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  • KrissiK


I saw the Princess Bride when I was in high school.  (I think.  I can't even remember the exact circumstances of me watching it.  At a friend's house, maybe.)  I thought it was the stupidest movie ever.  Maybe I should watch it again, since so many people I know seem to love it.


In college, I worked on the newspaper.  I had a computer in the lab that was mine, all mine.  :D   Except I really didn't know anything about computers.  I know it was a Mac and I could write and save documents.


Well, you know the little beep sound that a computer makes when an error has been made?  And if you make the same error several times in a row you have to listen to a half dozen beeps while the computer catches up to you?  Someone on the newspaper staff went into my computer and changed the sound files.  Instead of a quick little beep, he programmed it to play a sound file.  "Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father; prepare to die."  And so my computer would spit out this whole thing every.single.time I made an error.  And if I hit the wrong key several times in a row?  You guessed it!


"Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father; prepare to die."

"Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father; prepare to die."

"Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father; prepare to die."

"Hello.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father; prepare to die."



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I saw the Princess Bride when I was in high school. (I think. I can't even remember the exact circumstances of me watching it. At a friend's house, maybe.) I thought it was the stupidest movie ever. Maybe I should watch it again, since so many people I know seem to love it.


In college, I worked on the newspaper. I had a computer in the lab that was mine, all mine. :D Except I really didn't know anything about computers. I know it was a Mac and I could write and save documents.


Well, you know the little beep sound that a computer makes when an error has been made? And if you make the same error several times in a row you have to listen to a half dozen beeps while the computer catches up to you? Someone on the newspaper staff went into my computer and changed the sound files. Instead of a quick little beep, he programmed it to play a sound file. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die." And so my computer would spit out this whole thing every.single.time I made an error. And if I hit the wrong key several times in a row? You guessed it!


"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die."

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die."

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die."

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die."



Dh programmed our very first PC to say "We are the knights who say 'Ni'!" whenever you closed a program. Ds20's first word was "ni". :D

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In other news, it is morning.


(((Lynn))), I hope you can get some rest this afternoon!


I have set committee today, and then some co-op prep and other mischief to manage. And grocery shopping.


I talked to ds20 last night. He said he had to wear his tux all day, from his early class to an evening performance because he knew there would be no time to change during the day. Gotta love dressing up for lunch at the cafeteria. :D

Edited by Susan in TN
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Thank goodness he has two!

Actually, he was quite disappointed I only ordered one. I told him it was because I ordered them before we learned about kidneys and he should cut me some slack. My education concerning his desire for playing with his dissections was also lacking. Now I know for next time. I told him he could pick the next dissection we order to make up for it.

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Dh programmed our very first PC to say "We are the knights who say 'Ni'!" whenever you closed a program. Ds20's first word was "ni". :D

I liked this and Junie's even though I don't get the references. I know I watched the movie one Friday night in college. So I remember none of it specifically, just random images and a lot of guys from my dorm laughing and thinking it was the best thing ever. I remember thinking, well this is lame, but I am drinking their beer for free so I shall not be rude!!


I think I might actually like or at least appreciate the humor now.

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Hey friends. Dd is sleeping soundly. I'm up with ds who has a 102 fever and weird dream / terrors. Have administered ibuprofen and now watching mythbusters and cartoons for a bit.


(((Ikslo))) Hope your headache is better. (And you are asleep!)

Oh, no! It's brought another down for the count! Hugs to all of you.


Take care of you, too. You can't help them feel better if you are laid up.


ETA: Yes, I am rested and my headache is gone. Thanks for asking.

Edited by ikslo
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Good Morning. I slept, and I slept late. :hurray:


Today is a nephew's wedding. It is about an hour and half away. Today is also the memorial service for my "foster" dad. I don't think I will be able to go. I want to, but don't know how I will manage it.


:grouphug: Lynn and family. I hope your dd and ds gets well soon. And hoping you are immune to whatever it is.


Everyone have a wonderful and happy day.


Susan, I think it was Krissi that had the ranch recipe.

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Who posted this a week or so ago? KrissiK? Mary? Dawn? I can't find it. Renai, do you have it?




Susan, I think it was Krissi that had the ranch recipe.


Yes, it was Krissi, but I have the cookbook file :D.



Oh yeah, it's a good one! I actually got it from a magazine... The article was called "The Dressing Algorithm". They give you two recipe bases... One for viniagrette and the other for creamy. And then half a dozen add-ins for each to make whatever kind of dressing you want. I'm hooked on the ranch.

3/4 C mayo

1/2 c buttermilk

1/ 2 tsp. salt,

Black pepper

1T white vinegar

1 tsp each...garlic powder, onion powder

1 tsp dried or 1 tbs. fresh of dill and chives.

Very good and quick to make

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Who posted this a week or so ago? KrissiK? Mary? Dawn? I can't find it. Renai, do you have it?

It was my recipe! I'll repost it in a bit. I just woke up and the coffee hasn't kicked in yet!


ETA: thank you Renai! I'm glad you got my back! :)

Edited by KrissiK
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Gymnast has a soccer game.

Dd16 is going rock climbing (indoors) with a friend. I hope. I forgot to text the woman back yesterday, so I hope it's still on.

I get to clean the house.

Dh gets to help. (he actually does better than I)

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Hello, friends.


(((Lynn)))  Your dh left, and the Bermuda Triangle moved in.


Went to the farmer's market, Michaels, and Claire's for a gift certificate for a friend.  Dh put on a brisket to smoke and left a kid in charge when he went to check on a weekend project for the business.  The last time he did this the fire went out and I was out there relighting it with primitive materials and no knowledge of how the thing works.  


One kid woke up with a cold and was not in a good place as a result.  There were tears and protestations of choking and being unable to breathe due to dehydration and complaints, etc.  He usually gets an ear infection so I am shoving Mucinex into him because who needs ear infections???


I am catching up on laundry and housework from my 24 hour Zyrtec nap.  The cat hocked up another hairball on a comforter so it got added to the laundry.  


I will start planning  Anatomy and Physiology study for next year in a bit and send an email to my English students with homework information.  Everyone is dependent on my emails like crack.

Edited by texasmama
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Everyone except for Matt is sick. The kids were miserable so Matt cleared off the cameras and now the kids are roaming the house taking pictures of all the things. It's a good distraction.


I have a Michael's coupon for 50% off one thing. I want to get colored pencils for the kids. Do we want Crayola? They've only had dollar store pencils from their grandmother so I don't know. I'm thinking a huge pack of Crayola. You have a few hours to change my mind.


Someone on Facebook called Matt a rich racist because he supports the wrong candidate. Just a reminder of why I left Facebook. I do miss it at times, but it seems to only have gotten worse since I left. Oi.

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Dh just took ds15 to his baseball game.  Actually 2 games -- it's a double-header.  It is about 40 degrees outside with a windchill of 32.   :thumbdown:


It's cold here too.


It is beautiful sunny warm weather here.


It's rainy and damp and not terribly cold here! We need this last shot of rain. Got almost an inch last night, which is good. The kids are doing a carpy job with their chores and I'm tired of nagging and I'm tired of the mess. Dh had to go to work this morning, so it's just me here and I'm grumbly.
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Everybody wants me. Well, everycat. Came home and old cat has claimed the lap and is telling the young cat to scram.

I've got 3000 words to write today. I've planned out about 4000, I think, so it ought to be okay unless the protagonist decides he can't stomach a little bit of defeat and shuts down on me. 

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Friends, I have made a cake and frosting for tomorrow's bball end of year party.


I have boiled some yellow squash.


I have finished the laundry.


I have sent the English parent email.


I have sawed many dowels into thirds with a small hand saw on the top of my baking sheet in the kitchen.  (Don't ask.  Just don't.)


I am now sitting down to plan out the adjunct materials for little dd's A & P study next year.  However, the cat has positioned herself in an unfortunate place between me and the keyboard.  She wanted to sit on dh's lap, and he refused to let her so I sternly addressed this, because the princess cat gets everything she wants.  Evidently, what she wants now is to make it inconvenient for me to reach the keyboard.

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I have been to zumba, picked up food for the dogs, bedding for the rats & managed to have some money left over to buy a bit of food for the humans. 

Dd is nose in books and is trying to study for both the bio & chem finals at the same time but apparently things are going well as I'm not hearing much groaning. 

It was 18/65 in the shade at 10 am. Gorgeous, sunny, gentle breezes. I feel sorry for dd because I remember when weather got like this, I really didn't want to study. She is made of sterner stuff though. 

A sunny, why can't we play hooky Booyah!! 

Edited by hornblower
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