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I have been freezing all day. It is not even that cold here, 50ish.


However, now it is raining. I even heard thunder. How odd! Thunder in November: is there some wives tale about that? Or some old something? Like thunder in November brings snow in July? :D


I don't know but we got all kinds of thunder and lightening, with no rain, last night.

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Hmmm, that is odd. Thunder, lightening, but no rain in November. Some kind of strange weather system.


Tex, is you father controlling the weather? ;)


Oooo, and you're brilliant, too!


Now I have an explanation for odd weather:  Hey! It's that odd Tex's odd dad's fault.


Totally works for me.


(I really should be working.  Not whining wining.)

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There's so much chaos in the other room. Dd is practicing for her piano recital and rest of the kids are running amuk (I never know how to spell that word), and DS is blaming dh because he (DS) got math problems wrong and blaming me because he needs a new notebook for science and I won't just drop everything and run to the store and buy him one. So, now it's my fault that he can't do his homework. I swear, sometimes.... Instead, I hide in my bedroom with my iPad!

Edited by KrissiK
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Tsuga, brag! Renai, more details!


There really aren't many details I can give. Dd16 said that she was reading and realized she wasn't holding the book to one side of her face to see. She closed the left eye to confirm, and yes, she could see clearly out of the right. She still wants to see a specialist though, because we don't want a problem coming and going, then just being permanent or something. The regular eye doc did say that all the physical structures of her eye was normal, so it would have to be something neurological or something.

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Dealt with police and first call has been made into insurance. He is ok, and the car is likely repairable, but I am sad to be paying the deductible. :(


I am so sorry. So he hit a truck or the truck hit him? How come he has to pay a deductible?


I'm very sad for BLDSMama's loss. :( I simply cannot imagine losing at that stage.

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I would never make a mistake like that.  Which is why I desperately need to lose weight. . . .


I usually don't miss more than one meal, and then I make up for it by eating plenty of bedtime calories.  Today was just a weird kind of day.


No. It just means you're a mom.


A mom who might eat more than 3 meals tomorrow. ;)

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Good Tuesday Morning!


(((Prairie)))  So glad your dh is okay. 


Renai!!  I'm so excited for singer!!!  That's fantastic news!  (And good idea to keep appt.)


What did I miss about Jean's doctor?  (I never miss a meal either!  There's always wheat thins and peanut butter.   :drool5: )


Dawn, I was freezing yesterday too with the same weather as you.  I built a fire mid morning - it was awesome! 


Slache, Oh.my.word.  Those are the cutest kids ever!  I like Caleb Alexander.  You can't live where JoJosMom lives; it's too cold there. 


Krissi, Always have a book going so you can go to your room and read.  Plus you're setting a good example for your kids because they see you going to read.  win-win.







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Good Morning!!


Caleb Alexander. I hope the ultrasound goes well today.


Prairie, hugs.


Yeah, I missed something about Jean's Dr too. Can't figure it out.


I slept very, very, very poorly. About 2 solid hours, maybe.

So I ditto everything Lynn said.


I have to take tlih to the cardiologist this afternoon.


ETA: booya

Festive song.

Susan's song.

And all that.

Edited by Openhearted
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Back at work, ready for day two of the week from he!!.


The good news is that back to school went rather swimmingly last night, with my DS even going so far as to ASK FOR history (okay, he does that often) and GRAMMAR.  That's right folks.  Grammar.  His exact words IIRC: "Can we do grammar now?  This year's grammar.  Not that stuff we used to do that was boring, but the fun stuff."


I  :001_wub:  MCT.  And apparently so does DS. :hurray:

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