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I'm back from the Reagan Presidential Library. It was a long long day. I drove part of the way. Almost rear-ended a semi-truck in the way home, I'm glad my friend's Tahoe has good brakes. I hate driving in LA traffic.


The library was awesome. I just had chills and tears. The Titanic exhibit was there, too. Very fascinating. I didn't know that they used searching for the Titanic as a cover for looking for some downed nuclear submarines. And then they actually ended up finding the Titanic.

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On Dad's side, primarily German and Irish.


On Mom's side, English, Irish, Scottish, French, Polish, German, and maybe some other stuff.  One of Mom's ancestors was a French Revolutionary War orphan.


Yep. I'm 1/2 Norwegian (mom's side), 1/4 Swedish (paternal grandfather), and 1/4 Finnish (paternal grandmother).

Dh is 1/2 Norwegian (mom's side) and 1/2 German (dad's side).

Pretty straightforward.


I'm Scots - Irish.  Among other things. My kids say that they are Filipino Scottish.



I'm American. With some Polish, French, and English thrown in. I think.


My genealogy is pretty extensively documented, and I did 23andme testing this summer which confirmed what we pretty much knew.

I'm an alien from the planet Zorgon!
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I'm English and Swedish on my mother's side. On my dad's side, it's messy. There's name changes, hidden relatives, rumors, and census irregularities on several branches when we try to backtrack very far. I'm convinced someone was a fugitive horse thief, escaped slave or Native American passing as white, or of some other background that was deliberately hidden. I'd like my dad to have a DNA test. 

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Do you know your heritage? 




I've always wished for a bit of Irish or Cherokee or something exotic. Alas, I am bland. :D



I've got a splash of south German Jewish. And, that's as exotic as it gets. The rest is Dutch, and my genealogy is pretty extensively documented for most branches. I can never remember if my splash of exotic was my great-great-grandfather or my great-great-great-grandfather, so, I usually say 98% Dutch, 2% south German Jewish (I do know that it's my mom's dad's dad's etc - easy, because of her last name came from there). Of course, all that assumes that the genealogy is true as written, and from the studies I've read about, that would be quite unlikely (not that I have any reason to doubt my immediate ancestors... but statistically, odds are that at least some of the written genealogy is not true). That holds true for everyone, of course, so you can just imagine/pretend that you have a splash of mystery exotic in you that didn't make it into the official genealogy. 

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Happy Sunday! Everyone get dressed!


I've always wished for a bit of Irish or Cherokee or something exotic. Alas, I am bland. :D

Native American is cool because we recognize each other. I'll get on a bus and sit across from a total stranger and he'll be like "Dude!" and I'll be like "Dude!" and we'll fist bump. The hard core racists see us, too. They're not as excited.


I'm English and Swedish on my mother's side. On my dad's side, it's messy. There's name changes, hidden relatives, rumors, and census irregularities on several branches when we try to backtrack very far. I'm convinced someone was a fugitive horse thief, escaped slave or Native American passing as white, or of some other background that was deliberately hidden. I'd like my dad to have a DNA test.


Yep, yep, yep. I'd like a DNA test because of my mother's side.
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I thought this said he was 'spaying' your truck. Were you afraid it would have a litter of truck babies? I can see how having all those trucks underfoot could be problematic.








P.S. I'm sleepy and have puppies on the brain.



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Oooohhh, they would be so CUTE!  Little baby Bunny trucks!


My pick-up's name is Bunny because DD16 thought the swoops on the hood looked like bunny ears and the logo on the grill looked like a nose.  She named it before we had even agreed to buy it.

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Yay, Susan!


The plumber is coming tomorrow so I am trying to clean up my kitchen. My countertops collect all of the things.



Mine do so, too.  I don't think flat, horizontal surfaces survive empty long here.  Not even the stairs.

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Go get dressed.



We are dressed here.  I'm dressed to shoes.  DD13 is getting dressed to socks because her sneakers (we will be Zumbaing later this morning) squeak annoyingly as she walks.  DD16 is dawdling and resisting putting stuff on her feet.


I told them class time starts at 8 AM today, then reminded them each of a housework task they each have yet to complete.  "Consider housework to be another form of homework."  Points for massiveness of the eye-rolls!

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Ok, fine. I'm not really an alien from the planet Zorgon. I am 100% German. The Mennonite were clannish and didn't marry outside their religion.


Are you sure it's German?  My step-grandfather was 100% Swiss Mennonite.  If you give me a family name I could see if we're (sort of) related!

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Native American is cool because we recognize each other. I'll get on a bus and sit across from a total stranger and he'll be like "Dude!" and I'll be like "Dude!" and we'll fist bump. The hard core racists see us, too. They're not as excited.



I'm not seeing it (in your avatar). How do you tell? I had a classmate in college once who found out she was 1/8 native (I don't remember which tribe), and you could sort of see it, but I don't really remember how.

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I have records going back to the Old Country on both sides. If I can find them. There was a genealogical booth at our small town festival the other day. I spent some time talking to them but I think this will be a project for when I am an empty nester.



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Matt's uncle went to Germany to meet the family and learn stories. His grandfather was a 1st generation American so the relatives were close. It was a poor area and most didn't speak English so he'd knock on doors, point and say "Fist Last?" and when he found the right person he'd point to himself and say his name and they'd get all excited. The stories were cool. Someday he's going to Africa to do the same, but they speak English.

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I'm not seeing it (in your avatar). How do you tell? I had a classmate in college once who found out she was 1/8 native (I don't remember which tribe), and you could sort of see it, but I don't really remember how.


The eyes. Deep set eyes over high cheek bones, prominent eyebrows and a flat forehead. There's more including a slender nose with a bump, asymmetrical hairline and a certain mouth shape, but those features around the eyes create a particular look that's easy to spot.

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The eyes. Deep set eyes over high cheek bones, prominent eyebrows and a flat forehead. There's more including a slender nose with a bump, asymmetrical hairline and a certain mouth shape, but those features around the eyes create a particular look that's easy to spot.



Ok. I guess a photo is not all that great for showing 3D features. 

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I'm English and Swedish on my mother's side. On my dad's side, it's messy. There's name changes, hidden relatives, rumors, and census irregularities on several branches when we try to backtrack very far. I'm convinced someone was a fugitive horse thief, escaped slave or Native American passing as white, or of some other background that was deliberately hidden. I'd like my dad to have a DNA test.

That is Awesome!!!


Oh, and you got a Booya/h!

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I went to a Christian high school that was owned by the Mennonite Brethren Churches in our area. There is a huge influx of MBs in the general vicinity, especially my town. Our sophomore year we had to do a Family Tree assignment and back then (not so much now because the %age of Mennonite kids at the high school is much much lower) many of my classmates found out they were third or fourth or fifth cousins. It was a joke that kids couldn't date until after their sophomore year so they could find it if they were related or not.

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Ok. I guess a photo is not all that great for showing 3D features. 


According to the google we have an extra fold in our eyelid which makes up the major distinguishing feature. I just always found it so interesting that people that are as white as can be, or as black as can be can continue to carry the characteristics so far down the family line. I've met people who could pass as my sister if not for the fact that they were obviously of native american descent.

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I have some French Huguenot ancestors as well. Maybe we are related. :)



My dad liked to tease his 100% German heritage mother about coming from "disputed territory".  Some of her ancestors came from the Alsace/Lorraine region.   :laugh:

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You don't think I should go to the ortho and Aldi and doctor in my pj's? Humph. Don't cramp my anti-style, man!



I think you should!!! Make a statement. Be yourself!! Don't let anyone tell you how you should live!!


Sing it Frank...🎤."I did it my way!!"🎶🎶

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School today consists of Teach Your Monster to Read and Prodigy. There have been zero complaints and absolutely no push back.


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ETA: This afternoon I might throw in some Magic School Bus for science.

Edited by lanalouwho
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We did some class time, then Zumba.  Now DD16 is showering, DD13 is getting lunch, and I need to go deal with laundry (master bedding).  After lunch and showers we will have more class time.



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I think you should!!! Make a statement. Be yourself!! Don't let anyone tell you how you should live!!


Sing it Frank...🎤."I did it my way!!"🎶🎶

I think this is evidence of a trace of Zorgon longing to be free...:D


I haz the Pantz and other necessities of proper social dress, including shoes. I've dropped dd14 off at tutorial, stopped by the ortho for Freds and Daves, shopped at Sprouts (found the ClearLung! And 99 cent blackberries!), shopped at Aldi, got groceries put away, and fixed and ate lunch. Now I must banish the goat before storytime. Then we leave to pick up dd14 from tutorial, zip straight to the Big City Lung Doctor, home, dinner, then orchestra rehearsal. Having gotten a decent night's sleep has really made life seem more full of hope. :D


I'm glad we got dd11 in with the doctor. She says she has a hard time breathing if she walks or stands up for too long. Still just a very low fever.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I am back from doing the art thing with my boys. The boys painted pumpkins. I had a mess-up on my pumpkin picture, went to gesso it, and found out that my gesso had gone bad. :ack2:  So I bought more gesso and carried on.

I also began my sketch for a portrait I'm doing of the old cat. So far I'm really, really pleased with it.

Drawing class begins the first week of October. That means I get to revamp the schedule for at least 6 weeks to include more art. :001_smile:

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