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I just started a fire in the fireplace. Dh thinks the flies could be coming from there. I have seen zero evidence of that but then I haven’t seen anywhere else they are coming from. But starting a fire is easy so I am doing it.



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Fry 'em! 🔥🔥🔥

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I love indigo, but I'll be the first to admit, putting yellow next to dry indigo has a tendency to cause green on impact. Good thing that yellow water lilies have a lot of green at the base of their petals.

I'm hanging out with the paint in order to avoid the siren call of the buttermilk pie. Must not eat yet.

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Happy Epiphany!


Last day of Christmas! (I could be ultra traddie and say Candlemas, but I wanted to take the tree down and hop back on the diet wagon).


Speaking of which, do you think butternut squash, radishes, and carrots roasted in olive oil and garlic sounds good? I’m looking for roasted veg combos the whole family could be persuaded to eat.

I’m not a huge fan of radishes, but the rest sounds yummy. I would sprinkle on a tad bit of Parmesan cheese and some coarse ground pepper, too.
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Happy Epiphany!


Last day of Christmas! (I could be ultra traddie and say Candlemas, but I wanted to take the tree down and hop back on the diet wagon).


Speaking of which, do you think butternut squash, radishes, and carrots roasted in olive oil and garlic sounds good? I’m looking for roasted veg combos the whole family could be persuaded to eat.


I would choose brussels sprouts in lieu of radishes because radishes are very pungent. Maybe roast those and mash them in with potatoes?

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Good Morning!!!






Still quite sick. My peeps just left for church!⛪ï¸ðŸ’•


:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I checked... she is now staying at a friend's home, with space heaters protecting her pipes and a new furnace arriving Tuesday.


Which is mostly good.  I worry about unattended space heaters, though.  Am I the only one who does this?  Not that she has a whole lot of options (short of winterizing all her pipes).  



No, I worry about untended space heaters, period.  Short of wrapping her pipes with heat tape or opening cabinets and shining incandescent bulbs near the pipes there's not much that can be done on short notice, however.  And that's assuming she could get her hands on the materials....

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I'm sitting here about to fill in my brand new planner. This month is a full-on mess (I know because everything is on iCal and Google). I hope I schedule February a lot better.



I filled in the poster year-at-a-glance calendar, but have yet to get it hung in the hallway.  I need to coordinate phone calendars with other planners and calendars, too.

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I’m not a huge fan of radishes, but the rest sounds yummy. I would sprinkle on a tad bit of Parmesan cheese and some coarse ground pepper, too.



Have you ever tried roasted radishes?  They are quite mellow in flavor.

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We put up the last of the Christmas decorations today and DD13 and I moved her bed and nightstand to her new room.  She'll sleep there tonight to try it out -- DH's idea, so we don't move EVERYTHING if she decides she doesn't like the room.  I think she's going to like the room just fine because she's away from the noisy-in-the-backyard-at-all-hours neighbors.

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Talked with my BFF this evening.  She is down with the flu, with little good sick food in the apartment and no one to send to get some.  As soon as she made herself a cup of tea and sat back down one of her cats threw up all over the sofa, so she had to clean that all up.  I voiced condolences and listened a while while she recounted what else she had been up to.


Even sick she came up with good advice for me:  Remember that though it has been 25 years Dad still has that old traumatic brain injury.  His routines are an important part of coping with the day to day, and we will be tearing them asunder.  BFF recommended printing out pictures of his new apartment here so he can look at them all he wants and start to envision living there.  She also recommends writing lists each day when I am in Colorado, lists of what is being worked on that day.  This way he can stay on top of what's happening, especially when he needs to nap while I keep working on tearing everything apart.


Have I mentioned how smart my BFF is?   :001_wub:  :001_wub:

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Okay, so I just looked up the private schools in this area, again.  They are all religiously affiliated except for the Country Day School, which is $$$.  So I went to the local public school website.  Within 2 minutes I am hyperventilating and saying to myself that there is no way **I** could do it.  LOL ME.  I was so freaked out by just the website that I wasn't even thinking about whether DS would like it, I was thinking - oh, my - I would be freaking out and annoyed daily by the lunch situation, PTO, rules-rules-rules!!, hallpasses, homework, testing, etc.  No.  Just no.  LOL 


And what about MCT and German and Beast Academy????


I need to remember this feeling next time I'm frustrated with homeschooling and working FT.  Because I'd rather be tired.


Remembered and duly noted.


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Our library system uses a bluish teal side-by-side with a lime green on their website.  Totally clashes, and I groan every. time.  I log on.


They changed the colors!  I am so, so very happy.  :wub:   Purple, blue, and orange.  I'm okay with that.  No more lime and teal together!


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I nearly made myself barf riding a rollercoaster with ds13 & dd11's virtual reality goggles that they earned in a children's choir fundraiser. That thing is crazy!!


Ds22's apartment-mate has 5 pet rats and is willing to let dd8 come over and meet / play with them on Saturday. Dd11 is invited to a birthday sleepover Friday night. That's two additional things to swirl around in my brain. Just keep breathing, just keep breathing, just keep breathing, breathing, breathing. What do we do? We Breathe!


Bonus find! Dh found 18" carpet squares at the dollar store for the bunny pen!


Ds22 has to go back to school in a week. Bummer. I thought he had 2 more weeks home. But he got a free replacement battery from Auto Zone and now his car works! :hurray:

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I think I got my husband addicted to Lindt extra creamy chocolate. He's not much of a chocolate guy, unless something really strikes his fancy. He's bought it at least twice since I put it in his stocking for Christmas. WHITE chocolate, even. He doesn't even like white chocolate! Well, except this one.

Edited by Renai
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Sounds like ds10. He has definitely become hypervigilent over several months. He looks outside every few minutes to listen for sirens and look for smoke.


This isn't going to turn into some OCD thing is it? Frankly, I just think she wants to get up, or see where I am. The touching the door thing is new, though.

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Ugh. So last week this woman called me out of the blue wanting to “ catch upâ€. Then I discovered that she really wanted all this music that I have. So I said“yes†because I knew exactly where it is. Only it isn’t there. And it wasn’t in place B or C or D. Sigh. So if she calls tomorrow I am going to have to confess that I can’t find it right now. Only I am going to be having to search far and wide for days because no one else has this and I can’t just tell her “tough luck, Charlie “. Double sigh. Before she called I was feeling pretty good about the baby steps that I have been making in getting all organized.



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Ugh. So last week this woman called me out of the blue wanting to “ catch upâ€. Then I discovered that she really wanted all this music that I have. So I said“yes†because I knew exactly where it is. Only it isn’t there. And it wasn’t in place B or C or D. Sigh. So if she calls tomorrow I am going to have to confess that I can’t find it right now. Only I am going to be having to search far and wide for days because no one else has this and I can’t just tell her “tough luck, Charlie “. Double sigh. Before she called I was feeling pretty good about the baby steps that I have been making in getting all organized.



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I would just tell her tough luck and not feel bad. Why are you going to stress yourself out for some woman who hasn’t cared to contact you in years? No. I looked, I didn’t find it where I thought it was, I’ll call you in a decade when I stumble across it. Goodbye.


You were nice. You did try. Give yourself some grace and tell her you can’t find it.


Now, if she wants to come over and organize your stuff for you during times that fit into your life and schedule in hopes of stumbling across it, that’s perfectly acceptable. See, because that’s what I would do for someone I considered a friend if I needed something that badly.


Say it’s lost.

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Ugh. So last week this woman called me out of the blue wanting to “ catch upâ€. Then I discovered that she really wanted all this music that I have. So I said“yes†because I knew exactly where it is. Only it isn’t there. And it wasn’t in place B or C or D. Sigh. So if she calls tomorrow I am going to have to confess that I can’t find it right now. Only I am going to be having to search far and wide for days because no one else has this and I can’t just tell her “tough luck, Charlie “. Double sigh. Before she called I was feeling pretty good about the baby steps that I have been making in getting all organized.



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I would just tell her tough luck and not feel bad. Why are you going to stress yourself out for some woman who hasn’t cared to contact you in years? No. I looked, I didn’t find it where I thought it was, I’ll call you in a decade when I stumble across it. Goodbye.


You were nice. You did try. Give yourself some grace and tell her you can’t find it.


Now, if she wants to come over and organize your stuff for you during times that fit into your life and schedule in hopes of stumbling across it, that’s perfectly acceptable. See, because that’s what I would do for someone I considered a friend if I needed something that badly.


Say it’s lost.



I agree with ikslo, but a little nicer...lol.


Besides, I can't believe NO ONE else has this. Google is a thing. Google can find it.

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Good morning! It's The Queen's favorite day!


We have just rain, no ice. Regular day of school plus ortho appt., eye dr., violin/viola lessons, children's choir, and Boy Scouts. I need to print and fill out some forms and try to get ahold of the office for orchestra class.


Don't take risks on treacherous roads!



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:hurray: For Bookie's DH back to work!

:hurray: For Angie's new job!

:hurray: For Ikslo maybe getting to move to Florida!

:hurray: For snow days and I bet they cancel CC!

:hurray: For super life coaches!

:hurray:  and :party: for Gymanst's birthday! Happy seventh!


I need caffeine. School back in session for us today. I have to do the pre-admit stuff at the hospital tomorrow and figure out what I need to bring for tomorrow. I have a little bit of cleaning to do and a bit of cooking. I have to buy some butter first. The boys have cooking today. Chocolate Chip cookies.

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Dd7 is having a Monday.


She's wailing that she doesn't want to make her own sandwich for breakfast, because if she makes the sandwich she will want to eat it.  But, she's Not Hungry.  What a conundrum.  :eyeroll:

Indeed. And if you put stuff on the sandwich, the bread gets soggy and it can't be eaten later. Or if the egg gets cold it won't reheat right.

Now I'm craving an egg and sausage sandwich on toast for snack today.

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