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He had very clear eyes, followed mom around the room with his eyes, reached for her and squeezed her hand!

His "sedation vacation" lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes. Yesterday, it was only 20 minutes!


MAJOR victories this morning! Thank you all for the prayers!

:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

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Oh yeah, Firefly is very R-rated.



Nope; TV-14:




Or, 12 for violence, 6 for fear, and all ages for everything else (sex, discrimination, and alcohol/drug use - I thought one of the characters had the world's oldest profession, so, a little surprised they didn't rate is something higher than "all ages" for sex, but then and again, I think little kids will probably miss that (though it's been years since I've watched Firefly, so I don't recall)). The highest rating is of course the one that counts, so, 12:




So, America thinks you can let your 14yo watch it, and NL thinks you can let your 12yo watch it.

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I ketchupped. I don't think the kids have noticed yet that I flipped the timeline poster a week or so ago. They occasionally had been nagging me about it (one side goes to 1066, the other starts at 1066). 


I've been to Canada about half a dozen times. I haven't seen much of Canada though. About half the times I was driving a truck, and other than that, we've been just barely across the border to Niagara Falls, and to the airport, and once to pick up our pick up that broke down when DW drove it back from the airport. 

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Are you feeling better today?  I hope?



Thanks!  I'm feeling more drugged today, so yes?.... better?  But not exactly because my symptoms changed.  We had a snowstorm overnight so everyone skipped church (not just me) and that made for a loud morning.  Dh got most of the kids out in the afternoon, though.  I've been sleeping on and off all day.


Tonight I probably won't be able to sleep.   :wacko:

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Wow, really? I think the ratings have gotten a lot laxer in the last 10-15 years though. I can’t believe it’s only six for fear either when you think of what they said the reevers would do to them. At any rate I’m not letting my kids see it until they’re at least 16.



I don't really remember much about the reevers. For the Dutch ratings, the options are all ages, 6+, 9+, 12+, 16+, and 18+, iirc, fwiw, so they must've thought it wasn't that big a deal, or they could've put 9+ or 12+. I do like that they break it up into different ratings per category, but, you're right, they are almost always less conservative than the MPAA etc. Anyway, the intent wasn't to tell you what to do with your kids - obviously all kids and all families are different, etc - just thought I'd mention the ratings for other people. For our "more conservative about what to let the kids watch" ITTers, it's R rated (as per Spud), for our typical American ITTer, it's 14+, and for our more "anything goes" ITTers, it's 12+ (or younger, depending on your level of "anything goes"). 

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I think the fact that I have to make it a lifestyle is profoundly depressing. But that’s me.

It’s not just you. It is depressing. It is depressing because sometimes I feel like everything in my life just....revolves around the wants and/or needs of everyone else. And then, on top of that, I can’t even eat the way I want. And no, i’m Not overly fond of vegetables and I love ice cream and bread and chips, and cheese and chocolate. And the older I get, the heavier I get and the harder it is to take the weight off. And it seems like I have to exert an enormous amount of effort for a very small amount of weight loss.


And yes, I am throwing a great big pity party, because while I do have struggles, overall my life is better than a lot of people’s and while I am somewhat overweight, I am not obese.

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Stalked. We noticed them walking about half a block behind us but just thought they were on a walk. Then they rang the doorbell.... Dd babysat for them for a year or so. The mom used to call me for “Mom advice “.


Well, that makes it completely normal then. Why didn't they introduce them selves at the park?

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Dd13 played her flute in church tonight in a woodwind ensemble.


I actually had a better view of her here at home than I would have if I had been in the service.  #backrowbaptist


The camera operator (ds17) panned over the group and showed a close up of each person.  :)



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Goal for 2018:  walk 99 miles


Miles accomplished:  zero




Every time I finally get myself motivated to walk, the arthritis flares up again.  :(


Walking in water counts.  In 2012, that's pretty much the only way I did any walking besides couch to car.  Are you anywhere near an indoor pool?  FWIW, the deeper the water, the better it feels.  17' with a float belt is awesome!


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I have reserved that book you were just talking about but I can't remember what it was called, and also the 100 year old man and the window book. My fitbit is charging again so I'm gonna stick the kids in bed and eat some popcorn.


Holy cow, what was that noise outside the living room window? Sounded like a racoon climing the screen window.

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