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What's the name of it, and what are the ingredients? We have a pretty extensive local herb store.


ETA: Lookie, an herbal booya!

Gaia Brand "Women's Balance". It has (and I quote): back cohash, alfalfa leaf, red clover tops, oats milky seed fresh extract, vitex, St. John's wort, dandelion root, vervain,


Hmm, now that I look at it, perhaps if I just go to some pasture and graze for a while, that might just take care of it.

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Ds8 apparently has a UTI.  In case you didn't already hear his bloodcurdling screams.   :crying:



To make matters worse, he is my sensory kid.  We had a hellish hour in the bathroom trying to simultaneously calm him down and feed four other hungry children a very very late dinner.  



Poor guy.  Pray the night isn't as long as I anticipate it being, and that we get an appointment with the doctor bright and early tomorrow morning.  

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This sucks.



This really really sucks.



It makes me mad. 







Thank you.  I tried to like your post but I'm out of likes.  #addinginsulttoinjury

Ds8 apparently has a UTI.  In case you didn't already hear his bloodcurdling screams.   :crying:



To make matters worse, he is my sensory kid.  We had a hellish hour in the bathroom trying to simultaneously calm him down and feed four other hungry children a very very late dinner.  



Poor guy.  Pray the night isn't as long as I anticipate it being,

The orange pee pills we told Dawn about could help him too.  Ask Dawn to share.  It takes away the pain. 

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The Orange pee pills are just like these:






I would bring some for the poor feller if I could. It is miserable. :grouphug: to him


They can be purchased at CVS over the counter. Any 24 hour pharmacies nearby? The AZO is the best.

Edited by Openhearted
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Orange pee pills are for 12+



We do have a 24-hour CVS nearby.  


Google tells me that the AZO isn't recommended under age 12.  But if he wakes up in agony, I'll call the on-duty physician and ask.





Love my ITT peeps.  Thanks again.  





Mind Meld.  It's a thing.  

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I had to google chiggers. Never heard of 'em. It must not be a PNW  critter though the wiki claims almost global distribution....


They're a southern thing.


Be glad. Be very glad. Little things are straight from the hot place.


One of the reasons we landed in the Inland Northwest and not the south, despite my cultural ties to Dixie.


Bugs and snakes and alligators and humidity.  Bleh.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


To everyone not feeling good, or dealing with bedbugs/fleas/chiggers/et al.  Or crummy church situations (seriously...this seems to be an epidemic lately...our church has been spared, AFIK, but this isn't the first place I've heard of major church drama).  


Or kids with UTIs....or kidney stones.  


I haven't been able to keep up too well the last few hours.  Been swamped with the Science semester.  I'm only on week 8 :svengo: I feel like this thing will NEVAH be done.  And my poor kids and hubby are so neglected, lol.  Hubby is definitely starting to get annoyed.  


It's times like this that I wish I had my old college job back.  The one where I worked as a security officer at this obscure little guard shack.  8 hours of pretty much peace and quiet and boredom.  Incidentally, I met my husband at that job.   :tongue_smilie:  But it was GREAT for getting school work done.  What else was there to do?  


Well...I've already wasted a half hour of my early morning peace and quiet.  But I'm awake so off to work I go!  

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Good Morning ITTers!


It's Wednesday.


Jean, Dawn, and Little Duckling's ds, hope you feel better today!



For breakfast we are having Greek yogurt with strawberries and granola. And a giant mug of coffee. Brought to you this morning by the letters G and S and the number 7 and Aldi.

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Good Morning!!!

I slept til 7:30 a.m. yay!


Quackers, I didn't know about the age thing, but I figured you would check it out. I sure hope he feels better today.


Breakfast at Susan's. :drool5:


We have chiggers in Indiana. Lots of them.


Lynn, I am feeling better today. Thank you.


Jean, I truly hope you have a better day today and are feeling better.


Dd 16 and I have to clean at my mom's today. It is not bad if she really wants to get rid of stuff. But usually it is just moving junk from one area to another. So we will see.

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Good morning!!!


Our first day of spring break, and I am up at 6 a.m. Oh, well, this is my quite time.


I think I have a UTI. Anyway to get over it without antibiotics? I know water and cranberry juice. Anything else? It's kinda miserable.


Hope everyone has a good day. :)


I'm alive, and slowly ketchuping up.


I regularly treat my UTIs with herbs so I don't mess up my GI tract with abx.  9/10 this does it:

D-Mannose with CranActin--2 capsules 3x/day (to flush the bacteria) (1000mg of d-mannose per capsule)

Marshmallow Root to soothe the urinary tract 2 capsules twice a day (960mg organic root in each capsule)

Nature Way's Urinary formula (cranberry, dandelion, marshmallow, cleavers, corn silk, goldenseal)--3 capsules 2x/day


I wouldn't take the Urinary formula if you have issues with your gallbladder, but it's otherwise pretty safe as far as ingredients go. Cleavers is good for the overactive bladder part of a UTI. Corn silk also soothes and relaxes the bladder muscle. Goldenseal takes care of whatever bacteria isn't flushed out by the D-Mannose.



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Good morning!  A headache overtook me last night.  It's some better this morning, but I still have quite a bit of light sensitivity.


And I'm still afraid to eat.  Maybe tonight.


And dd5 (my little math girl who only has 12 more pages of 1st grade math) is trying to convince me that 0+1 is "hard".  Yeah, whatever.

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OK - I'm going to have a mini meltdown here.  I've been dealing with stuff possibly related to kidney stones for months now.  I have talked to two doctors about this so I'm not keeping it a secret.  One doc put me on a med. designed to help flush out kidney stones.  This got better at the end of last week.  And now today I'm in pain and my urine is dark.  (TMI, sorry).  So. . . I think I'm going to have to call my primary and see what he says.  


And ds has been sick for a month now and it isn't getting any better.  So I need to call regarding him as well.


I'm behind on paying the bills.  And I'm behind in laundry.  And the refrigerator needs to be cleaned out.  And then there's stuff like pet care and cooking and school and. . .    (The kids do help around here but I still have to coordinate everything.)


So. . .  I can't call the doctor yet and I don't know what my schedule is going to be, because I don't know what he's going to say that I should do.

Your kids can do laundry or clean out the fridge or care for pets.


Kidneys are important.  Hope you called in.

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I'm alive, and slowly ketchuping up.


I regularly treat my UTIs with herbs so I don't mess up my GI tract with abx. 9/10 this does it:

D-Mannose with CranActin--2 capsules 3x/day (to flush the bacteria) (1000mg of d-mannose per capsule)

Marshmallow Root to soothe the urinary tract 2 capsules twice a day (960mg organic root in each capsule)

Nature Way's Urinary formula (cranberry, dandelion, marshmallow, cleavers, corn silk, goldenseal)--3 capsules 2x/day


I wouldn't take the Urinary formula if you have issues with your gallbladder, but it's otherwise pretty safe as far as ingredients go. Cleavers is good for the overactive bladder part of a UTI. Corn silk also soothes and relaxes the bladder muscle. Goldenseal takes care of whatever bacteria isn't flushed out by the D-Mannose.

Thank you so much, Prairie. I'm going to print this for reference.


I think I have it under control right now. Thanks to orange pee pills, cranberry tablets and copious amounts of water with lemon.


But this is very helpful.

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It's been a crazy week. I even made a VERY long road trip to help an elderly family member get some needed medical care.  On my agenda today: passport photos for the kids, calling the plumber, bug guy, arborist, roofer, and unpacking and getting ready to boot up life here again.  I planned to get stuff done this past week, and priorities shifted.


Dd woke up sick this morning and I'm due to take my immune-compromising drugs tonight.  My dr says that on this protocol I should be calling in to start my antivirals, and I'm resisting. I can't figure out why I'm hesitant to do so.

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I'm alive, and slowly ketchuping up.


I regularly treat my UTIs with herbs so I don't mess up my GI tract with abx.  9/10 this does it:


Me too! For simple ones at least. There's a point I know it's not going to work, or take too long to work but I've only hit that once in the past 15 years. 


I have European herbal uti meds which I use for me & one of my dogs. I actually have two types. One is  a little pill you swallow.  I use this for early symptom uti or as part of a uro tract cleanse. 


"Contains dense complex extract of parsley root (Petroselini radix), bean pericarp (Phaseoli pericarpium), birch leaves (Betulae folium), dry extract of chamomile herb (Chamomillae herba extractum siccum), dry extract of cowberry leaves (Vitis idaeae folium extractum siccum), potassium citrate (Kalium citricum), sodium citrate (Natrium citricum)."


The other is heavy duty disgusting paste which you mix with a bit of lukewarm water & drink. It's SO horrible that I have to be feeling really sick before I can drink it but it does treat a UTI & will clean out your kidneys & will flush any minor crystallizations and sand.  


"Active substance: 100 g of the paste contains Extractum compositum (1:1.3-1.6; ethanol 45°) ex: Agropyri rhizomate 12.5 parts, Allii cepae squama 5.0 parts, Betulae folio 10.0 parts, Foenugraeci semine 15.0 parts, Petroselini radice 17.5 parts, Solidaginis herba 5.0 parts, Equiseti herba 10.0 parts, Levistici radice 10.0 parts, Polygoni avicularis herba 15.0 parts - 67.2 g. Auxiliary substances: Glycerol 99.5 per cent, Agar, Mint oil, Sage oil, Orange oil, Pine oil, Wheat starch, Vanillin, Ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (Nipagina A), Purified water. Auxiliary substances: Glycerol 99.5 per cent, agar, mint oil, sage oil, orange oil, pine oil, wheat starch, vanillin, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (Nipagina A), water - ad 100 g"


There's apparently a new formula which has it in capsules which I'm going to try. The paste is nauseating for me though my mom actually doesn't think it's that bad LOL  The capsules are "parsley root 110 mg, elderflower, horsetail herb 90 mg, 90 mg lovage root, oat herb 90 mg, flower elderberry 90 mg, leaf blackcurrant 90 mg"



All this to say, there are a number of really effective herbs which can help.... 


ETA - not medical advice, consult your qualified herbalist, get diagnosed by a physician etc etc etc. 




Edited by hornblower
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Giving dd a lift to meet a potential new family dr.  There are a couple new docs accepting patients near us (pretty rare as there's a constant family doc shortage & many people don't have one...)
Dd's been going to a walk-in (where she has been seeing one of 2 physicians so there's been pretty good continuity of care) but you can never really count on them being there & you can't make appointments & the clinic is quite far away.   
She needs a doc who will respect her decision to stay on a certain med though and not all do. So she's steeling herself for the interview and trying to figure out how to assess this doctor because it would suck to sign up with them and then have them refuse to refill a prescription or give her grief over it, kwim? 

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Good Morning, ITT Peeps! Wow, 'this the season for "stuff"! Hope all you with UTIs and poison ivy and chronic pain get some relief! Today is DS's last day of school before Easter Vacation. His school gets Maundy Thirsday, Good Friday and all of next week off. So, we at our little homeschool do, too! I'm glad. We need a break and we need to catch up with life.


And, I have a good book to read. I don't know how long it's been since I've been hooked on a good book! I'm not in to novels or fiction of any sort, really. I love histories, but they mustn't be too dry. Last year I picked up "Dead Wake: The Last Voyage of the Lusitania" by Erik Larson and really enjoyed it. He writes non-fiction, but as a narrative. Yesterday we were in the library and I spotted an earlier book by him, "In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin". From time to time I read books about Hitler because I can't understand, and want to understand, how it all happened. It's a historical event that I think is pretty significant and it makes no sense to me how so much evil was unleashed on the world and how supposedly "good people" and "good countries" did nothing until it was almost too late. Several years ago I read the bio of Eva Braun, which was fascinating. This book is about William Dodds and family, who was the US Ambassador to Germany, sent over under FDR in 1933.

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Have not ketched up at all.


Ds13 woke up with a fever and coughing frantically yesterday morning. 102.5, 103.4, 104.2. :-( gave him Tylenol which took it back down to 102s. We have an atty appt yesterday afternoon that we absolutely had to go to. Left ds11 as nursemaid. Came home three hours later to 104.7. Called dr because I have never seen that high of a fever in this child and he was miserable. Plus the coughing was nuts. Usually I would never call dr on the first day of illness, but even laid back momma has her limits.


Went to dr. Influenza A. Yippee. Tamiflu it is. And it may actually help because we caught it on the first day of symptoms.


Now, I have to call in-laws dr to see if they want to put them on a prophylactic dose just in case. Because almost 90.


And we will be praying none of the rest of us get it.


Did I mention that we are supposed to host Easter :Willy_nilly:

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Hornblower and Prairie, where do you purchase these?


Cause sometimes I feel like I am getting better then other times I think it is worse. It wasn't too bad this morning when I woke up (that is usually when it is bad), but now it is not too good. Sigh. I should probably go to the Dr and get meds, but like prairie they really mess my system up. And, Slache, is far stronger and better than me because I can't do that much cranberry juice. But I have drank 3 quarts of spring water and lemon each day since Monday.

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Thanks, Krissi. It is so hard to watch them be so miserable. It is almost worse at this age, because they are so much more aware of how they feel. Plus, he still wants to be close, lol. It's like having a huge, snuggly baby next to you on the couch :D


I am really concerned about my in-laws though. Plus, if anything ever happened to them because of something my kids passed on, my guys would have a lot of (undeserved) guilt. I wish I could put up a force field right now, lol.

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Heather, I would do the prophylactic Tamiflu for the family. Ds20 had that one year and the pediatrician gave us all Tamiflu. No one else became ill.


We had high fever and cough here a few weeks ago. I had to alternate tylenol and Advil to keep fever down, plenty of fluids to combat dehydration.

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Hornblower and Prairie, where do you purchase these?


Cause sometimes I feel like I am getting better then other times I think it is worse. It wasn't too bad this morning when I woke up (that is usually when it is bad), but now it is not too good. Sigh. I should probably go to the Dr and get meds, but like prairie they really mess my system up. And, Slache, is far stronger and better than me because I can't do that much cranberry juice. But I have drank 3 quarts of spring water and lemon each day since Monday.

I often buy mine on the UK Amazon, Amazon.co.uk but they're also avail at Belmont Nutrition  in Chicago


The tablets are called Urosept 

The paste is called Fitolizyna 

The capsules I haven't tried yet are Fitolizyna Nefrocaps 

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I decided that I don't have time to go get antivirals from the doctor. I'm going to elderberry myself up and skip my methotrexate this week and see what happens.  Elderberry in studies is more effective than Tamiflu in some instances, so I'm not completely crazy. If I get a fever I'll go in.  Dd has been banished to her room, and I guess I'll dig out my respirator masks.

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