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Your standards are too low. You don't meow if your food dish is empty, you do so if the food has been there for longer than 5 minutes and is therefore stale.

That's what my elderly kitty does. She's a picky old broad. I just shake her bowl a little to "freshen it up a bit" and she's good.
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People just have too high of expectations. Of everything. That is my take on it. Everything should ignite our passions. And if it doesn't, then we dump the curriculum or complain that it is boring and I shouldn't have to do it, or refuse to eat it, or divorce it, or complain about it, or just quit.


That is all I have to say.

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People just have too high of expectations. Of everything. That is my take on it. Everything should ignite our passions. And if it doesn't, then we dump the curriculum or complain that it is boring and I shouldn't have to do it, or refuse to eat it, or divorce it, or complain about it, or just quit.


That is all I have to say.


Wait.  Are you saying that I shouldn't do that?  :svengo:




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I'm on the treadmill, people. And I really need to go potty!



Hit pause and go.  People really aren't that understanding if you tell them that when you dashed for the restroom you were still on the treadmill....

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I went to my writers' meeting. Then I went by the store to pick up some alternative ingredients (read cheaper ingredients) for the recipe experiment. Never say die and all that. 

I'm also up for critique next week. Well, my writing is. For me the critique would be too old, too fat, too sedentary and way too much pepper!

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I'm outta likes. :(


My pedometer says I've taken almost 6500 steps so far today, so I'm guessing that translates to about 4500. Some of those steps involved searching high and low through two university buildings looking for my least favorite child of the afternoon, who failed to follow me when I told everyone to follow me. (She was playing "space horse.") Just before I was ready to contact campus security, I found her in a cluster of students in the building I'd already checked, petting a seeing eye dog. Whew. She had wisely gone to her viola teacher's lesson room and saw that her big sister was still having a lesson, and then decided to hang out with the college kids and the nice puppy.

Edited by Susan in TN
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DH is paying bills.  He says our efforts to conserve electricity have paid off somewhat, just not as much as we would have liked.  This hottest time of the year is always expensive.


Bedtime.  I'm yawning, so clearly I need it.



I'm going to try to crochet some decent coasters for Christmas presents.  I'm eyeing a certain pattern set I can buy on Ravelry for $9 -- lots of swanky chickens and some fried eggs.  One SIL would love that.  Now I just need to figure colors for another SIL (probably rounds for her) and try some bird shapes for MIL.


Sweet dreams, everyone!

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I had a raging headache an hour ago. I've been sitting at the computer reading threads and watching youtube.


And, I have discovered that headphones are perfect for keeping an ice pack on top of my head. :thumbup1:

I like the "hour ago" part, cause that means your headache is no longer raging, correct? Whispers: Yay!!!

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Hope you're feeling better now, Junie.   You're feeling better!!! Yay!!!!!


And thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes!  This is the loveliest place in the universe.  :001_wub:   I was surprised by two friends today popping by at separate times with gifts, and then dh and the ducklings took me out to dinner.  Dessert was cupcakes (brought by one of the friends) and leftover apple pie I made for the birthday boys over the weekend.   Oh, and the weather was heavenly and it was CSA day so the kids and I had a fun trip to the farm, too. (Tons of cherry tomatoes to share, plus five smushed ones that ds2 brought home in his newly-discovered pocketses. I adore that boy.) The perfect low-key birthday.  So thank you all again!   



Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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Good morning, all!


Having no food in the house + lots of kids  = driving.  


Gym with childcare?


That would be lovely.   Our gyms with childcare are crazy expensive, though.  The gym nearest us is nice and cheap, but has no childcare.  I exercised there 6 days / wk until after #3 was born, but I did it by lining the kids along the wall and hoping they'd behave.  Not sure I can pull that off with five of them.   :laugh:


That said, tonight I told dh to buy me a membership there for the upcoming year. (He already has one.)  If I can get there promptly at 6am (when they open), maybe we can pull off a routine that gets me back home before dh has to leave.  I wish they opened earlier.   :glare:

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The countdown to school/clubs/co-ops has begun.  I feel like it's grad school reading week all over again.  Coffee with my dessert tonight, because there's just so much to do!  :willy_nilly:  I'm working the night shift lately in order to prep, and then sleeping from about 4am to 10am.  I can't figure out any other way to accomplish anything.  


I mean, any other way that doesn't involve Benadryl and duct tape.   :leaving:

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The countdown to school/clubs/co-ops has begun. I feel like it's grad school reading week all over again. Coffee with my dessert tonight, because there's just so much to do! :willy_nilly: I'm working the night shift lately in order to prep, and then sleeping from about 4am to 10am. I can't figure out any other way to accomplish anything.


I mean, any other way that doesn't involve Benadryl and duct tape. :leaving:

You still up?


My poison oak arm has the itch of a thousand chigger bites and I had to get up for more benedryl cream.


I have yet another parent meeting tonight. I have a selfish hope that dh won't be working late and can go instead. I need to do library book research and practice my orchestra music.

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Good Morning Prairie!  You beat me!  Today is A/C day for you, right?


You go Ducklings!  You got this.  (Though how you function the next day is beyond me, lol.)  Glad you had such a nice birthday.  


Susan, if the poison oak doesn't calm down soon, I would go to the dr. for prednisone.  (But I know my history - I always need prednisone with poison ivy, etc.).  It's an old joke in our family to put some chlorox bleach on poison ivy.  (Just be careful not to burn your skin off, lol.)





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Good morning.


Yep, prednisone for all things poison around here. Some of the children would get it so badly we would have to get shots of steroids and then oral prednisone.


Happy late birthday, ducklings. :party: :party: glad it was a good one.


More of the same old stuff again today.


I hope y'all have an exciting day filled with good things. ;)

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Hope you're feeling better now, Junie.   You're feeling better!!! Yay!!!!!


And thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes!  This is the loveliest place in the universe.  :001_wub:   I was surprised by two friends today popping by at separate times with gifts, and then dh and the ducklings took me out to dinner.  Dessert was cupcakes (brought by one of the friends) and leftover apple pie I made for the birthday boys over the weekend.   Oh, and the weather was heavenly and it was CSA day so the kids and I had a fun trip to the farm, too. (Tons of cherry tomatoes to share, plus five smushed ones that ds2 brought home in his newly-discovered pocketses. I adore that boy.) The perfect low-key birthday.  So thank you all again!   



Sounds like a wonderful birthday!  I'm so glad you had fun!

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Rocky start to today.  I cooked while hungry and completely messed up my breakfast.  I have now eaten a Luna bar to get something in my system and will get something further in a few minutes.


DD12 tried to be helpful and grab my printouts while they were coming out of the printer.  Problem is, it was doing two-sided printing and she caused a sheet to suck back into the printer crooked.  I finally got it out (intact), but the printer is still insisting there's still a paper jam and I have cleared EVERY area reachable (some of them not really visible).  I have thrown up my hands and declared I am not dealing with this right now.


On the good side: my Dad did call yesterday and DIDN'T end the call in less than 5 minutes.  He sounded a lot like his old self and chatted (no ranting, either) for over 10 minutes.  He is on his way to an antique aircraft convention (part of his rounds of saying goodbyes) and was calling me from a truck stop before he entered a region with iffy cell phone coverage (the convention is in that region).


Now the girls are dealing with clean and dirty dishes in the kitchen for me, and fetching me another Luna bar (my request) and water.  I feel woefully unprepared for today and the schedule is a bit tighter than usual.  Yesterday I declared that we must delay some labs a week or two just to get our act together -- we need to declutter our lab space and be a lot more diligent about proper dress and safety precautions.  I would rather still be doing labs in June than cause injury to anyone or damage to the house.


*sigh*    (and it's my birthday today)



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Yup, Booyah.



Did anyone notice that the page we just completed was page 1212?  Rather symmetrical.  




This is a noticing-inconsequential-details booyah.

Edited by AMJ
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I need stronger glasses, but I think AMJ said it's her birthday! So you need to update that to Birthday Booyah!

I'm am up. That's about it. The boys are grading breakfast. They gave today a B, because the bacon wasn't perfect. I think we are going to do some dinner rolls later today, and I'm going to take another run at my recipe for the book. 

Got to get a selection for critique picked out and give it a quick finish edit, then let the writer's club make gravel out of it. I expect everyone will come at me with knives drawn, because they've listened so politely all summer. 

School today, and I have to call someone about a bees' nest.

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Good Morning, I completely overslept this morning and now I have no time, but I am so groggy I can't get moving. And I had this very vivid dream I was in college and had to be at class, but had nothing to wear. I had a whole drawer full of jeans, but every one I looked at had a stain or a bleach discoloration and I knew I had a quiz in this class, but I needed something to wear. It was so bizarre!

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning, I completely overslept this morning and now I have no time, but I am so groggy I can't get moving. And I had this very vivid dream I was in college and had to be at class, but had nothing to wear. I had a whole drawer full of jeans, but every one I looked at had a stain or a bleach discoloration and I knew I had a quiz in this class, but I needed something to wear. It was so bizarre!



I had a dream about personal grooming, especially shaving select body parts.  Just before waking up I dreamed I had a very dense, furry, triangular patch of chest hair right where a v-neck shirt would frame it for view.


It must be a day for strange dreams!

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Happy Birthday, AMJ!!!!! :party: :party:



Thank you!  The day is actually starting to look up a bit.  We are playing partial hookie today.  I have declared that we simply aren't doing some subjects today and lightened the load on others--the kids still have ample work to keep them busy while I go to personal training.  We will then go out to lunch at a place of my choosing after personal training, and MIL texted that they want to take me out to dinner at a nice Japanese restaurant this evening.  Meals out will be a nice treat, and I can get in some practice on selecting menu options that will meet my dietary rules.  And I don't have to cook or think about what anyone else will be eating.


"Class time" is officially over for the day, so I can do whatever I want for the next hour or so.  I'm gonna go knock myself out of these doldrums and give myself some time to ponder and mull instead of actively thinking over what I must remember, what I must figure out, etc.


Or maybe I'll go escape into a good story for a bit.

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