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Just popping in to say hey - life is crazy and I miss the boards!


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We have had a whirlwind of a few months, but I just wanted to pop in and scan the boards and say hello.


My mom was recently diagnosed with Leukemia, and, at 86, isn't doing very well. She is getting some mild treatments that we are praying will at least slow the growth of the cancer, but poor thing looks like a pin cushion right now from all her IVs for transfusions and chemo (we are hoping to get a port), and her blood draws. With her health not really being the greatest anyway, and a back fracture that keeps her in pain daily, this is just a very difficult situation for her. It's been hard to see her go downhill so quickly. We are hoping to see some positives from the treatments soon, although we aren't in denial that we may never see any. :(


We have my dd and 2 grandkids living with us. Her husband has to live on the ship for the better part of the next 4 months, including the time of her due date for baby #3 (baby boy due in June - VERY excited!!). Since he is getting out of the military shortly after, she has basically moved home - he will follow as soon as he can. I LOVE having the kids here, but it has been a crazy adjustment after it being just dh and I in the house.


Dss has had a LOT of issues going on that we have been trying to help him get through. He has 4 children with 3 different moms (yes, it is an AWFUL situation), and one on the way with his girlfriend. He has custody of two because their mom is an addict and had them living on the streets. The blessing is that we have gotten to spend some time with those sweet babies, and kept them while dss had his vasectomy (praise the LORD). I never thought I'd be in a situation quite like this one; it's very difficult. I don't know what is going on with the culture of teen moms with multiple "baby daddies" or guys with multiple "baby mommas" but it is just awful. I guess that is really for another thread.


Anyway, sorry for the rambling. I guess I just needed to check in, vent, and ask for prayer. I'm gonna need some if I'm supposed to stay sane!  ;-p


I keep up my prayers for all the boardies here, and I hope everyone is doing well and getting 2015 off to a great start!

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Thank you all. I'm escaping tomorrow with one of my dds and her kiddos - Disneyworld here we come! I am so looking forward to spending a week watching the grandkids enjoy Disney. They are young, but the LOVE the characters and rides. It's gonna be a nice getaway, and it's not like the insanity won't be here waiting when I get home. ;-p

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