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I'm on hold with A Beka Books. Poor DD. I tweaked History Odessey beautifully and she's completely lost. So.... we're going the Textbook Route. "New World History" with A Beka. And that is fine. I think textbooks are fine for kids who aren't that interested anyway. I know that sounds counter-intuitive because you would think that it would bore them even further. But, I have found, with my kids, that they understand things better when things are condensed for them. They aren't interested in school and so digging deeper doesn't work because they don't want to do it anyway. DD just goes through the motions without any real understanding. So, we will work through the text together and hope for some Historical Literacy.

Edited by KrissiK
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I got talked into buying a liquid supplement.  I absolutely hate it.  But I have two month's supply.  Sigh.  It was expensive, so you can bet I'm going to take the darn stuff. 


Would it be helpful to anyone else in the family?  If so you could all share it and get it gone sooner.

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I got home from my appointment to find a despondent DD13 sweeping the floor.  I thanked her for sweeping, then asked her what was wrong.  When she started sweeping she found a poor little dead lizard under our back door rug.  It apparently thought it would be safe under there.  Poor lizard.   :grouphug:   Poor DD. :grouphug:


We've had a lot of baby lizards committing suicide lately.  We spent 30 minutes trying to sweep up a runner (came in when we opened the door) to toss him back outside.  We caught him, but missed his friend.  It's a gross thing to find, for sure. 


Green anoles eat both spiders and cockroaches, though, so we do our best to keep a lot of moist deep mulch around for them.

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Would it be helpful to anyone else in the family?  If so you could all share it and get it gone sooner.

Unfortunately I can't spread the pain around.  This supplement is specifically prescribed because one of my prescription meds causes a deficit in this substance (mineral?  hormone?  I'm not sure what it is specifically but a normal body produces it.  Only my prescription interferes with that.  And of course no else is taking this prescription.) 

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On the mochi ice cream nuggets do check the dates on the packages.  I've gotten some rather old ones at times.  They don't age well.

We don't get it in a package; it's in bulk straight from the freezer. He likes mango.


We had a to/too workshop in grammar today.

Maybe you could also have a tutu workshop for fine arts credit!

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We've had a lot of baby lizards committing suicide lately.  We spent 30 minutes trying to sweep up a runner (came in when we opened the door) to toss him back outside.  We caught him, but missed his friend.  It's a gross thing to find, for sure. 


Green anoles eat both spiders and cockroaches, though, so we do our best to keep a lot of moist deep mulch around for them.



We like our lizards here, too.  This one was a little night lizard who seemed to have lost a bit of his tail.  Just a little lizard, too.

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There was a power surge at Matt's work. That's not supposed to happen. Everyone's okay but there's probably millions of dollars in damage. Maybe they'll send him home while they figure it out. :D



:scared:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I hope he gets paid time while they sort it out!  And I hope no one has to be downsized due to the expense.

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Unfortunately I can't spread the pain around.  This supplement is specifically prescribed because one of my prescription meds causes a deficit in this substance (mineral?  hormone?  I'm not sure what it is specifically but a normal body produces it.  Only my prescription interferes with that.  And of course no else is taking this prescription.) 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Well, you deserve a treat to go with that nasty supplement.  

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I cannot finish the room. :thumbdown:  I ran out of paint and the new 5 gallon tub is too heavy for me to haul upstairs, and too heavy to pour into something I can work with if I could haul it up. I did finish the 1 wall I really needed to have finished and I did all the cutting in for the 2nd coat. I think cutting in is the worst part. And....I'm done. I think someone else is going to have to finish the rest of the painting. I can do the baseboards sitting down, but the rest of it is too painful with all that bending and squatting and climbing. I will be hobbling into the eye doctor now; the hip pain is too much these days. 

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I shouldn't try to ketchup on this thread over lunch.  :ack2:



We like our lizards here, too.  This one was a little night lizard who seemed to have lost a bit of his tail.  Just a little lizard, too.


Okay, read in succession changes the context!  We are FOND OF our lizards!  We don't eat them!

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I cannot finish the room. :thumbdown:  I ran out of paint and the new 5 gallon tub is too heavy for me to haul upstairs, and too heavy to pour into something I can work with if I could haul it up. I did finish the 1 wall I really needed to have finished and I did all the cutting in for the 2nd coat. I think cutting in is the worst part. And....I'm done. I think someone else is going to have to finish the rest of the painting. I can do the baseboards sitting down, but the rest of it is too painful with all that bending and squatting and climbing. I will be hobbling into the eye doctor now; the hip pain is too much these days. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


It was a brave and valiant attempt, Me Hearty!  Ya done good.

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Dd is getting ready for her plane trip tomorrow.  I have to keep reminding myself that at her age I was making transpacific flights alone.  But this is her first flight of any kind alone (but not her first flight).  She will be fine.  The flight is less than 3 hours.  And once she gets to her destination she will be met by her aunt and uncle and will be with them.  But my baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!  (But notice I still set up this trip for her.) 

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As I was preparing to go to my appointment DD16 verified under what conditions they were to actually call me (interrupting the appointment):  "What if a bookcase falls on DD13?"  So I told DD13 to stay away from the bookcases while I was gone, and wished her good luck (we have them everywhere).


At one point her sister needed a ruler.  In order to get to one DD13 had to pass bookcases.  She made DD16 stand in front of the bookcases while she (DD13) reached past for the ruler.


She took wide detours in the house to do her best to stay away from all bookcases.  I did point out that the Expedit should be safe, since it is anchored to the wall.



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Dd is getting ready for her plane trip tomorrow.  I have to keep reminding myself that at her age I was making transpacific flights alone.  But this is her first flight of any kind alone (but not her first flight).  She will be fine.  The flight is less than 3 hours.  And once she gets to her destination she will be met by her aunt and uncle and will be with them.  But my baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!  (But notice I still set up this trip for her.) 



She'll be fine.  I first flew alone when I was 8.  I was seated next to a gentleman who was afraid of flying.  Apparently I did help calm his fears when I explained that my Dad was a pilot and I had flown a LOT.


Just think of the coolness factor your DD will have among her friends afterwards.  Air travel is such an expense and hassle anymore, and getting to fly ALONE is very teen-impressive.

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DD13 is a bit clammy, listless, and can't think.  I have cancelled her activities for today and told her to get some rest.  She says she can't nap.  She has now swept everywhere downstairs that Roomba doesn't get to (including lifting every rug and shaking it out), and from the sounds of it she is now washing pots.  I told her if she is at all unsteady she should leave any sharp things alone.


What bug is this, that causes a kid to CLEAN?

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DD13 is a bit clammy, listless, and can't think.  I have cancelled her activities for today and told her to get some rest.  She says she can't nap.  She has now swept everywhere downstairs that Roomba doesn't get to (including lifting every rug and shaking it out), and from the sounds of it she is now washing pots.  I told her if she is at all unsteady she should leave any sharp things alone.


What bug is this, that causes a kid to CLEAN?

And can it be passed around like the common cold? 

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Keep trying the link.  I suspect that website is getting a lot of traffic today.  I tried it earlier and got the same message you got, but I was just now able to access it.


WOMB?!?  I had read it as "worm", which sounded bad enough.


Yeah, I eventually got the page to work. And realistically, isn't the womb mostly just a muscle, just like, say, steak?


DD13 is a bit clammy, listless, and can't think.  I have cancelled her activities for today and told her to get some rest.  She says she can't nap.  She has now swept everywhere downstairs that Roomba doesn't get to (including lifting every rug and shaking it out), and from the sounds of it she is now washing pots.  I told her if she is at all unsteady she should leave any sharp things alone.


What bug is this, that causes a kid to CLEAN?



I've had that one before, once or so. Long time ago. 

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Oh great, I quoted myself instead of editing. This has truly been a horrible morning. I sent DS off to my parents' house for some work therapy. "Mom, he has a bad attitude, so make him work, don't pay him, no sodas for break and no tv time when he's done!!"


Hopefully he'll come back with a better attitude.

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Oh great, I quoted myself instead of editing. This has truly been a horrible morning. I sent DS off to my parents' house for some work therapy. "Mom, he has a bad attitude, so make him work, don't pay him, no sodas for break and no tv time when he's done!!"


Hopefully he'll come back with a better attitude.

If I tried that w/ my parents or in laws, DS would have eaten cookies, cakes, and ice cream all day, watched movies, played games, and taken a nap. He'd come home convinced that he's awesome and I'm mean.

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I like wine. I bet you all knew that, though. I only drink some Friday nights, at home, and always with DH.


I learned diagramming in 8th grade. It was easy.


DS is doing MCT's 4-level analysis. Which is apparently parsing.


I try not to start sentences with coordinating conjunctions, but subordinating conjunctions love to be first. Since I use them all the time, it must be legal. I haven't been arrested at any rate.




I'm a margarita girl, mostly.  Except that dh is a good enough Methodist to refrain from ordering his own, but a bad enough one to glug down half of mine.   :sneaky2:  Wine is fine, too.... and the perk is, he doesn't like it.   :thumbup:

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