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Could be better with


I'm eating...eating chocolate

Knitting by the fire.



(You're welcome.)


Hmm, the meter needs a little work.  Picture hers as a waltz, in 3/4 time.


How about:

I'm eating choc-o-late

Knit-ting by the fi-re



I'm eating great choc'late

Knit-ting by the fi-re


Can you feel the rhythm?

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I didn't read an ounce of this, Tex (sorry bout that.... but I have 500 plus notifications to sift through).


But that is the longest multi-quote I've seen in a while.  Bravo on reducing your digital post footprint!  


But it totally messes up her stats!

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Is NOT! It's CIVICS. (Well, except fot the Jeb jab, but surely there's a small allowance for humor?)


I can make an allowance for it when such a good example of both alliteration and consonance was given with such brevity.  Approved for poetics value.  Carry on.

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My stepdaughter is not a big eater these days. Especially she doesn't eat the big hearty meals her dad or I prepare on weekends. But she ate 90% of the Russian tea cakes I made (I made three batches). VICTORY!!!!


We will make more this Friday, LOL.


Recipe again, please!

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*sigh*  I have the donwannas, too.  Must get food, decongestants, and lessons into us three, however.



BTW, frequent misspellings of "three" and "there" go unnoticed by spell-checker because these words are misspellings of each other.

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And Lynn and Southern... I wanted a "kick your arse into gear" emoticon, but this is the best I can do.  One for each of you.  YW.  


:zombiechase:    :zombiechase:





DS8 has organized a rousing game of Memory: Toy Story Version Minus Two Cards.   (Which has been unanimously declared a better option than Memory: Batman Version Minus 8 Cards.)    It's fun to eavesdrop as he practices classroom management.    

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Dd has been up 20 min so far with no pukes, so I'm hoping we are FINALLY past this. It's been a long week.  My beach dreams were starting to dim a bit.  May all of our kiddos be happy and well by the end of the day!


I've got to be productive today.  Wish me luck!


---Ellie: have you considered compression socks? Have you gone in to get a thyroid panel lately?  If you're not already on full replacement levels of medication, it could be that a bit more of your thyroid up and died on you and you're needing more medication to get by.  Not all compression socks are ugly....these are kind of fun: http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/store/jump/productDetail/66947?gdftrk=gdfV21961_a_7c336_a_7c4822_a_7c66947_d_FLR&searchid=7SPFGPLA&feedid=googlenonbrand&adpos=1o5&creative=60642849738&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=COe09ufS4MkCFQkxaQodLk0GUA


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Cheers for all who are sick but recovering!


Commiserations for all who are getting sick, and hopes it will all be over soon!


Hugs for every dang one of you!


Restating my vote for the abolition of the like limit!

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Oh, and thanks for the Destinos reference!  I'll go look that up.  I, at least, would like to learn a bit of Spanish so I can communicate better with people here who don't speak English well.  I've already picked up Getting Started With Spanish, with plans to resume work on that by myself over winter break.


Hey, Renai, THANKS!  This Destinos isn't just a Spanish-language TV show, it's part of an educational website!  I've got to look into this stuff more -- they have other educational stuff, too!  I briefly saw something that mentioned world history.  This might be right up the kids' alley as well as mine.


Thank you thank you thank you!   :party:  :party:

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Oh, but nobody in Russia or the USSR has heard of these. So either it's a 100+ year old White Russian recipe, or the name is totally made up. But they liked them.


Basically sugar-butter-walnut balls. Melts in your mouth but slightly crunchy due to added flour and crushed walnuts.


My Polish great-aunt made them.  They aren't Russian anything, missy! :toetap05:

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Cup of tea, munchies, in the wee hours of the morning. Because insomnia. Because Hashimoto's.


That is all.


Oh, also, feet/ankles swollen for almost two weeks for no apparent reason whatsoever.


That is all.



Posting on ITT in the wee hours of the morning.  Because insomnia.  Because RA.


That is all.







Autoimmune diseases stinketh.



ETA:  PS for Ellie:  "Subclinical" anything means that the patient is displaying symptoms, but has yet to reach the diagnostic criteria so go away and don't bother us until you are in crisis.

Edited by JoJosMom
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Bad list of stuff to do for the day:


Get van registration/license plates.


I already brushed the dog's hindquarters and haired up myself and the living room.  I vacuumed yesterday and will do so again today.


Make gf sugar cookies because the troop will be decorating them, and little dd cannot participate unless I do.  Meeting is tomorrow.


I should probably find an unpleasant home upkeep/cleaning task for myself, as well.







Edited by texasmama
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I hate OPGTTR :leaving: It uses the Distar alphabet which is not English. Sorry. I agree that English is a messy language but don't try teaching it with a different alphabet.

Eez alright. I was just starting out, and it worked for us.


I actually had to look up Distar alphabet, so thanks. Now I get to start the day feeling stupido, lol. I actually just remember it being phonograms, at least some of them. A friend has mine so I can't even go back and look now. Hmmm.

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For me, it is lipstick. I cannot leave the house without it. I am fair with light hair and no lipstick makes ProfessorMom look like a ghost. I wear tortoise shell glasses to give the illusion of non-existent eyebrows, lol.

I've worn contacts since 6th grade, but I have considered switching to glasses to give me more of a "face".  

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I lost mine in the war or something. Maybe it was a tragic industrial accident? I don't recall. When I was your age, I had them and then, poof!, one day they were gone! I first noticed when I was pg with little dd so maybe she stole them at the placental stage.


I draw them on crooked, too. It's awesome. I think I need eyebrow stencils for Christmas.

I lost mine too! And I can't use pencil, or I would look like a clown. I use a powder from bare minerals that has a gel with it (to keep it on all day) and a slanted brush.

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---Ellie: have you considered compression socks? Have you gone in to get a thyroid panel lately?  If you're not already on full replacement levels of medication, it could be that a bit more of your thyroid up and died on you and you're needing more medication to get by.  Not all compression socks are ugly....these are kind of fun: http://www.vermontcountrystore.com/store/jump/productDetail/66947?gdftrk=gdfV21961_a_7c336_a_7c4822_a_7c66947_d_FLR&searchid=7SPFGPLA&feedid=googlenonbrand&adpos=1o5&creative=60642849738&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=COe09ufS4MkCFQkxaQodLk0GUA


I have compression socks because varicose veins. I wasn't sure if I could wear them when my lower extremities were swollen.


I have been seeing an endo for what seems like forever now. I'm taking a boatload of NatureThroid--at least three grains...I haven't added it all up--plus a thyroid supplement. I have pages and pages of labs, the last one in September or October. I see the endo in January; I'm thinking we might fire each other because long story, lol.

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Autoimmune diseases stinketh. Indeed.



ETA:  PS for Ellie:  "Subclinical" anything means that the patient is displaying symptoms, but has yet to reach the diagnostic criteria so go away and don't bother us until you are in crisis.OIC.  TYVM.



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Ellie--I'd be putting on those puppies the second you got out of bed in the am to try to stay ahead of the swelling.  I have times when my autoimmune component (RA/Hashi/etc.) is really whacked out and my old endo had me changing doses every 8 weeks to keep up with my thyroid gland giving up.  I still haven't found a new endo yet post-move...I literally have been driving back 17 hrs one-way to go get labs done, etc. because a good endo is hard to find.


I have the e.l.f. eyebrow stencils. Play around with the looks. Depending on your eyebrow structure, some of the stencils can make you look crazy.  


Kitchen is scoured and sterilized. Laundry is rolling. School is happening. Little girl is watching Netflix and seems happy. I dare to hope. :)

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Can we talk bare minerals? I am slowly switching over to all mineral makeup due to some skin sensitivities. I've developed allergies to sunscreen, dyes, etc. and I need to go as mineral as possible.  What products do you love? What do you not love? What are some good dupes?  I'm needing to wear more color in my life without looking like a crazy lady.


I'm making the switch over to middle aged loveliness.  I am putting in ash highlights to hide the grey.  I'm wearing lipstick.  What else do I need to know?

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I've worn contacts since 6th grade, but I have considered switching to glasses to give me more of a "face".

I have always worn contacts too. Up until the last 6 months or so. I finally got new glasses, and they give me a librarian look that dh likes (snicker). And you are right, they give me more of a face. Plus, right now I like a bit of a wall between me and the world, lol. Contacts are still way more comfortable though, especially house working, kid keeping, etc.

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Just so you all know, I'm not fixing my hair or putting on any make up but eyebrows.



For me, it is lipstick. I cannot leave the house without it. I am fair with light hair and no lipstick makes ProfessorMom look like a ghost. I wear tortoise shell glasses to give the illusion of non-existent eyebrows, lol.



I've worn contacts since 6th grade, but I have considered switching to glasses to give me more of a "face".  



I lost mine too! And I can't use pencil, or I would look like a clown. I use a powder from bare minerals that has a gel with it (to keep it on all day) and a slanted brush.



This is what I use, too, but from ELF.  College girl told me to get it cheap at Old Navy so I did.



Can we talk bare minerals? I am slowly switching over to all mineral makeup due to some skin sensitivities. I've developed allergies to sunscreen, dyes, etc. and I need to go as mineral as possible.  What products do you love? What do you not love? What are some good dupes?  I'm needing to wear more color in my life without looking like a crazy lady.


I'm making the switch over to middle aged loveliness.  I am putting in ash highlights to hide the grey.  I'm wearing lipstick.  What else do I need to know?



I have always worn contacts too. Up until the last 6 months or so. I finally got new glasses, and they give me a librarian look that dh likes (snicker). And you are right, they give me more of a face. Plus, right now I like a bit of a wall between me and the world, lol. Contacts are still way more comfortable though, especially house working, kid keeping, etc.






Wow. Overachievers.  I don't even have pants on yet.  


Vitamin E on my winter-cracked lips is shiny.  Does that count as self-care?  I threw out the rest of my makeup, as it hadn't been used in five years.  






I did shower.  

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The painting problem project is finished.  Maybe.  We may re-evaluate after lunch to see if anyone wants to touch up the ornaments after they have dried a bit.


This afternoon, we will be making gf peanut butter cookies (using Slache's recipe a few pages back).  They are for a benefit dinner for a friend of a friend whose children died in a car accident.   :crying:

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Bad list of stuff to do for the day:


Dh said he would get the van registration/license plates for me, but he is stressed out and I don't think that is going to happen. It expired at the end of November.  I think I need to do this myself.  When I attempted to go last time, it was overrun with people and worse than I had ever imagined.  And I can imagine some bad stuff, yo. :leaving:


Dh was supposed to write a card to go with his father's gift I am mailing, but he has put it off for over a week.  This morning when I asked, he told me to write it myself so now I will and will mail the package.  I will need to get another card, though, because he did not return to me the one I had given him to write in.


I already brushed the dog's hindquarters and haired up myself and the living room.  I vacuumed yesterday and will do so again today.


Make gf sugar cookies because the AHG troop will be decorating them, and little dd cannot participate unless I do.  Meeting is tomorrow.


I should probably find an unpleasant home upkeep/cleaning task for myself, as well.


I will not be planning the rest of the syllabus for my English co-op class today.  That is above my current pay grade, and I choose to put it off.


Sounds like a full enough day.  If you really feel you must get some housecleaning added to this list choose ONE from the following:


  • empty the trash out of your car and put away any loose items (no vacuuming)
  • go to your kitchen or other junk stash and throw away 5 items that are cluttering it up
  • go switch our your toothbrush (or toothbrush head if you use an electric toothbrush) and THROW OUT THE OLD GERMY ONE
  • sit down with a cuppa and think purposefully about what needs to happen over the next several days -- give yourself 15 minutes for this, whether you think you need that long or not.  Sit, stay, and drink your coffee/tea/cocoa/whathaveyou.  You will remember more this way.
  • go tell your kids you need hugs and insist on getting them RIGHT NOW.  (Okay, this one can be paired up with another, but you should do at least this one)
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Eez alright. I was just starting out, and it worked for us.


I actually had to look up Distar alphabet, so thanks. Now I get to start the day feeling stupido, lol. I actually just remember it being phonograms, at least some of them. A friend has mine so I can't even go back and look now. Hmmm.


Googling "distar" got me a Wikipedia entry that was probably the right stuff, and an international company that works on snoring and sleep apnea!

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The painting problem project is finished. Maybe. We may re-evaluate after lunch to see if anyone wants to touch up the ornaments after they have dried a bit.


This afternoon, we will be making gf peanut butter cookies (using Slache's recipe a few pages back). They are for a benefit dinner for a friend of a friend whose children died in a car accident. :crying:

It doesn't yield much. We always double or triple the recipe.


That's very kind.

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I wish yoga pants could be my school uniform. 


Me, too.  I only have two pair and both are long, so I only really get to wear them in the winter here (too warm otherwise), and not every day unless I'm willing to wash them that frequently.


I want some with pockets AND good fit!

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The painting problem project is finished.  Maybe.  We may re-evaluate after lunch to see if anyone wants to touch up the ornaments after they have dried a bit.


This afternoon, we will be making gf peanut butter cookies (using Slache's recipe a few pages back).  They are for a benefit dinner for a friend of a friend whose children died in a car accident.   :crying:


This just made me very sad.

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