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42 minutes ago, Spudater said:

Ugh, I sent ds and dd9 out to play and they got in such a screaming match I had to bring them in again. I made them fold laundry. 

Having kids who I can send out to play has got to be my absolute suckiest area as a parent. Just absolutely awful. So many timesI keep pulling them in thinking, yipes much more of this the neighbors are going to call CPS.  

Well, at least they're socialized!  🤣

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5 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

Amazing how many scenarios can come to mind when you hear the term "mudding." I used to think it was just something we did for fun on the weekend with all the boys' large trucks, back in high school.

This is what I thought of but it didn't make sense with the wall part of things.

I'm home and done with my workshop.   It went well.  I thought I might not have enough activities for two hours but we went right up to the end.  I'm tired now.   

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

I wonder who would last longest: Gymnast or Youngest? 😂 

It's an Outlast/Outplay Booya(h)!

With any luck, they'd wear each other out! The thing is, she'll just keep going and going and going and crash later. It's like, her wear-out-o-meter is broken...

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2 hours ago, Spudater said:

I’m tempted to revamp our schedule and chore assignments completely but maybe that’s crazy three months from giving birth. It just feels out of control right now. Maybe I’m getting a little depressed or something. 

You’re nesting!

2 hours ago, mms said:

Resist! It’s the last trimester panic setting in. You know the one where you feel so done and yet not ready for baby while simultaneously managing children who have a third sense that mom is not operating at full throttle and behave accordingly.  Don’t fall in the trap of living under the illusion that what will be the magic bullet for all this is a shiny new system.

eta: times like that always seem to flow better when I ditch the schedule and focus on the minimum but done really well. Oh and building relationships. But, ymmv.

Oh, yeah, I remember that. Good points!

21 minutes ago, Spudater said:

Does this mean I can’t ship them off to JJM?

No. I vote for shipping them off!  Third trimester is hard!

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

No. I'm just sad that some subjects have been abandoned because there just isn't enough time in our school day. If I can find curriculum that condenses multiple subjects into one lesson, it would help. I'm even more anxious with another baby coming. I'm honestly starting to panic at how I'll handle next school year. It literally just hit me the other day that WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! Oldest is 9, Youngest is almost 1.5, and Itty Bitty is due this summer.

Do math and reading every day and look into a Loop schedule for everything else.   

I could never do a full boxed/all-in-one curriculum.  Even with just two kids, they worked at such different levels and speeds in different subjects.

And I just remembered that you (?) or someone else asked what an escape room is.   Basically they lock you in a room and you have to find clues to open things to find the way out of the room.  You get one hour.   I've run a few for my 4-H club but this will be the first time I've gone to a "real" one.  They can be pretty elaborate.  We're going with a few of the kids from my classes.  I'm the adult who gets to go in with them because dd requested I do it with them, and it turns out anyone under 13 needs a parent with them and dd and one other girl are 12.  

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Happy Friday.   I'm having my tea then I"m running out to the library to borrow some movies for the weekend since we have the new dvd player, running to the store for junk food.  Both are since dh is going to visit his mom this weekend.    I want to do that before we go to the escape room because dh is probably leaving shortly after we get back and taking my car.  I hate going out in his car.  

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Just now, Where's Toto? said:

Do math and reading every day and look into a Loop schedule for everything else.   

I could never do a full boxed/all-in-one curriculum.  Even with just two kids, they worked at such different levels and speeds in different subjects.

And I just remembered that you (?) or someone else asked what an escape room is.   Basically they lock you in a room and you have to find clues to open things to find the way out of the room.  You get one hour.   I've run a few for my 4-H club but this will be the first time I've gone to a "real" one.  They can be pretty elaborate.  We're going with a few of the kids from my classes.  I'm the adult who gets to go in with them because dd requested I do it with them, and it turns out anyone under 13 needs a parent with them and dd and one other girl are 12.  

Yes, I asked about the escape room. I'd never heard of this! Interesting...

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5 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

Do math and reading every day and look into a Loop schedule for everything else.   

I could never do a full boxed/all-in-one curriculum.  Even with just two kids, they worked at such different levels and speeds in different subjects.

And I just remembered that you (?) or someone else asked what an escape room is.   Basically they lock you in a room and you have to find clues to open things to find the way out of the room.  You get one hour.   I've run a few for my 4-H club but this will be the first time I've gone to a "real" one.  They can be pretty elaborate.  We're going with a few of the kids from my classes.  I'm the adult who gets to go in with them because dd requested I do it with them, and it turns out anyone under 13 needs a parent with them and dd and one other girl are 12.  

Yes!  I agree with this exactly!  There is no curriculum or resource that will solve the challenges ahead.  Just do this!  

4 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

Happy Friday.   I'm having my tea then I"m running out to the library to borrow some movies for the weekend since we have the new dvd player, running to the store for junk food.  Both are since dh is going to visit his mom this weekend.    I want to do that before we go to the escape room because dh is probably leaving shortly after we get back and taking my car.  I hate going out in his car.  

Ha!  The car thing - I get it.  Dh is out of town this weekend for basketball with ds.  At one point we considered trading vehicles (thinking he would be giving a ride to other boys) which prompted a poetic list of "I hate your car more than......" from me..... concluding with "True love is trading cars with you."  😂  Fortunately, the extra riders were better served elsewhere and I got to keep my car!  🎉

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10 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

If your work schedule allows it, I think you should declare a movie day for gymnast and go back to bed!!

She had one yesterday. I don't actually sleep sleep though, because I don't like that she is basically alone (and neither does she) even though I'm right there on the sofa. When I was teaching a 25 minute Spanish prek yesterday, I started smelling something cooking - she was making a sopita. She knows better than to cook unsupervised. But, she was hungry, that's what she wanted, and that's what she did. This is one of the reasons I put her in the public homeschool class to begin with. I really didn't want to have another day that I needed to nap throughout the entire day, but I'm going to have to eventually because I have another 5 hour shift tonight.

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28 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

Yes!  I agree with this exactly!  There is no curriculum or resource that will solve the challenges ahead.  Just do this!  

Ha!  The car thing - I get it.  Dh is out of town this weekend for basketball with ds.  At one point we considered trading vehicles (thinking he would be giving a ride to other boys) which prompted a poetic list of "I hate your car more than......" from me..... concluding with "True love is trading cars with you."  😂  Fortunately, the extra riders were better served elsewhere and I got to keep my car!  🎉

Seriously.  Dh's car is a 18 year old Suburban that occasionally needs the wires wiggled in order to start.  It's hard to park, rough riding, and HUGE.

Mine is a 2015 Honda Pilot with a backup camera.    

Just no comparison.    But it definitely makes more sense for him to take mine when he's traveling a couple hundred miles on the Parkway and I can get away with a quick trip to the science center on Saturday (and even that could be optional).  

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We are planning to do escape rooms at camp this year for an activity.  One for the youngers and one for the teens.  There are tons of ideas on how to do one for parties and classrooms etc. on Pinterest.  I know because I've pinned them all!  The counselor who will most likely actually carry out the activity is very excited about it. 

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Second sleep done! I have no idea when Gymnast got up (we're in the same bed). Probably when dh came in asking if I could move my car so he could jump his truck. He then said he'll just move things himself. (I drive a stick shift and he doesn't.) I don't know what time that was either. Probably around 8am... I woke up at 10:20...

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:


Thanks. Only 1 in school for now, but I'll look into loop scheduling. I've seen it mentioned but don't know anything about it. Right now my main focus is on Math and English because he already reads sooo much all the time and reads/comprehends very well. However, Oldest's ability (ahem, WILLINGNESS) to give written output is his biggest weakness, hence my desire to combine/condense subjects. I refuse to go back to workbooks which allow this problem to continue to increasingly get worse and we are slowly working to increase the amount he can/will write as this improves so many other things like handwriting and retention of material. ***EDPO OVER***

Nope, no clue on the escape room convo. I wasn't paying attention or don't remember. Sorry.

I love loop scheduling.

The way I do it, I chose my core daily things--these have varied at times, but math is always one and then I have just one or two others--not language arts for me, usually it's music practice or foreign language.

After that, you write down everything else you want your child to study. It can be just a list--language arts, science, history, Bible, Typing--then after the "daily" work is done you start at the top of that list and get through as much as you get through. Next day you do your daily stuff again and then start with the next item on the loop--whatever comes after the subject you ended with yesterday. When you finish the list you loop back to the top. So, with the list above, maybe Monday you did language arts and science, Tuesday you did Bible and history, Wednesday you get through typing, language arts, and science, Thursday you do history, Bible, and typing, and Friday is busy or the baby is fussy or you just want a light day so you only get through language arts. 

If you have a longish list and there are things you don't necessarily want to do every day but want to get to more often than the list might otherwise allow you can put those things in the list more than once--for example: language arts, Spanish, science, history, picture study, language arts, Spanish, Bible, Typing.

It's a way to make sure you get to everything you want your children studying on a regular basis while flexing with life.

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30 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Oldest and I are having fun. His English lesson told him to copy any words (different types of birds) he couldn't pronounce onto paper and look them up in a dictionary. We Googled them instead and found out each one's size, habitat, life span, and then looked up the countries on our globe. Score for Geography!

And science!

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Dh came home from work at lunchtime.  Sigh.  It's hard to get anything done now, and dd11 is sobbing "because she has to read her literature book but really because she has her first scout campout this weekend and is a little anxious about it".  

Dd11 is now taller than dd17.  Dd11 is off the chart on the upper end, and dd17 is off the chart on the lower end.  Where did these kids come from?  :laugh:

We're having Indian Butter Chicken for dinner tonight, except with mushrooms instead of chicken.  Dd17 will get ground beef in hers to help increase her iron level.

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6 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Youngest sure is curious about the potty, these days. Isn't he a bit young to be pointing into the toilet and to then trying to push off his diaper? I will do pregnant cartwheels if he decides to potty train before Itty Bitty arrives!

DS got interested ~17 months. Apparently around 18 months is a really good time to try.

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5 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

We are planning to do escape rooms at camp this year for an activity.  One for the youngers and one for the teens.  There are tons of ideas on how to do one for parties and classrooms etc. on Pinterest.  I know because I've pinned them all!  The counselor who will most likely actually carry out the activity is very excited about it. 

I've done quite a few of them and they are really fun.   

The professional one we did today was fun and the kids did a great job but we didn't escape.   There were a couple of clues that I don't think you'd be able to figure them out unless you already knew about them.   I also realized that other than a few really big electronic boxes, mine aren't as lame as I thought.    A lot of the stuff was very similar to the kind of things I do.  

Dh is gone down to his moms, I'm having tortellini with roasted garlic alfredo for dinner and I have Spiderman:Far From Home, Avengers End Game and Zombieland 2 to watch this weekend.   Plus classes to work on and school to set up and cleaning to do.   But I"m going to do some movie watching and relaxing.  

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23 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I am walking with Juliet. We just walked by a dead deer mouse. Fortunately Juliet didn't see it.   If I wasn’t retired from homeschooling we would have studied it. Nature study!


Ugh.  Reminds me of the frozen dead owl DH found on the way home from work a few years ago.  He saved it in a snowbank for a nature study that (thankfully) never happened, and I finally made him dispose of it after a spring thaw.  

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22 hours ago, Spudater said:

Does this mean I can’t ship them off to JJM?

Dude. I go out of TOWN and y’all start trying to take away my lil campers? Not cool, peeps. <<insert tappy  toe dude here>>

5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Dh came home from work at lunchtime.  Sigh.  It's hard to get anything done now, and dd11 is sobbing "because she has to read her literature book but really because she has her first scout campout this weekend and is a little anxious about it".  

Dd11 is now taller than dd17.  Dd11 is off the chart on the upper end, and dd17 is off the chart on the lower end.  Where did these kids come from?  :laugh:

We're having Indian Butter Chicken for dinner tonight, except with mushrooms instead of chicken.  Dd17 will get ground beef in hers to help increase her iron level.

Umm, Susan...after all those kids, I would have thought that you had figured that out.😳

Edited by JoJosMom
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