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Just for fun: Getting my already short hair cut tonight...

Which style should I get?  

  1. 1. Which style should I get?

    • #1
    • #2
    • #3

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My dd just got #3, but not quite as extreme as Posh's, if you know what I mean. That is, there isn't that drastic, kinda edgy difference between back and front that Posh wears (not in the pix that you attached, but in other pix that I've seen where her hair is board straight).


It is TOTALLY ADORABLE on her. Everyone comments on it. I really didn't know whether I'd like it, but it's very, very cute. The key, I think, is to have pretty durn straight but fluffy hair. If you've got much wave at all, then sister, you'll be spending a LOT of time straightening to make it look right. My dd has hair that's quite straight but with lots of body--and I don't do a THING to it when she gets up in the AM. Looks awesome every day.


Is it wrong to be envious of your own child's hair? :D

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I voted for #1. I love #3 as well. I think my own hairstyle is somewhere in between the two. Short hair is fabulous. :) Takes me about 5 minutes to fix/dry my hair with a round brush. I used to be scared of the round brush but now I've got it down & it's a must for my wavy hair to look straight.

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I was supposed to get #3 last time - but she didn't cut it near short enough.... my girl was on maternity leave still.


NOw i'm dealing with it all grown out and not knowing what to do.... my girl moved after being back a month.


4 stylists in 4 years of living here - they have all moved/quit. I'm jinxed!


ANYWAY, #3 gets my vote!

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I chose #3. But if you are a sweet, goody-goody two shoes, I'd choose #2 for you because that's what that lady looks like to me. #1 looks like she needs to brush her hair.


Now don't anyone get offended -- YMMV. If those are famous women, I don't know who they are so that didn't factor into my vote.



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#1 - The bangs will be consistently dropping and the picture is heavily styled. My hair is a little bit longer version of picture #1 right now. I'm growing out my bangs so I can tuck. them. behind. my. ear! Lol.


#2- I could never pull that off, I'd look like a male. I would consider that before cutting it that short. Also make sure the cut frames your face pleasantly for your face shape. I would also consider if you put makeup on everyday or not.


#3- I love this except for how short it is in back, you can tuck your bangs (major pts. with me!) or style them, it can look cute, professional, edgy...depending on your mood.

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Number 2, of course, because it is just so classy and classic. But then, I love, love, love short hair and don't look masculine with very short cuts. If that's you in your Avatar, you have a face for short hair. I only grow my hair when I think I'll try, just try, to get it down to my waist. I've finally made it, but my waist line is a bit higher than it used to be. Once I get to my goal, I plan to go short again.


I don't care for the messy look, and my infinitely stubborn hair would never, never hold style #1--I think that one would be a lot of work.

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Ok... here is the final result.... As you can see, I went with a longer version of #1.




I think it looks cool and very feminine. Love it!! If I had a thin face, instead of round cheeks, I would try something like that. I have had #3 and a longer version of #3. Now, per my sweetie's request, I am letting my hair grow back out.


Enjoy your new 'do!

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I came back specifically to see if you'd posted pictures. I love it! It really suits your face. And, the new haircut is a great excuse to go buy some new, fun earrings. Do you think it will be easy to do on your own?


It will. The girl who cuts my hair knows that I don't put ANYTHING in my hair and I don't normally blow it dry either. She cuts with that information in mind.

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It will. The girl who cuts my hair knows that I don't put ANYTHING in my hair and I don't normally blow it dry either. She cuts with that information in mind.


Wow, we're almost hair twins, except that I am growing it out just now (when short hair is "in" I rebel and grow it, plus I want to donate it and also see if I can get it down past my waist just this once before it turns too grey.) Although I did put stuff in my hair when I was much younger and single and had time for those things.

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