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Good morning, good morning...

I'm grading papers. The papers were all in a big basket. Unsorted.

Been meaning to get to that since Christmas...


At least it isn't raining here anymore. I spent the weekend singing in the rain since the flashing around the chimney decided it would like to leak, ruin the ceiling and keep me busy tearing out ceiling, dealing with buckets, and so forth.



Yay!  I love when you pop by, Critter.  


Congrats on the grading.  Huge sympathy on the leak.  My schoolroom is in the crawlspace right now due to a leak.   Hunter's school-in-a-carry-on thread was timely this winter, as that is essentially how we are living right now.  

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Yeah, hipsters come halfway up my butt. I'd look like the stereotypical plumber bending underneath the sink. Only, I wouldn't be bent over, just trying to walk normal.


I find normal walking to be impossible when half my rear hangs out above the waistband.

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Oh, lookie. I made top of page - without trying.


I don't think you have to worry about smap posts being deleted and moving this top-of-page post, so it's yours yours yours.


Yes, I found my misspelling, but somehow "smap" sounds funnier than "spam".

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Do they have suitable grids everywhere in the state that people might live?  For instance, what about the Keys?  Is every key attached to the grid?

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Did she say school was in her crawl right now? 


Crawlspace.   :D


Not that we meet in there.  But everything had to be packed away in order to demolish a wall, which won't be repaired until the source of the leak is repaired, which won't be repaired until we get an estimate we can live with.  It wasn't the only demolition done in the house, either, and it's a small house so there were very few options.  


So I've got only the bare minimum supplies for school handy right now.  But it's all good.  This thread has saved my sanity.  Or at least, made losing it so much more fun.  

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Crawlspace. :D


Not that we meet in there. But everything had to be packed away in order to demolish a wall, which won't be repaired until the source of the leak is repaired, which won't be repaired until we get an estimate we can live with. It wasn't the only demolition done in the house, either, and it's a small house so there were very few options.


So I've got only the bare minimum supplies for school handy right now. But it's all good. This thread has saved my sanity. Or at least, made losing it so much more fun.

Glad to be of service.

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My doc prescribed me a strong med for my migraines that had me loopy like that. Funny thing is, she gave me the least dose. I still had to split the pill in half.


Another affect of the med was I couldn't talk. I knew what I wanted to say, and it was even intelligent at times, but there seemed to be a disconnect between my brain and my mouth. I would start talking, then I couldn't finish. The words were there, but they wouldn't come out. It was weird.


I decided to just deal with minor migraines, or take only half a pill to reduce the severe migraine to a minor and then deal with it.

What pill was this?  I take Imitrex, and it can make me a bit loopy but so can the migraines.  


One effect of migraines is the garbled speech so I wonder if that is a migraine effect and not a pill effect.

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And no.  To qualify for such a prestigious position, you must first:

a) read every post of this entire monster

b) have at least 3 booyas under your belt


c) cut Slache down to size (she needs that at least once an hour)



brown used JC penny



booyah booyah booyah







(There-- the name was cut to a smaller size...)


Yay Me! 


edited  ....NOOOO!!!! by the time I wrote this I was 5070? what gives??!??!?!


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brown used JC penny



booyah booyah booyah







(There-- the name was cut to a smaller size...)


Yay Me! 


edited  ....NOOOO!!!! by the time I wrote this I was 5070? what gives??!??!?!



Yeah, we celebrate milestones quite quickly here in this thread, and then we move on.  Just 30 or so more posts to go to a new page, though!



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Congrats on the grading.  Huge sympathy on the leak.  My schoolroom is in the crawlspace right now due to a leak.   Hunter's school-in-a-carry-on thread was timely this winter, as that is essentially how we are living right now.  


At least the roof isn't leaking in the dining room/schoolroom.

Grading is done.

About half of the books have been moved to their appropriate locations.

I really ought to be cleaning bathrooms right now, but I'm going to have a cup of tea and watch Hoodwinked with the boys instead.

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So big brother. I'm a tin foil hat person. I don't actually wear the hat, but I'm very weary of the government.


Figures. I mean, I never would have figured you as a tin foil hat kind of person, considering you don't like accessories and all.

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At least the roof isn't leaking in the dining room/schoolroom.

Grading is done.

About half of the books have been moved to their appropriate locations.

I really ought to be cleaning bathrooms right now, but I'm going to have a cup of tea and watch Hoodwinked with the boys instead.


Storms and allergies have beaten down our brains today.  "During" lunch we had a 2-hour break to watch Voyager episodes. 


Back in January we relocated homeschool to the master bedroom upstairs because we were having the downstairs carpet replaced with tile.  It was "only for a couple of days", but two weeks later we finally could start to put things back in place and resume normal studies.  It turns out once you have new flooring in place you can see just how badly the rooms need re-painting, so we took care of that while we still had the bulk of the furniture out of the rooms.

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Do they have suitable grids everywhere in the state that people might live?  For instance, what about the Keys?  Is every key attached to the grid?


I have no idea. I was reading the fb of that notorious family whose 10 children were removed, and someone commented about them wanting to live off-grid but it was illegal, and they posted that link.

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I have no idea. I was reading the fb of that notorious family whose 10 children were removed, and someone commented about them wanting to live off-grid but it was illegal, and they posted that link.


But, really, WHY would they be against people living self-sufficiently?

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What pill was this?  I take Imitrex, and it can make me a bit loopy but so can the migraines.  


One effect of migraines is the garbled speech so I wonder if that is a migraine effect and not a pill effect.


Hydrocodone, great narcotic - if you want to be stupid. I had head-bashing migraines for years before being prescribed that, and I never had that effect. It wasn't garbled speech, it was the inability to produce the speech I wanted at all. I would have to stop in the middle of the sentence, and just say "I can't say it." or "I don't know. It's there. Can't." It was weird. Then I'd just shut down completely and not speak at all. It was very frustrating for this verbose gal.

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brown used JC penny



booyah booyah booyah







(There-- the name was cut to a smaller size...)


Yay Me! 


edited  ....NOOOO!!!! by the time I wrote this I was 5070? what gives??!??!?!



Haaahaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaahaaa! We move fast. Man this made me laugh so loud!



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brown used JC penny



booyah booyah booyah







(There-- the name was cut to a smaller size...)


Yay Me! 


edited  ....NOOOO!!!! by the time I wrote this I was 5070? what gives??!??!?!



:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:


You're officially in.  Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!  We've got you hooked now!!!!


And yes, to echo the others:  Things move fast here.  There is an obnoxious amount of post-padding going on.  {And you know who you are, you post-padders...}

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But, really, WHY would they be against people living self-sufficiently?

Because forcing us to depend on the government makes it easier to take our rights away. Property rights are a biggie. I can't even cut a tree down without big brothers permission. I have a lot to say about this, but it would ruin our lighthearted thread. Just accept that I'm right.

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Because forcing us to depend on the government makes it easier to take our rights away. Property rights are a biggie. I can't even cut a tree down without big brothers permission. I have a lot to say about this, but it would ruin our lighthearted thread. Just accept that I'm right.


Funny, I was just commenting about you being right, and here it is again.

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You're right. As usual. Sorry about that.

You are forgiven. If you had actually met me you couldn't have made the mistake. My daughter's the same way. I love watching her go through my jewelry drawer which is intentionally at her level. She's very glamorous.

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I'm having a hard day!  If I had a blog, I would call it "Aspergers and Alzheimers".  Also, I gave up drinking WAY too early in life.


Lemme think of something upbeat to say.  


Okay, my dad bought us a new washing machine because mine is about to die.  Also, a lady cleaned my house today (part of what having Nan here gets for me).  The cleaning lady comes every other week, which keeps us out of filth.  Re: the washing machine.  Dh bought the extended warrantee even thought it is always a bad deal, and I asked him not to.  My dad did not pay for that.  Then it needed a pedastal because doing laundry while standing on my head is not a skill I possess with a front loader.  I had a front loader for several months while pg with little dd before we got pedastals, and it was rough, dude.  Very tall, old and very pregnant and standing on my head to do laundry = not a good scene.  


I am gearing up to make a chiropractor appointment, which will be my gift to me.  Thank you, me.  I appreciate all you do!  (Just ignore the positive self-talk.  ;) )

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I'm having a hard day!  If I had a blog, I would call it "Aspergers and Alzheimers".  Also, I gave up drinking WAY too early in life.


Lemme think of something upbeat to say.  


Okay, my dad bought us a new washing machine because mine is about to die.  Also, a lady cleaned my house today (part of what having Nan here gets for me).  The cleaning lady comes every other week, which keeps us out of filth.  Re: the washing machine.  Dh bought the extended warrantee even thought it is always a bad deal, and I asked him not to.  My dad did not pay for that.  Then it needed a pedastal because doing laundry while standing on my head is not a skill I possess with a front loader.  I had a front loader for several months while pg with little dd before we got pedastals, and it was rough, dude.  Very tall, old and very pregnant and standing on my head to do laundry = not a good scene.  


I am gearing up to make a chiropractor appointment, which will be my gift to me.  Thank you, me.  I appreciate all you do!  (Just ignore the positive self-talk.   ;) )


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  


(I gave you as many hugs as I'm allowed.)


I appreciate all you do, too, and the witty hilarity with which you do it.   Congrats on the washing machine!

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  


(I gave you as many hugs as I'm allowed.)


I appreciate all you do, too, and the witty hilarity with which you do it.   Congrats on the washing machine!

I love you, man!  (in my best drunk voice)


I would go take a hot bath, but ds12 is mad at me* and will not be willing to do granny watching, and everyone else is gone.  <sob>

Edited by texasmama
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But, really, WHY would they be against people living self-sufficiently?


I have no idea.  I was surprised to hear it was illegal somewhere in the U.S.  I wouldn't think it would be quite enforceable in some remote locations.  To be enforceable the ability to live on-grid has to be available and reasonably affordable.  I'm not sure it is so throughout Florida.

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Hydrocodone, great narcotic - if you want to be stupid. I had head-bashing migraines for years before being prescribed that, and I never had that effect. It wasn't garbled speech, it was the inability to produce the speech I wanted at all. I would have to stop in the middle of the sentence, and just say "I can't say it." or "I don't know. It's there. Can't." It was weird. Then I'd just shut down completely and not speak at all. It was very frustrating for this verbose gal.


I get it.  It's like the connections get overloaded or interrupted or something.  When my hypothyroidism was still being beaten into submission (before I got off the synthetic meds) I would lose words -- perfectly ordinary words.  They would be there right up until time for me to say them, and then they would just vanish.  I'd have to describe what I was trying to say; for instance, for "ball" I would have to say something like "small rubber round thing kids play with", even if I wasn't using the word to mean that sort of ball.  I could feel the words on the tip of my brain, but they just wouldn't spill over into my speech until the moment was past.  If someone said the word I was trying to say I could tell them "yes, that's the word", and then I could say it.  Highly frustrating, especially when trying to describe the problem to anyone else.


And when I was tired or stressed on top of the hypothyroidism I could lose whole phrases and sentences, or they might come out scrambled.  DH got very good at deciphering me.

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:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:


You're officially in.  Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!  We've got you hooked now!!!!


And yes, to echo the others:  Things move fast here.  There is an obnoxious amount of post-padding going on.  {And you know who you are, you post-padders...}


Yes, we do.  We must set an example for our acolytes now, don't we?



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I'm having a hard day!  If I had a blog, I would call it "Aspergers and Alzheimers".  Also, I gave up drinking WAY too early in life.


Lemme think of something upbeat to say.  


Okay, my dad bought us a new washing machine because mine is about to die.  Also, a lady cleaned my house today (part of what having Nan here gets for me).  The cleaning lady comes every other week, which keeps us out of filth.  Re: the washing machine.  Dh bought the extended warrantee even thought it is always a bad deal, and I asked him not to.  My dad did not pay for that.  Then it needed a pedastal because doing laundry while standing on my head is not a skill I possess with a front loader.  I had a front loader for several months while pg with little dd before we got pedastals, and it was rough, dude.  Very tall, old and very pregnant and standing on my head to do laundry = not a good scene.  


I am gearing up to make a chiropractor appointment, which will be my gift to me.  Thank you, me.  I appreciate all you do!  (Just ignore the positive self-talk.   ;) )


Hooray!  Someone is treating you like you deserve!  Go, you and whoever else!

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I get it.  It's like the connections get overloaded or interrupted or something.  When my hypothyroidism was still being beaten into submission (before I got off the synthetic meds) I would lose words -- perfectly ordinary words.  They would be there right up until time for me to say them, and then they would just vanish.  I'd have to describe what I was trying to say; for instance, for "ball" I would have to say something like "small rubber round thing kids play with", even if I wasn't using the word to mean that sort of ball.  I could feel the words on the tip of my brain, but they just wouldn't spill over into my speech until the moment was past.  If someone said the word I was trying to say I could tell them "yes, that's the word", and then I could say it.  Highly frustrating, especially when trying to describe the problem to anyone else.


And when I was tired or stressed on top of the hypothyroidism I could lose whole phrases and sentences, or they might come out scrambled.  DH got very good at deciphering me.


Sometimes. Many times, I could "see" the word in my head. I could hear myself saying it, in my head. I just couldn't get my mouth to say it. I'd sit looking stupified until I gave up and said never mind. I just can't.

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