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When you want to sleep you shouldn't look at a flickering screen like a computer or cell phone. That's why I got a kindle paperwhite instead of a kindle fire. 


Whereas the light of a flickering fire in the fireplace and a collection of short stories to read are very good at inducing sleep.

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Dawn, I am sorry you did not sleep!  I have been doing so much better with my earplugs, the white noise machine, valerian root and melatonin.  Maybe some of those could help you.


Jean does not suck.


Lynn, I think you need some almonds or something to tide you over.  Don't get hangry at CC. :lol:

Edited by texasmama
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In California, students don't have to take ACT/SAT to enroll (there's usually some sort of placement test, but not ACT/SAT), and there are no requirements for high school transcripts or anything (although come might request it for dual-enrolled students; my dc were not dual-enrolled).. They can attend any community college in the state regardless of where they live and they pay resident tuition, which is usually much less than other states. Most of their college-level credits are transferable to the CalState/UC schools, and in most cases they are guaranteed to be admitted, ahead of high school students. It's pretty sweet, actually. :-)

Ahh, ok. I don't know about regular enrollment. I do know that ours does dual-enrollment, though. Something to look into later on. :) 

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Oh, the irony. :)


I do better if I take fish oil, but a few years ago I was getting frustrated with all of the supplements I was taking to get my body to do what it should be doing on its own.  So I stopped taking all of them.


I recently had to add iron back in.  Maybe fish oil should be next.  And whatever I need to do to get rid of these headaches.


Sigh.  I keep telling myself that someday I will have a perfect body in Heaven.  I have a private joke to myself that there is Scriptural evidence that there is no arthritis in Heaven because it says "every knee will bow".   :D


I think my lack of sleep last night is starting to show...

Magnesium resolved my migraines.  I take 800mg. If you only take one thing....I'd take that.


For the R.A.

Fish oil.

Tumeric---a therapeutic dose is 6 of the capsules from Costco.


And I have that same joke about every knee bowing.  


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Count me in with the sleepers.  Lights were out by 9:30 pm. I slept in until 7 am.  I did not get up last night.  At all.  :huh:


I've been getting up with the dog, so I think I may have been tired.



Lynn:  I am convinced that breakfast cereal is of the devil.  It is very carb heavy; what you are describing sounds like a carb crash.  Try adding more protein to your breakfast.  I second the "almonds as snack" idea. 

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Baby dates....


1) Thursday, 7 lbs, 10 oz

2) Sunday 9 lbs, 0.5 oz.

3) Thursday 7 lbs, 7 oz

4) Friday 8 lbs, 0oz

5) Friday 9lbs, 6.5 oz.

I'm afraid I have no birth stories but....

1) my two boys - mid June afternoon got the call from the social worker there were two boys. Made an appointment to meet them a week from the call. Met them, were placed in a couple days.

2) dd #1 - got a call from social worker at 11:52am on a blustery March Monday morning. Picked her up from the hospital at 3:30 that afternoon. She was 2 days old.

3) dd's 2&3 - got a call on a Wed. Afternoon in late August, had phone interview with Social worker the following Monday, met the girl the following Tuesday, took placement Labor Day weekend.

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Apparently it was wise to avoid the narcissim thread. Wow, did that tank. Not unexpectedly, of course, lol.


Btw, is it true that you can block all posts from certain people?! Dahling, where have you been all my life? There are only 2 or 3, and one in particular, but deleting them from my mental space would make these boards so much more pleasant again. Off to check it out.

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Glad for the people who slept, sad for those who didn't. Mine was ok.


Today, it is piano and tennis. Maybe Star Wars later. It is so stinking blustery and cold though, that I just want to get back home asap:-) We shall see.


Now I need a shower. Yes it is pathetic that I haven't taken one yet, but the peeps have needed lost of direction this am, grrr.

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Apparently it was wise to avoid the narcissim thread. Wow, did that tank. Not unexpectedly, of course, lol.


Btw, is it true that you can block all posts from certain people?! Dahling, where have you been all my life? There are only 2 or 3, and one in particular, but deleting them from my mental space would make these boards so much more pleasant again. Off to check it out.



Click on own user name at top of page, select “Ignore Prefs,†insert name to be blocked to “Add a new user to my list,†click all boxes:  Voila!  Sanity.



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Apparently it was wise to avoid the narcissim thread. Wow, did that tank. Not unexpectedly, of course, lol.


Btw, is it true that you can block all posts from certain people?! Dahling, where have you been all my life? There are only 2 or 3, and one in particular, but deleting them from my mental space would make these boards so much more pleasant again. Off to check it out.

I know you can block them and you won't see what they post, but are you saying that you can make it so they can't even see the post? 

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Click on own user name at top of page, select “Ignore Prefs,†insert name to be blocked to “Add a new user to my list,†click all boxes: Voila! Sanity.



Yes!! Thanks for that. I feel like I have a new lease on life now. Over the past year, I have really avoided many, many discussions because I don't come on the chat board to debate, I come here to chat, lol. And there are some (on both sides of any spectrum) that are extremely inflammatory and pit bull dog. It is a personality thing, and that's fine, but I don't have the energy for people like that. Just like there are people in my personal life I won't discuss certain topics with, same applies in virtual world. As I get older, I feel the need to put forth my opinion less. I can only throw out what has worked for me and hope it brings value. If not, that's fine too. Plus, relationship and trust matter a great deal when two people disagree. If that base isn't there, the discussion usually devolves rapidly.


Oh well. Life lessons:-)


Now I really need to go get in the shower, lol.


Oh and by the way, I still don't have Christmas decos put away. Everything is in the music room. Tree is still up and decorated. I am a slacker.

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And that's why I shower at night and wash my hair in the morning in the kitchen sink. :-)

That is a good idea:-)


I know it probably sounds strange, but I don't usually have the energy to shower at night. Even when I shower in the morning, I have to rest right after. By nighttime, nothing is working anymore, lol.


It is really ridiculous. But at least dh and I can laugh about how ridiculous it is :lol:

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Christmas is still not put away at my house.  It is on my tackle list everyday.  But other things take priority. 

I just got mine put away on Saturday. We didn't even have that much, so it wasn't an excuse of not having time. It was just me being lazy and not wanting to go to the basement to get the boxes. 

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That is a good idea:-)


I know it probably sounds strange, but I don't usually have the energy to shower at night. Even when I shower in the morning, I have to rest right after. By nighttime, nothing is working anymore, lol.


It is really ridiculous. But at least dh and I can laugh about how ridiculous it is :lol:


Not strange to someone with chronic illness.  I don't shower every day.  This might be why dd sings at the top of her lungs.


"Jingle bells, Mommy smells.  Something like a goat!" 


(I'm clean.  And don't smell.  Most of the time.)

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My Christmas stuff is gone. One of the benefits of a small apartment is that it takes two hours to put Christmas away and one hour to clean the whole place every week. My friends come over "Your house is always so nice!" Yeah, that's because it's 1/3 the size of yours and my children nap. Would you like some bonbons?

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Christmas decorations are still up.  It's not my job.


I don't shower every day, but sometimes I take 2 or 3 showers a day.  So I probably average one a day.  I more often choose to take a shower because it helps with pain than I do to get clean.  Showers are therapy.  Clean is a side benefit.   :lol:

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Not strange to someone with chronic illness. I don't shower every day. This might be why dd sings at the top of her lungs.


"Jingle bells, Mommy smells. Something like a goat!"


(I'm clean. And don't smell. Most of the time.)

It is not nice that you understand, but it is nice that you do. And the sad thing is I bet you understood that sentence :lol:


I bet you smell like roses or chocolate or all of the nice things. I don't shower everyday either, but the kids always tell me I smell nice. They are my barometer. I think they just like my perfume. I am good with that.

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Christmas decorations are still up. It's not my job.


I don't shower every day, but sometimes I take 2 or 3 showers a day. So I probably average one a day. I more often choose to take a shower because it helps with pain than I do to get clean. Showers are therapy. Clean is a side benefit. :lol:

Dh does this too when his back hurts.


I have pain, but unfortunately the pain is trumped by the fatigue, lol.


Wow, aren't we all in a happy place today, lol. We need more jokes. Or kittehs. Renai has to post another pic of her new baby. That will make us all smile. Mary's students will wonder what happened:-)

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I shower at night and sometimes do the kitchen sink thing in the mornings. Sometimes. 

I probably smell like a cat. Or dog. Or chicken. Or bee.


Can we take another educational post on writing? I'm debating what to do about next year's writing. I've been just delighted with CW Homer. The reason I was delighted came from the fact that I felt ultra-comfortable tweaking that program. I could use my own models. I added my own literature ideas (plot analysis). I made a wild leap of faith and started having the boys chose their own spelling and vocabulary from the models. Best decision ever.

Now I'm facing CW Maxim and it's like looking out over the Grand Canyon and thinking, "Do they really expect us to jump that?" It doesn't help that the literature selections are books (and plays) that I have never read and probably wouldn't have thought to assign until tenth grade or so (Julius Caesar and Merchant of Venice--okay, so I've read and liked parts of the Merchant of Venice, but it wouldn't be my first choice for the boys.)

I'm debating whether I have what it takes to alter Maxim like I altered Homer, or whether it wouldn't behoove us to repeat Homer with more substantial literary models and add in something like MCT Essay Voyage and/or Advanced Academic Writing. Sort of crawl down in the canyon and explore it rather than jump it, one might say.

What thinks the ITT? 

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Depends on whether the female was the Pegasus or the unicorn?  Pegasus is male, no?  So my vote it would be a unipeg. 




*FYI - I'm not sure what I just said.


Pegasi can be male or female. 


Ya'll need to watch more My Little Pony. (the new, not the old)

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Dh does this too when his back hurts.


I have pain, but unfortunately the pain is trumped by the fatigue, lol.


Wow, aren't we all in a happy place today, lol. We need more jokes. Or kittehs. Renai has to post another pic of her new baby. That will make us all smile. Mary's students will wonder what happened:-)


I jumped in about 400 pages late.  Why do you spell kittens with an h?  I can't figure it out and I'm not going back and re-reading.  

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It is not nice that you understand, but it is nice that you do. And the sad thing is I bet you understood that sentence :lol:


I bet you smell like roses or chocolate or all of the nice things. I don't shower everyday either, but the kids always tell me I smell nice. They are my barometer. I think they just like my perfume. I am good with that.

I might smell like chocolate but I don't smell like roses or perfume.  The other day dd got in the car after babysitting and I got an immediate headache.  She had washed her hands with their scented soap in the bathroom.



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1. Shower chair--it's where it is at! Be sure to get the kind with a seat drain. I still haven't showered today either.

2. Our new house has a small water heater--too small to fully heat my bath tub.  Whine with me, because, seriously, that's sad and awful.

3. Sofia the First has new episodes on Netflix this week, so dd's pony consumption is down.

4. My Christmas stuff all fits into one box. We have a tree and stockings and a front door wreath, that's it.  I downsized all of the Christmas stuff with our move.  Dh takes care of it all.  It takes less than 30 min to put up and take down.

5. I am avoiding getting the mail because my mail order drugs might be there.  I'm SO not excited about meds that are going to make my hair fall out and puke.  

6. Dh's car repairs still look modest at this point. Keep your fingers crossed that we don't need a new starter and a/c compressor too!  I don't want to have to add car shopping to my to-do list (or pay for a different car).

7. How do you talk with your kids about your chronic health issues?  We're going to need to do another round of discussion if I'm going to be really ill from these meds. I worry that my oldest does too much to help out already (& that my middle kids are slackers).


I didn't expect to booyah on that.


Here's a youtube clip on life with a chronic illness since it seems like a lot of us can relate:


Edited by kbeal
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I shower at night and sometimes do the kitchen sink thing in the mornings. Sometimes. 

I probably smell like a cat. Or dog. Or chicken. Or bee.


Can we take another educational post on writing? I'm debating what to do about next year's writing. I've been just delighted with CW Homer. The reason I was delighted came from the fact that I felt ultra-comfortable tweaking that program. I could use my own models. I added my own literature ideas (plot analysis). I made a wild leap of faith and started having the boys chose their own spelling and vocabulary from the models. Best decision ever.

Now I'm facing CW Maxim and it's like looking out over the Grand Canyon and thinking, "Do they really expect us to jump that?" It doesn't help that the literature selections are books (and plays) that I have never read and probably wouldn't have thought to assign until tenth grade or so (Julius Caesar and Merchant of Venice--okay, so I've read and liked parts of the Merchant of Venice, but it wouldn't be my first choice for the boys.)

I'm debating whether I have what it takes to alter Maxim like I altered Homer, or whether it wouldn't behoove us to repeat Homer with more substantial literary models and add in something like MCT Essay Voyage and/or Advanced Academic Writing. Sort of crawl down in the canyon and explore it rather than jump it, one might say.

What thinks the ITT? 


The bolded gets my vote.  Nothing should feel like the Grand Canyon.  And no Julius Caesar for 11 year old boys.  Just no.

I jumped in about 400 pages late.  Why do you spell kittens with an h?  I can't figure it out and I'm not going back and re-reading.  

It's a thing.  Not just an ITT thing.  A real thing.

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