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I got a grab bag of end of date produce from the grocery store.  In them was a ton of habanero peppers which I mistakenly thought were sweet peppers.  I cut them up and got the juice in some scrapes on my finger.  Then I licked it when it burned.  Because I hate myself. :huh:


I think my finger is burning off now.



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I got a grab bag of end of date produce from the grocery store.  In them was a ton of habanero peppers which I mistakenly thought were sweet peppers.  I cut them up and got the juice in some scrapes on my finger.  Then I licked it when it burned.  Because I hate myself. :huh:


I think my finger is burning off now.


I got Jalapeno juice on my finger once.  Then I rubbed my eye.  :scared:

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Whipped cream, I used the standard recipe in the Betty Crocker(or Better Homes & Garden) cookbook. 1 cup of heavy whipping cream, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Whisk in a chilled bowl with a chilled whisk. The stand mixer done all the work, and it was fabulous. Except I don't have anymore. However, if I make more, I will eat it. With pumpkin pie. Because delicious. I really think it may have been the best thing I have ever ate. :drool:



I am dying to try the honey and maple syrup though. :drool5:

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Just so y'all know, my finger is red and burning like it is on fire.  I do not exaggerate.  It is getting worse.  I looked up remedies, and there are none for stupidity.  However, there were several for pepper oil.  So now I have oil on my finger and am wearing a surgical glove.  Next is bleach and a baking soda paste.  :huh:

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Just so y'all know, my finger is red and burning like it is on fire.  I do not exaggerate.  It is getting worse.  I looked up remedies, and there are none for stupidity.  However, there were several for pepper oil.  So now I have oil on my finger and am wearing a surgical glove.  Next is bleach and a baking soda paste.  :huh:


I would ignore the bleach ( :huh: , me too) and would go for a baking soda paste.

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I would ignore the bleach ( :huh: , me too) and would go for a baking soda paste.

But Alton Brown said it.  I think you are supposed to do the bleach thing while you are cutting.


Also, I cooked the "sweet peppers" with seeds along with my other veggies.  Fortunately, I did not use too many.  However, my sauteed veggie medley is still hot as hell.

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Just so y'all know, my finger is red and burning like it is on fire. I do not exaggerate. It is getting worse. I looked up remedies, and there are none for stupidity. However, there were several for pepper oil. So now I have oil on my finger and am wearing a surgical glove. Next is bleach and a baking soda paste. :huh:

I have heard milk works. It is supposed to neutralize the oil, maybe, I think?

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I have heard milk works. It is supposed to neutralize the oil, maybe, I think?


I was going to suggest milk, although I'd never heard of it, except to drink it when when se enchila. Dh said ice, but then said he really doesn't know. He just kind of goes with it, sweating and with nose running. But, that's when he eats it, not rubs it on finger cuts like cat pee lotion.

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There's something in the works here. ;)


How's Dancer's eye?




She says it's like there is a white veil over the eye and can't see anything. She wants to patch it so she can at least see out of the other eye. I'm not sure if she should or not. There was very little reaction to light tests when at the eye doctor the other day.

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It is due to my texting.


There is more than one.


Geometry project (tesselation) due tomorrow.  This one is not hard and is worth an entire test grade.  Jann will give feedback if you don't know that you are doing it correctly.


I understand your texting.


Yeah, I know. I did ask which war and she didn't know. I knew she didn't know when I asked her, so it was no surprise.


She says it is not easy. And she doesn't know what supposed to go on the flashcards. She doesn't ask either. When this happened last year in algebra, she just gave up and stopped doing the work. This is unacceptable behavior. I don't know how she expects to pass. I have half a mind to take her off even the minimum college path and redo algebra (again) and go through business math or something. She won't even accept my help. This is getting ridiculous.

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PSA: if you are an advertiser (particularly for a very large national company) and want to feature a cute little girl playing the violin on your advertisement, please find someone to assist you who has at least some experience with violins. It is clear that the little girl you have in your photo has never held a violin before, and you have given her a violin that is at least twice as big as what she should be holding. All that would be excusable if the photo caption was not indicating a Christmas violin recital.


I am willing, for a very reasonable fee, to assist you in your advertising endeavors so you can avoid future embarrassment.

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I don't know if the check cashing places are gone. I would sooner sell nearly all my clothes than go there (and I've done that).


Are you avoiding overdraft fees, or looking for cash for food? If food, then free food time, go to the food bank. Also... are you on WIC? I'd go there immediately. How can you be $400 short and no mortgage and not qualify?


If it's bills, then call them and explain the situation and ask if you can make a reduced payment for two weeks and then they add to next months. Ask all of them. Then write a check for that amount. Beg. Cry.


In my experience this is much more cost-effective than getting cash in a  hurry which comes with interest. There might be a small fee on some bills, like a car payment, but if you can avoid a bounced check and then pay in full next time, that could help.


ETA: And yes by all means go to the church. Even if you don't go to church. If those were my kids and I was pregnant I'd go to the church and offer to work washing dishes. I know you're pregnant but at least offer to do anything they need so long as your kids can stay nearby. Doesn't matter. Any church worth their salt will at the very least find you envelopes to lick, nativity scene stuff to dust. And if they say "no" don't worry. Most likely they'll give you the money but if not, they might advance it for very light work.


Many Catholic churches have a Society of St. Vincent de Paul conference. That's what they do: help people with money and food and utilities and stuff. You can search on this page to see if there's one near you. You don't have to be Catholic or promise to become one. :-)

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Ducks like wine, certs, bread, and cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.  They are also partial to lattes and margaritas.   In fact, anything alcoholic works for them, especially when Mr. Mallard gleefully informs Mrs. Mallard that he signed her up to feed 20 teenagers during a December progressive dinner.  (Really?  Really?????  Did he not read my last post here???????)


The only good thing is that we have three events occurring simultaneously that night already, so Mr. Mallard will have to make some tough choices.  He is lucky he is cute.  


Mrs. Mallard, meanwhile, hopes all is well at the ITT and longs to catch up as soon as possible.  





That is all.   :hat: 


(BTW - I like this emoticon; it reminds me of Queen Ellie, and Queen Ellie reminds me of the Container Store... peaceful, calm, orderly, and dignified. I will be using this emoticon often this month in an attempt to maintain sanity.)

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I did a lot of things, but in the end, pouring rubbing alcohol on it fixed it.

I'm glad you found something that worked. I am a little late to the game, but I suppose that my suggestion of sticking it in your mouth while hopping around on one foot, at the same time letting loose with the obscenities might not have been too effective!


Oh, and it's Booya/h time!


"And I heard him exclaim as he Booyah-ed out of sight, 'Happy Booya/h to all, and to all a good Booya/h'"

Edited by KrissiK
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So this morning I'm having "pre-seizure" head rushes even though I know I took my pill before leaving. About every 30 minutes my head buzzes like an electric bell and my eyesight kinda.. well.. goes out for a few seconds to boot. Fun stuff.


My boss called me in for a quick meeting and I think she probably thinks I'm drunk after the holiday. :P

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