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  • KrissiK


Good Snowy Morning! 


Only two of my kids were supposed to have classes today and they are now cancelled.  DH is supposed to go to a police continuing ed. class at one of the nearby universities.  No real way of knowing if it's on or off, but the university itself is on a 2 hour delay.


I think it will be a laid back day here today. 

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Jean, your dd did a GREAT job on her project!  I'm so impressed!


Dawn, you are amazing!  Where are you getting the energy for all that?  :toetap05:   Take good care of your hands/arms!


Mary, so glad you had a fun date!


Prairie, I'm so impressed by your commitment to have people over.  That is wonderful!

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Good Morning!!!


My energy is wearing thin. My hand is bothering me a lot. I'm going to try to do the cabinet today, but the bathroom closet will probably have to wait.


Is there something that you absolutely love in your homeschool/family? Maybe a favorite read aloud, game, or gadget that has made your life easier?


For me, our family loves the game Sequence. Dh, the two older children and I will play while the two littles help me and dh. For homeschool, I love the "dry erase board" made from shower board from home depot. I use wet erase markers on it, but it definitely makes homeschool easier. I am going to be making the rest of my orders this week, and I'm just wondering if there is something I can't live without? :D

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We done the great backyard bird count yesterday.


I knew the names of almost all the species we saw, except one which I finally figured out: dark-eyed Junco.


This is what I entered:


2 white breasted nuthatch

2 red bellied woodpecker

6 northern cardinal

1 blue Jay

3 Brown creeper

5 dark eyed Junco

2 tufted titmouse


We only counted for 15 minutes. I'm sitting here now looking out at the feeders, and they are so interesting to watch.


ETA: spell check changed titmouse to tortoise so I had to change it before you all wondered where I seen a tufted tortoise. :lol:

Edited by Openhearted
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Good morning! Time to get school going & whip the house back into shape! 


There are so few songbirds here.  I miss them desperately. I'm so excited for you, Dawn, that you had so many species!  We are trying to add more to our landscape to attract butterflies, bees, and birds.  The lack of diversity here is not healthy.

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Good morning, friends.  I am ketched up, but I did not apply any likes because I am a like hoarder.


I am back in bad sleep mode for several days in a row.


I am having trouble moving on from the loss of our championship game.  Not the loss itself but the bad refs, one dirty player on the other team, and the fact that the team we played cheats by allowing private schooled kids on the team and then lies about it.  Our team photographer took one photo of ds15 shooting the ball while one of their players was pushing him from behind and another had his entire forearm in ds's face pushing his head back.  The one in front is the dirty player.  Also, another player has his arms wrapped around another one of our players in that photo.  And nothing was called.  There is a ref in the photo looking straight at everything.  I hate injustice.  But I need to let it go.  Also, ds15 broke down and cried in the gym after the game, not because they lost but because he played poorly.  He couldn't sink any of his shots.  He missed two free throws.  Very uncharacteristic.  He was not the only player who was not playing his best, and it was not his fault that we lost.  I tried to get him out of the gym but he was stopped and "comforted" by an aunt of another one of our players.  No doubt she meant well, but no teen boy who is crying wants a lady he doesn't know hugging him, rubbing his chest and telling him he is great and not to cry. Sigh.  It was really doubly bad for my shy ASD kid and went downhill from there until we could finally get in the car, where it continued to go downhill into a full anxiety meltdown and I was turned around in my seat with hands on him trying to ground him as dh drove.  


I need to move on and let this stuff go.  Dh is fixated on it, though, which does not help. Ds has moved on (mostly), and I am proud of that.



I will now coffee.  Coffee is a verb.

Injustice is hard for me to let go. I stew over things for ages, so I get where you're coming from. It really irks me when people blatantly lie and disregard rules. 


Also, I would like to coffee. I didn't get a chance to really coffee this morning. I just gulped. NOT the same. 

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Today is a snow day/holiday, but I am still planning to homeschool.  I'm going to try something new today:  a math intensive.  Dh is home to get me through rough spots, so I'm hoping to get the dc up to speed in their math.


V-Day was good.  I got roses and chocolate.  And dh is going to buy a deep-fryer (once we figure out which one we want).  He was planning to make gf funnel cake for me.  Yum.  I don't mind that it's going to be late.

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Good morning, friends.  I am ketched up, but I did not apply any likes because I am a like hoarder.


I am back in bad sleep mode for several days in a row.


I am having trouble moving on from the loss of our championship game.  Not the loss itself but the bad refs, one dirty player on the other team, and the fact that the team we played cheats by allowing private schooled kids on the team and then lies about it.  Our team photographer took one photo of ds15 shooting the ball while one of their players was pushing him from behind and another had his entire forearm in ds's face pushing his head back.  The one in front is the dirty player.  Also, another player has his arms wrapped around another one of our players in that photo.  And nothing was called.  There is a ref in the photo looking straight at everything.  I hate injustice.  But I need to let it go.  Also, ds15 broke down and cried in the gym after the game, not because they lost but because he played poorly.  He couldn't sink any of his shots.  He missed two free throws.  Very uncharacteristic.  He was not the only player who was not playing his best, and it was not his fault that we lost.  I tried to get him out of the gym but he was stopped and "comforted" by an aunt of another one of our players.  No doubt she meant well, but no teen boy who is crying wants a lady he doesn't know hugging him, rubbing his chest and telling him he is great and not to cry. Sigh.  It was really doubly bad for my shy ASD kid and went downhill from there until we could finally get in the car, where it continued to go downhill into a full anxiety meltdown and I was turned around in my seat with hands on him trying to ground him as dh drove.  


I need to move on and let this stuff go.  Dh is fixated on it, though, which does not help. Ds has moved on (mostly), and I am proud of that.


Need to send an email to English class.  One of my students is an arguer for arguing sakes, and I allowed him to draw me into a discussion that was more sociology than English last Friday.  Those aren't always bad.  These young folks need to think about things like gender roles and how to hear and accept other people's experiences when they differ from yours, but this kid did not benefit because that's how he rolls.  He will try to start it up again this Friday is my prediction, and I have a short statement prepared, as I refuse to engage.  Nothing bad was said in English class, but we did not cover much English. :laugh: And with one hour a week to meld these young minds into English genuises, we cannot afford any more of those derailments.


I will now coffee.  Coffee is a verb.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


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Good morning! Time to get school going & whip the house back into shape!


There are so few songbirds here. I miss them desperately. I'm so excited for you, Dawn, that you had so many species! We are trying to add more to our landscape to attract butterflies, bees, and birds. The lack of diversity here is not healthy.

I think since we had snow covering the ground more birds came to the feeders. I have 2 feeders hanging on the front porch, and I think this may be our 6th year of feeding them.


We have lots of bees in the summer. Our yard used to be goat pasture, and my stepdad sowed red clover in the fields. In the summer we have hummingbird feeders out. They are mean little fellers. They will try to run each other off. It can be dangerous sitting on the porch swing when they go to battle.

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Injustice is hard for me to let go. I stew over things for ages, so I get where you're coming from. It really irks me when people blatantly lie and disregard rules. 


Also, I would like to coffee. I didn't get a chance to really coffee this morning. I just gulped. NOT the same. 

Yep, this is it.  I don't like this about myself.  It really doesn't help to perseverate about things I cannot change. 

Edited by texasmama
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Good morning, Ladies!

We are taking President's Day off. Only because DS has no school, so when he has no school, we have no school. That's ok, it'll give me a chance to get caught up on laundry and other things.


Tex, I am sorry about the game. Is there somewhere you can at least lodge a complaint against the refs? Maybe it'll come across as being a poor loser, but it might do some good.


Dawn, that's an awesome bird count. We made milk carton feeders last fall (which make excellent feeders, but are ugly) when we were studying birds for science. And we have a suet feeder. They're still up and I still feed them. I keep a pretty good track of who comes and generally throughout the winter we have: house sparrows, white crown sparrows, house finches, and mockingbirds. Oh, and I saw a scrub jay the other day. Haven't seen one of hose in a while. And of course hummingbirds at our hummingbird feeder. Not a huge variety and not very interesting or pretty birds. Although the finches are kind of fun to watch. In the summer time we had a phoebe bird come. I really liked her. A year ago (I think) there was a fun thread on bird watching on the Chat Board and that kind of got me hooked on watching.


Have a good day, ya'll!

Poeta sum, agricola esse non opto

Edited by KrissiK
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Tex, I am sorry about the game. Is there somewhere you can at least lodge a complaint against the refs? Maybe it'll come across as being a poor loser, but it might do some good.

Dh gave feedback with the person who runs the tourney, but that dude is a jerk so it likely won't go anywhere. 

Edited by texasmama
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:grouphug: Tex :grouphug:


That is so pathetic!  Maybe bazooka and duct tape wielding ninja elephants should accompany the team to nationals?


Lemme know, so's I can start packin'.  Packin' HEAT, yo.


(The pronoun "yo" was brought to you today in honor of the Lady Tex.)

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Today is a school day at Rivendell but not at public school.  Jo and her bestie are on friend withdrawal.  I am hoping to accomplish much in the morning and throw in the towel early.  Unfortunately, the short person has an extra Latin session today to cover the tense that will be on the NLE Latin 2 exam that is not covered this year in her curriculum.  So I have a scheduling conundrum.


I strongly suspect that I will do whatever to bring bestie over.  Friendship trumps all.

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So, I would really like to understand how the post office is closed today, yet there was an attempted delivery of our Roku. Also, USPS has no record of the tracking number, but Amazon says someone attempted to delivery it. Much befuddlement going on here. 
I guess it was Roku elves that couldn't reach the front steps. 

ETA: Also, it says delivery was attempted in the big city, not in our little town. It's a good thing these elves don't work for Santa. They'd never get the Christmas gifts to the children. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Hmm.  Just thought of something.  Is "yo" actually a pronoun?  What is it exactly?  What does it mean?



:scared: How does one diagram it????

According to what I'm finding, it is both pronoun and adjective. 





Example of a pronoun: Yo cray-cray. 

Example of an adjective: Get yo coat on. 


Happy to help by getting my slang on. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Where is ikslo? I hope everything is ok.


Surely she hasn't decided on a board break. I think ITT is a separate entity, and people should still post. I hope our ITT Baby is kicking away.;)



I looked up entity to make sure I was using it correctly:




a thing with distinct and independent existence.

"church and empire were fused in a single entity"

synonyms: being, creature, individual, organism, life form; More

existence; being.

"entity and nonentity"

synonyms: existence, being;


I think I got it right.

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Hmmmm, maybe "Yo" is an interjection?



"Yo" is a pronoun working as a noun of direct address the way you used it, IMO. "Y'all" can function the same way.



According to what I'm finding, it is both pronoun and adjective. 





Example of a pronoun: Yo cray-cray. 

Example of an adjective: Get yo coat on. 


Happy to help by getting my slang on. 


Yes, those explanations make much more sense - pronoun, adjective and noun of direct address. 


Thanks to JoJosMom, Whitehawk, Mary and also to Dawn for our educational posts of the day!  :hat:

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I love birds. We have most of the same ones as you, Dawn, except also a lot of goldfinches because of our "spaceship goldfinch feeder".


I wish we were getting snow rather than rain.


It seems I am not getting enough sleep. I tend to make "hasty" purchasing decisions when overly tired. Today I bought a violin. It is returnable, so there's that, at least.





Edited by Susan in TN
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So, I would really like to understand how the post office is closed today, yet there was an attempted delivery of our Roku. Also, USPS has no record of the tracking number, but Amazon says someone attempted to delivery it. Much befuddlement going on here. 

I guess it was Roku elves that couldn't reach the front steps. 


ETA: Also, it says delivery was attempted in the big city, not in our little town. It's a good thing these elves don't work for Santa. They'd never get the Christmas gifts to the children. 

Ok, I figured out the mystery of the Roku elves...

Apparently, on Amazon is shows "delivery attempted". On UPS, it says that delivery was rescheduled due to holiday. That makes a lot more sense. 


Also, UPS and USPS are not the same (which I know, but my eyes were not seeing the difference today). ;)

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I'm doing my part to keep ITT going....


I'm starting my 5th load of laundry for the day. School is half-way done. My to-do list is being moved to tomorrow so that I can try to hit Costco and the library this afternoon.

The laundry sounds about like my day yesterday. I was one load away from having no laundry. Then, dd had an accident in her room and got pee all over her freshly washed sheets and her comforter. 


I need to go grocery shopping tonight. I may go right after school so that I can go by myself. 

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The baby's good. I'll post if he's not. You all have an incorrect impression of me if you miss me this much. I'm actually very, very annoying. Red Fiestaware from before 1944 was radioactive. Peace.



Hmpf.  This just barely counts as a post, Slacheypoo.  But I admire your resolve, and am glad Baby is good, and will not now nor ever own Red Fiestaware from before 1944.  




That is all.   :hat:

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Yep, this is it.  I don't like this about myself.  It really doesn't help to perseverate about things I cannot change.  And sports is chock full of injustice like most competitive activities.  I know it is good for my guys, but it is hard on the mama heart.  I have until tomorrow to calm down (when they have their next game).  I don't want to look like an angry nut in the stands.  I really only get worked up in tournaments and when the other team is playing dangerously and the refs aren't controlling it.  When that happens, it gets all Lord of the Flies out there.  Our team is a safe team and doesn't play dangerously or dirty.  Dh has tried to get our biggest guy to lay out some of the dirty players on the floor with a hip bump, but that guy is really gentle even though he is big so he won't do it. :laugh:  Sad because our guys just want to play good ball, not pull on jerseys, throw elbows, tackle people, or knock them in the nose.  I'm proud of them.  They are sportsmanlike, which dh has taught them.  They take responsibility and help people up on the other team if they have knocked them down.  Not all teams play like that.  Refs really impact the game, too.  If they don't call the rough and dangerous stuff, it escalates.  And these are teen boys on the court so the adrenaline and testosterone impedes the judgment.


Perseverate. New word! Thank you!!! And boy is that applicable to my life, LOL. 

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