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((Hugs))) to everyone having a hard day/week/month/year.

I'm done for the day (except home stuff like dishes and laundry and kids school) but I'm still at the science center.  My cleaning person is on vacation and I HAD to sweep the floor after today's messy messy classes.  And I'm feeding the turtle and waiting for him to poop before I put him back in his regular tank.

I'm tired today.  Had 4-H last night and I'm still recovering from crappy food over the weekend.

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Staying busy today. Got some writing done, am making stew, and took a crack at revision dining room. I can now see the table, but since most of the books migrated to book-pile in my room, I'm not done yet. Also, the school cabinet is a disaster zone. But that's not getting touched today. Next Wednesday, maybe. Only have energy for so much in one day!

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I took a nap but still feel like sleeping.  I repotted the lavender and the baby lavender. I'm not sure why the baby lavender is still alive and growing - it has no roots - just greenish gray leaves on a stick.  I also repotted the shasta daisy.  It was terribly root bound.  It really needs a bigger pot than the new one I gave it.  

I bought bologna at Aldi today.

Ds14 is getting taller.

I almost forgot to water the bonsai.

More coffee!

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I wish I could nap.  I almost never can or I don't sleep at night.

Went to a meeting about dd's tkd last night.  It was with the owner of the dojo, not her old instructors.  Evidently the old instructor was a contractor who was paid a percentage of money brought in from classes and events.  They found evidence that cash payments weren't being turned in/accounted for, then found that a bank account was opened and presented as belonging to the dojo when it wasn't.    

Still haven't heard anything more from the instructor who was fired.   

One of the assistant instructors is staying with the dojo and will take over the classes.  TKD will continue as it was with them being able to continue through their belts.  They will also be able to take other classes like judo or jujitsu, striking and grappling classes, etc.  Dd has decided to stay there.   

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No naps for me. School is done.


Today is V-E Day and by some mad coincidence, we read about that in history today in “Our Star Spangled Story”. They’ve done a good job covering WWII.

I went to Home Depot and got stuff for Mother’s Day Fairy Gardens.

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26 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

I wish I could nap.  I almost never can or I don't sleep at night.

Went to a meeting about dd's tkd last night.  It was with the owner of the dojo, not her old instructors.  Evidently the old instructor was a contractor who was paid a percentage of money brought in from classes and events.  They found evidence that cash payments weren't being turned in/accounted for, then found that a bank account was opened and presented as belonging to the dojo when it wasn't.    

Still haven't heard anything more from the instructor who was fired.   

One of the assistant instructors is staying with the dojo and will take over the classes.  TKD will continue as it was with them being able to continue through their belts.  They will also be able to take other classes like judo or jujitsu, striking and grappling classes, etc.  Dd has decided to stay there.   

Sounds like a wise decision.  No wonder the old instructor was fired. 

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1 hour ago, Where's Toto? said:

((Hugs))) to everyone having a hard day/week/month/year.

I'm done for the day (except home stuff like dishes and laundry and kids school) but I'm still at the science center.  My cleaning person is on vacation and I HAD to sweep the floor after today's messy messy classes.  And I'm feeding the turtle and waiting for him to poop before I put him back in his regular tank.

I'm tired today.  Had 4-H last night and I'm still recovering from crappy food over the weekend.


Speaking of turtles: today was the first day of my science time Spanish - reptiles - class, and the first group I talked about were turtles.

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1 hour ago, Critterfixer said:

I want someone to make me a big pan of cornbread, bring me a bowl of stew and said cornbread with honey, and then wash the dishes and fold the laundry while I take a shower. Wah! 


That's all my mother in law ever wants when she visits - a big pan of cornbread. She had never had it until she met me. My brother-in-law is in town, and I will be making a couple of pans for him to take back to Mexico for her.

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Curiosity got the best of me.  Had to find out why a thread titled "Ignore this thread!" had nearly 3500 pages.  Got to be a bit nosy and felt guilty for peeping in without saying hello.  So, hello!  

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Good morning!

I’m in the waiting room at the walk-in clinic. It’s pretty quiet here so probably not a long wait. 

Rain coming later this morning. The girls have their violin/viola recital at 5:00, then dd12 has a dress rehearsal right after that. 


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I don’t know what to do. I only got three hours and thirty-three minutes of sleep last night. My days are ok-  I always have pain-some days more than others- but movement actually helps and I have a lot to distract me. But I dread nighttime. I wake up with cramping that wracks my body/ back, hips and legs.

My primary is sympathetic but has no answers. My sleep specialist/neurologist has me on meds for restless legs and seizures. Her solution is to keep upping the dose but that isn’t really working.  My naturopathic doc is getting frustrated because none of his suggestions have helped. 

My own solutions besides the prescribed meds are to take Aleve which helps sometimes and other times like last night, does nothing. I am allergic to most pain meds and others are contraindicated because of medicine reactions so I don’t have a lot of choices. Oh- and don’t tell me to try pickle juice. I drink some daily. And I stretch before bed and sometimes during the night. And I take magnesium. 

Sorry for dumping on you guys. 

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(((Jean)))  It's not dumping.  We're here for you and only wish we could do more.  

Critter, 'bout time!  The insurance co. must have known the ENB was on the way.  So glad you're going to get the CT scan!  

ETA:  It's a "love on the ITT" booyah!  

Edited by Another Lynn
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I'm back. Got the job. The man is kind but the place is a wreck. The other lady doesn't do her job and the daughter complained constantly so I'm hoping to gain her hours and double my paycheck.

I really needed this job and I'm grateful for it.

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Got dd to put up the a/c for me since heat might be part of my issue right now with sleeping. 

I was going to ask if temperature might make a difference. Hopefully that will help.

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I reserved a couple campsites.  In most parks, the tent-site limit is 6, but most will allow a couple more people if it's all a family with kids.  Not this particular park.  Oh well.  It's primitive camping, so super cheap.  We will likely be hiking in areas with delightful names like Savage Gulf and Fiery Gizzard. :ohmy:  :biggrin:

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Hugs to all who need them!!

And three cheers for Slashie for the job!!!

And major boos for the publisher who published the edition of “Cheaper by the Dozen” that we are reading. It is a disgrace. Typographical errors on every single page. Seriously. Commas in the wrong places, words spelled wrong. Looks like they relied solely on spell-check. “Well” was written “wed”, “white” was written “while” and on and on and on. I am flabbergasted that this actually got printed. It is still readable, but it truly is an embarrassment and a disgrace to the publisher.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

(((Jean)))  (You know I'm just joking about the pickle juice, right?  I don't really expect my mom's cure-alls to work on you or anyone else.  Although I do drink some if I have a cramp at night :laugh:)



Well I 'spose I'll just skip telling Jean about my new essential oils sideline...


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