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 What is hash?



Diced potatoes, sweet potatoes, or equivalent browned in a pan with onions, protein of choice, whatever veggies you have on hand and want to add, and seasoned to taste.  One of my favorite meals, never the same twice (I tend to cook that way, apparently), and a great way to use up leftovers.  DD12 really doesn't like potatoes except for fries and tater tots, so I usually bake up some tater tots to through into the hash I make for her.  I find that my big fry pan usually makes enough for two of us at a time (when the hash is the main part of the meal or the complete meal), so I cook one batch for the kids and one for DH and me.  Sometimes I'll make one lone batch for myself, and then I add in mushrooms, brussels sprouts, asparagus, or other veggies DH simply doesn't want to eat.


I need to learn to cook artichokes better so I get a consistent doneness through the heart.  I steam them right now, and by the time the leaves are ready the outside of the heart is getting mushy while the inside is still a little firm.  If I can get artichokes right I will cook extras, get the kids to help me eat the leaves, and add the hearts to hash and other things.  I'm just not fond of canned hearts or marinated hearts -- they leave some of the tougher parts of the inner leaves attached, and I don't like the canned flavor.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Here's hoping for a slow, gradual thaw and melt, too.


Thank you for the hopeful thought, AMJ, but it's supposed to warm up to the 40s and rain buckets.  So the flood watches are back up for the weekend.  Oh, and slide warnings.  There are probably avalanche warnings for the backcountry snow areas, too.  :glare:

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The boys are demanding second breakfast. I think a growth spurt may be in the works.


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I've run out of groceries and I'm not sure how. With DH's overtime check, I bought more than usual and we've been eating out more. But somehow we still ran out several days early. I guess I'm grocery shopping this afternoon.


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Growth spurts?

Those 2 posts are probably related.



Double quoting myself to say BOOYA!

Edited by lanalouwho
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Thank you for the hopeful thought, AMJ, but it's supposed to warm up to the 40s and rain buckets.  So the flood watches are back up for the weekend.  Oh, and slide warnings.  There are probably avalanche warnings for the backcountry snow areas, too.  :glare:



Okay, then, hoping no one seriously hurt or suffering catastrophic losses.  And hoping for a wet enough but not too wet summer.

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Thanks for asking! He's not feeling better yet. Antibiotics need more time. He's hanging in there!



I hope the tangible improvements kick in soon.  Hugs to your Mom as well.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I have been remiss.  I have thought for several years that I have been to every state west of the Mississippi, but I'm no longer certain about Idaho.  If I have been it was decades ago and just driving through the southern part.  Since I can't even recall any of it I don't think that counts.


*Adding Idaho to the must-visit list*

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Thank you for the hopeful thought, AMJ, but it's supposed to warm up to the 40s and rain buckets. So the flood watches are back up for the weekend. Oh, and slide warnings. There are probably avalanche warnings for the backcountry snow areas, too. :glare:

Uh, JJM.... It sounds like the apocalypse is coming. I think you need to come out to my house right now. It's supposed to be sunny and in the mid-70's this weekend. The hills are green, the blossoms are blooming.... we could drive around the countryside and chat, visit a few antique shop and have some COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸!!


Actually, everyone is invited. I'll rent a party bus if I have to!

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I had to post my previous entry quickly to make sure it got in before noon.  ;)


I feel a lot better.  I have a few homeschool responsibilities that I can push until next week if necessary.  Dd14 has been given instructions for lunch and dinner, so I can take another nap if I need to.


:grouphug:  to all of you about too much snow and dad in the hospital and boys eating all of the groceries.  And hugs to you, too, Angi.  And anyone else that I might be forgetting at the moment.

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Uh, JJM.... It sounds like the apocalypse is coming. I think you need to come out to my house right now. It's supposed to be sunny and in the mid-70's this weekend. The hills are green, the blossoms are blooming.... we could drive around the countryside and chat, visit a few antique shop and have some COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸!!


Actually, everyone is invited. I'll rent a party bus if I have to!


:party: Party at Krissi's house!!!   :party:

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I had to post my previous entry quickly to make sure it got in before noon.   ;)


I feel a lot better.  I have a few homeschool responsibilities that I can push until next week if necessary.  Dd14 has been given instructions for lunch and dinner, so I can take another nap if I need to.


:grouphug:  to all of you about too much snow and dad in the hospital and boys eating all of the groceries.  And hugs to you, too, Angi.  And anyone else that I might be forgetting at the moment.


Thank you for the hug, Junie, but I'm just whining.  Illness and financial concerns (if that's the case) certainly trump "I'm tired of winter."


But it feels good to whine and get it out.  :o


I'm glad that you got more sleep.  Prednisone sucks.



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DS is reading to the cat. She loves it when he does that. She's not really a fan of his in general, so it's nice to hear her purring at him. :)






Happy Friday! I didn't sleep last night. I'm so tired of not sleeping. It's only been this week, but still.






I did all that is required of me today.  (I think.)  I'm going back to bed.


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I don't know that I've ever listened to Indie music. Or maybe I have. My bad memory about names doesn't just apply to human names.


The problem with Indie music is that you get really mixed results when it comes to actual musical proficiency.  So I switched over to listening to one Indie group called Midlake, that ds' music theory professor introduced us to.  I really love their tight harmonies. 

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People in the community are asking me to do lobbying stuff.  Ack.  Go away!  I know that I made a couple of speeches but that doesn't mean that I want to be a local lobbyist!  (But I probably will do one thing because it will be for the greater good and all that. ) 


That would be in keeping with your saintly character and all!  Saint Jean of Newcastle!

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People in the community are asking me to do lobbying stuff. Ack. Go away! I know that I made a couple of speeches but that doesn't mean that I want to be a local lobbyist! (But I probably will do one thing because it will be for the greater good and all that. )

It would be an even greater good if it was accompanied by a year of free chiro work and a big, fat check.

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Political vent:  I basically got called a traitor for wanting to help the city to implement change.  By the people wanting to implement the change.  I pointed out that if you just view the city as adversaries, that of course they aren't going to want to change things.  And it will go a lot farther if you suggest positive ways to implement change instead of just pointing out their failures and screaming at them.  The person just could not see it.  So I pointed out that I had the right as an individual to see things differently.  But I'm willing to work with both sides.  Because that is my philosophy of " how to get things done". 

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