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I'm so tired! Haven't slept for but a couple hours the past 3 or 4 nights because of this confounded coughing. I'm taking cough suppressent and cough drops and nothing helps. I basically can't lay down. :glare:





As a kid, I often had a terrible cough. It would wake my mom up, but I slept right through it (I also often had to fall asleep half sitting up leaning against my pillow). My mom was not amused that I did a better job sleeping through my cough than she did. 


So, I doubt that helps, but the moral is, that you *can* learn to sleep while coughing. Let's just hope you don't have to master that skill. 

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When I was 10 or 12 or so, my GP had me on twice the adult dose of cough syrup. That said, they have different active ingredients in NL than in the US, for example, dihydrocodeine and bromhexine, and I don't really recall what the active ingredient was. Also, my GP sucked. Either way, you could try asking your doc if he could prescribe something or if it'd be okay to take more than the OTC dose of some med.

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I'm seasoning my new (gluten free) wok.  I was reading the instructions and at the bottom it had some special kitchen instructions telling you not to have pet birds in the kitchen because they can be overwhelmed from the fumes from an overheated pan.  I'm thinking that someone sued someone, cause that is very specific and very specialized instructions! 



Yeah, that goes right along with the warning on power push mowers cautioning the owners to not lift the mowers up to trim the tops of their hedges.

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Ironically, a lot of the men in this video don't seem to have beards (the lyrics are "all who want to sail to the capes, must be men with beards"):





Well, I guess they don't want to sail to the capes.



The floor is amazingly dry for as much beer they are sloshing around.

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Why do you look at yourself when you comb your hair? My brush is in my dresser and I don't have a mirror in my room.



I have cowlicks that do wild and interesting stand-up loops from my otherwise very straight and flat hair.  A mirror check is a must.  The only way I can ponytail my hair and not have those loops standing tall and proud is to lay on my bed with my head hanging off, smooth everything into place, and try to capture it with the hair tie.  I then go look in the mirror and usually end up having to do it again 2 or 3 times.


They say the more cowlicks one has the smarter one is.  I'm a wild-haired genius.

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I'm so tired! Haven't slept for but a couple hours the past 3 or 4 nights because of this confounded coughing. I'm taking cough suppressent and cough drops and nothing helps. I basically can't lay down. :glare:



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


DD13 is feeling all better (was feeling better by the time her dad got home from work yesterday), so we are doing art and music as originally planned today.

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Yeah, that goes right along with the warning on power push mowers cautioning the owners to not lift the mowers up to trim the tops of their hedges.

Because I would have done that had it not been for the warning. And since there was no warning, I went ahead and mowed the lawn while taking a shower.
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Good morning. Caffeine. :zombie:

I've actually been up for a while--writing. Not the current novel. No. I had a really bold and crazy idea for a science fiction story--sort of a Tron meets Alice and Wonderland. So I had to get down the main plot and the main character (s). And I have to draw an anime character for Alice. 

And no, I wasn't drinking with luuknam's pirates who don't want to sail around the cape after all.

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I think I'm going to do nothing today until the kids come home. I will carefully avoid looking at my to do list, go nowhere, talk to nobody, and take the morning/ early afternoon off! Don't be too jealous- I haven't had a morning off/doing nothing in years!


ETA: I will cuddle my cats and dog, but that doesn't count as something. 

Edited by Paige
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I think I'm going to do nothing today until the kids come home. I will carefully avoid looking at my to do list, go nowhere, talk to nobody, and take the morning/ early afternoon off! Don't be too jealous- I haven't had a morning off/doing nothing in years!


ETA: I will cuddle my cats and dog, but that doesn't count as something. 

Have a great day doing nothing!  :hurray:

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I think I'm going to do nothing today until the kids come home. I will carefully avoid looking at my to do list, go nowhere, talk to nobody, and take the morning/ early afternoon off! Don't be too jealous- I haven't had a morning off/doing nothing in years!


ETA: I will cuddle my cats and dog, but that doesn't count as something. 




(I'd say you've earned it!  You painted the whole house!!!   :svengo: )

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I think I'm going to do nothing today until the kids come home. I will carefully avoid looking at my to do list, go nowhere, talk to nobody, and take the morning/ early afternoon off! Don't be too jealous- I haven't had a morning off/doing nothing in years!


ETA: I will cuddle my cats and dog, but that doesn't count as something. 



This is a very smart plan.  Your body needs some time to rest.  The baby will be sapping more and more energy and resources out of you.  Let the body rest and the brain relax and mull things over.

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Because I would have done that had it not been for the warning. And since there was no warning, I went ahead and mowed the lawn while taking a shower.




And no, I wasn't drinking with luuknam's pirates who don't want to sail around the cape after all.



Technically, I think the song wasn't specific to pirates. I can't really think of pirate-specific songs, other than the Jake and the Neverland Pirates stuff Broccoli loved to watch. 

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Would it be horribly unsociable of me to not sit and visit with very nice, chatty mom during art class today?  My brain needs some mulling time.  I would kinda like to sit outside (bugs permitting) and gaze at her lake while giving my brain some time to gel during a spell of fewer distractions.



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Would it be horribly unsociable of me to not sit and visit with very nice, chatty mom during art class today?  My brain needs some mulling time.  I would kinda like to sit outside (bugs permitting) and gaze at her lake while giving my brain some time to gel during a spell of fewer distractions.

Take your sketchpad. Then not unsociable.

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Take your sketchpad. Then not unsociable.



Bugs were a bit much, so I was inside.  However I did remember a thing or two I needed to add to my phone's calendar, which led to other things that needed adding, and other things to check with others about (texting).  All 4 other mothers there happily paired up for visiting while I oh-yeahed and arghed and sighed and texted and kept correcting the calendar.  A pair of mothers commiserated with me over the necessity.  The art time was up in no time.  Not exactly restful, but definitely helpful.


Our art teacher's house gets quite noisy with all of those people in it, but I'm glad she is doing so well.  There's a waiting list to get into that art class because it's full; she has all the students she can accommodate.


Now we are home and getting lunch before more class time, followed by music.  My scattered brain keeps suggesting resorting to "people chow" (boxed cereal, rather like dry kibble for humans).

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Pizza crusts are rising. The boys are back at it. 

Note to my dear snapping turtles: I do not inflict old stories on you to bore or torture you. You should be glad that I'm very clear in my literary goals for literature study (to help you improve your own writing and to deeply appreciate all writers and what they do with the wonderful world of storytelling). Now please stop acting as if I'm the mother with the glass eye and the wooden tail.

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I may well demand some lake time this weekend. Rivers are out due to low water and horseflies, but lakes are generally a little bit better when it comes to not having quite so many horseflies.



We will be very near a lake all day Saturday, though I have no idea how much time we will spend at the water.  Boater's Education class, hosted by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary.  I know there's a lot of classroom stuff to go through, but I do hope there's some "this is a boat" and "these are the parts of a boat" hands-on-ish stuff, too.

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I have a stack of bills and an awkward conversation to tackle today.    Can someone be my accountability person and check in with me tomorrow am?  I've been putting this off since Sunday after confrontational awkward conversation #1.  



Just a reminder not to forget these today.

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I guess that I have to get the oil changed in my car today.  I don't want to adult.  I want a mommy.  (I have a mommy but she's too old to actually mommy me.) 



I want a mommy, too.


October madness is fast approaching.  Right on its heels will be NaNoWriMo!  To prep for Nano I have suddenly (earlier, while calendaring during art class) decided I need to go visit a certain box of papers my Mom left behind.  Should be some good writing fodder there.


I miss Mom.

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Pizza crusts are rising. The boys are back at it. 

Note to my dear snapping turtles: I do not inflict old stories on you to bore or torture you. You should be glad that I'm very clear in my literary goals for literature study (to help you improve your own writing and to deeply appreciate all writers and what they do with the wonderful world of storytelling). Now please stop acting as if I'm the mother with the glass eye and the wooden tail.



Funny, earlier this morning I gave a mini-lecture on why I want the girls to READ some of the lit books and not just listen to them all on Audible.  I think they got it.  Since I'm willing to let them Audible Red Badge of Courage they seem willing to actually READ Kidnapped.  I also have plans to pull out Black Beauty, A Patchwork Child, and some other old favorites and have them select from those after they finish Kidnapped.


Oooo, maybe some Kipling....   :laugh:

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I take dd to the airport in a half hour.  I have zero nervousness over her being able to take care of herself for the next five days (ok 4 1/2).  I am nervous about her health since we still don't really have a handle on that.  She will be with two aunts but I know that she will  hesitate to tell them if she's having health problems.  They tend to be Filipino pushy and she doesn't like that.  But she's covered in case of a health emergency so really she's fine.  And I'll be fine as soon as I get her settled at the airport.  I always have this nervousness at the start of something that then goes away once we get it underway. 

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Thanks. Please ping me again later on today.  I have all of my receipts in, but I haven't actually paid bills and put stamps on them yet.  I'm juggling way too much today and barely holding on and moving forward in between things.



Moving the ping along.  Bills & convo.


O-oh, ping!  Ping!

Sending another reminder!

O-oh, ping!  Ping!

I can't think of anything to rhyme here!


Do you want another one later?

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