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When DD was small, her first dentist was also an orthodontist.  He looked at her mouth and her x-rays and said, "She's not going to need braces... Darn it."  :smilielol5: This from a guy who commuted on the weekends to his beach house in his private plane. :nopity:


(Lest you feel envy over my low-dental-cost kid, let me assure you she made up for it other ways.  Between keeping me pregnant and getting us through childbirth and recovery, we went through our entire combined savings and then some.  And we were both old, well-employed, and industrious little savers. The not needing braces thing was kinda like God tossing us a mini milk bone.)


Ya know, with the mixing pronoun thingy going on, it sounds like your low-dental-cost kid made up for it it in other ways like keeping you pregnant and getting you through childbirth and recovery. You may want to clarify in the beginning of the sentence that it was not the kid. :D

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I sincerely hate when people come to my door to sell overpriced "educational" books and continue to give me the whole spiel even when I tell them 'thanks, but no'. I get he's (supposedly) in college and doing this as a summer job, but I don't want a questionably decent book that I can more than likely check out of the library. 

He was pretty cute though. 

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Why not?

I was really sick all.the.time. 'Twas insane. Admittedly between the two of us we made over $200 a month doing it and it was all we could do to stay afloat, but we kept getting really sick and missing work which of course paid better and was our first responsibility. As soon as we stopped going the being sick all of the time went away. I've heard the same from others. We did it for about 8 months.

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Two men in white yamakas started pounding on my neighbors door and laid on the doorbell. They were yelling for her to come out. I told them I would call the police and not to come back until her husband was home (they already knew he wasn't). I don't understand what happened. My neighbors recently moved here from Morocco and she doesn't speak English.

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Two men in white yamakas started pounding on my neighbors door and laid on the doorbell. They were yelling for her to come out. I told them I would call the police and not to come back until her husband was home (they already knew he wasn't). I don't understand what happened. My neighbors recently moved here from Morocco and she doesn't speak English.

Did it look more like this: https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8196/8109324059_17e54a943a_b.jpg


Based on yamaka, I'd say Jewish. But, you said she was from Morocco. The primary religion there is Islam, so I'm thinking maybe they were wearing a tiqiyah (like the one pictured)?

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Did it look more like this: https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8196/8109324059_17e54a943a_b.jpg


Based on yamaka, I'd say Jewish. But, you said she was from Morocco. The primary religion there is Islam, so I'm thinking maybe they were wearing a tiqiyah (like the one pictured)?


She wears a burka, so I assume they're Muslim, but these were yamakas. Two twenty something white boys speaking English. They said they had business with her. I don't understand how because she doesn't go anywhere.

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I get that it's phonetic. I object to the taking of foreign words & just mangling them instead of using an already established spelling. Voila is voila. It shouldn't even be pronounced walla so that one is even more crazy.


fwiw, I tend to hear it pronounced more like the first here: https://youtu.be/bAIZsr41WSk

The second pronounciation sounds joisy to me...  :P


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Ya know, with the mixing pronoun thingy going on, it sounds like your low-dental-cost kid made up for it it in other ways like keeping you pregnant and getting you through childbirth and recovery. You may want to clarify in the beginning of the sentence that it was not the kid. :D


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I've heard kippah, but yamaka is why my middle school friend called it.

This is how it is pronounced (roughly), but it is spelled yarmulke.


ETA:  When I read your yamaka, what I said in my head was "yah-muh-kuh".  In reality, the r is lightly pronounced.  Thus, the "roughly".


So, for all intensive purposes, irregardless of it all, get it right.





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It's warm & I'm trying to get ds to finish a project so my brain is more scattered than normal.


I get it. I've been up since 4 a.m. and my brain is scattered, too.  Which probably explains the screaming hilarity of my joke. :001_rolleyes:

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Ya know, with the mixing pronoun thingy going on, it sounds like your low-dental-cost kid made up for it it in other ways like keeping you pregnant and getting you through childbirth and recovery. You may want to clarify in the beginning of the sentence that it was not the kid. :D








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I get that it's phonetic. I object to the taking of foreign words & just mangling them instead of using an already established spelling. Voila is voila. It shouldn't even be pronounced walla so that one is even more crazy.


fwiw, I tend to hear it pronounced more like the first here: https://youtu.be/bAIZsr41WSk


The second pronounciation sounds joisy to me...  :p



I'm glad I've been saying it... um... acceptably. I wasn't trying to change it, I was just incorrect.


Hey, Slash.  Did it look like one of the hats in the pictures further down the wiki page? 

Nope. They were little like a man's bald spot.

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Note to self: do not eat any goodies at the neighbor's house. She's trying to get me to try some medical marijuana brownies for my pain. Not happening. (I have addiction issues). I have no problem what she eats or imbibes and it is legal here both medically and recreationally. But don't push it on me!

I don't think marijuana is *physically* addictive. You can obviously be addicted to anything, but that should be less addictive than a prescription pain medication. I think.

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Texasmama you are my hero. Not only do you kill deadly critters with flip flops on, you perform medical procedures and deal with stress like a champ. I need to come be a fly on your wall so I can be as awesome.







I probably need to hear this today because I lost it on my ASD kid for being, well...ASD.  





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I don't think marijuana is *physically* addictive. You can obviously be addicted to anything, but that should be less addictive than a prescription pain medication. I think.

Being high is addictive.  Wish I was high right now!





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I probably need to hear this today because I lost it on my ASD kid for being, well...ASD.  





"I know it was stressful having to leave your project, but please be pleasant to the doctor."  direct quote of what I had to say to ds17 at the doctor's office.  


pleasant = not surly

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This is how it is pronounced (roughly), but it is spelled yarmulke.


ETA:  When I read your yamaka, what I said in my head was "yah-muh-kuh".  In reality, the r is lightly pronounced.  Thus, the "roughly".


So, for all intensive purposes, irregardless of it all, get it right.





I was gonna reach through computer and smack you for those, and then I saw your hashtags and realized it was intention lol

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