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  • KrissiK


Susan, that's reassuring! 

She does love mashed potatoes. I have to admit, I was trying not to laugh at the beginning because she was out and out wailing - "WHY did you make this? WHY would you make these wrong potatoes instead of the right potatoes that I love?! I have to try to pretend these are the right potatoes. I just don't understand why you would do this!!" 

Seriously. If she doesn't win an Oscar and buy me a mansion...

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Susan, that's reassuring!


She does love mashed potatoes. I have to admit, I was trying not to laugh at the beginning because she was out and out wailing - "WHY did you make this? WHY would you make these wrong potatoes instead of the right potatoes that I love?! I have to try to pretend these are the right potatoes. I just don't understand why you would do this!!"


Seriously. If she doesn't win an Oscar and buy me a mansion...


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I never ever cook sweet potatoes with brown sugar.  Or are they yams?  They are the red ones.  I just put some butter on them.  Tasty and plenty sweet on their own. 


I don't cook sweet potatoes.  I order baked sweet potatoes in restaurants -- with extra butter and brown sugar.  It *almost* makes up for not being able to order dessert.

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I don't cook sweet potatoes. I order baked sweet potatoes in restaurants -- with extra butter and brown sugar. It *almost* makes up for not being able to order dessert.

OK, so layer sliced sweet potatoes or butternut squash with sliced apples and put plenty of butter and brown sugar and maybe a tiny sprinkle of sea salt in the layers (or leave it out if you are Jean) and bake until it's all done - an hour? Make a big pan of it just for yourself, 'cause you won't want to share.


Make another extra pan for Paige. (When I had my last baby, a lady from church who will remain my bff without knowing it brought this to me and since I'd just had a 9-1/2 lb. baby without any medication I felt it was completely appropriate to give each family member a teaspoon-sized taste and then eat the rest myself.)

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Susan, that's reassuring!


She does love mashed potatoes. I have to admit, I was trying not to laugh at the beginning because she was out and out wailing - "WHY did you make this? WHY would you make these wrong potatoes instead of the right potatoes that I love?! I have to try to pretend these are the right potatoes. I just don't understand why you would do this!!"


Seriously. If she doesn't win an Oscar and buy me a mansion...



I couldn't figure out why ds would eat French fries and not a square 1/2 centimeter of baked potato! :D

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OK, so layer sliced sweet potatoes or butternut squash with sliced apples and put plenty of butter and brown sugar and maybe a tiny sprinkle of sea salt in the layers (or leave it out if you are Jean) and bake until it's all done - an hour? Make a big pan of it just for yourself, 'cause you won't want to share.


Make another extra pan for Paige. (When I had my last baby, a lady from church who will remain my bff without knowing it brought this to me and since I'd just had a 9-1/2 lb. baby without any medication I felt it was completely appropriate to give each family member a teaspoon-sized taste and then eat the rest myself.)


Um. This sounds like work.  :glare:  :lol:


(Also, we can't have apples in the house...yet.  We have to wait until ds17 goes to college.  Apples are the only fruit that he likes and he's allergic to them.)

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Um. This sounds like work. :glare: :lol:


(Also, we can't have apples in the house...yet. We have to wait until ds17 goes to college. Apples are the only fruit that he likes and he's allergic to them.)

Allergic? That stinks! Once he's gone, you might find pre-sliced butternut squash at the grocery store and use a jar of applesauce. That's hardly any work! And your kids can throw that much together!

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Ds17 is allergic to most raw fruits.  I'm pretty sure it's oral allergy syndrome.


We get away with peaches, berries, etc. in the house because he doesn't like them.


I won't buy apples, though, because he does like them and I won't eat them in front of him.


Oh, and he only likes them raw.  

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OH, my word! People are crazy!! They are actually lining up for ice cream. I can't handle this. I need hot chocolate.



Growing up in MN we used to eat more ice cream in the winter than in the summer.  Our ice cream didn't melt as fast (or at all) in the winter.

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I've honestly never noticed a texture sensitivity. But, she does have other sensory things. Her cousin is highly texture/smell sensitive (amongst other sensory stimuli). I should have expected it, but I didn't. :( I honestly feel really bad now. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Sometimes these things ebb and wane.  She might have just been having an ebb day.

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So, here's my question about that - was he always sensitive or was it an acquired sensitivity? 


She used to eat ANYTHING, then within the last 2 years, it's limited. (Not as limited as my nephew - his lunch is beef jerky, a fruit/veggie pouch (a very recent development), and cheese sticks. Maybe some goldfish crackers.) But, it's still not as it used to be. She's currently on a chicken or hamburger (only ketchup on it)kick. She won't even eat pizza! 



There can be phases.  They can grow into and out of various sensitivities.  Or not.  Some don't.


Sensory issues are so helpfully unpredictable!

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I have, but that's a rare tuber. 



I like them roasted.  Or baked, then loaded down with butter and s&p.  For some reason brown sugar and/or marshmallows on sweet potatoes triggers my gag reflex.  It was likely the Banquet frozen trays of the stuff my Mom would trot out at Thanksgiving.   :ack2:

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I will say that at one point at my most picky, I started breaking out in hives to everything. Turned out, I was allergic to just about everything. I outgrew most of it, although looking back, I'm almost positive that I started having trouble with wheat around thirteen or fourteen years of age. 

But a bunch of it is still texture and taste with me. For instance, I like a banana from time to time, but it has to be perfect, or I can't get past the slime factor. If I eat green beans, I have to stop before I start thinking about it, and there had better not be a string. And even a sweet, sweet potato--if I hit a string? It's over.



So, how are you with spaghetti squash?




I can't stand acorn squash....

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I am trapped in a waiting room with a woman eating Fritos, chewing with her mouth open and smacking loudly.


Shoot. Me. Now.



This is how one dearly loved extended family member eats.  I try like crazy not to sit next to her or across from her during meals, but I do get stuck when MIL puts out snacks when we are playing May I.  

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I couldn't figure out why ds would eat French fries and not a square 1/2 centimeter of baked potato! :D



It wasn't cooked right!  DD13 doesn't care for potatoes, unless they are mashed (she will eat a little) or fried or tater totted.  When I make hash from leftovers I cook up some tater tots and use those for the kids' hash.  DH and I get sweet potatoes.

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So, how are you with spaghetti squash?




I can't stand acorn squash....

Neither are happening. I can eat pumpkin pie. 


ETA: With the first, it's the texture. With acorn squash it's the flavor. I really don't like the taste of that squash. However, when my son grows a few of the more delectable kinds in the garden next year, I'll make plans to try to nibble on them and see if they taste better.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I "gained" 3 pounds overnight which I know is all inflammation since I am so achy that I can barely move.





May I recommend Diarrhea? It's great for weight loss, though it does have some less desirable side effects. I don't think I've weighed this little in at least a couple of years though, maybe longer (don't recall; don't care). 


I threw out anything I thought could possibly be the culprit (since yesterday I seemed to be doing better, and today I'm worse again). I did dare to venture out to the grocery store. And then came back to a flat tire.  :cursing: I drove it to the car repair place near the grocery store, and they said they wouldn't be able to get to it for at least 2 hours. I said, fine, since I didn't feel I had much of a choice (I'm sick, I'm not up for coming up with better alternatives at that moment), so they had me sign, and asked for my key, and I said, okay, let me get my frozen food out of the car first. So, I rearrange my bags, and hand them my key, and then they offer me a free ride home. Which seemed like a terrible use of time to me (wouldn't it take just as long for a guy to fix/replace my tire?), but I digress. So, I got all my cold food home, and then DW is upset about my plan to have her bicycle to pick up the car. I get that it's her birthday and all that, and that that route is not bicycle friendly, but... I ended up deciding to walk back to pick it up, because I've done stupider things (hey, why not walk almost an hour when you're sick?... it's less dumb than walking 9 miles home from community college in the summer in Dallas, starting at about 11am... (though realistically, I expected to not walk the entire way back... and I didn't, but I did make it about 3/4 of the way before DW woke up and realized she forgot to pick me up)). Anyway, I managed to make it to the car repair place 15 min before they closed (yay), and then we went out for her birthday dinner, and now the kids are hyper and need to go to sleep already. 

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(((Luuknam)))  Wow, what a day!  Hope you are feeling better!



The kids are asleep, so that's a win. The rest has been going on since Thursday, and no clear end in sight. One of the reasons I went to the grocery store was to get a bunch of gatorade or powerade or w/e, so I'm drinking that. I mean, it's not as bad as on Friday or w/e, but yesterday I really seemed to be getting better, and apparently I'm not. So, let's hope that maybe one of the things I ate happened to have gone bad (I made sandwiches on Tuesday iirc, and then again on Sunday evening, so if it's one of the ingredients in those, I tossed all that were left... one of the things only I ate, and while DW isn't feeling great, she's nowhere near as bad as I am, and might be unrelated (she didn't have any of the sandwiches though... just me and the kids)). 

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:seeya: Howdy.




I'm stopping by the ITT on a snowy evening.  



Not that it's snowy (yet).  And I don't have a horse; just my dh flossing his teeth on the couch o'er yonder.


But I definitely have miles to go before I sleep.






And so, while I would take great delight in staying for a while, alas, I cannot. 


G'night, all!



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:seeya: Howdy.




I'm stopping by the ITT on a snowy evening.  



Not that it's snowy (yet).  And I don't have a horse; just my dh flossing his teeth on the couch o'er yonder.


But I definitely have miles to go before I sleep.






And so, while I would take great delight in staying for a while, alas, I cannot. 


G'night, all!


It's Quackers Frost!!!!!


And it's a Poetry Booya/h Tooya/h!!!


Edited by KrissiK
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The little girls are in bed singing "Silent Night", two middle children are on devices, oldest child claims to be doing his homework on the iPad, DH is learning Spanish on Duolingo and I just translated the Nicene Creed from Latin into English. I love the Creeds.  I especially love the Nicene Creed.  And I especially love it in Latin.

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Have you done any translations of the psalms? Sometimes I do liturgy of the hours in Latin, it’s beautiful.


I haven't. I do have a book by Memoria Press that has you translate sections of the Latin Vulgate, which I really enjoy. I need to find something with the Psalms, though. That would be lovely. What is Liturgy of the Hours?

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Cloistered contemplative monks and nuns pray every three hours and go through the whole psalter plus some added prayers and readings from Scripture and the writings of the church fathers. The terms matins and vespers are names of two of the hours. There’s also Prime, Terce, Sect, and some others I don’t remember. Priests and active orders have a shorter version without the night time hours called the breviary. There’s an even shorter version called the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary that was really popular among educated lay people in medieval times. That’s what I have.




Thank you! I'm going to check that out!

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Neither are happening. I can eat pumpkin pie. 


ETA: With the first, it's the texture. With acorn squash it's the flavor. I really don't like the taste of that squash. However, when my son grows a few of the more delectable kinds in the garden next year, I'll make plans to try to nibble on them and see if they taste better.



I like spaghetti squash well enough with plenty of butter and s&p, but acorn squash makes me shudder.  It's the smell, and the taste, and the texture, and the memories of Mom & Dad forcing us to eat the stuff when we were growing up.  I don't care how much butter and s&p you put on it; I don't eat acorn squash.  It took years into adulthood before I would try other squashes, other than pumpkin pie.  Zucchini and summer squash didn't count because they were more like green veggies.

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