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I'm back!!!


I ketchupped!!!


The zoo was divine. Honestly, had more fun there than at Disneyland. We focused on the Big Cats, which we found out are not big because of size but because they Roar. "If you roar, you can't purr; if you purr you can't roar". Purring is a characteristic of small cats. (retro-active EdPo warning)  So then Big Cats would be Lions and Tigers not cheetahs, which apparently purr. We  heard an excellent Zookeeper Talk about lions from a very perky and enthusiastic and adorable young zookeeper.  Didn't get any other talks in because the zoo was closing early due to the Zoo Boo fundraiser thingie.  But, we saw the cheetahs, which were excellent; we petted the stingrays (free also for members); and we looked at the peccaries, which are another favorite of mine. The baby anteater was not available for viewing. The Lions were majestic, the Tiger did indeed roar and there is a new pair of rhinos.

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I'm back!!!


I ketchupped!!!


The zoo was divine. Honestly, had more fun there than at Disneyland. We focused on the Big Cats, which we found out are not big because of size but because they Roar. "If you roar, you can't purr; if you purr you can't roar". Purring is a characteristic of small cats. (retro-active EdPo warning)  So then Big Cats would be Lions and Tigers not cheetahs, which apparently purr. We  heard an excellent Zookeeper Talk about lions from a very perky and enthusiastic and adorable young zookeeper.  Didn't get any other talks in because the zoo was closing early due to the Zoo Boo fundraiser thingie.  But, we saw the cheetahs, which were excellent; we petted the stingrays (free also for members); and we looked at the peccaries, which are another favorite of mine. The baby anteater was not available for viewing. The Lions were majestic, the Tiger did indeed roar and there is a new pair of rhinos.




(That's roaring, not purring.  And a like!)

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I crack up when people say they could make it work and it's REALLY nice.  It's the BEACH.  As long as there's no mold in the house and there are lots of windows facing the beach, YOU ARE GOOD!  


By the way, bay properties are not good enough for me.  I must hear the waves crashing on the beach or FORGET IT!  

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It's cold and my flannel shirt is sooooo warm. :001_smile:


It's hot here! I hate this weather. It's the end of October, for crying out loud. I think I'll spend the weekend at the forested side of the ITT Island. The one with a cabin and adirondack chairs on a wrap around porch and a huge stone fireplace. And Rocco is handing out hot chocolate and apple fritters.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Maybe you should have your head examined?  Well, that didn't come out right.


Maybe you have a tumor.  No, I don't have a tumor!  (Movie reference)


Head imaging?



Though I do recommend massage....


:D  I agree.

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Ds17's soccer team just won another tournament game!!


Tomorrow they play against an undefeated team for the championship!!!   :w00t:  :scared:


It's a small league of Christian schools, so not a state championship or anything like that, but it should be an exciting game.



The game was about 2 hours away, so the littles and I stayed home.  Each player was invited to bring one fan to ride the bus.  Ds17 chose dd15.  (They're pretty close.)  And lucky for dd13 the powers that be decided there was room on the bus for her, too.  **Insert pom-poms here.**



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Ds17's soccer team just won another tournament game!!


Tomorrow they play against an undefeated team for the championship!!!   :w00t:  :scared:


It's a small league of Christian schools, so not a state championship or anything like that, but it should be an exciting game.



The game was about 2 hours away, so the littles and I stayed home.  Each player was invited to bring one fan to ride the bus.  Ds17 chose dd15.  (They're pretty close.)  And lucky for dd13 the powers that be decided there was room on the bus for her, too.  **Insert pom-poms here.**


Yay! for a semi-family outing and a win!   :hurray:  :hurray:

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Warning: Complaining ahead. Feel free to skip.


I feel like I should add this line to my signature:





I am so tired of these headaches. They started once a month in Spring 2015. In December 2015 they became nearly daily. In Spring 2017 they became nearly constant.


No OTC meds seem to help. I won't take opioids. I tried several preventative meds and they helped but caused terrible side effects.


Maybe I need to try essential oils. :blink:


My next stop is massage. Then maybe a chiropractor. Then maybe Botox (which people keep suggesting to me).


After doing some reading this week, I'm beginning to think that the headaches might be caused by arthritis in my neck.



Venting over. :)

I’d start with the chiro, personally.




Wishing I could do something to help you. :crying:

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If there's one thing I can tell you, it's that Celery has seems to have roughly the opposite of slow processing speed. Which doesn't make him smarter, but it is an advantage for some things.

DS’s is visual. His auditory speed is fine. We do a lot of work verbally.

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Mooooooom! Slachie’s name calling!!




:lol: I just assumed it was Slache. :leaving:


Well, duh.   :laugh:





It can't hurt to try.  But you should probably try for at least a year, on a regular basis, before deciding whether it's effective.



Best advice I've read all day!  

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We have an island, and a staff.  The staff has grown over the pages, and we get new staff as need or opportunity arises.  I'm sure you will see some of our staff around.


Don't forget Sven. He'll massage away your headaches, Junie.




And Susan's private jet.  (I think it was Susan's? But did it blow up or something on page 1000? or Post 10,000?) 


Nevermind about Susan's private jet.  Pretty sure we blew it up.   But that was some party.  

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Don't forget Sven. He'll massage away your headaches, Junie.




And Susan's private jet.  (I think it was Susan's? But did it blow up or something on page 1000? or Post 10,000?) 


Nevermind about Susan's private jet.  Pretty sure we blew it up.   But that was some party.  


Ah, there it is......November 19, 2015!!!!



Page 500!!!!!


And Jeannie-girl's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aaaand... Celery just came in here to say he threw up, and showed me his sleeve. Thankfully, he says that the stuff on his sleeve was all that he threw up. He still looks pretty miserable though, and is taking forever eating a slice of bread (he wanted to eat something - I offered him other stuff, but he didn't want anything else).

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It can't hurt to try.  But you should probably try for at least a year, on a regular basis, before deciding whether it's effective.


I've actually only been once because soccer season got in the way.


It's definitely effective; I just don't know if it's effective enough to rid me of the headaches.  Even if/when I get rid of these headaches I will probably still try to work in a massage appointment every month or so.  It was sooo relaxing.  :)

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Aaaand... Celery just came in here to say he threw up, and showed me his sleeve. Thankfully, he says that the stuff on his sleeve was all that he threw up. He still looks pretty miserable though, and is taking forever eating a slice of bread (he wanted to eat something - I offered him other stuff, but he didn't want anything else).



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My degree is in archaeology (well, "anthropology" with an archaeology emphasis because my school didn't offer a specific archaeology degree).  The mindset has actually come in handy, and the tendency to dig for answers.  


I usually use Google, or books, or I interrogate the suspects (the kids, etc). I rarely *dig* for answers. 


There is a genetic trait regarding brussels sprouts -- those who have it can taste the bitter in brussels sprouts, and those who don't, can't.



But don't some people also like bitter things?


And, I've made it to 213. 

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We have carved pumpkins! Dh was pleased to notice that this is the first year that he didn't end up doing all the carving himself! :D Dd8 and I did a cute owl, dd11 and dh did a classic jack-o-lantern face, and dd14 and ds12 did a design of their own creation. I have a blister. 🎃


Aldi had super nice, big pumpkins for $3 each!

Edited by Susan in TN
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We have carved pumpkins! Dh was pleased to notice that this is the first year that he didn't end up doing all the carving himself! :D Dd8 and I did a cute owl, dd11 and dh did a classic jack-o-lantern face, and dd14 and ds12 did a design of their own creation. I have a blister. 🎃


Aldi had super nice, big pumpkins for $3 each!

:hurray: We'll probably do our pumpkin Monday.

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Well, we're not going now! John just really, really wants to go and I'd love to be able to do that for him.



I'm going to go against the crowd, then. We've been to Disney several times with littles when we lived closer. I like it when they're little because I don't do roller coasters because of a neck injury and they are free if they're 3, or is it under 3? I like free. Since you're doing it for John, don't worry about the others remembering it. They'll have a good time anyway and you'll have the memories. We went the last time when the kids were about 9,6, and 3, and everyone but the 3yr old remembers it with happy memories. My younger DD still likes to look at the pictures we took from the trip, though, and pretend she remembers. 


We drove, but not from Cincinnati. That may add a hotel stay if you don't want to go straight through. We always rent a condo or house. If you look around, you should be able to stay in a condo near Disney for about $300-400 a week; maybe less. It's been a long time since I looked. I think it was only $299 the first time. There's so many condos that you can find good deals. 


We would eat at the condo or house, go to Disney, come home for a nap and lunch, then go back to the park. If you really want to be cheap you could come home for dinner too, but we usually ate there. We got a deal on tickets (military), so I can't help you there, but there's some timeshare places that will give you tickets for listening to their spiel. You may be able to stay at a condo and just do Disney for a day or two and enjoy the pool and other stuff the rest of the week. I know we spent less than $1000 for a family of 6. 


We always went Sept-Nov and the crowds were very light. My DD couldn't walk well at the time and wore braces on her legs so we had a disability pass but we almost never needed to use it for waiting in lines. We used it more for an accessibility ramp when the stroller couldn't go through the normal lanes. Early Nov is really nice because the weather isn't too hot and you don't have any Fall Break, Halloween, or Thanksgiving crowds. If you are lucky, the park may already be decorated for Christmas. I think it would be no fun if you went during a more crowded time. We didn't do any stressful planning- we just showed up and wandered wherever we felt like. Disney isn't my favorite trip, but the kids loved it (even the little ones), and I thought it was easy. It's nice when you have little kids to go someplace that caters to them. I would prefer trips to "real" cultural places, but it's not as fun to do that with little kids, IMO. Or maybe my kids were just pains in the rear...

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