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They all text at least.


It's like the worst part of Craigslist and no money for it!


If you transpose two numbers in our home phone number, you'd get our county sheriff.  Oh, and if you dial from a particular directory accurately looking for the county sheriff you get our home phone number, because the publisher of the directory transposed two numbers.


I take so many calls for the county sheriff that I am considering sending in a time sheet.


(It can be super fun, though.  I think they have some form of sheriff's parole in our county.  We've had a couple of REALLY inebriated people insisting that they need to check in at this number.  Snort.  "Sorry, sir, I really can't help you with that..."  I try not to mention bazookas or duct tape.  :lol: )

Edited by JoJosMom
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Pants proven.


 I have that carpet too.  But tinted with half a jar of curry, oily footprints from the oil guy, and as of this week, a few gallons of joint compound in scattered blobs.


I like your carpet better.  :D





So now my phone is dead, my computer is threatening, and dh is brushing his teeth.  Time for beddy-bye.  Night-night, everyone.   :seeya:



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Good Morning!


Hugs to Ellie. I hope you get well soon. Those colds can be miserable.


I hope duckling doesn't have a break. Hugs.



Rain all day here, then changing to snow tonight.


This morning, I have to take thil to an appointment in town for blood pressure and weight check. Then we may take the twins bowling to celebrate our school year thus far. I had told them we would go when they finished kindergarten, but it didn't happen.

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Good Morning, ITT!


We're down to three cats now. :( The beautiful gray tabby we've been feeding and loving on for the past 5 years is gone. We always suspected she really belonged to our weird neighbors. She only lived with us part time. But she was a really nice cat. And then the neighbors moved and we haven't seen her since. And then, Spike, the half grown kitten the kids brought home a couple weeks ago is gone, too. So, now we're down to our elderly 15 year old cat, Nikki; our persnickety 7 year old cat, Socks; and our sweet, fun-loving 1 year-old cat, Snowflake. I can tell Snowflake is lonely without Spike. Those two had a lot of fun together chasing each other around the yard.

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Good Morning, ITT!


We're down to three cats now. :( The beautiful gray tabby we've been feeding and loving on for the past 5 years is gone. We always suspected she really belonged to our weird neighbors. She only lived with us part time. But she was a really nice cat. And then the neighbors moved and we haven't seen her since. And then, Spike, the half grown kitten the kids brought home a couple weeks ago is gone, too. So, now we're down to our elderly 15 year old cat, Nikki; our persnickety 7 year old cat, Socks; and our sweet, fun-loving 1 year-old cat, Snowflake. I can tell Snowflake is lonely without Spike. Those two had a lot of fun together chasing each other around the yard.

Hmmmm, so now I am wondering what animals think of earthquakes.....my mind works in a strange way.


But have you ever noticed? Do the animals seem bothered by it? Has anyone ever seen a change in their pets/animals behavior before an earthquake?


We have had one earthquake and a few aftershocks here since I've been alive. It happened in the middle of the night, 4.8, I think. It was enough to wake us up. It was several years ago, maybe 10, or so. They rarely happen here, and during one aftershock, dh was sleeping (he worked nights), he woke up scared and took the cat to bed with him. I didn't think to ask if she was scared too. By the way, we loved that cat, Firecracker, she was our baby before we had children.


So as you can see, my brain....weird.:D

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Good morning.


It is sunny today, which is nice.   :D



Watched Veronica Mars, the movie, with dh last night, and I found it kinda cute.  Dh hated it.  It was not hate-worthy.


No one destroyed the computer so far today so already we are ahead. :hat:

Edited by texasmama
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The dog barks at thunder.  This is not a useful skill.


We have systematically gotten rid of our carpet for hardwoods until we have only a few closets with it remaining.  Carpet is of the devil.


How do you know this?  Since she has come to live with you, have you ever been invaded by Storm Monsters?


No?  Well, there you go.

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Hmmmm, so now I am wondering what animals think of earthquakes.....my mind works in a strange way.


But have you ever noticed? Do the animals seem bothered by it? Has anyone ever seen a change in their pets/animals behavior before an earthquake?


We have had one earthquake and a few aftershocks here since I've been alive. It happened in the middle of the night, 4.8, I think. It was enough to wake us up. It was several years ago, maybe 10, or so. They rarely happen here, and during one aftershock, dh was sleeping (he worked nights), he woke up scared and took the cat to bed with him. I didn't think to ask if she was scared too. By the way, we loved that cat, Firecracker, she was our baby before we had children.


So as you can see, my brain....weird.:D

Maybe they can feel seismic activity that we can't. Sometimes there are tremblers that aren't very strong, but maybe animals can feel it. Yesterday's was a 4.8 and I don't think it was very strong. Our buffet rattled a bit, but our ceiling fan wasn't swinging.
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DS did his math all by himself last night.  Word problems converted to equations with variables, then solved for the variables.  100%.  Woot!  It was a good math night.  Then he did his MCT sentence analysis and got all the parts of speech correct, all the parts of a sentence correct, identified the prep phrase AND knew that it was an independent clause and a simple declarative sentence.  In under 3 minutes.  I was verklempt.  He did have some spelling errors on his spelling sentences, but that was to be expected.  He corrected them without drama.  Seriously y'all.  It was like the twilight zone. 

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DS did his math all by himself last night.  Word problems converted to equations with variables, then solved for the variables.  100%.  Woot!  It was a good math night.  Then he did his MCT sentence analysis and got all the parts of speech correct, all the parts of a sentence correct, identified the prep phrase AND knew that it was an independent clause and a simple declarative sentence.  In under 3 minutes.  I was verklempt.  He did have some spelling errors on his spelling sentences, but that was to be expected.  He corrected them without drama.  Seriously y'all.  It was like the twilight zone. 


:party: :party: :party:


A clear indication of your brilliance as an instructor!

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So, the beginning of this year, we were instructed to make sure we always have student work in the halls and it needs to be new each month. 
Well, the higher ups have been walking through lately and have commented multiple times on how poor the spelling is on all of them. 

:huh:  :huh: 

OH! You mean the spelling that we DONT TEACH and were told to NOT teach for the last 5 years? That spelling? 




(Now we have to edit their work before they go in the halls since our higher ups are completely out of touch. lol So, cutesie fun work for Valentine's Day or Saint Patrick's day have to be approved and edited. Oy vey.) 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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What do you do about middle child syndrome? We have a raging case of it here.  Older dd was in tears that she didn't get to go to the dentist, to OT, or to scouts.


Also, this was youngest's conversation to me in the car yesterday.

"Mom, you have to stop being mean to (older sister)."

"Honey, when was I mean to (older sister)?"

"When she showed you her picture and you said, "I like it; thank you."

"How was that mean?"
"You are SUPPOSED to say 'I LOVE It' Dat hurt her feelings when you say "mmmmhhhmmmmmm" You sposed to say "woo-hoo".

I totally got reprimanded by my 3 yo.  Apparently I am disingenuine in my approval of the 67th drawing I've received this month.


I'm going to go put on my mom-failure hat.

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What do you do about middle child syndrome? We have a raging case of it here. Older dd was in tears that she didn't get to go to the dentist, to OT, or to scouts.


Also, this was youngest's conversation to me in the car yesterday.

"Mom, you have to stop being mean to (older sister)."

"Honey, when was I mean to (older sister)?"

"When she showed you her picture and you said, "I like it; thank you."

"How was that mean?"

"You are SUPPOSED to say 'I LOVE It' Dat hurt her feelings when you say "mmmmhhhmmmmmm" You sposed to say "woo-hoo".

I totally got reprimanded by my 3 yo. Apparently I am disingenuine in my approval of the 67th drawing I've received this month.


I'm going to go put on my mom-failure hat.

Argh. With an H.


I rarely tell my kids that I like their pictures. Instead I use a technique I learned once that suggested that you instead make specific comments about the artwork.


"Wow! Look at all that purple!"

"I see a lot of swirls and loopy lines."

"You used a lot of colors there - tell me about this bit over here."


Avoids making continuous judgement calls which can be reserved for their very best (or worst) work, while showing genuine interest. It may also make them more aware of the "techniques" they are using that they can utilize on their next project.

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Argh. With an H.


I rarely tell my kids that I like their pictures. Instead I use a technique I learned once that suggested that you instead make specific comments about the artwork.


"Wow! Look at all that purple!"

"I see a lot of swirls and loopy lines."

"You used a lot of colors there - tell me about this bit over here."


Avoids making continuous judgement calls which can be reserved for their very best (or worst) work, while showing genuine interest. It may also make them more aware of the "techniques" they are using that they can utilize on their next project.

I got taught this in therapist training (like for CEUs).  I do use it.

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Argh. With an H.


I rarely tell my kids that I like their pictures. Instead I use a technique I learned once that suggested that you instead make specific comments about the artwork.


"Wow! Look at all that purple!"

"I see a lot of swirls and loopy lines."

"You used a lot of colors there - tell me about this bit over here."


Avoids making continuous judgement calls which can be reserved for their very best (or worst) work, while showing genuine interest. It may also make them more aware of the "techniques" they are using that they can utilize on their next project.

I do this with my students and the piles of papers I get every day. We talk about it, I hang it up for a couple of days, then it disappears.

I "take home" a lot of their work. ;) 

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So, the beginning of this year, we were instructed to make sure we always have student work in the halls and it needs to be new each month. 

Well, the higher ups have been walking through lately and have commented multiple times on how poor the spelling is on all of them. 


:huh:  :huh: 


OH! You mean the spelling that we DONT TEACH and were told to NOT teach for the last 5 years? That spelling? 






(Now we have to edit their work before they go in the halls since our higher ups are completely out of touch. lol So, cutesie fun work for Valentine's Day or Saint Patrick's day have to be approved and edited. Oy vey.) 


Nice! I have just been told that it turns out we want data disaggregated by race after all because there appear to be some patterns. YA THINK?!?!?


OTOH, no spelling?!? My kids have spelling tests weekly.


Seriously, you ever want to move up to WA, we are extremely, extremely boring people but we still haven't agreed to eliminate spelling. :P At least not outside of Seattle.


Not to say that it's working but whatever.

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Nice! I have just been told that it turns out we want data disaggregated by race after all because there appear to be some patterns. YA THINK?!?!?


OTOH, no spelling?!? My kids have spelling tests weekly.


Seriously, you ever want to move up to WA, we are extremely, extremely boring people but we still haven't agreed to eliminate spelling. :p At least not outside of Seattle.


Not to say that it's working but whatever.

We are not allowed to move our ELL students out of our classroom for individualized work because that is segregation and singling out the minority.  :huh:  But, we are still required to meet their very specific needs. 

Meanwhile, you guys are having to disaggregate your data to focus on those difference groups. 

People need to make up their minds!!! GAHHH!!!!   *eye roll*



Well, the last principal said that since spelling was not tested, then we should not put much emphasis on it, which eventually turned into "don't do it, you don't have time" (mainly no time, because we give practice tests for practice tests for practices tests for the real test which only shows that some kids and regurgitate information better than others). We can "do spelling" if we just give them the words during their center time. Yeeeeaaaaah, because every kid I know is going to devote themselves to better learning when the teacher is focused on her small group. lol (Also, we don't give grades for it, so why should they care?) 


But, yeah, we do not do cursive, spelling, social studies or science (other than the ever so richly integrated Reading Street program - please hear my excess sarcasm here). Our reading program is "integrated", ie: the small group readers have social studies and science themes. However, if a student has no idea that the United States is a country or that Missouri is a state (they think the country is Missouri, the state is our town, and they aren't really sure how the US plays into it), then books delving into the US government (electoral college, the 3 branches, etc) and books that focus on harder science concepts are not going to really do them any good. 


Edited by Southern Ivy
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Still sick.


That is all.


:( Hope you feel better soon.  Whenever I get a cold, I take Tylenol every 4 hours.  I know that's a lot (and I might pay for it later), but it gets me through.



ETA:  I'd better put a Booyah on this before Ellie sees it.  And if I take the "h" off maybe it will help her feel better.  :)

Edited by Junie
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Well I am relieved that this is a real thing. There is always that little nagging thought in the background that I am raising a gang of serial killers.

You could still be raising a gang of serial killers.  There are no guarantees. :laugh:


Still sick.


That is all.

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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:( Hope you feel better soon. Whenever I get a cold, I take Tylenol every 4 hours. I know that's a lot (and I might pay for it later), but it gets me through.

A poor Ellie Booyah for Junie.




Did y'all send JoJosMom to find me? Because she scoped me out on the wtm academy thread :lol: we have, no doubt, caused much confusion over there so our work is done:)


I was coming here next, honest. I have spent the last hour or so making trying to get registered for the two classes that I.will.die.if.we.dont.get.into:-) There were a couple of glitches, but it looks like they are on top of it so :hurray:


I haven't read everything, but I did see the "they told us not to teach spelling" thing, and I have the vapors :svengo: Seriously!?!


And poor Ellie:(


I have stories but will probably have to come back later to tell them.

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