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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Slache, camping is a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be traumatizing.  You have to be well prepared. Like a good Scout. 

Oh, and don’t go with kids until they are all at least 4 and/or completely potty trained. Svengo. 

Edited by Susan in TN
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Re: doughnuts:

I should add that we are only able to keep them on hand by only allowing them on Sunday mornings, but that hardly seems helpful for your situation.

Edited by 73349
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37 minutes ago, Spudater said:

I’ve made a conscious effort to say out loud “oh shoot I messed up, well, it’s ok, it happens, I’ll fix it/do better next time” to try to model it for my kid who struggles with perfectionism. I’ve kind of realized that my Dad instinctively did something similar for me as a kid. He’d always give me a big grin and a hug and say “ good enough for a government job” and clown around until I realized that it wasn’t the end of the world. I remember one day we made a sheet cake together and he cut a weird shaped piece right out of the middle. I was shocked! But then it was a lot of fun and I did it too.  God knew I needed a dad who would help me loosen up, I guess.  🙂

Ds used to have huge Aspie meltdowns twice a day every day - related to perfectionism more than Aspieness itself - once after spelling and once after math.  Both were not coincidentally the subjects where there was one right answer.  I modeled for years the "Oh well, I will try again next time".  Then one day I was tensing up for the spelling meltdown and he said "Oh well, I will try again next time."  You could have knocked me over with a feather!  It's not like he never had meltdowns after that but there was a lot more hope that my approach was working. . .  

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Slache, camping is a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be traumatizing.  You have to be well prepared. Like a good Scout. 

Oh, and don’t go with kids until they are all at least 4 and/or completely potty trained. Svengo. 

The kids were fine, it was just that I was so cold. My husband said that it wouldn't be nearly as cold as it was. He's an eagle scout. And I'm an idiot!

That was the first time my kids heard the f word.

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2 hours ago, Spudater said:

Remember that time my son said the s word while we were in line for Confession?  I got home and told my husband and he looked kind of embarassed and said, “oh, sorry, I guess I taught him that.”  I told my mom the story and she took the blame too!  It totally could have been me, though. 

Oh well. It happens. 😉


Oops! Looks like you misspelled a word there, Spuds. Now write it correctly 57 times...


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6 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Isn't Broccoli an Aspie?  That is such an Aspie thing. . .    I  can so relate with my son over the years.  He gets stuck (or used to - he's gotten better now that he's in his 20's) in one mode of thinking - rigidity of thinking is definitely an Aspie trait.  Arguing never ever ever worked.  Learning to set it aside and move on to something else has worked (with a lot of help) over the years.  If he is Aspie - you cannot discipline it out of him.  You can, however, teach coping skills. 


He doesn't have a diagnosis, but Celery does, and my brother does, and I've had more than one therapist tell me they think my wife does, and I've suspected for a few years now that Broccoli might too (and so does the nurse who does his annual checkups), so, yeah. And yep, same thing with math. And I do often just let it slide, and when I don't I try to be supportive in an understanding way, rather than in an argumentative way, but, omg, sometimes it's just too much to have him tell me yet again that he wrote the correct answer and I must have changed it, kwim? 

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Good morning!

I don’t like my new hammock. The built-in bug net is nice, but it just doesn’t feel aa stable as the ENO and for some reason the underquilt I made for the ENO just doesn’t work well with this one. 

My left leg/knee was painfully stiff and sore this morning but it’s a little better after moving around a bit. 

Time to get up and start breaking camp. I’m ready for a nap. 


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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

We had some major attitude going on here yesterday.  Hopefully today will be better.

My arthritis has been acting up quite a bit lately.  I've been using my cane around the house which rarely happens.  😞

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Morning.  I've been MIA lately but now I'm back.  Mainly because dh is back from sitting at the hospital with his mom.   He was gone a week and boy did we miss him!  He does all the cooking around here, not to mention so many other things.   MIL is still in the hospital but improving everyday and dh was able to make arrangements for FIL to go into a place for care since MIL is his primary caregiver.  They are hoping to get paperwork done so it transfers right from respite care to full time care.  MIL will go into the same facility when she leaves the hospital for rehab.  

Other than that, I'm off all next week.  Unlike my last "break" week where I scheduled way too many activities (still had 2 days of classes, then a game day, and a curriculum sale, and a workshop), this time I have nothing at the science center.  We are "hosting" an end of year picnic at our lake but I don't really have to do much except get our canoes and kayaks out and unlock the bathrooms.   

Of course, I have a long list of cleaning and organizing projects both at home and at the science center.

After next week, two weeks of classes then it's summer camp time.   I have a few registrations but won't know until about a week ahead of time whether I'm running camp some weeks or not.

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2 hours ago, Junie said:

Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

We had some major attitude going on here yesterday.  Hopefully today will be better.

My arthritis has been acting up quite a bit lately.  I've been using my cane around the house which rarely happens.  😞


Hmm, this is definitely on of those rare "no bazooka" moments. Imma vote for laps. (Although I DO believe that our beloved Junie has been ignoring a possible motivator-literally-at her fingertips...😐)


51 minutes ago, whitehawk said:

Good morning. Here we go a-Thursdaying. I need to work really hard the next few days. Sing along if you know the words (1,2,3):

Hey Whitehawk,

get off the internet

and Do All the Things!

[Repeat as needed if you see me before Sunday night.]


Imma ignore this.

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Good morning. I've got to get on the phone with doctor(s) this morning, and I'd rather sit on a thumbtack. I'm so tired of non-answers that I'm about out of energy to go hunting for answers, but I'll rally after some tea and get at it. Other than that, I plan to paint, write, and then go to the lake. I'm going to need a quiet afternoon to settle down and be less grumpy for the remainder of the week. 

In other news, I'm still waiting on any news on the submission front, and I have two short stories out that haven't been rejected yet. I'm set to finish the first draft of the third book in a new series of fantasy books, and plan to write the fourth book in June as a challenge to myself. I want to actually have written a whole series and be ready for the first book to go out on submission by November.  On top of that, I'm writing a spin-off of my first series, and beginning work on a standalone book that I hope to write in November. So...staying busy.

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No nap, but I finally got some coffee!  We’re all packed and hauling things to the van. I am currently maintaining a supervisory position while I wait for everyone to finish with their spoons so I can wash them. 

After we clear out, we have a short  (2 mile) hike this morning with 2 waterfalls, then lunch, then we visit the oldest family bakery in TN, then we see a natural bridge, then home. 

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Good morning!!!


Friday Eve.

Carpet is installed. Now I spend the day putting things back to rights,

Yesterday the kids had their piano recital at Memory Care at the local retirement home. They did a great job. Especially DD2 who struggles and struggles, but she learned her pieces and did well. My Aunt B is a resident there in Memory Care. She’s my Grandma’s younger sister. She’s 97 years old and still remembers me. She didn’t remember my mom, though,😂😂😂. I guess that’s what dementia does to you.

I still feel kind of carpy from this UTI.

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5 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:



1 hour ago, Renai said:



And, how do you do?

My name's Renai, and I pass it on to you!

(does anyone remember this chant???)


1 hour ago, luuknam said:



23 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:




What is this, a competition? I could have done better if I knew what was expected!

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4 hours ago, Slache said:

Alex is convinced that pigeons are called chickens and there is no convincing him otherwise. When we told him that people eat them he tried to eat one off of the sidewalk.

I love that this got a confused face. We have to hold his hand in the pet store or he'll eat the fish. I don't think there's any kind of LD there, he's just very... related to my family.

34 minutes ago, Junie said:

I was napping...

Now this is a priority! Trophies for Junie! May we all learn from her example!

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2 hours ago, Another Lynn said:

3 hours?  Priorities people!  😜

I was at the Afsa. But also, my stupid iPad won't let me sign in to the Boards. I have to go to the main computer, which is butt.  And, I can't just check-in any old time I want. I have to come into the office and sit down and log in and all that. Bleh!!!!!!    JJM, where's the bazooka?

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2 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

In other unrelated news, I have decided that boaters who blast music out on the water while roaring past on speedboats are just  rude.😡

My cousin's kid got married in a park right by the river and boaters were floating by (the specific part of the river is a no-wake zone, so they just float) were heckling them, right in the middle of the ceremony. Who does that????????

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