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This game is not going the way I had hoped. Mahomes has not been playing well and is getting no protection from his line. At least the half-time show was decent. Didn’t really like the underwear on the faces on the dancers, but, overall it was fine. I ate too many nachos.

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I like snow. But, I usually don't have to drive in it anyway, so there's that.

We got together with a couple of homeschool friends today so they could break a piñata with my daughter for a late happy birthday celebration. I hate parties, so we've always said that our kids can have one every 10 years. Gymnast turned 10 in January, and of course there was no party. I didn't realize how much it affected her until she broke down crying a couple of weeks ago about how this year has started out as the worst. The lack of party was just one thing. So, decided to get a pinata and invite a family I knew that is as careful as we are (her family is high-risk), and one other mom and her only (high-risk) daughter came as well (at first friend's house in the hills). They get along so well. I don't ever hear them fighting. If there is a disagreement, they figure things out pretty amiably. I have the youngest son on the potential husband list for Gymnast. Along with an ITTer's son... 

In health news, I've been able to breathe clearly for a few weeks now. That's been pretty nice. Gasping for air several times a day was getting kind of old.

Edpo: We've found a couple of online classes that Gymnast likes. There is a STEM class held in Spanish through a school in Mexico City that she just started last Wednesday. She really liked it and it's hands-on. I had to get materials... One of the things I need though is chicken wing bones, so I'll need to put those on the menu this upcoming week. The other class is a Christian Chinese conversation class. I think it was motivating to her to have other students in a small class learning Chinese.

I think that's about it for now as I really need to go to bed. I only have to teach for Rosetta Stone tomorrow, in the morning, and I'm hoping to make a dent on the disaster I call my home.

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Dh went to agility class with Juliet and I today.  Juliet did really well.  She's really figured out the chute (a cloth tunnel that they have to push through).  She was behaving perfectly until I asked dh to take some pictures.  He got out his camera and Juliet immediately started showboating!  She would do an obstacle and would then dash over to him as if she were saying, "Did you get that one?  How'd I do?" 

a showboating booyah!

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Jean - you got the booya!

Morning.  It's Monday.   It's going to be sunny but super cold and I have to shovel snow before class since dh is away.  He'll be home later today but I have to clear the path before students arrive.  

I'm teaching 4 classes today but not super hard ones.    Two are always "paper" based so not messy at all and one of those is by Zoom so I could come home and do it from here.  The other two have messy potential (Environmental Science and Physics) but we are doing "paper" based activities there too for today.    So, very little set up or clean up for today's classes.   

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Good Morning!

Happy Monday!

Monthly Lab Day!

How ironic that on the day Toto isn't doing messy labs, that's the one day we're going to.

I am still not excited about doing labs (and neither are the girls) but I think that it's a good thing for us.  And once a month feels do-able.

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Good Morning!!!



We have a virtual staff meeting today and I have two parent meetings this afternoon.DD’s school has off today for Lincoln’s Birthday. They have next Monday off as well. My school has the next two Mondays off. I really would love to have today off.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Chester slept peacefully in the living room all night again.  Did not wreak any havoc that we can see.

I finally got my ipad from dd14 who was writing up a little thing for scouts on a local environmental issue.  Back to lessons, you!  Now I'm paused at the kitchen table to ITT with a load of laundry heading downstairs.  

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Morning. I'm alive per ITT. Good thing the rules say nothing about having to be awake, in a good mood, or ready to attack the day.

Got to catch up on house things, work on writing, get stuff sent out, and keep up with the dog's blood sugar today. She's getting a curve on her lower dose, and I swear to goodness, she's going to make me rip my hair out before I get her regulated.

Although, that could be a good thing. I need a haircut.

Edited by Critterfixer
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37 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

Morning. I'm alive per ITT. Good thing the rules say nothing about having to be awake, in a good mood, or ready to attack the day.

Got to catch up on house things, work on writing, get stuff sent out, and keep up with the dog's blood sugar today. She's getting a curve on her lower dose, and I swear to goodness, she's going to make me rip my hair out before I get her regulated.

Although, that could be a good thing. I need a haircut.

Thank you for following regulations!  I will send the Dragon Scale Cranky Pants (with tea dispenser) post haste!

Edited by Susan in TN
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So the realtor who volunteered to run me a report on spaces in the area (when I called about a specific space that ended up not being available) kept pushing this one space.  It was outside my preferred area but not by too much (a problem for me more than most of my students) but he said it met all our other criteria and kept pushing me to come see it.   I asked for more information - specific rent, floor plans, additional fees, etc. before running out there to see it.    He sent me that information today.   

It's $8 per square foot higher than my range.   The rent alone would be about $1700 more a month than something in my range.   

Why don't people ever listen to/read the details? 

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I'm on my third load of laundry.  Cleaned out the mandolin music corner and the chair area and still can't find my purple folder of mandolin music.  I need to check for an online tax statement and if it's not there I may have to call that stupid place again.

I need to fortify myself with more coffee.

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Good morning!

Had a Philmont crew meeting last night with previous participants talking about their gear and advice.  Very helpful.

Normal Day of Things today.  I might get up the gumption to tackle my nightstand today.  That is, if I have any gumption left after putting away laundry.  


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12 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

I stop by to visit and it appears no one else is here. 3hrs?!

Hey Servie!  Sometimes it takes people so long to log on that they forget and go do ridiculous things like eat dinner and care for their families and stuff.  <major eyeroll> Priorities!  😂

(I fell asleep before I could get logged on.  True story.)

Edited by Susan in TN
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Morning all. Sorry I'm so sporadic these days. Life is very busy here and I sometimes just don't have the patience or time required to load this thread. It's not the site login or any other thread on here, just this one. So sometimes I have the time and patience and other times I don't.

Working on my 2nd cup of coffee while laundry is doing it's thing in the washer and dryer, one ear listening to Oldest read his history lesson aloud while I'm sitting with Middle and half watching Curious George and nursing Newbie.... All this while simultaneously trying to ITT. Yes, I used ITT as a verb.

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Morning. It's still morning here. I hast not died. I'm less cranky now that I am getting around 3 full hours of sleep at a stretch instead of two. I have all the things to write today, but less things to do, which should make me a happy little writer. Said in my best Bob Ross voice.

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News Bulletin!

I have cleaned out my nightstand drawer and found dd18's passport!

other items discovered: 2 A440 tuning forks, the rock I took from the glacier in Norway, several marbles, banjo finger things, a small soccerball chocolate from Costa Rica, countless pencils and pens, some change, birthday cards, my needlepoint scissors, some gift cards, and much, much more.

Stay tuned for more Days of Our Drawers.

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Hello, I did not get on here for my usual morning greeting today.  Dh woke me up early to tell me he couldn't start his car because it was low on gas and he drove up onto a snow bank so with the angle he didn't have enough gas.  So I had to get up and take him to work.    

Long day but went well.  I'm tired. 

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5 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I have found an online puzzle generator (for things like cryptographs, crosswords, mazes etc.) that is making it easy to make up a little review workbook for my camp lessons. 

You shared something without actually sharing...tsk, tsk. What is the site?

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Yay for puzzles!  I love educational puzzles.

So a phase of Chester's training that I am starting on is having him "do things" like sit or whatever when there are other people around, like neighbor kid or out at the park.  Today I actually got him to sit when there was a park groundskeeper 20 yards away and Pup absentmindedly gave me a fist-bump as if to say "I totally don't care what you want - there is a Guy over there and I need him to be my best friend so just get this over with".  It seems that this is going to be a Very Long Process.  😂

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Good Morning!!!!


Humph Day!!!

School and work and not-Awana tonight. The 3rd -6th grade girls are doing a Valentine’s craft tonight. I am leading it. It should be fun. I am completely prepared, so that’s half the battle right there.

Yesterday was insane. I had a dentist appointment that I (and others) had to continually remind myself to go to. I remained in my hygienist’s Excellent Oral Hygiene Club. Access to that club is granted by having no 4’s when she measures recession. And I don’t even floss. 

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Good morning!

I  want to go to not-Awana and make a craft.

Weather here is iffy.  Supposed to rain all night and get down to 34*, which might mean ice or something.  The Radio Man has admonished us to be "weather aware". Lol.  There are a bunch of snowflakes scheduled for next week which will probably amount to nothing.  It is an unusually cold February.  I blame The Groundhog.  Hold onto your hats, East Coast!

Ds16 asked me to help with his last couple chemistry problems.  Uh.  True confessions: I never even took chemistry in high school.  So I guess we will work through it together.  I'm pretty good at algebra, so we'll see.



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34 minutes ago, Junie said:


It's cold, y'all, and there's more precipitation coming.  This time it looks like something for everyone (or no one) -- rain, snow, ice, freezing rain!  Maybe this is God's way of helping people to stay home.


Don't make unnecessary journeys, don't take risks on treacherous roads, AND DON'T SWIM IN THE SEA!

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12 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Yay for puzzles!  I love educational puzzles.

So a phase of Chester's training that I am starting on is having him "do things" like sit or whatever when there are other people around, like neighbor kid or out at the park.  Today I actually got him to sit when there was a park groundskeeper 20 yards away and Pup absentmindedly gave me a fist-bump as if to say "I totally don't care what you want - there is a Guy over there and I need him to be my best friend so just get this over with".  It seems that this is going to be a Very Long Process.  😂

At least your dog doesn’t think that everyone is an axe murderer who is out to slit your throat!  I get mine to sit too and she’s saying “I don’t care what you want- there is an axe murderer over there and I need to eat him first before you cluelessly let him murder us all, so let’s just get this over with!”  

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Argh!  I am feeling very piratey and ready to send people down the gangplank!  The kids are taking a class by zoom and were supposed to have a quiz paper, which I printed out a couple days ago.  The teacher was giving the quiz and they were all just sitting there, like, duh, we don't have the quiz page but we won't bother to ask mom for a new one or ask the teacher to give us the answer choices or whatever and just sit here like bumps on a log.  
Put 'em in the scupper with a hose-pipe on 'em!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Is not-Awana Master's Club?

It's going to be 9° next week. Pray for snow for my babies. I don't really care what anyone else wants, Imma be selfish here. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

My "old man" (not my dad, but someone I used to caretake for) is probably dying this week.

We are going to the Riverwalk tomorrow to look at Christmas lights. They stayed up late due to Covid, so Christmas lights and hot chocolate. Friday we celebrate Mary's 8th birthday.

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We are attempting to give Chester a haircut.  He has a lot of fur. Slache, I saw you roll your eyes.  Go ahead and say it.  (I told you so!!)

We've been at it for 45 minutes, but have to take a break for dh to pick up the kids from youth group.  I expect another hour or so of work and then we're going to have to settle for the "rabid-hobo dog" look.

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