don't believe there are improvements of any note. 

2. I want to hope there are so that the kids can come home and be together, but

3. I don't think Joe and Nicole and good parents who should have the kids.

4. If by some miracle they bought a real home, it doesn't seem the conditions would be any better in a very short time.

5. It's all moot because Nicole still sees nothing wrong with her 11 children living in a filthy hovel. 

6. I feel so bad for the kids :( There really is no good answer for them.

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She bought rabbits for dog food.


That was an improvement???


I'm absolutely freaking speechless. She is going to feed the dogs rabbits that she's raising. So is this like the garden? Do the dogs have to wait to eat until the rabbits have made enough new rabbits so she can start killing them? What are they going to feed the rabbits? 


I am starting to think she's making all this stuff up just to see if she can cause an Internet stir. No one is this stupid.

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She bought rabbits for dog food.


That was an improvement???


I'm going to take a wild guess that their rabbit housing isn't any more secure than their human housing, and that assorted dogs and other predators will dispatch these bunnies long before any "breeding program" gets going — assuming disease and/or neglect doesn't kill them first.

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I am starting to think she's making all this stuff up just to see if she can cause an Internet stir. No one is this stupid.


I was just thinking this must be some kind of sociological experiment and we're the guinea pigs. Hope they don't feed us to the dogs!

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Before I got side tracked by the rabbit post I came here to post about the poem. At first I thought it was just funny that she thought she could get away with pretending Jacob wrote that poem. But the more I thought about it the angrier I got. There are two options. First, and the most likely, is that she knew Jacob didn't write the poem but said he did to try to create evidence that the kids are happy and well-educated and everything is just fine. Ok - she's a liar. Hardly news. But look what she's done. Now she claims she didn't know Jacob didn't write it. To cover for herself she's saying her son is a lying plagiarist. So she's wiling to throw her son under the bus to protect herself. Disgusting. 


And on the outside chance that he did give her that poem and say he wrote it. Does she really not know her children well enough to know if they wrote something? A poem like that doesn't just appear out of a child's head. He would have had to work on it, revise it etc. But she never noticed. Of course I believe she knew he didn't write it, but even if what she says is true, it's still bad.

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I'm going to take a wild guess that their rabbit housing isn't any more secure than their human housing, and that assorted dogs and other predators will dispatch these bunnies long before any "breeding program" gets going — assuming disease and/or neglect doesn't kill them first.


I'm assuming this too. I'm kind of grossed out at the thought of rabbit carcass strewn about on the property. EWWW

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Now she claims she didn't know Jacob didn't write it. To cover for herself she's saying her son is a lying plagiarist. So she's wiling to throw her son under the bus to protect herself. Disgusting.


She's not, is she? I read it as "He gave me this poem, and I assumed it was his without asking, heehee, what a silly misunderstanding!"


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She bought rabbits for dog food.


That was an improvement???


Our cat catches wild rabbits himself. I can't imagine how she'd need to buy rabbits for the dogs. Are there not rabbits in Kentucky? We have coyotes and wolves around here so it's not as though there aren't other predators. It's just not that hard to catch a rabbit. The cat still gets hungry.


She must have been hit over the head with something hard.

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I'm absolutely freaking speechless. She is going to feed the dogs rabbits that she's raising. So is this like the garden? Do the dogs have to wait to eat until the rabbits have made enough new rabbits so she can start killing them? What are they going to feed the rabbits?


I am starting to think she's making all this stuff up just to see if she can cause an Internet stir. No one is this stupid.

The photographic evidence implies otherwise.

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She's not, is she? I read it as "He gave me this poem, and I assumed it was his without asking, heehee, what a silly misunderstanding!"


I just went back and read her post again. She's changed the wording and now it sounds like she's saying she just assumed he wrote it and isn't blaming him. 


Of course if it was such an innocent mistake then why did she take the poem down the second someone said they thought they recognized it. 

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I just went back and read her post again. She's changed the wording and now it sounds like she's saying she just assumed he wrote it and isn't blaming him.


Of course if it was such an innocent mistake then why did she take the poem down the second someone said they thought they recognized it.

She had to figure out how she was going to spin it.

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I think she knew he didn't write it, but didn't realize that it was well known and therefore thought she could get away with claiming it was his (see how well educated my children are?). When she was outed, she instantly flipped it upside down — poor Nicole made an honest little mistake that the "haters" turned into "Poem Gate"! Cue the usual flurry of supportive posts telling her how wonderful she is and how horrible all those nasty haters are who just want to tear this beautiful family apart. She went from "liar caught in a lie" to persecuted victim in 5 minutes flat. Seeing what an instantaneous reflex that was makes it clear just how pathological her behavior is.



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I'm going to take a wild guess that their rabbit housing isn't any more secure than their human housing, and that assorted dogs and other predators will dispatch these bunnies long before any "breeding program" gets going — assuming disease and/or neglect doesn't kill them first.


It seems the pallets are enclosed and that is their cage. She didn't show where they're sleeping, unless those are the crates, or how large that enclosure is. I hope she knows how to breed rabbits; I can just imagine a bunch of baby rabbits being birthed and falling through the pallet floor and dying down there.

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I just went back and read her post again. She's changed the wording and now it sounds like she's saying she just assumed he wrote it and isn't blaming him. 


Of course if it was such an innocent mistake then why did she take the poem down the second someone said they thought they recognized it. 


Someone needs to ask her to post poems that he has written so we can compare. :p


I'm absolutely flabbergasted that she bought rabbits to feed the dogs. Is that really how you want to feed farm dogs who need to be taught to leave animals alone?


I've gotten to the point where I don't even want them to get a decent house to live in. They'll just trash it and poop in buckets within months (days?). I still can't wrap my brain around the Naugler approach to feces.

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I have a harder time understanding their supporters.  I  mean, Joe and Nicole, I can "understand" by putting it in the "dysfunctional" category.  But these supporters?  Some seem so overtaken by their "freedom dogma" that there is no discernment left - or else they just don't care as long as people are "free".  And some I think are just confused.  "Oh look at the bunnies.  They make such good pets.  I wish your kids were there to see them."  (Not a direct quote but that is the idea.)  

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I have a harder time understanding their supporters.  I  mean, Joe and Nicole, I can "understand" by putting it in the "dysfunctional" category.  But these supporters?  Some seem so overtaken by their "freedom dogma" that there is no discernment left - or else they just don't care as long as people are "free".  And some I think are just confused.  "Oh look at the bunnies.  They make such good pets.  I wish your kids were there to see them."  (Not a direct quote but that is the idea.)  


Yeah, a couple of them though stated it made them sad to see that the bunnies were for dog food. I think it surprised them to read that. Is it common to buy pet rabbits as feed?

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To me buying rabbits to feed the dogs is like having another baby because you have baby clothes that don't fit anyone. You need to feed the dogs so you get rabbits. Now you need to feed rabbits. And with all of this you still haven't fed your children.


Get the rabbits acclimated to the taste of meat, then feed them the children. Problem solved.

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I have a harder time understanding their supporters.  I  mean, Joe and Nicole, I can "understand" by putting it in the "dysfunctional" category.  But these supporters?  Some seem so overtaken by their "freedom dogma" that there is no discernment left - or else they just don't care as long as people are "free".  And some I think are just confused.  "Oh look at the bunnies.  They make such good pets.  I wish your kids were there to see them."  (Not a direct quote but that is the idea.)  


Very true. I think the supporters are caught up with the idea of the 'wrongly accused' and protecting them. I can't decide if they are really believe that everything is fine because everyone should be able to do whatever they want or if they are just so blinded by their 'wrongly accused' dogma that they really don't see what's going on here.

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I just went back and read her post again. She's changed the wording and now it sounds like she's saying she just assumed he wrote it and isn't blaming him. 


Of course if it was such an innocent mistake then why did she take the poem down the second someone said they thought they recognized it. 


I hope they have failed at inculcating virtual panhandling, thievery, lying, threatening violence and plagiarism as acceptable choices for their children.  Perhaps the children have had enough exposure to community around them to learn that this behavior is destructive in long run.


I hope the poor buns do not have to suffer much before they are quickly mercy killed by predators.  The high tomorrow in their county will be 90 degrees.  Looks like the smaller ones can escape through spaces between boards if they don't get stuck and asphyxiate or suffer a painful fracture.

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Nicole seems to have ADD or something.  Oooh look, I want to open a business!  Oooh, I know, we can make our property a bed and breakfast!  Oooh, rabbits!  But without the daily work to keep any of those going.  I know the business looks beautiful (if impractical) but the work was done by others with other people's money.  And she doesn't seem to actually be working daily.  Though maybe I'm wrong. . . 

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that J and N are not going to dispatch the rabbits themselves but are just going to toss them to the dogs. Is that not against any animal cruelty laws?

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The more I think about this, the more I'm convinced this rabbit issue points to N's mental health issues. She is living under a microscope and so she posts something that will be extremely controversial?? That IS NOT the behavior of a woman who desperately misses her children.

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