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Not for DD last week. :/

She started off the session incredibly stubborn and refused to "Grrr" like a bear. (We're working on those G and K sounds, so it really did have a reason.) Refused to talk, refused to make the sounds, cried, tried to get me to take her home, etc.

Ms. Kelsey stuck it out and refused to give in, especially since dd has been super stubborn other times with her, too. We got absolutely nothing done, other than dd not getting to play her games or get a special sticker. Fingers crossed that tomorrow is much better and/or productive. But, if we have to have more "stubborn sessions" to finally break through and get her to work, then so be it.

It will be fun when she lets it be.


Are you in the room with her? My boys did better without me there, particularly my stubborn one.

Edited by texasmama
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It will be fun when she lets it be.


Are you in the room with her? My boys did better without me there, particularly my stubborn one.

I am. I think I'm going to talk to Kelsey and see if she thinks that might work. Dd has refused to let me leave other times, so I just honestly don't know the best thing to do. :(  


We also have a hearing test on Thursday. It took us 2 months to get this appt, so I'm praying she cooperates. 

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I will out myself and say that I am you in the pre-HP stage.  I am very careful and sensitive about the occult.  It is not a legalistic issue for me because I do not have those any more.  It is a matter of protecting mine and my kids' spirits.  I was not even interested in reading them for myself.  None of my kids ever expressed an interest in them.  They know my thoughts, and they know I have not actually read the books so my thoughts are not based on anything.  When it has come up through the years, I sit quietly and say nothing.  I avoid games like Magic, the Gathering for the same reason.  I know little about it, but I will not mess with something that looks like the occult.  My kids can watch violence and hear curses (not little dd) and all manner of things (no nudity) in movies, but I do NOT mess with the occult.  Also, when I was an older teen and watched a Freddy Krueger movie, I had nightmares about it for years.  In college, I watched Children of the Corn, and it was terrifying to me even though I was an adult.  I don't like stuff like that.  I think I just have a sensitive spirit where it is concerned.  I also believe that we should all use our own discernment where things are concerned.  My SIL remarked once about her BFF, who decided that jackolanterns were of the devil, and I said that if she has such a strong reaction to them, then she should probably avoid them because they bother her.  We don't all have to be the same.


That is one of my darkest secrets, BTW.  Almost no one knows it.  Now I have said it in the private ITT (which almost never is breached by outsiders so we are safe here). :lol:


Once, many, many years ago, when I was in a long-term therapy group with a bunch of wonderful ladies, I had to out myself as a Republican social worker.  They were very gracious. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   (Not a Republican any more so no hate mail on that one.  Look upon me as a Libertarian. :hat: )


I think that is all of the peeks into my odd mind that anyone can and should handle this early in the morning.  This post should have a coffee warning.


:iagree: All this, except I'm not a social worker. Although, I've done my share of playing one on non-tv.

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Ikslo gets my shoes when I'm dead. Everyone else is an ingrate or a comedian!

My children have already decided what they get when DH and I kick the bucket. I'm not quite sure whether to laugh or to be slightly creeped out. Maybe I should start hiding the sharp cutlery when we go to bed.
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Teaching is motherhood friendly with the idea that you have summers off. It's incredibly draining, though, especially for an introvert. 

I wish I had had a better understanding of finances and student loans. I took out probably $60K more than I should have and I am paying for it now. I desperately wanted to be a SAHM once dd was born, but I had to pay off these dang loans. So, if that's a goal of theirs, they need to really think about the literal cost of the education associated with said career, because it's not always that easy to work then "just stay home when I'm ready to have kids". 


:iagree:  And this. Including the part of taking out $60K more than should have.


I have twins everywhere.

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My children have already decided what they get when DH and I kick the bucket. I'm not quite sure whether to laugh or to be slightly creeped out. Maybe I should start hiding the sharp cutlery when we go to bed.

My grandmother used to have all these Home Interior figurines of Jesus. Starting about 4, I would ask her if I could have those figurines when she died. I asked ALL THE TIME. 

She was only 40 at the time!!! lol 

It's become a joke down there now. 


:iagree:  And this. Including the part of taking out $60K more than should have.


I have twins everywhere.

I am honored to be your twin! :) I confess, I did make an estimate on that amount. But, I do know that I took out WAY too much and it's biting me in the butt now. 

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Hey, Tex!


WTMA will be offering AoPS Geometry next year, in case that helps.

I am very excited about this. Although with ds's performance in algebra this year... Ug! I am having a huge mom-fail moment. His instructor emailed me late last week to tell me he has about 12 zeros from not doing homework. What!?!? He says he would do part of them and then forget to go back in and finish. Um no. She gives you THREE TRIES. No excuses. (But that does explain why I thought he was doing homework, since I would see him working on it.) She was nice enough to let him make them up for half credit. So his grade will still stink. And, it is aops. Which means these assignments are taking him foreveh! Then I find him on Minecraft... Again. Turns out little one was doing it too. They have had screens taken away for two weeks because I caught them messing around one too many times in the last few weeks.


They are good kids, but jeez Louise. I am ready to rip my hair out. This makes me question online classes, but the AoPS through WTM has been just right in so many ways. Plus, they are offering German I next year which makes me want to kiss someone's face. I thought we were going to have to use Potter's school, but that is just one more provider to deal with.


So, we had a fail. But the plus side is we have learned. We had a talk about grades next year for high school and how this kind of thing *cannot* happen again. I am going to have him start printing the problems and working them on paper away from the computer, to minimize temptation. He is going to be required to check in with me when his assignments are turned in.


Hopefully, Geometry next year will be much better, although I know the book is hard.


Also, I made a decision on writing. They have both been doing exp writing at WTM, (I and ii). I am going to take a year break and have them do LToW with Coram Deo tutorials. They can both take the class on different computers at the same time, which will be less interruptions in our schedule. I looked through a friend's LTOW teacher and student book and I think this is just the development boost they need in what to say, how to organize and how to say it.


I bet you are all terribly happy to have heard my brain dump:-)


Oh and this is the night I usually have to myself because Dh and boys go to their Knights (like scouts) group. But, I had to lay down the law and keep math boy home with me. So I miss my time alone AND I have to make my brain process AOPS, lol. These children don't know what we go through for them;-)

Edited by Professormom
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:hurray: for Heather laying down the law with her boys!  You are a good Mom!


I'm too tired to reply to all the good stuff y'all've been talking about today.


And of course I'm outta likes.


I'm a size 10, but I'm too late to score Tex's snow boots when she dies.  I used to be a 9.5 narrow - which is next to impossible to find.  I think my dress shoes/boots are 10s.  My running shoes are 11, narrows.  Do I win a prize? 

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:hurray: for Heather laying down the law with her boys! You are a good Mom!


I'm too tired to reply to all the good stuff y'all've been talking about today.


And of course I'm outta likes.


I'm a size 10, but I'm too late to score Tex's snow boots when she dies. I used to be a 9.5 narrow - which is next to impossible to find. I think my dress shoes/boots are 10s. My running shoes are 11, narrows. Do I win a prize?



And of course you get a prize. Because ITT.

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I burned my Ouija board in a big bonfire. Really.


I won't burn HP, though. Even Mr. Ellie, although he is a Muggle, did not hate HP when I watched the movies in his presence. :D


I take it I am a Muggle.

I am. I think I'm going to talk to Kelsey and see if she thinks that might work. Dd has refused to let me leave other times, so I just honestly don't know the best thing to do. :(  


We also have a hearing test on Thursday. It took us 2 months to get this appt, so I'm praying she cooperates. 

You might need to go to the bathroom about five minutes into the session and then take a bit of time coming back.  If you don't think that will fly, you can bribe her with a fantastic treat to have you sit just outside the room.  Another trick is to have her hold something important to you (like your keys) so she knows you are coming back.  You don't have to announce it is so she knows you are coming back.  You can just ask her to hold your keys for you since they are important and you don't want to forget them in the restroom.



:iagree: All this, except I'm not a social worker. Although, I've done my share of playing one on non-tv.


Oh yay!  We're twins!

Hey, Tex!


WTMA will be offering AoPS Geometry next year, in case that helps.


Wow!  Thanks!  I think....because it is one more option.  For some reason, I thought they only offered Saxon Geometry, so I will add this to my list.  Must be new information.  Dang.  More decisions. :confused1:

:hurray: for Heather laying down the law with her boys!  You are a good Mom!


I'm too tired to reply to all the good stuff y'all've been talking about today.


And of course I'm outta likes.


I'm a size 10, but I'm too late to score Tex's snow boots when she dies.  I used to be a 9.5 narrow - which is next to impossible to find.  I think my dress shoes/boots are 10s.  My running shoes are 11, narrows.  Do I win a prize? 

You can have them when ikslo dies.   :D

Edited by texasmama
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Ima bed, peeps. Wore out. Ds20 has strep. Little ds is feeling bad. I may be some better but no energy, bad cough, stopped up nose. Tired, very tired.


Have a good night and sweet dreams. (No Nightmares!!!!)

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   You have had a terrible time of it lately.

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I am very excited about this. Although with ds's performance in algebra this year... Ug! I am having a huge mom-fail moment. His instructor emailed me late last week to tell me he has about 12 zeros from not doing homework. What!?!? He says he would do part of them and then forget to go back in and finish. Um no. She gives you THREE TRIES. No excuses. (But that does explain why I thought he was doing homework, since I would see him working on it.) She was nice enough to let him make them up for half credit. So his grade will still stink. And, it is aops. Which means these assignments are taking him foreveh! Then I find him on Minecraft... Again. Turns out little one was doing it too. They have had screens taken away for two weeks because I caught them messing around one too many times in the last few weeks.


They are good kids, but jeez Louise. I am ready to rip my hair out. This makes me question online classes, but the AoPS through WTM has been just right in so many ways. Plus, they are offering German I next year which makes me want to kiss someone's face. I thought we were going to have to use Potter's school, but that is just one more provider to deal with.


So, we had a fail. But the plus side is we have learned. We had a talk about grades next year for high school and how this kind of thing *cannot* happen again. I am going to have him start printing the problems and working them on paper away from the computer, to minimize temptation. He is going to be required to check in with me when his assignments are turned in.


Hopefully, Geometry next year will be much better, although I know the book is hard.


Also, I made a decision on writing. They have both been doing exp writing at WTM, (I and ii). I am going to take a year break and have them do LToW with Coram Deo tutorials. They can both take the class on different computers at the same time, which will be less interruptions in our schedule. I looked through a friend's LTOW teacher and student book and I think this is just the development boost they need in what to say, how to organize and how to say it.


I bet you are all terribly happy to have heard my brain dump:-)


Oh and this is the night I usually have to myself because Dh and boys go to their Knights (like scouts) group. But, I had to lay down the law and keep math boy home with me. So I miss my time alone AND I have to make my brain process AOPS, lol. These children don't know what we go through for them;-)


I'm spitballing here, Heather, but could the deadlines/expectations be too loose?  I.e., "I've got three times coming, so I'm just going to put it off and put it off-Oh, wait!  You mean it was for reals due this time?"  (I'm not familiar with the class format, so I may be waaaaay off base.) 

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Ima bed, peeps. Wore out. Ds20 has strep. Little ds is feeling bad. I may be some better but no energy, bad cough, stopped up nose. Tired, very tired.


Have a good night and sweet dreams. (No Nightmares!!!!)


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I hope that your DS is the only one with strep (not that I wish it on him).  :sad:

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I'm spitballing here, Heather, but could the deadlines/expectations be too loose? I.e., "I've got three times coming, so I'm just going to put it off and put it off-Oh, wait! You mean it was for reals due this time?" (I'm not familiar with the class format, so I may be waaaaay off base.)

Actually, the deadline is the same, but within that time frame, they can rework problems (she doesn't give them the answer just small tips on where to look for errors.) I love this, because it's aops and the problems get tough. The thing is he could have an A in this class, because the feedback is super helpful. I think I posted a while back on how well he did on an exam and that she sent him a note telling him how great it was that he persevered. So he knows how it works. He was just lazily overlooking deadlines. He never wants to write anything down. It has been happening a bit in other subjects, so I should have been watching closer. But it was nothing like this.


You are right in the sense that we have to get a plan in place to work with the layout of the class. I put too much trust in his ability to be independent on this... Now I need to regroup and get the mess fixed so we can move forward.


He is working on his third assignment for today... Proofs. Yippee. I am making him do the work, but I still have to work the problems to make sure he is getting the concepts. I am feeling like a math rock star right now, lol. I really love the way they teach. So many patterns in math become apparent with this method.

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I looked on the WTMA website, and they tell you they are working on courses. :willy_nilly: Who even does this? Now I have to wait. :confused1:

I know, I am stalking their site right now too:-)




And I like Harry Potter. Read all of the books. Didn't think they were amazing literature, but they were a great story that pulls you in. The epitome of good, light reading:-) I thought she was good at keeping the good vs evil clearly delineated while allowing the characters to be normal, flawed young people.

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Oh, I have the co-op debit card number and information to order next year's English materials for my class.  The co-op director really trusts me.  Anyone need anything? :lol:


Just kidding. :leaving:


I'll have my list ready by morning.  Warning: it will be long.   :D

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Ima bed, peeps. Wore out. Ds20 has strep. Little ds is feeling bad. I may be some better but no energy, bad cough, stopped up nose. Tired, very tired.


Have a good night and sweet dreams. (No Nightmares!!!!)




:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I think I have Pioneer Girls planned out for the better part of the spring, now.  (As a newcomer to the volunteer staff, and a late newcomer at that, with no summer prep-time, plus a lonely newcomer with no experienced co-leader,  I have been winging it cramming in my plan sessions week-by-week up to this point.)  


There may still be some gaps to fill.  But assuming I can find all the necessary supplies, I should be in good shape. 



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To get Rainbow Light vitamins to work, one must expose them to Rainbow Light?


Slache, if you are eating well, exercising, and are still exhausted I would make sure that you aren't anemic. Some people say that they feel a huge energy surge by switching to a premium vitamin like Rainbow Light, but I only recommend the additional expense in a few circumstances.


Are you still puking every day? How much food are you actually keeping in?  Are you still low carbing things?


I ordered these. I was planning on switching to something and figured I'd pay $15 so I can't complain about the additional 6. That's a Starbucks. Thanks for the recommendation. It's nice to have an opinion, rather than going in blindly. :)

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Well, I was supposed to be in four places at once at 7:00 p.m. tonight and I semi-successfully juggled it all.  Now I'm home making ahead some healthy meals for myself so I don't grab takeout in a pinch. Salmon and asparagus is in the oven!


Can you teach me how to do this?!

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Ima bed, peeps. Wore out. Ds20 has strep. Little ds is feeling bad. I may be some better but no energy, bad cough, stopped up nose. Tired, very tired.


Have a good night and sweet dreams. (No Nightmares!!!!)





:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



So Quackers has quacked; so shall it be.



(Said in a portentous voice to make it work.  I hope.)

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I find it hard enough to be present in one place. Most of the time my mind is off wandering by itself, foolish thing.

Got enough work done on background for the main character for now. Interesting questions raised: how does one react to emotions that one has no frame of reference for? If one has never been afraid, how would one react to the first sensation of fear? This character often responds to things with a child's intensity and lack of restraint, and I think this is why he reacts the way he does.

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Taxes are done!  :svengo: Also a little :crying: . It's about $1,200 less than we were expecting so I have to choose between paying off a debt and having a sufficient moving fund.


Apartment dwellers, a question. If you planned on moving to another local apartment yourself how much cash do you want on hand? Down payment, fees, and truck. Any other concerns?


A taxes are DONE BOOYA!!

Edited by Slache
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