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Gave my speech tonight to the city council. I was shaking with fear but I did it anyway. I heard the 3 minute beep during my last sentence but no one made me stop mid sentence.




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You did it!


(Of course she did, silly! This is Jean in Newcastle we're talking about.)

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Last month we celebrated a whole year of my teaching hula. I'm beginning to think now about us dancing outside of the senior center--not that we'll be big stars or anything, but maybe at a rehab center of something.


That is all.

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Last month we celebrated a whole year of my teaching hula. I'm beginning to think now about us dancing outside of the senior center--not that we'll be big stars or anything, but maybe at a rehab center of something.


That is all.

🌸🌺🌸 A year already?! 🌸🌺🌸

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🌸🌺🌸 A year already?! 🌸🌺🌸


Yes! A whole year!


We're planning a ho'ike (recital) the end of May, and my friend and kumu from California is planning to come out for it. My students are not excited about it yet, because we've never done anything like it before. :-) But it will be fun. We're working on two dances now (one in the beginning class, one in the "intermediate" class), and when we finish those, we'll have an actual repertoire that we could make into an actual show.


When I first started, my goal was to help them dance as well as they are able; that's still my goal, but I am thinking now that if we continue to only dance in class, and never dance for others, that some of them will become bored. I am limited in what I can teach, but I can at least teach that much, which is more than they knew when I started, right? :-)

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Good Morning!  I think it's Wednesday.


Hope Jean and Renai are sleeping deeply and soundly now!


Yay for Tech support getting it done!  Woo-Hoo!   :hurray:   Year from now he'll look back and say, "Remember that tough chemistry class I had?  Remember how I had to pull an all nighter to get it all done?"  And he'll also remember his Mom was right there with him!  Way to go Jean!   :001_wub: And yay for your speech!!  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


My Dad went to the hospital yesterday.  Probably should have gone sooner.  His out-of-breathness was getting worse and worse.  They kept him - so very glad about that.  Not sure if he'll come home today or not.  He's had breathing treatment, steroids, antibiotics, lung x-ray, EKG, and today will be an echo-cardiogram.  All good things.  He thinks it's his duty to tease and cut up with everyone who comes in - nearly to the point of annoyance.  And he asks every single one of them if they'll let him go home, lol.


Hope everyone has a good day! 



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Good Morning!


Lynn, hope your dad's tests reveal something easily treated! My dad was having breathlessness a few years ago and finally went to the hospital and they gave him a stint(?) in his heart. Easy peasy and he's been A-OK ever since.


Hope Jean and Tech Support have a peaceful night's sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle all the things.


I miss Slache. Babiness will be in college by the time she gets back to us. :(


Time to make the yogurt/berries/granola and COFFEE!!

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Today, a bunch of us homeschoolers met at the state capitol and visited all of our representatives to tell them that we do NOT want (or need) any legislation that in any way makes us accountable to the government, thank you very much.


That is all.




Yay, Ellie!  Our Queen is looking after us!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Gave my speech tonight to the city council. I was shaking with fear but I did it anyway. I heard the 3 minute beep during my last sentence but no one made me stop mid sentence.




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Way to go, Jean!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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I saw them recently. After seeing that they had too many carbs, I didn't even read the ingredients. I won't try them.



This is what has the cooking part of my brain wondering about how to make some from scratch.  It seems silly to make them from cauliflower if they can't be done GF or low-carb.  Not that I need another project right now, but my brain might like to mull it over.

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Yes! A whole year!


We're planning a ho'ike (recital) the end of May, and my friend and kumu from California is planning to come out for it. My students are not excited about it yet, because we've never done anything like it before. :-) But it will be fun. We're working on two dances now (one in the beginning class, one in the "intermediate" class), and when we finish those, we'll have an actual repertoire that we could make into an actual show.


When I first started, my goal was to help them dance as well as they are able; that's still my goal, but I am thinking now that if we continue to only dance in class, and never dance for others, that some of them will become bored. I am limited in what I can teach, but I can at least teach that much, which is more than they knew when I started, right? :-)



I think it's a wonderful idea!  Students of all ages like to show off what they have learned and accomplished, and audiences of all walks of life enjoy a show put on by people enjoying performing.


If we all waited until we knew everything about a subject before we would teach it our kids would be in brick & mortar schools and wouldn't have much, if any, examples on how to keep learning all their lives.  By teaching what you can and keep going you are setting that good example for all of your students.  If some of your students catch up to you you all can each set out to learn something more and teach each other.

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My Dad went to the hospital yesterday.  Probably should have gone sooner.  His out-of-breathness was getting worse and worse.  They kept him - so very glad about that.  Not sure if he'll come home today or not.  He's had breathing treatment, steroids, antibiotics, lung x-ray, EKG, and today will be an echo-cardiogram.  All good things.  He thinks it's his duty to tease and cut up with everyone who comes in - nearly to the point of annoyance.  And he asks every single one of them if they'll let him go home, lol.



First, :grouphug: .


Re: the teasing - Could it be because he is nervous/scared and trying to keep himself from dwelling on the very real issues that landed him in the hospital?  He probably doesn't even realize he is doing it. 

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Alright, alright. I'm awake.


Lynn, I'm sorry your dad is in the hospital, and I hope they can find a way to help him.



In high school,my mom and I used to dance with a Polynesian and a belly dance group. Performances were the best part! I hope your students enjoy them as well.



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First, :grouphug: .


Re: the teasing - Could it be because he is nervous/scared and trying to keep himself from dwelling on the very real issues that landed him in the hospital?  He probably doesn't even realize he is doing it. 


Thanks for the hugs!  


Oh, he realizes it, lol!  He just likes to be a jokester.  And he's very independent.  John Wayne type.  So, being at the mercy of others is not his preference, lol.  I doubt the caregivers think anything of it.  My Mom gets a little tired of it, lol.   :D   



Ack!  It's a "My Dad's a character" booyah!  (Don't tell him I talked about him, lol.)

Edited by Another Lynn
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Thanks for the hugs!


Oh, he realizes it, lol! He just likes to be a jokester. And he's very independent. John Wayne type. So, being at the mercy of others is not his preference, lol. I doubt the caregivers think anything of it. My Mom gets a little tired of it, lol. :D



Ack! It's a "My Dad's a character" booyah! (Don't tell him I talked about him, lol.)

My dad was the exact same type of character as your dad.

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Today is laundry day part 1. Plus I'm printing stuff for my family reunion, and for a women's retreat this weekend (CRHP for my Catholic peeps). And I'm going to have to leave the house later today because no paper for the printer. Also food.


That is all.

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Apparently there is audio of the council meeting (and my speech). I'm trying to find out where it is so that I can listen to it. I wonder if you can hear my stage fright. Did you know that when I used to sing publicly that I was so scared that my vision would shut down?



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And yet you would still do it. That's bravery!

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I woke up at two this morning with coyotes singing in my back yard. There isn't much that can bring me right out of a sound sleep, but coyote yaps get my attention. All my chickens were up and safe in their secure houses (the strays in the garage, my girls in their solid building on a concrete pad) but still....

Anyway, I didn't get back to sleep until around six this morning, and I get up at seven. So I'm seeing double, even with extra caffeine this morning.

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Apparently there is audio of the council meeting (and my speech). I'm trying to find out where it is so that I can listen to it. I wonder if you can hear my stage fright. Did you know that when I used to sing publicly that I was so scared that my vision would shut down?



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We want to listen, too!  ;)

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Gave my speech tonight to the city council. I was shaking with fear but I did it anyway. I heard the 3 minute beep during my last sentence but no one made me stop mid sentence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Good girl! I'm sure you were fabulous! "Jeannie for President!! The Common Sense Candidate!" "ITT: The Great Party!"  

Dd18 made me read lines with her. I got to be Chip, Mrs. Potts, Beast, Gaston, and the dufus guy. Boy do I have talent. :D

 of course you have talent! I love Mrs. Potts 

Last month we celebrated a whole year of my teaching hula. I'm beginning to think now about us dancing outside of the senior center--not that we'll be big stars or anything, but maybe at a rehab center of something.


That is all.

 congratulations!! A whole year!!  

It's 11:30 and dh is finally home from work. Goodnight!

 wow! Long day! Glad he's home! 

Good Morning!  I think it's Wednesday.


Hope Jean and Renai are sleeping deeply and soundly now!


Yay for Tech support getting it done!  Woo-Hoo!   :hurray:   Year from now he'll look back and say, "Remember that tough chemistry class I had?  Remember how I had to pull an all nighter to get it all done?"  And he'll also remember his Mom was right there with him!  Way to go Jean!   :001_wub: And yay for your speech!!  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


My Dad went to the hospital yesterday.  Probably should have gone sooner.  His out-of-breathness was getting worse and worse.  They kept him - so very glad about that.  Not sure if he'll come home today or not.  He's had breathing treatment, steroids, antibiotics, lung x-ray, EKG, and today will be an echo-cardiogram.  All good things.  He thinks it's his duty to tease and cut up with everyone who comes in - nearly to the point of annoyance.  And he asks every single one of them if they'll let him go home, lol.


Hope everyone has a good day!


((Lynn's dad)) and ((Lynn)) I hope he gets better soon!  

I have finished my second cup. ☕ï¸â˜•ï¸

I'm about ready to have my second cup. Too much to do today and I have no motivation!  

I know you all have been dying to find out, so without further ado:


My co-worker is, indeed, pregnant. :D

woohoo! That's been keeping me up nights wondering!
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Today is DS2's birthday. Now I have 2 13-year-old boys. Yikes. Oldest DS turns 14 at the end of May. I have to bake a birthday cake, take DD to the dentist, 3 children have piano lessons and there's Awana tonight. And what I really want to do is ditch the kids and drive to the beach with DH and lay there listening to the ocean for a while and then have clam chowder in a sour dough bowl. And maybe go tide pooling and watch the hermit crabs scuttle about. Sigh! I guess I should go start school instead.


Have a great day everyone!!

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:grouphug: But I hope it also means decreased pain and increased mobility.


I hope so, too.  I have another med that I am supposed to be starting in the next day or two.  And yet another that I am starting soonish.  The Prednisone is just a short-term fix/annoyance.

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Good Morning!


I started the dreaded Prednisone last night. I have increased energy, decreased sleep, and increased foul mood. :glare:

I'm sorry!! I always liked being on Prednisone. It made me feel better, but I know a lot of people hate it.
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I'm addicted to my GF pizza crusts. I no longer want pizza if I don't have my homemade crusts.

I have one boy who is being thirteen today. I'm waiting for the cheese sticks and apples to kick in. Poor guy. He's having a rooster moment.

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